It seems a good idea with recent comments to dedicate a thread for discussion of current grievances between Catholics/Orthodox and Protestants. I’ve had some frustrations that may be regional only and some Catholics have complained that they’re falsely accused of hating Prots.
So, this thread is for anybody of either side to air a grievance they have. Current issues only. There’s no point in rehashing ancient history; those were bad days when we killed each other in God’s name. Many lost and nobody won. Now that the modern West is descending into balkanization and tribalism, however, having a forum to keep brotherhood alive between branches seems a good idea.
For my part, I have two issues. One with Cat laity putting signs around their homes warning off Prot (“and other religions”) solicitors. Are these signs common? Has the RCC ruled about them? The other is Cat clergy pushing illegal immigration against the USA. Are these rogue priests getting involved where they shouldn’t, or is the Vatican doing this throughout the West and I shouldn’t take it as a specific attack?
Bring your issues if you have ’em.
I have never seen it. I suppose my only problem with Protestant evangelization is when the Mormans or 7th Day types come around and won’t take “I’m Catholic” as reason to leave me alone. They might stop a couple more times to try to bring me away from the wrong church in their eyes. Which is ironic as they are barely Christian themselves, which is also how they see me.
If you encounter any Protestants doing the door-to-door thing then try debating them on whether their women wear head coverings as Scripture recommends. It’s a safe bet they don’t and if they claim culture or “that was then” thinking then they’re clearly not thumping the Bible. Going door-to-door uninvited is inappropriate evangelism for anybody.
So, I’ve heard from several sources now that there isn’t organized anti-Prot activity. Los Angeles diocese has a bad reputation due to the sodomy scandals so these must be regional problems not general. I’ll drop the objection. God knows my own branch’s leaders do enough treacherous politicking.
Thanks, Cats. Unaddressed anger can be poisonous.
” The other is Cat clergy pushing illegal immigration against the USA. Are these rogue priests getting involved where they shouldn.t, or is the Vatican doing this throughout the West and I shouldn.t take it as a specific attack?”
Rome has a long, institutional memory. If you recall from your history, Rome, assuming it owned the World, issued a Bull giving Catholic Spain the “New World” except for Brazil; it was quite upset when Jean Cabot discovered the North American continent and not a mere island; he claimed it for England, France, and God.
So, if you are Rome, what do you? You subvert the population and political institutions via Jesuitry; remove immigration restrictions against Papist populations; you successfully wage a political war against “Know Nothings” who understand the difference between papist and Protestant political and social institutions; you flood the United States with southern European migrants.; when a particularly large state now populated with papists and its archbishop is head of the RCC in the U.S., you deny Cabot’s role , you persuade the compliant Governor and other politicians to honor Columbus as the real discover of the North American continent and voila! the next generations don’t even know who Jean Cabot was. Next, if you’re Roma and want “your” continent back, you flood the seduced Protestant country with obedient Catholic peasants who believe the parish priest is the voice of God; any aware Protestants are drowned out by politicians, the media, seduced pastors as hate speech; and the god on earth sitting in the temple speaking blaspheme declares immigration both legal and illegal moral and desirable.
So, yes, you should understand it to be an attack.
Immigration is an attack, yes, but an attack by Catholic leadership not Catholic Christians. Enough Protestant churches here in California import vibrants on their own initiative, and enough Catholics complain about things like Vatican II, that blaming all Cats for what the Vatican does makes as much sense as blaming me for what scum leaders like Mark Driscoll do.
Neither Catholic Papists nor Protestant Churchians are Christian. The battle lines are being redrawn from Prot vs. Cat to clergy vs. laity.