The End of California Homeschooling Approaches

The Turpin abuse case has been making the news lately. A married couple was discovered torturing, starving and ritually abusing their thirteen children. This obviously proves that homeschooling is a barbaric and cruel practice that warrants state government supervision. A statement from the website of Assemblymember Jose Medina (D-Riverside), :

.I was very disturbed to learn about the horrific violence that has taken place in our community, and am thankful that these children are now in safety. I am extremely concerned about the lack of oversight the State of California currently has in monitoring private and home schools. I have been in conversation with the Riverside County Office of Education, which agrees that we need to do more to protect our students and validate that they are in safe learning environments. I am looking into introducing a bill this year that would provide a legislative solution and prevent a situation like this from occurring in the future..

Medina is a straight-up Stalinist if he believes the State is more trustworthy with children than a society composed of independent parents. Wretched humans like the Turpins will always happen and when they do, you hang them quickly & publicly and get along with life. What you don’t do is pretend that tranny activists and open pedophiles can do a better job of ensuring kids are protected from predators.

Let’s look at a bill Medina supported regarding foster care reform, SB 731. From the first page of SB 731:

This bill would require children and nonminor dependents in an
out-of-home placement to be placed according to their gender identity,
regardless of the gender or sex listed in their court or child welfare records.
By expanding the duties of counties relating to the placement of foster
children and nonminor dependents, this bill would impose a state-mandated
local program.

Existing law provides that it is the policy of the state that all minors and
nonminors in foster care have specified rights, including, among others, the
right to have fair and equal access to all available services, placement, care,
treatment, and benefits, and to not be subjected to discrimination or
harassment on the basis of actual or perceived race, ethnic group
identification, ancestry, national origin, color, religion, sex, sexual
orientation, gender identity, mental or physical disability, or HIV status.

This bill would additionally specify that all minors and nonminors in
foster care have the right to be placed in out-of-home care according to their
gender identity, regardless of the gender or sex listed in their court or child
welfare records. The bill would require the State Department of Social
Services to adopt regulations consistent with this provision.

Yes, the people who require foster parents to respect the genderqueered whims of sexually immature children are exactly the people to ensure that biological parents are properly monitored for moral conduct. “For the children”, no doubt, and also for the thousands of man-hating feminist voters who need jobs to pay off student debts incurred by studying lesbian pottery.

I have little doubt that Assemblyman, er, Assemblyperson Medina will succeed in regulating homeschooling. The Turpin case will surely be an endless source of relevant emotional feelz. Never mind that this was a unique case rather than a typical example. Big Brother is needed! And Medina has already promised to be Big Brother’s little helper.

But here’s the kicker: the Turpins were not homeschoolers. Per, The address of the home is listed in a California Department of Education directory as the location of the Sandcastle Day School, which opened in 2011 with David Turpin as the principal. Current California policy relies on school employees to report child abuse. That didn’t happen here because there were no school employees. It is suspected by authorities, in fact, that Mr. Turpin registered his home as a school specifically to fly under the radar of social services.

.Private schools are required to register with the state to record their students. exemption from compulsory attendance at public schools,. the California Department of Education told Fox News in a statement. From

Not to mention, the kids were apparently not educated to the point of knowing who a police officer was. ‘Homeschooler’ and ‘child abuser’ are not synonyms.

Government legislator Jose Medina’s publicly announced, intended milking of a horror story for political gain and the oppression of independent-minded parents says everything about the moral depths America has sunk to.


3 thoughts on “The End of California Homeschooling Approaches

  1. the Turpins were not homeschoolers

    The problem here is not with homeschooling, but with the State’s inability to inspect the legitimacy of home schools registered ‘schools’. Home schools are not ‘schools’ in the conventional sense of the word, but rather something more akin to ‘family instilled education’. Different things need different standards.

    Another issue is that we have 4% of the population (QTBGL’s) politicizing a case of child abuse to hamfistedly justify the enforcement of their will on the completely different issue of eradicating homeschooling in favor of (QT.’s) state sanctioned education. Yet, people buy into this narrative and accept this as ‘normal’. WTF? Why doesn’t anyone point this out as loony .?

  2. “The problem here is not with homeschooling, but with the State.s inability to inspect the legitimacy of home schools registered .schools..”

    That inability to inspect is a good thing. Being observed by the State is the necessary first step towards being controlled by the State. The price of freedom from gov’t tyranny is the occasional Turpin. This is why the Left has the battlecry “once is too often”.

    “Why doesn.t anyone point this out”

    That’s a big part of why I started this blog. In America, the Church’s public function is to serve as the conscience of civil leaders. So-called pastors can’t be bothered to speak against evil so I will.

    God doesn’t expect us to stop the evil. Even Christ didn’t stop evil while He was here. We only have to point out evil as He did.

  3. Gunner Q .. It’s very sad that American’s have no clue or desire to become educated on our educatiin system history.

    First .. no US Constitution mandate for a government run school system.

    Second .. ALL schooling in the USSofA was of a non-federal home-schooled nature in the beginning.

    Third .. Government can never be virtuous .. ONLY individuals can be virtuous.

    Fourth .. Government is not the answer. It is the problem. Unless you train them the opposite is true. This in the end is the end game of the Fed’s. And it has been successful thusfar.

    Your conclusion is correct .. Point out the evil & lets move on. Unless you have an agenda of ensuring you have plenty of make work programs for female predator’s (re: Ca state law proposal) .. who are probably in heavy debt.

    The question is .. Why are so many people anti-home-schooling when it is such a small percentage of the populace? A monopoly (i.e. government school system) can’t tolerate any dissent or an alternative choice.

    Compliance with the Stalinists is mandatory for success don’t-cha see!! /s

    But here.s the kicker: the Turpins were not homeschoolers. Per, The address of the home is listed in a California Department of Education directory as the location of the Sandcastle Day School, which opened in 2011 with David Turpin as the principal.

    And stop letting the facts get in the way of the states desire to extinguish the flame of liberty (re: home-schooling). /s

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