Faces of Vote Fraud

This article is a good springboard for discussing various types of fraud in Commiefornia:


The forms that arrived at county elections offices were identical except for the voters’ party preferences. On a sampling of forms reviewed by The [LA] Times, citizens who were listed as a member of a political party on the first registration document were instead listed as an unaffiliated “no party preference” voter on a second document that arrived a week later.

A DMV spokeswoman said Wednesday the system was built by the state Department of Technology and was tested prior to last month’s launch.

County elections officials have been contacting the voters and correcting the errors since they received the first forms on May 5.

“We believe it’s fixed,” said Secretary of State Alex Padilla. “We feel we have our arms around it. We’ve rectified it, and we’ve given proper guidance to the counties.”

Padilla’s staff noticed the errors shortly after the April 23 launch of the California Motor Voter program, created by legislation signed into law in 2015.

Three years to link the DMV database to voter databases? That’s way more time than is needed. Six months tops, three months if the gov’t hires nonunion. It’s a major red flag when politicians want an election cycle to pass before the consequences of what they just enacted are realized.

The program makes voter registration a part of the DMV driver’s license process for every eligible citizen. While voter registration isn’t required, people who are uninterested must make it clear on a touch-screen device that they want to opt out. Californians who are already registered to vote can update their address or party affiliation during a DMV appointment.

The tyranny sequence is “opt in”, then “opt out”, then “opt out only during the three working days before Thanksgiving”, then cancelling the option to opt out as a line item deep inside some omnibus bill. Why is automatic inclusion so important?

“…The system, often referred to as “automatic voter registration,” has been under development for more than two years. Key to its success was the full rollout of California’s statewide voter database . a project that was more than a decade late when it debuted in March 2016. Historically, there were separate voter rolls in each of the state’s 58 counties. Local officials collaborated across county lines, but there was no easily updatable list of all California voters.

Centralization is why automatic inclusion is so important. California is assembling massive, massive centralized databases on everybody and it’s hard to assemble them when participation is opt-in voluntary. Used to be, the Democrats needed 58 parallel teams of “community organizers” to defraud the American people. With this new, soon-to-be-mandatory database, they’ll need only one.

The California Motor Voter Act also required a substantial change in DMV license procedures. For more than two decades, registering to vote has been an option at the agency’s offices. But the new law makes it a routine part of obtaining a license, as long as the driver is legally eligible. Non-citizens aren’t offered the chance to register to vote.

Or do they mean, aren’t allowed to opt out of registering to vote? Pesky glitches.

The full program has yet to be rolled out. Local elections officials said this week they hope to learn more about how voter registration files will be sent to them for final verification.

“It’s not entirely clear how this will work,” said Gail Pellerin, registrar of voters in Santa Cruz County.

A confusing, complicated process that nobody really understands is a great way to cover your tracks.

Nor is there clarity about why the California Motor Voter program was rolled out just six weeks before a statewide election.

The original launch date was pushed back by two weeks and then delayed again after officials said additional testing was needed. There was no public notice when it was turned live on April 23.

Another way to hide your tracks is artificial time pressure so your opponents are overwhelmed. They couldn’t wait seven weeks after working on it for three years?

[SecState] Padilla said it was important to expand access to voter registration for the June primary, which in non-presidential years has had noticeably low turnout.

In some communities, the DMV’s automated system is already poised to dramatically expand the size of the electorate. Foote says Inyo County, home to just 9,674 voters at the time of the last statewide report, has processed more than 600 new registrations in just the past three weeks. While most have been without incident, she said the initial errors could give pause to voters who worry about the accuracy of elections.

Look, if people don’t want to vote then automating the registration process will only create lots and lots of ballots lying around that won’t ever be filled out by the voter… or even missed by the voter. You wouldn’t leave your credit card numbers active in the bank’s computer after shredding the cards, would you? Of course not. That’s an open door for fraud. And apparently, a pressing need in Sacramento.

And all those loose ends are now collected in a single database for easy access.


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