Extreme MGTOW! Malcolm Applegate

He’s technically married but deserves a pass for achieving this level of ghosting:


‘Before becoming a companion at Emmaus Greenwich, I was a gardener in Farnborough for 25 happy years.

‘I loved the job and I still love tending to gardens now.

‘It wasn’t until I got married that my life became increasingly unsettled.

Malcolm has moved into the Emmaus Greenwich centre, a shelter for the homeless in south London ‘The more work I took on, the angrier my wife got – she didn’t like me being out of the house for long periods of time.

‘The controlling behaviour started to get out of hand and she demanded that I cut my hours. After a long time trying to stay in the marriage [three years], I decided to leave for good.

‘Without a word to anyone, not even family, I packed up and left.

‘I went missing from them for ten years.’

It’s amazing how little it takes to make a man happy… and how often a wife is NOT part of that equation. When God said it wasn’t good for Adam to be alone, He obviously wasn’t talking about Adam’s happiness. Or Malcolm’s.

Have you ever wondered by Man’s Best Friend is not a woman? Me neither.


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