The Manosphere has a serious problem with Greener Grass Syndrome. So many people don’t have our troubles with feminism… until one scratches the surface and discovers the other half isn’t doing any better. This problem crops up regularly on blogs and websites as frustrated men try to convince themselves that Shangri-La is an achievable goal.
Are parts of Africa more patriarchal than the West? No doubt, because poverty prevents Africans from ignoring reality as long as the West can. That doesn’t make poverty a noble virtue. It doesn’t mean Africans won’t go feminist the moment they can afford to.
Is China doing better than USA & UK? Every metric says yes. Every metric is produced by government and China is a totalitarian government that doesn’t think twice about cooking the books. Its people could starve during a “good harvest” and nobody would blink.
Will Islam get you more sex than Christianity? Of course, because Christianity doesn’t permit raping your enemies’ children, running slave harems or threatening to murder police if they get between you and your fun.
I’m waiting for the Manosphere to realize drug gangs are “patriarchy” because gangers swim in cash & chicks until their lives end at age 19 in handcuffs or gunfire. It’s a perfect metaphor for the problem we face: every solution we find will work until we try it.
Truth is, history doesn’t just repeat. History is a factory. The eternal intersexual conflict between men & women serves no practical purpose and is both a disproof to evolution, which claims we’ve been optimized through billennia of trial & error, and proof that we are badly flawed as a created species. Either God made a very bad mistake when He made us or our experience confronting matriarchy is a lesson He is so desperate for us to learn that He created an entire reality for no other reason.
There is no solution to embrace. No safe space to move to. No greener grass. Sometimes things are better, sometimes worse, but we all must confront & endure this flaw inside us. The flaw that always encourages women to rebel against men and men to feel really good about helping her do it.
‘ The flaw that always encourages women to rebel against men and men to feel really good about helping her do it.’
I’d take it a step higher…the flaw that encourages women to rebel against God and men feeling really good helping her do it.
Most of Africa ( that I have seen) is most def not patriarchal. Most of them habe no idea who the kids father is so men tend to invest in their sisters kid
If I recall correctly even the Zulu’s left their position and position to their sisters kids because at least that way they knew there was some kind of bloodship kin
“If I recall correctly even the Zulu.s left their position and position to their sisters kids because at least that way they knew there was some kind of bloodship kin”
I figured the purpose of matrilineal descent was something like that but not sure. A commenter on Dalrock’s tried to argue that was a form of patriarchy maybe a week ago. I’ve never studied Africa in detail because North America is sufficiently depressing.
LOL yeah I had bidness there a few times. It’s a demonic corner of the world and it takes work to wade through the pc we’re not racist bullshit to even start understanding how fucked up that place is