What Is Churchianity?

For Protestants, the definition is straightforward:

1. Does not allow laymen to wield authority.

2. Regards any portion of the NT as obsolete or subject to interpretation.

3. Does not call out evil leaders in society.

The first is rejection of “priesthood of the believer”, the second is rejection of “sola Scriptura” and the third is rejection of Christ’s example. So, effectively all Evangelical churches are now Churchian, if not yet Feminist like the Mainstreams.

For pity’s sake, half of the vaunted Great Commission is making disciples. In other words, training your replacements. The other half, preaching the Gospel to the world, has been completed in our lifetime via the Internet. How do our pastors intend to make disciples when they don’t give laymen any opportunity or encouragement? Answer, by holding onto power until their Golden Parachute Pension kicks in and abandoning the people they taught weekly for years to get a replacement from Central Casting because none of them were taught well enough to take his place. To Hell with such useless sods.

By contrast, this humble blog qualifies as a church. An ordinary dude upholding God’s Word and calling out scumbags. Any more Christian than this and there’d be fireballs from Heaven. Or singing.

I’m not sure what Catholic Churchianity looks like but I’ll guess it involves a rejection of Church Tradition, like Vatican II. Some of us are rooted in Scripture and others in Tradition but the Churchians have no root at all.


3 thoughts on “What Is Churchianity?

  1. Interesting. Have you done a study on the “priesthood of believers” and the authority of laymen? What Scriptures discuss this idea?

  2. ‘I.m not sure what Catholic Churchianity looks like but I.ll guess it involves a rejection of Church Tradition, like Vatican II. ‘

    Go to a Mass run by a Jesuit priest or a closeted homo…that’s Catholic Churchianity.

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