Doctors To Soldiers: Stop Weightlifting

The Nanny State is targeting the US military’s toxic masculinity with more than high heels:

“Weightlifting Injuries Common for Deployed U.S. Troops”

TUESDAY, April 3, 2018 (HealthDay News) — An “alarming” number of weightlifting injuries occur among U.S. military personnel in combat zones, according to a new study.

Intense weightlifting workouts help the armed forces stay in peak condition during deployment. But surgeons reported that during four months in a forward field hospital, they treated nine active duty male members for pectoralis major tears that occurred during bench press weight training.

This is a serious type of chest muscle injury that’s relatively rare among civilians. For example, a shoulder-and-elbow surgeon may see an average of less than one pectoralis tear a year, the researchers said.

The male patients, ages 23 to 52, required surgery to repair the injury and then six months to recover. Four were in the Army, and five in the Air Force. Three were officers and six were enlisted men.

At the time of injury, the men bench-pressed anywhere from 135 pounds to 415 pounds, with an average of 258 pounds.

Deployed active duty personnel “likely represent a high-risk population for this injury,” wrote study lead author Dr. Dane Salazar and colleagues.

Salazar is a former Air Force orthopedic surgeon and currently an orthopedic surgeon at Loyola University Health System in Maywood, Ill. …

To reduce the risk of pectoralis injuries, the military should ban maximum-weight bench press competitions. Also, service members should lift lighter weights with more repetitions, the surgeons suggested.

Men are naturally competitive. In an environment like the military, that competitive streak can easily make the difference between life and death; nobody wants to be “second best” on the battlefield. The participation ribbon is a body bag. This goes doubly so when a soldier is deployed. Why would he not spend every waking moment preparing to be the winner at “kill or be killed”? Is there something else to do at a Shittistan FOB?

Of course training accidents are going to happen at a much higher rate than if “good enough” was the gold standard. How can a former Air Force surgeon not understand this concept? Will Special Forces not be allowed to practice rappelling out of helicopters? (“You’re already certified. Why do you want to keep trying?”) God save us from leadership that is more worried about training accidents than deaths “downrange”.


Deep State Lines Up A Kill Shot On Trump

This is a masterful plot to completely discredit Trump and any notion he has for border security. From the Daily Mail:

An army of a thousand migrants from Central America are marching through Mexico to the US where they hope to get in by any means – legal or not.

The massive flood of migrants hail mostly from Honduras, where the country has become rife with gang violence and political unrest.

The journey began on Sunday March 25 when 1,200 men, women and children gathered together to cross immigration checkpoints with a organization called Pueblos Sin Fronteras, meaning People Without Borders, according to BuzzFeed News.

And the number is only growing as migrants walk to the border in 90-degree heat, sleep on the floor of town plazas, and get by on charity meals by locals and churches.

The plan is simple and obvious. And cruel. A huge, artificial, highly publicized tide of human trash is flung at the southern border of the United States. Once they arrive, Trump will have three options:

  1. Let them in, either by direct sanction or willful ignorance of lawbreaking. Trump’s Presidency is dead.
  2. Stall them at the border. A siege ensues, giving endless propaganda of Trump’s “evil walls”. Americans see Trump as unwilling to take meaningful action. Trump’s Presidency is dead.
  3. Kill them on arrival. Mass slaughter of men, women and children. Illegals stop coming in terror of justice under Trump. Deep State can no longer use illegal immigration as a weapon to destroy America. Americans are grateful to see Trump put America first. America is protected by her government. Reelection guaranteed.

I doubt Trump has the spine for Option 3. So does the Deep State, which is why they think this plan will work. Their plan involves heartless exploitation of the poor & stupid which tells you everything you need to know about the Deep State: if we allow them to win in any way then they will be equally cruel to us. Why not, when cruelty has brought them thus far?

Wow, the Deep State is powerful. Look at the immigration checkpoints vacated to facilitate this march in the linked article.

God damn you, Deep State, for intentionally creating a situation in which a mass killing of unarmed civilians is the right thing to do. As for Trump, this will be either his finest hour or the apotheosis of his globalist enemies.


It Was Something In the Water

It wasn’t long ago that my California was staunchly conservative. How did we change so quickly into such a cesspit of perversion and treason? Did the Elites put something in the water to warp our brains?

Actually, they DID.

The United States Navy.

San Francisco is a major port for the USN. During the Cold War, it was also a major “port of exit” for convicted homosexuals. Half the faggots who put the uniform on between V-J Day and President “Slick Willie” Clinton ended up in San Fran holding a not-honorable discharge.

Some even date this practice earlier to 1916. From

The U.S. Military Creates the “Blue Discharge.

A neutral discharge from the Armed Services-..neither honorable nor dishonorable…the blue discharge was employed to boot queers from the military and was used against black soldiers as well. Though supposedly not dishonorable, blue discharges faced discrimination upon return to their homes, and many stayed in the port cities they were dumped in…New York City, Chicago, and San Francisco…helping create the thriving queer communities that still exist in these places today.

Inevitably, the Sodomites began finding each other. That’s how the infamous bath houses became a phenomenon and soon, there was an organized community. Police found their resources stretched with having to deal with so many unrepentant abominations.

This coincided with the Communist infiltration of the Church. San Francisco was a major target for those efforts. The homosexual cancer began to metastasize as the Navy kept releasing more of them in the same location, more ‘clergy’ began preaching tolerance and more police grew weary of stemming the tide. Public opinion finally shifted past ‘center of mass’ with the politician Harvey Milk.

Once the sexually depraved had an entire, newly legitimized community that had to be politically activist for its own survival, and faced no organized opposition from society’s moral guardians, the fix was in.

When Christ calls us the Salt of the Earth, He isn’t speaking poetry. Salt’s primary use in history is preservation of food: inhibiting rot. The Navy did wrong letting homosexuals go unpunished; false priests did wrong when they taught against God’s clearly written beliefs on sexual perversion. The people who were able to protect society from the filth of homosexuality refused to do their God-given duty and now, look at where California is barely one generation later.

Sodomy is not a legitimate lifestyle choice. It is not something unfortunate that allowances should be made for. It is evil. Call it out as evil and punish it as an act of evil, or join the California Gay Area in its mockery of God’s rainbow promise to not exterminate humanity.