Moonbeam Left His Border Open! Wife Not Ravished


Homeless man breaks into California governor’s residence, says he’s an ‘open-door policy kind of guy’

A homeless man who was arrested last month after breaking into California Gov. Jerry Brown’s home in Sacramento reportedly said he only tried entering the mansion because he figured the sanctuary state politician was “an open-door policy kind of guy.”

The California Highway Patrol said 51-year-old Steven Seeley was arrested April 19 and treated at a hospital for cuts he received while breaking a window to get out of the home in downtown Sacramento, located about 10 blocks from the Capitol.

.He.s an open-door policy kind of guy, so I figured the door would be unlocked, or else I wouldn’t have ran over there if I thought the door would be locked,. Seeley told KCRA.

In an interview from the Sacramento County Jail on Thursday with the Sacramento Bee, Seeley said he has never been diagnosed with a mental disorder, but said he does experience delusions and may be confused about the series of events.

“I was looking for the security staff, but I didn’t see anybody,” he told the paper. “I thought the governor was in trouble, I thought he was in danger of being attacked by the wild animals, so I walked in. I yelled ‘Jerry!’”

Once inside, Seeley told KCRA he hid in a closet after hearing growling again, and then jumped out a window into the fenced-in yard and fled. He then cut his arm climbing back over the fence and was taken by a Good Samaritan to a local hospital, where he was later arrested by police.

The 51-year-old said that he is an almost daily methamphetamine user, and sleeps inside a shuttered hotel located across the street from the governor’s mansion.

CHP spokeswoman Fran Clader told the Associated Press that Brown was not home at the time, but California First Lady Anne Gust Brown was upstairs. She didn’t have any contact with Seeley, according to Clader.

Clader told the Bee the property is monitored and there is “a robust on-site security presence at the residence 24 hours a day, seven days a week.”

“The safety of the first family continues to be our top priority and enhanced security measures remain in place,” she said.

The Golden State’s homeless population of more than 130,000 people is now about 25 percent of the nationwide total, and cleaning up after the surging group is getting costly — topping $10 million in 2016-17, according to the state’s department of transportation.

The “first family” protects its home but not its State, but then they don’t even do that so I can’t be angry at the hypocrisy. Here we are, talking like it’ll take Civil War 2 to restore the country while a middle-aged meth head pantses the State Governor from his flop next door.


Jordan Peterson’s Non-Christianity

The phenomenon du jour, Jordan Peterson, has flown under my radar mainly because he doesn’t write. I generally can’t stand vlogs because they’re a painfully slow, hard-to-index form of communication. Better to read in two minutes what could easily take a video half an hour.

I HAVE A LIFE TO LIVE, youTUBERS! The existence of my blog notwithstanding.

But JP is a very popular Canuck who, according to reliable sources, is misleading and deceptive. And he claims to be Christian? Time to check that.

0-0:25 JP self-identifies as a deeply religious man. That’s a bad start because Christians aren’t religious, we’re Christian. The only time we call ourselves ‘religious’ is to distinguish ourselves from people who feel the love of God while practicing the seven deadly sins.

0:45-1:30 JP claims religious truth is not scientific truth. One can stop here, I suppose. Science is not truth, it’s one of several ways of discovering truth. (This is why science is regressing at the same time its practitioners are abandoning the idea that God is objectively real.) The classic counterexample is history. History is not subject to observation, let alone experimentation, yet we know that some things happened on a certain date and other things did not… even if we lack the details. Meanwhile, there is no conflict between Christianity and science because reality was created by Christ. Every time I tried to argue this back in the day, the atheist would make a case that Christianity is not scientific (true), therefore it is in conflict with science (false).

If you believe truth comes in different flavors then you are not a Christian. There is One God, Christ Jesus, Creator of Reality, Author of Life. Substituting your personal ‘truth’ in place of that one will make you look very stupid on Judgment Day. “You can’t punish me for rebellion, God! I CHOOSE to not allow you to punish me! Ow!”

It took me less than two minutes to disqualify JP as a Christian. And yet, he’s popular. People are clearly getting something out of him. Sigh, I’ve already dirtied my guns so let’s do this. The following JP quotes are manual transcriptions of mine and I don’t guarantee they’re verbatim accurate. Time stamps are approximate, too. *GQ settles in.*

2:40-3:30 “Between order and chaos, chaos is so complex you can’t handle it, order is so rigid that it’s too restrictive. In between is a place where you’re partly stabilized and partly curious.” In other words, the horror of an uncaring universe compared to the shackles of an opinionated God.

5:00 “Christ is a meta-hero who sits at the foundation of Western Civilization.” Not a Savior.

7:30 JP’s interviewer reveals himself a half-wit, claiming Constantine wrote the Bible in its current form. SCRATCH THAT! This was an excellent, first-class shiv. JP is trying to find moral inspiration (but not truth) in the Bible and the interviewer points out that JP himself believes the Bible was a man-made book of fairy tales. JP hilariously uses comic books as a comparison. If only the interviewer had followed up with Hollyweird’s reinvention of those tales! Are those remakes lies? Standalone truths “but not my truths”? We’ll never know.

9:50 “Thor and Loki are actual gods, hostile brother archetypes like Christ and Satan, Batman and Lex Luthor.”

11:00 JP argues for Hegelian dialetic.

12:30 “J.K. Rowling became the richest person in England for presenting this truth.” I would have guessed E.L. James, English authoress of Fifty Shades of Gray, for her successful presentation of ‘truth’. But I suppose she has only three published books.

13:45 “In the 1800s, we blew the metaphysical foundations out from underneath our culture. Now we’re between the extreme right and extreme left.”

Okay, I’m stopping here. I know what’s going on. JP has both realized that atheism is a dead end and refused to accept the existence of God as the only alternative. He’s trying to form a “third-option” synthesis in which God is real and loves us and kisses our scraped knees without ever forcing us to do anything we disagree with.

All atheists end up at one of two destinations. Either they butcher dissidents in ever-increasing quantities in order to bring about their bloodsoaked Utopia or they do the Hegel thing and try to find a middle ground between rebellion and submission. JP chose the latter. He has a huge following because there are many young people who have been raised to follow the god of Evolutionary Psychology, found it a miserably empty existence, rejected Christ because His Church has also embraced Evo-Psych and now found a guy who offers an Evo-compatible God they can fit in their pocket. They neither have to recant everything they’ve been taught to believe nor submit to a God whose plans might not intersect theirs.

Or as put it:


I’ll close by showing you JP’s destination before he gets there:

1. A god exists who created and ordered the world and watches over human life on earth.

2. God wants people to be good, nice, and fair to each other, as taught in the Bible and by most world religions.

3. The central goal of life is to be happy and to feel good about oneself.

4. God does not need to be particularly involved in one’s life except when God is needed to resolve a problem.

5. Good people go to heaven when they die.


Malignant Housing Tumors

Some good news out of Sacramento for a change. Senator Scott Wiener’s heavy-handed effort to impose Google-esque housing campuses upon the entire state has been shot down in committee.


After months of public wrangling and amendment, San Francisco’s State Senator Scott Wiener finally brought his signature transit-housing bill SB 827 before the Senate Transportation and Housing Committee in Sacramento Tuesday, where it stalled on a 6-4 vote that leaves it in limbo.

SB 827 would have radically changed how California cities zone for height and density by making it illegal to place height limits below four to five stories (depending on the locale) along major transit routes.

Thanks to San Francisco’s extensive bus network, this would have applied to virtually every parcel in the city. But even cities with far less skin in the game, like Lafayette and Berkeley, complained that the bill redirected too much control from local municipalities to the state.

Calling local control “important but not biblical,. Wiener again labored on Tuesday to frame the bill as a necessary step given the scope of the crisis.

The Mercury News provides some context:

A polarizing housing bill that would force California cities to allow taller apartment buildings by BART stops and other transit hubs has been pummeled with opposition from local officials . a group that now includes former colleagues of the bill’s author, San Francisco Democrat Sen. Scott Wiener.

In the latest blow to Senate Bill 827, the San Francisco Board of Supervisors on Tuesday voted to oppose Wiener’s bill, joining smaller cities such as Lafayette, Cupertino, Palo Alto and Milpitas. A week earlier, the Los Angeles City Council took the same stance, unanimously, with one councilman calling the legislation “insanity.”

.I think this is the craziest bill I’ve ever seen,. said Los Angeles City Councilman Paul Koretz.

It’s a bad sign when Los Angeles gov’t wonders if you’re a crazy legislator. A very, very bad sign.

The sharp opposition from two of California’s largest and most iconic cities is a setback for the new bill, which has attracted national media coverage but has yet to have a committee hearing in Sacramento. Carried in response to the housing crisis and the failure of some cities to approve enough new housing near booming job centers to meet rising demand, SB 827 would require cities to allow apartments of roughly four to eight stories to be built around major bus and rail stops throughout the state.

Boldface mine.

On the simplest level, there’s a reason the Bay Area doesn’t have the massive density of the New York skyline: New York has bedrock underneath it.

Image result for hayward fault map

Wiener’s plan would predispose his hometown for worst-case geological Armageddon.

But his plan would be statewide, overriding local zoning regulations everywhere to permit high-density housing within half a mile of “mass transit”, meaning your local bus stop. The potential for land speculation & related fraud is obvious.

More than that, this plan would destroy suburbia. Single-family homes. Land values are skyrocketing primarily due to environmental regulations and water shortages, meaning suburbia has trouble expanding any more, and this bill would allow/force massive centralization of populations in suburbia regardless of the will of the residents.

The trademark of a tyrannical government is not allowing the people to control their own fates. Spreading House-A-Dindu projects everywhere the State and its corporate friends can find cheap land would resemble cancerous tumors spreading through a victim’s lymph nodes.

It’s always been a globalist wet dream to reinvent cities as a network of factories connected by mass transit to massive dormitories. This because the Elites then have total control over the means of production, the means of transportation and, if not the souls, then the living conditions of the people. Humans in cattle cars being shuttled from barns to milking pens. Elites can select workers from a menu and ship them in with zero humanitarian or cultural concerns. Google & Apple are running test campuses for this arrangement and what a surprise, most of their dormitory inmates resemble migrants.

Hence my boldface above: “the failure of some cities to approve enough new housing near booming job centers”. Uh-huh. A child can read between those lines.

Ironically, the bill was shot down partly because it didn’t do enough to achieve this globalist vision. Insufficient provisions for “low income housing” and rent control. But it was also shot down partly because even its supporters didn’t want that Brave New World in their own backyards.

So, we’re safe for today.


Hiring Rant

Work’s been keeping me busy, including a hiring cycle that just ended. This is a rant I hope won’t come back on me but it needs to be said.

We’re booked heavily enough to hire a part-time fieldworker. Nothing requiring experience but if workload keeps up, it’ll become a full-time position. Great way to introduce a new guy to the career. I’m heavily involved in the hiring process but not the decision-maker. I’ll call that guy Boss for this rant’s sake. (Boss is a white male Baby Boomer.)

Boss had me post a job notice on Craigslist. I screened four candidates for him, from a kid who paid for his AutoCAD certificate by working as a security guard to a Post Office retiree supplementing his income. He instead interviewed #5, a Hindu from the local community college, and hired him despite his not being able to start work for a month while he finishes his graduation finals and responsibilities as a goodwill ambassador to the United Nations.

Now it’s my responsibility to train him in June, when I need a guy NOW, and I (over ten years’ experience with the company) will be changing my schedule to accommodate the intern’s summer plans.

At least it won’t be forever. The Hindu has already committed to getting a bachelor’s degree in another career field starting in the fall so if the position becomes permanent, we’ll still have to hire & train someone else anyway.

This is how the white genocide happens, and why white male me once came close to killing myself in despair over ever being able to get a job. I gave Boss four good options. I doubt all were white; frankly, I wanted that bootstrapping security guard regardless of race. He showed initiative, self-reliance & aversion to debt and I like that. Boss ignored them all, not even an interview, in order to hire a H1bbie baby who’ll be available to work ‘soon’. Briefly. On his terms.

Why do Baby Boomers do this? Why? Perhaps because, in hindsight, none of my four candidates went to college. They were competent without college and I guess that’s a bad thing?