Women Want FEMININE Men

Time and again in the Manosphere, I see the idea that the men women desire are masculine men. If this was true then feminism would have been the best thing to ever happen to the human race. Women would desire the most successful men, have his babies and the world would be bright and optimistic because women act female and men act male, just as God designed us to.

Ain’t happenin’.

Let’s recap the Game principles of what male traits most sexually excites women:

1. Sociopathy

2. Narcissism

3. Manipulation

4. Lack of responsibility

5. Exciting/Drama

6. Dominance (height, wealth, etc.)

Those are, in fact, feminine traits. Women are opportunistic lovers; natural narcissists and manipulators; craving emotional experiences even at the cost of safety. The one trait that doesn’t match up is dominance. Therefore, the most desirable men are the ones who behave like women while possessing dominance, or “male privilege”. This makes sense from the Christian perspective of women envying men. The sexy man is everything she wants to be and as a result, she looks up to him (when not trying to control him).

Masculine traits:

1. Preference for logic & abstract thought over emotional experience

2. Self-control and discipline

3. Honesty

4. Future time orientation

5. Not preoccupied with status; accepting of others as peers

The two lists are nearly antonyms. Women are as strongly opposed to masculine traits in men as they are attracted to feminine traits in men. Any comparison of a Christian Grey to an Ernie Engineer will yield similar results.

The idea that masculine men are attractive to women is a falsehood that should be confronted vigorously. This is straight out of Christianity. We know from Proverbs that women are life-destroyers and king-killers. Solomon was a case study. Christ and Paul advised avoiding women if it’s at all doable. Christ even went a step further and said some men would be denied the chance to be sexual successes.

Female approval NEVER gives you your man card. In fact, if women are constantly attracted towards you then it’s a good bet you’re somehow displaying emotional instability, sexual perversion or casual violence. Time to review your body language and wardrobe!

Heck, one can simply cite Alpha Fux/Beta Bux as proof that Barbie prefers the flaming homosexual playboy to Cubicle Charlie. But who makes the better father?

This pattern holds true for the spiritual side of sexuality as well. Humans don’t want God the Father. We want Zeus the “I’m the deity you wish you were!” God is overly patient, not vulnerable to our manipulative efforts, rarely exciting and way too nice to His enemies. In our frustration, all the gods that humans have invented over the years behave exactly like humans down to Zeus’ marital troubles, only with superhuman power and a general absence of consequences. Some religions like Shinto make gods of actual humans.

Denying oneself and submitting to healthy authority is never easy. Not for women, not for humanity. The converse of this is if that submission does comes easily then that’s a red flag to be investigated, not a proof of virtue.

We have feminism because women naturally hate and envy healthy masculinity.


6 thoughts on “Women Want FEMININE Men

  1. Makes sense…although I wouldn’t say women aren’t attracted to masculine men. I think there are things about both types of guys that are attractive to women, but women make the choice as to which man they prefer.

    And right now a lot of them are choosing the ‘feminine’ man because of emotions. Stability, family all seem ‘boring’ to them…although I’d claim there can be just as much drama in that setup too. Birthing and raising kids, taking care of a home…it’s not like those things are boring unless you are dull to life.

    But like you said their approval doesn’t mean you are masculine. Getting my father’s approval meant more than any woman’s.

  2. I don’t even believe it’s as logical as that. Women (and people in the spiritual sense) want what they want, when they want it. Men (and God in the spiritual sense) are perceived to be the ‘providers’, and if they don’t cater to the whims, then there’s complaining and rebellion. If a Godly woman can choose a Godly man, then that is a miracle of grace!

  3. Interesting point. I think you’re right that many traits associated with men are not not attractive to women.

    However, I think we have to take the Genesis 1 account as our fundemental understanding of masculinity. God envisioned, created, judged, named, and ruled. Then he created man in his image. Women often lack these qualities (or at least the confidence to act on them) but are attracted to men who have them.

  4. Women are as strongly opposed to masculine traits in men as they are attracted to feminine traits in men. Any comparison of a Christian Grey to an Ernie Engineer will yield similar results.

    This is an extremely good article, and it correlates with some of my old ideas. The way I used to describe it was that women didn’t want strong men. They wanted weak men they could control and manipulate.

    This realization came after I made a new friend, years ago. He was a black dude, and I liked (still do) to bang all sorts of chicks, including black ones. I figured I’d take him to the club I went to, so he could get some play.

    The same filthy black hoez that I had been with previously wouldn’t give him the time of day. It wasn’t because he was black, of course. It was because he was a newly minted Ph.D. and a professor at the same community college I worked at. He just wasn’t as good as I was at acting trashy, and the minute he opened his mouth, all the best prospects clammed up and vanished to chase the usual thugs.

    Again: Women hate strong and successful men. They like to fuck weak losers. I can play that part, but not everyone is so desperate for gash as I am. Their dignity gets in the way.

  5. Again: Women hate strong and successful men. They like to fuck weak losers. I can play that part, but not everyone is so desperate for gash as I am. Their dignity gets in the way.

    It’s almost like Boxer is saying….’Women are intimidated by strong and successful men.’

    You know that very same thing a lot of women like to project onto men.

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