MGTOW Life: Brotherhood

We need to start finding each other. Not for political purposes or building a community but simply for friendship with men we can trust to not betray us. The matter is difficult because any explicit signal can and will be picked up by women; also, because many MGTOWs don’t even recognize the acronym and aren’t part of the Manosphere.

Of course, the risk of explicit signaling is offset by optimal rewards. Wearing shirts from or in crowds can get quick results. Better when tried at masculine-appealing events like a demolition derby rather then your local grocery. Similarly, consider saying hello to a guy who wears such a shirt.

On a more general note, any Manospherian worth the time he wastes on the Internet is going to look the part. Be physically fit, short-haired, no problem glasses. man-boobs or (God help us) ear gauges.

Most churches are hopelessly cucked-up but if you’re attending anyway, check out the back row. Look for men sitting by themselves quietly rolling their eyes or reading magazines hidden in their Bibles.

Socially, men bond best over shared activities. The best such activities for men are ones that involve levels of mathematics that are toxic to women. Specifically, wargaming, D&D-style roleplaying games and Magic: the Gathering. These are practically engraved invitations to new social circles. I know from personal experience that military guys have used games to quickly socialize after transfers for many years.

A good starter wargame today is Infinity, . The entire rulebook is available as a free download and the size of typical games is 10-15 models. Very affordable. (Take a hint, Warhammer 40k.) It also has a formal tournament organization. Women don’t like to compete.

Of course, games has been as badly converged as anything else in modern culture. Just look at the cover of Starfinder, the most recent A-list RPG released:

Image result for starfinderWTF is the SJW fascination with purple hair? Never mind; knowing will not make me happy.

Still and all, it’s easy enough to clean up the material for actual playing. Once you find a group with no female players, it’s a good bet there’s MGTOWs in residence because “no girlfriends present at guy night” doesn’t happen without intentional effort.

This post was inspired by . The British government has appointed politician Tracey Crouch as the minister to tackle the epidemic of loneliness.

Facepalm. For an article linked to in the previous,

.With an increasing aging population, the effect on public health is only anticipated to increase. Indeed, many nations around the world now suggest we are facing a “loneliness epidemic,.. Holt-Lunstad said in a press release. The research is forthcoming in the journal American Psychologist. [Julianne] Holt-Lunstad also presented her findings (pdf) to the US Senate Aging Committee in April 2017.

“Such .epidemics,. while not confined to rich countries, are linked to prominent features of affluent culture: longer life expectancy, decreasing marriage rates, people having fewer children, more people getting divorced, and more people living alone. In January, UK lawmakers set up a commission to tackle loneliness.inspired by the murder of Jo Cox, a member of parliament who was passionate about the issue.which is now working with a range of charities focused on at-risk groups including the elderly, refugees, young people, and new parents.”

Four of the five cited reasons are related by causation. The gov’t destroyed the nuclear family and now wonders why so many people don’t have families. Clearly, we don’t yet have enough government to be happy!

Of course, the open destruction of male spaces is not even referenced in any of the articles or links. It’s officially illegal under gov’t anti-discrimination laws for men to associate outside female supervision. Not allowing men to be friends with men, outside homosexual trysts, might have something to do with men not having male friends.

As usual, it’s up to us to make friends & family despite the efforts of the Powers That Be. Never because of their efforts. They are the problem, not the solution.


One thought on “MGTOW Life: Brotherhood

  1. Money Shot ..

    Clearly, we don.t yet have enough government to be happy!

    Ask any womminz & you’ll get an Amen .. sigh.


    Most churches are hopelessly cucked-up but if attending anyway, check out the back row. Look for men sitting by themselves quietly rolling their eyes or reading magazines hidden in their Bibles.

    lol .. um .. guilty as charged.

    Yes .. I agree .. we should have a network of (red-pill) bachelor friends.

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