Urban Survival Is A Team Sport

Most Prepper/survival information one finds on the Internet is not suitable for those of us who live in cities. Or, honestly, anybody not suffering from schizoid sociopathy.

The most important survival tool is a tricked-out AR-15 illegally modified to full auto with at least 25,000 rounds stockpiled… no.

The second most important survival tool is a fifty-acre ranch in the Idaho Panhandle with a 15,000 square foot underground concrete bunker where you sons can marry your daughters to repopulate the Earth… God, no.

The third most important survival tool is a bug-out bag in your garage so you can avoid disaster immediately after it strikes… sigh.

All three of these most-typical advice topics miss the most important survival tool ever: other people. Your neighbors. Your meatspace friends. There are five simple points to prove this:

  1. A single broken bone or infection can incapacitate you long enough to die of other causes.
  2. You need your sleep.
  3. Lone wolves are easily outnumbered.
  4. Humans are social. Are you really going to sit on a hill in the middle of nowhere for ten years without any human contact? No, you aren’t.
  5. Your neighbors will always be there. Making good use of what you have is the most basic survival tactic ever.

Now, there are obvious problems with this advice. Your urban-dwelling neighbor is more than likely a vibrant-minded liberal who would rather kill you than watch his kids miss a meal. This is a manageable problem, however, particularly for MGTOWs who have time to do more than double up on canned beans.

The main trick towards making use of your neighbors (instead of vice versa) is to be an authority figure to them. People in general and especially during a crisis, want to be ordered and led. God is right, humans behave like sheep.

Consider volunteering for a disaster team such as (in America) National CERT:


This isn’t charity. These programs typically give you good advice on immediate response, a support network specifically including emergency services, a simple uniform to mark you as An Authority Figure(tm) and of course, volunteers get fed first when disaster relief arrives. These are good things for you.

Another thing you can do is First Aid training. If people see you as the Block Doctor then you’ll have instant cred even with the lowlifes who don’t speak you language. Downside, you might end up being exposed to blood. Keep gloves and bleach handy!

A third issue is simply instructing your neighbors on basic latrine procedures appropriate for your situation. Not only does this generate gratitude in short order, it also promotes a hygenic environment keeping you from sickness. Helping them helps you.

And of course, knowing your neighbors at least by name goes a long way towards them seeing you as an ally instead of an anonymous meal ticket.

This is not to dismiss the importance of stockpiling basic supplies, martial arts or simply getting out of the way. It is to say that most survive-the-collapse advice I’ve seen assumes a literal Zombiepocalypse. Lone-wolfing is a risky prospect at best; the smart MGTOW realizes that survival is a team effort and positions himself to be the team leader.


One thought on “Urban Survival Is A Team Sport

  1. Consider volunteering for a disaster team such as (in America) National CERT:

    This is good advice. My oldest son became a volunteer fireman. He learned many useful skills and a large area of both urban and rural local terrain, met people of the community, and made a reputation as a solid individual in emergency situations. Those people have a lot of useful gear ready to hand also.

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