Why Nobody Noticed

The remarkable part of the feminist takeover of the Southern Baptists is that very few of the laity appear to notice. This suggests that there aren’t any Christians in the Baptists. The truth is worse: Christians are nonparticipants in the Church. Nothing we say or do is allowed to change anything. We don’t care about the process being hijacked because we aren’t allowed to do anything about it if we do care.

The primary way this happened was credentialism. Christ’s example to us is to personally train our replacements under the apprenticeship model, not have them trained in central locations (seminaries). This was also the Protestant model, more or less, because centralized training inevitably leads to the centralized, out-of-touch leadership that we were Protesting in the first place.

Result, individual churches became personality cults of the sermon-giver. They had neither a Catholic-style hierarchy nor a Protestant-style expert laity to keep them honest. This led directly to the next problem.

The secondary way is the silencing of dissent in the churches. Modern Protestant leadership successfully sold the idea that services was more about singing songs and sitting through sermons than open debate about Scripture and current events. God forbid a church permit an Arminian teacher and a Calvinist teacher at the same time! Those poor little spectators might be forced to think, and none of them were properly educated & licensed to think.

The tertiary way is the reduction of churches into corporations, a necessity to claim 501c3 status from the government. On the surface, breaking the Boss-Pastor into corporate officers looks like decentralization. In fact, Boss Pastor is replaced by Boss Internal Revenue and all the officers are beholden first to gov’t mandates ahead of church affairs.

And so the SBC died with barely a whimper. Why would the people complain when they have no forum, no allies and no credentials? They have exactly three choices: rebel, leave and mentally check out. Christians are not known for rebellion. Those who leave aren’t participants. And so the only people in the pews are the people who resigned themselves to going through the motions, perhaps so their kids can benefit from the social programs. It happened so quietly that many laymen still haven’t noticed.

It’s pathetic that so few Protestant leaders even remember what the Protest was, much less recognize they’re participants in the very corruption that Luther railed against.

None of this is grounds for pessimism. Protestants are like weeds. When we die, it’s fast and obvious and we’re free to rebuild… and building stuff honors the Creator anyway. The other branches of Christendom are like trees. When they die, their bureaucracy gives them the appearance of health, ensnaring innocents and forcing God’s remnant to either reclaim resources from an entrenched enemy or shove the petrified corruption out of the way. They can do it but historically, the process can take centuries and maybe a civil war or two. Thank God we don’t have such problems.

Sic Semper Southern Baptist leaders. You were useless to God long before the feminists began gutting you. Your services to Christ are no longer required. He will turn to the men you rejected to be the cornerstone of a new church for His people, a church that you will have no power over. Enjoy the wealth we left behind; we don’t need it and it pleases us to watch you wicked swine die fat and happy for the slaughter of Judgment Day.


Wicked Witch Nancy Carol Hastings Sehested

What a mouthful. It’s like she gave a name to every voice inside her head. Dalrock unearthed her feminist vendetta against Paige Patterson for disfellowing her, a worse punishment in Christian circles than excommunication, but he only scratched the tip of this Ice Queen-berg.

First, a picture to warn away the weak-minded:

“Reverend” Nancy Carol Hastings Sehested, a retired men’s maximum security prison chaplain for North Carolina.

The following sermon of hers is upon the subject of Elijah at Mount Carmel, an exciting Bible story in its own right. But you ain’t seen nothing yet! (about burning false priests)


The prophet Elijah would have felt right at home in these times of fire and fury. You remember Elijah. He was a chosen one of God. He was fierce, determined, and uncompromising. He was a man of miracles. He fed the hungry [GQ: one widow & son, ref. Luke 4:25-26], raised the dead [GQ: wrong] and blasted the evil empire of King Ahab and Queen Jezebel. His message was to bring down the mighty and lift the lowly [GQ: wrong].

Like a superhero [GQ: wrong. James 5:17], he could suddenly appear in just the right place at just the right time [GQ: wrong], pouncing on injustice [GQ: wrong], exposing the hypocrisy and falsehood of the powerful [GQ: wrong].

Elijah’s relevant goal was to prove God was the God of Israel, not Baal. The miracles he ‘performed’ were actually performed by God, for example resurrecting the widow’s son in 1 Kings 17:21: “Then [Elijah] stretched himself out on the boy three times and cried out to the Lord, .Lord my God, let this boy’s life return to him!.”

Elijah exposed the falsehood of Baal worship but there was no hypocrisy there. The false prophets clearly expected Baal to show up. Nowhere are injustices discussed.

His most zealous actions were targeted on that relentless rascal of a king, Ahab. The king was a bully [GQ: wrong. 1 Kings 21:2-4]. He had wealth, position, and power [GQ: none of those are crimes]. Step in his way and he retaliated with ridicule and revenge. With the help of his conniving wife, he contaminated the nation with the poison of fear. Pagan temples were their joy. The palace became home to hundreds of false prophets. Political favors were handed out like candy at Halloween. The people didn’t know who to trust.

This description of Ahab’s government goes far beyond the Biblical accounts. Citations needed. For the most part, Ahab let Jezebel rule and Jezebel didn’t rule by fear. She straight-up murdered people. Example, Naboth of 1 Kings 21 wasn’t afraid to tell the king ‘No’.

Military might was the centerpiece for maintaining national power. On the backs of the poorest people, the nation slid into disaster.

This is wrong. In the climactic scene at Mount Carmel, it was the people who executed the prophets of Baal. Had there been a strong military presence controlling a presumably disarmed crowd as as Witch Nancy claims, the people killing Baal’s prophets would have been more miraculous than fireballs from the sky.

And of course, the poorest people never pay the bulk of taxes. They can’t.

She’s obviously setting tracks for tying the Elijah story into modern events with talk of righting injustices and military-backed nation-states. Most nations in the Old World didn’t maintain a standing army–they’re very expensive and usually kingmakers–so it’s hard to draw political parallels from one of the most sensationally supernatural accounts in the Bible to our modern, wealthy, atheistic era.

Before I get to her attempt, however, I want to cover Witch Nancy’s barely-concealed hatred for God and Elijah.

After several attempts at halting the horrors, including famine and humiliation techniques, Elijah got word from God that it was time to put the false prophets to death. Now in this part of the story we could wish that God wasn’t involved in that kind of showdown. And we could wish that Elijah had the benefit of reading Walter Wink’s book about the myth of redemptive violence. Hadn’t enough blood been shed to know that? We could wish that Elijah had the example of Jesus meeting violence with his witness of peace and non-violence. But no. There was fire and fury.

Nowhere do God or Elijah promise to lift the drought if Ahab reformed his behavior. Citation needed for God’s usage of Advanced Interrogation Techniques. Jesus was not a witness of peace and non-violence. Why should we wish that Elijah had read about “the myth of redemptive violence”? So he would have known to disobey God in order to minister to Baal or something?

Does Scripture mean ANYTHING to this witch?

Voices should’ve shouted out .God, not Baal,. but not a word came out of the people. Nothing. They didn’t answer. Elijah, like all prophets, was a loner. But he liked applause. It was not forthcoming. Nothing worse than a preacher offering their best line, and the people don’t utter a peep. No amens. No nods of the head. No, .Preach on, Prophet!. Nothing.

This expectation of the people makes no sense. Elijah was setting up a competition not giving a sermon. Citation needed for Elijah liking applause or the approval of crowds. But I bet Witch Nancy often feels unappreciated when she preaches.

Elijah, being the sensitive type, took it maturely. .I, even I only, am left.” Oh, there is no high like a self-righteous high. The fight was on, with the great Prophet leading the way. The prophets of Baal did the same. The contest was this: the one who called down their god with fire was the winner. The one with the biggest fire power wins. It’s such a tiresome game. Couldn’t we just limit ourselves to kayak races?

[GQ: *speechless*]

Queen Jezebel got wind of the slaughter of her best spiritual counselors. She was ready to have Elijah’s head. He took off for the hills to try to save his life. Once he got far enough away, he took shade under a broom tree. He was worn out. He had won, but he had lost. His victory did not satisfy him. He was a man on the run. Where could he go to hide? He prayed, .God, just go ahead and take me now..

In his words, Elijah was facing a hopeless situation and didn’t care to drag it out. 1 Kings 19:4: “I have had enough, Lord,. he said. .Take my life; I am no better than my ancestors.” A far cry from Witch Nancy’s portrayal of an arrogant, vainglorious superhero achieving victory through superior firepower.

Elijah felt like a total and complete failure. He thought God should’ve at least shown some appreciation for all he’d done on God’s behalf.put a little extra in the Prophet Pension Fund. But no. All he got was a pushy angel shoving him awake and demanding that he stop his whining and moaning. .Get up and eat! You.ll need it for the journey.” You ever noticed how neither God nor God’s messengers have ever been good with empathetic listening skills?

No, I haven’t noticed that. What I have noticed is God giving Elijah the resources he needed to go where God wanted. That’s more important than goodfeelz. Elijah himself never asked for a reward from God, other than letting him die.

Elijah responded, .I’ve been working my tail off trying to get people on your side, God. I made lots of promises to persuade folks. I had a good mission plan. I took up for you. But now it’s over. I have nothing to show for all my efforts except my picture on wanted posters. I’m the only one left. There are folks after me!. There was no answer to Elijah’s whine.

1 Kings 19:10 & :14 paints a much less self-absorbed picture. Notice God’s “not good with empathetic listening” skills when He reassures Elijah that he’s not alone and orders less stressful missions. Come to think of it, that long journey into the wilds was itself probably relaxing after Mount Carmel. God gave Christ vacations, too.

Elijah failed to interpret the sheer silence of God. What was this silence of God? It was not the silence of calm and peace. It was sheer cliff silence. It was an unbearable silence that verges on a scream. It was the inner scream of God.

What silence? This comes out of nowhere. Certainly not 1 Kings 19.

And now, the exciting conclusion:

So what are we doing here? Perhaps it is time to listen with Elijah at the doorway of our deepest fears and disillusionments. Can we stand here long enough to see more clearly as a nation, as a people? The earthquake, winds and fires of Charlottesville have been gathering power for a long time. White supremacy and patriarchy are embedded in our national history. Sometimes it flames into fire and fury within public view. But let us not be fooled. Behind the vivid and horrific violence of yesterday are systemic and structural powers that keep privilege in place. The structures and institutions that hold our lives have enormous power over all of us. Most of the major issues we face are decided without our vote and out of our sight . . . in boardrooms and corporate offices and legislative rooms where a code of ethics for the common good is not in place.


Perhaps it is time to stop and listen, to stop our words long enough to experience the silent cries of God. Perhaps it is time, when hatred runs down the streets of Charlottesville, and laws allow terrorizing extremists to legally carry weapons. . . .

More shit.

Perhaps it is time, when mothers and dads are taken from their children and deported, and mosques are bombed in our cities, and black and brown-bodied people and LGBTQ people are vulnerable everywhere. . . . Perhaps it is time, when the major institutions that control our lives leave too many without adequate healthcare, wages and housing. . . . Perhaps it is time, when tyrants hold the world hostage with threats of using nuclear weapons. . . . Perhaps it is time for us to stand together, all of us . . . the wounded alongside the wounding . . . and listen.

PhD: Piled higher & Deeper.

God didn’t explain [Himself to Elijah]. “And one more thing, Elijah. You are not the only one who has stayed faithful to me. There are 7,000 others who have not bent their knees and paid homage to Baal. Some of them were walking bravely in a march for love yesterday in Charlottesville. Some of them attended to the wounded. Some of them quelled the riot. There are plenty of others in this struggle. Join them. Draw strength from them. Keep on keeping on with them. I am with you..

She gets paid for this shit.

Witch Nancy Carol Hastings Sehested was right to be disfellowed by Paige Patterson at the SBC. She nursed that vendetta for 30 years until today, she can smugly declare victory over the “white supremacy and patriarchy” of God-fearing Southern Baptists.


The Problem Of Incels

…Is that incels are innocent.

Rollo Tomassi has a very thought-provoking post on Incels that I’ve been mulling over for a few days. The incel’s place in society is a difficult concept even for a incel like me (if I haven’t timed out of inceldom by age curing my libido) because there’s two types of incels being used in common parlance today. One type is imaginary.


The issue of potentially violent sexless men is not hard to understand. Our society is entirely gynocentric today; low-SMV men are forced to participate in the gynocracy while simultaneously being punished for not being part of the gynocracy. Cue all kinds of psychiatric issues like sex changes and persecution complexes. But violence, at least in the form of mass murder, is actually rare because it takes a serious level of nihilism to kill lots of strangers for no gain, enough that I doubt virgins on killing sprees is ever going to be a real problem.

Rollo theorizes that such a level of nihilism can be created by the inability to participate in the Blue Pill narrative. I believe that’s not true because lesser levels of violence (drugs, rape-rape, thrill-seeking) can acquire sex even for the most unsexy, not to mention legal alternatives such as porn. Some men are violent and some are sexless; the occasional intersection of the two groups is never going to be a systemic problem for society. While men want to support the gynocracy as a consequence of the Fall, the primary driving force in sexuality for men is sex not approval. Supporting my theory, Rollo himself identifies contributing factors such as fatherlessness & autism.

This is where I segue into the imaginary type of incel, at the fact that male participation in the gynocracy is motivated by the Fall of Eden.

The easiest way for a man to appear high-value to women is to destroy the other men around him. Literally in the case of warlords, metaphorically or rhetorically more commonly. Destroying is always easier than creating.

With the restraint of lifetime monogamy gone, men are in a state of constant competition for female approval. Incels make the easiest target so they’re attacked savagely. Reminiscent of the schoolyard, it’s the manginas at midlevel SMV that do the most bullying because they’re the most insecure about their status.

But their target of violently unstable incels doesn’t exist. It’s still incredibly rare for an incel to go on a killing spree or even force himself on a woman. The hatred is entirely unwarranted with no rationale offered. The manginas NEED incels to be a threat in order to justify the attacks & hatred they want to express regardless.

And there’s the devilish fix. An ever-shrinking pool of men must try ever harder to destroy the men around them ever more thoroughly until his own turn inevitably comes. Cthulhu will eat him last… or not.

Rollo suggests that the problem incels face is having the emotional agility to adopt the Red Pill when it is forced on them before they’re ready. But he doesn’t realize, incels aren’t a byproduct of feminism. They’re the strawman that fuels feminism. If one could push a button and make all incels vanish, feminism would immediately produce a new crop.

The problem our society faces is religious, not sociosexual. Unchecked feminism will leave no survivors, no winners of any kind, yet our society is hurtling into that void as eagerly as it can because supporting Eve’s rebellion is more important than even self-preservation.

That’s why unplugging men from the Matrix is so difficult in the first place. Men want to be led by women. Even successful men. The Goddess is our default religion.

I don’t wonder that the likes of PUAhate exist. Those who’ve been barred from any chance of success naturally hate those who have success, especially if the success appears to come easily–PUA gurus should maybe not sell themselves so aggressively. But it’s one thing to resent success and another to kill Bob because Mike gets laid like tile.

I close with a prediction: most incel rampages will be false flags because the gynocracy NEEDS to hate incels much more than incels need to lash out ineffectively at society.


California Chooses to Die

More specifically, Sacramento is trying to kill us Californians.


Late last week California Governor Jerry Brown signed into law two bills aimed at conserving water in the drought-stricken state. Unfortunately for California residents, the draconian measures will severely curtail their ability to complete acts of daily living that people in the rest of the U.S. take for granted.things like laundry, showers, and bathing.

On the Senate side, Bill 606 requires the State Water Resources Control Board to adopt “long-term standards for the efficient use of water and would establish specified standards for per capita daily indoor residential water use” in order to comply with another state law that requires California to reduce its per capita water usage by 20 percent by the year 2020.

The board would have authority over all water suppliers, imposing onerous reporting requirements on them to ensure they’re complying with the 20 percent reduction mandate, and imposing fines if they don’t.

Bill 1668, which passed in the Assembly and was signed into law by Brown, goes even further, severely limiting the amount of water Californians can use:

The bill, until January 1, 2025, would establish 55 gallons per capita daily as the standard for indoor residential water use, beginning January 1, 2025, would establish the greater of 52.5 gallons per capita daily or a standard recommended by the department and the board as the standard for indoor residential water use, and beginning January 1, 2030, would establish the greater of 50 gallons per capita daily or a standard recommended by the department and the board as the standard for indoor residential water use. The bill would impose civil liability for a violation of an order or regulation issued pursuant to these provisions, as specified.

Note that this language gives the State Water Resources Control Board.appointed by the governor.to increase the limits on residential water usage at their discretion over the next 12 years. …

(2) For all violations other than those described in paragraph (1), one thousand dollars ($1,000) for each day in which the violation occurs.

Wealthy California residents, however, got a special dispensation from the legislature. There are to be special provisions for swimming pools, spas, “and other water features” that use a lot of water. …

Victor Davis Hanson, writing for City-Journal in 2016, explained the genesis of the California water crisis, writing that Governor Jerry Brown and other Democratic leaders opposed state and federal water projects in the 1970s, leaving “no margin for error in a state now home to 40 million people.”

“Those who did the most to cancel water projects and divert reservoir water to pursue their reactionary nineteenth-century dreams of a scenic, depopulated, and fish-friendly environment enjoy lifestyles predicated entirely on the fragile early twentieth-century water projects of the sort they now condemn,” he said.

Hanson noted at National Review last year that “Over some 50 consecutive months of drought, California did not start work on a single major reservoir . though many had long ago been planned and designed.” Instead, he said, “tens of millions of acre-feet of precious runoff water last year were simply let out to the ocean” due to environmental diversions.

You know that joke about Communism? “If the Soviet Union took control of the Sahara desert, in ten years there’d be a shortage of sand?” It isn’t funny. California has more coastline than any state but Florida & Alaska. But no, they’d rather make me take sponge baths forever than spend money on anything but ugly, fat, childless lesbians and illegal immigrants who can’t be bothered to speak English!

I expect this will get shut down in lawsuits & courts like most such draconian legislation. If this doesn’t then I’ll soon be looking for a new state to move to along with every other Californian who likes good hygeine. Maybe that’s why they’re repopulating the State with ethnics from the Ganges, so nobody will complain about adopting open sewers.

Sacramento was engineering a drought before the real drought came along by dismantling dams and other infrastructure for useless animals nobody cared about. They starved farmers for water until at one point, I recall during the Gov. Schwarzenegger years, an armed revolt by Central Valley farmers was thwarted only by placing river delta irrigation systems under martial law. It didn’t make the papers.

And those “low-flush” toilets? San Francisco mandated them for many years. Then they had to spend over $100 million to clean out the sewers because the toilets didn’t use enough water to wash turds all the way to the treatment plant. Politicians never cared to check that sort of thing, just kept their fingers in the air and up their asses, to keep turds from coming out. Problem solved!

There is plenty of water in California. Our infrastructure is so old that merely plugging the leaks would save MILLIONS of acre-feet per year. We border the largest body of saltwater on the planet and desalination isn’t that expensive. Just tell the eco-Nazis NO.

Or, maybe Sacramento is deliberately mismanaging California in order to crash the system of the United States, Alinsky-style. They’re already in undeclared war against the Federal gov’t on border control.

I ain’t paying no thousand-dollar fine for flushing Jerry Browns down the toilet.

Edit: Found this perfect meme in the comments. H/T Alex DeLarge:


The Return of Bloodsports

A theory of mine is that men only like to watch the sports they’ve personally played. I never liked watching martial arts until I began doing them myself. Only then did the blurry motions hold any appeal. Only then did I feel, just a little, like a participant when I watched it. I even get wiggly on the sofa while watching.

Bare-knuckles boxing is making a comeback in the United States.


I disapprove despite being a kickboxer who once had a VIP seat to men in plate armor bashing each other with sticks. For me, it’s the blood. Not a squeamish thing; for Christians, the human body is sacred and not to be broken for cheap thrills. God doesn’t approve of people being actually maimed for our entertainment.

Wes The Great had an excellent comment:

The Roman coliseum all over again. It was nerds, quiet and civilized men, cultured men, and men who only fought when they needed to who actually built this nation. Civilization/culture etc was built by intelligence, not by this BS. If you think masculinity is a bunch of low IQ animals beating their faces in than you are a fucking retard, and in all reality you actually agree with feminists on toxic masculinity. This crap is fucking garbage. To me these fighters are no different than whores in porn.they are just low IQ losers who have one specific skillset and one specific mentality who only exist to satisfy the pathetic masses with shallow, superficial drama/entertainment. Fighting is tough, and a lot of these men have some huge balls, but it is still trash. It is like saying a whore in porn is brave because she is cool with degrading herself on camera. Two different industries, but from a consumer standpoint it is all the same shit. Not saying that competition and fighting is inherently bad, the complete opposite, but this shit is PPV crap designed to be trashing and overly dramatic. There is no honor, tradition, NOTHING in these type of fighting events.

He’s right. The nerd, not the thug, is the apex of patriarchy… so slouching back to spilling blood for money is a bad sign. There’s even a difference between risking human life in a daredevil stunt, where the guy hopes to survive unharmed even while taking insane chances, and beating human life into hamburger for ratings.

Still, it was heartening that 28 states refused this event even though the preceding one, a few years back on an Amerind reservation, got a million views. Bad year for cattle, Wyoming?

Not that I ever played or followed American football anyway, but I didn’t like the NFL because it did nothing to discourage severe steroid use, playing through severe body trauma or other violations of the body. The concussion scandals alone would have forced a total revamp of the league had the commissioners any respect for human life. The players were well-paid for the damage they inflicted upon themselves but that’s like saying fornication is okay if you have a good time. Rarely does money turn sin into a virtue.

Bloodsport isn’t Christian. Isn’t even necessary. We have many better ways to be entertained, including the simple put the damn gloves back on.


Voting June 2018

I tried something new this election by not researching the candidates and instead voting for the most cracker-white male-sounding name I could find on the ballot. (None of my picks win anyway.) Can you judge a politician by his cover? Let’s see if I like who I voted for!

Governor Nickolas Wildstar. Sounds kinda Greek but he was against names like Klement Tinaj, Zoltan Istvan & J. Bribiesca. …damn, he’s a Rastafarian Occupier? -1

Lt. Gov. Danny Thomas. A good old boy name… Can’t tell what he stands for, which counts as good because no virtue-signaling. +1.

(Who the heck is Lt. Gov. Cameron Gharabiklou? Hmm, white not hindu… a trial lawyer who ran for office because of the “disastrous 2016 presidential election”. No vote for you!)

Senator Don Grundmann. This was a gimmie because I’ve met Don and believe it or not, he’s a Red-Pill California politician. Thus far, two political parties have self-destructed rather than give him a chance to reimpose Patriarchy.


But alas, Dianne Palpatine-Feinstein got 45% of the vote even with 32 names on the ballot.

SecState Mark Meuser. His main concern is vote fraud–very good–but he also wants to increase vote participation–very bad–and wants electronic voting, which is incompatible with reducing vote fraud. -1

Treasurer Greg Conlon. White (and a CPA, which was on the ballot) but a piece of shit who wants to protect pensions, improve California’s debt rating so it can borrow more money and make the positions of Treasurer and Controller unelected. -2

Attorney General Steven C. Bailey. Pro-death penalty, pro-private guns, anti-sanctuary state & drug war hardliner. I’m in love. +2

Insurance Commissioner Steve Poizner. Eh, I feel indifferent. Didn’t slam Obamacare and thinks cybercrime is caused by a lack of gov’t effort rather than female empowerment. Granted, that connection is not an obvious one. 0

Point total: -1. Sigh, guess I gotta keep doing my research come election time.

In other news, all propositions offering new debts passed. Stopping them is the real reason I vote… sigh again. “Do you want to spend other peoples’ money on your favorite pet causes? Yes/No”


PragerU Hates Generation Z

I don’t go out of my way to see what PragerU is doing these days. They’re beyond a lost cause. However, the adbots that be gave me Adam Carolla’s latest offering as I was tuning in to Turn Flinging Monkey this morning and it tripped my BS detector before I could skip it. It’s a doozy!


Adam Carolla complains first about young mens’ incompetence:

I never graduated college.

I never even went to college.

I went to the University of Digging Ditches on Construction Sites . go Fighting Shovels!

So, why should you listen to me?

Hmmm, let’s see. Well, I run a business that I built myself.

Then why did you insist WE go to college? You who learned on the job, you wouldn’t let us fetch coffee for you without a BA in BS, which we couldn’t afford because the ink on our diploma wasn’t even dry. You guys who “run a business” are so reluctant to hire young men that the suicide rate among whites is spiking to all-time levels… let alone apprenticing them like somebody did for you.

So, let me give you a couple of tips. I hire and fire people like you all the time. And I’ve seen a pattern with your generation.something I call “The Language of Losers.. Let me give you some examples:

.I did my best.” My assistant told me this once after screwing up royally. And I said, .Matt, if you did your best and you screwed up royally, then I need to fire you right now. The answer is either, .I didn’t do my best, I.ll do better next time. or, .I.m drunk right now and need to sit down.” So the phrase I’ve drilled into my employees is, .Don’t do your best; do my best..

Where did this attitude of “no second chances allowed” come from? Everybody makes mistakes. Twice I’ve nearly sunk just the current company I work for and not because I’m lazy. Once it happened because of technology integration issues, like the Mars Climate Orbiter that cratered because one program used Newtons while the other program used foot-pounds. A techie has to constantly learn just to stay current and making mistakes is part of his learning process.

The other mistake just happened. No reason. Maybe I was tired or hurrying or pushed the wrong button or something. I don’t know because if I remembered what I’d done, I’d have corrected it. So, what did I tell the boss? “I did my best.” Shit happens.

How is a younger guy supposed to do the “best” of the high-level, experienced guy? By training him, you dumbass high-level guy. Don’t make demands. Get involved. And resist the temptation to threaten an employee into saying what you want to hear.

Another example: I had a young employee once say to me, .I.m sorry. I screwed up. Next time, I.ll triple check.” And I said, .Did you single check? Did you double check? How did you get to triple check?. I know how he got to triple check. Single check is a screw up. Double check is.ehhhh.a flub. And triple check is, .Hey, what do you want from me?. So, he hopped right to triple-check after not single- or double-checking.

The smart supervisor discusses the problem in the third person: “this happened so how might it be prevented next time?” The stupid supervisor discusses the problem in the second person: “you admit you made two mistakes: checking and double-checking. Why do I still employ you?”

So long as the employee has a good attitude & ethic, I work with him. An employer is doing well when he fires people for their attitude much more often than their inevitable errors.

And the worst one.the one that’s driving me nuts, the one that’s destroying our society, the one that got hold of the piece of thread of the sweater of society and is just unraveling it: .I feel.. .I feel threatened.. .I feel I’m being treated unfairly.. .I feel you’re a bully.” You’re 23. You live at home. Your bed is shaped like a race car and it’s covered with stuffies and your huggie-bookie. Nobody cares how you feel.

Notice these three complaints–feeling threatened, treated unfairly and bullied–relate directly to Adam Carolla’s treatment of his subordinates. Occam’s Razor says that’s because Adam is a threatening, unfair bully… confirmed by both the previous examples of his disciplinary measures and the subsequent, belittling insults he directs at complainers.

Adam Carolla is a thin-skinned, petty tyrant. PragerU dug deep in the ass crack to find this lump; how could they not notice his bilious attitude?

So, no excuses. Please. If you do the job you’re hired to do and you do it well, your employer will never stop thanking you and lavishing you with ponies, and frankincense, and myrrh.

Now, you do your job well and you’re not rewarded? Someone else will find you and reward you. Believe me, that’s how the universe works.

But, let’s face it.the chances of any of you working for me are slim to none.

Wow. Clueless arrogance has a new benchmark: Carolla.

The chances some of you may go out there and set some policy are pretty good. And most of you are going to vote on that policy. So, let me ask you a favor: please, stay away from my freedom.

Here, he changes from criticizing the young men who grew up in the world Adam created to criticizing how the world changed as a direct result of Adam’s behavior.

If you want to know about the loss of freedom, look no further than the beach. I grew up in Southern California. I used to go to the beach all the time. There was one sign, and that sign read, .No lighting vans on fire and throwing the homeless into it.” Now you go to the beach and the sign looks like a menu from Fuddruckers. It never ends! No football. No fires. No smoking. No alcohol. And now, no frisbee. No digging. No sandcastle. No dogs.

The beach is a metaphor for this country. It’s freedom. It means freedom. Everyone who came to this country landed on the beach. They didn’t land in Nebraska. They pulled up to the beach, they cracked a beer, they lit a cigarette, and they threw a frisbee.

And now, you can’t do jack squat on the beach.

The guy who won’t do anything about the problem demands the young people do something about the problem, while his demographic controls the government and young people don’t.

You know why booze was banned? Adam’s generation littered it with broken glass from beer bottles. You know why fires are banned? Adam’s generation was too careless to light fires safely–and now, Adam’s generation has created a lot of homeless men who need warmth on cold nights and don’t really care about the society that kicked them out.

And they REALLY don’t care about the guy who jokes about burning them to death in vans. The homeless used to be only the crazy and junkies but increasingly, I see men who resemble me among their number. I wish I knew what to do about the homeless situation because I’m fairly certain I’ll end up one myself someday. Already had a couple close calls with life on the streets.

One last thought: in America, freedom is not the ability to light fires while drinking booze on the public beach. It’s the ability to peacefully dissent against authority. Stick that in your next employee review cycle, Adam.

So, you’re graduating and you’re all idealistic. You want to make the world a better place. Here’s my request: Don’t make it worse.

I.m Adam Carolla for Prager University.

Fuck your mother, Adam. New graduates CAN’T make America worse. You won’t loosen your deathgrip on authority to give them the chance. The debt crisis is baked in the pie. It’s not even our country anymore… and you’re exactly the kind of fool who sold us out, so you could do your booze on the beach until booze was banned for public safety and then sneer at all the failing employees that you can’t be bothered to train.

Is this how you welcome new graduates to the workforce? Fuck your granny backwards. THIS is how you welcome new graduates:



Lies of the Gospel Coalition’s Eric Schumacher

Hat tip to Darwinian Arminian for finding this fradulently feminist article.


The article begins with an erroneous recounting of Stephen. “Stephen was appointed to serve the neglected women of the congregation, and he eventually became church history’s first martyr.”

He was appointed to settle disputes of preferential treatment between Gentile & Jewish believers. That put Stephen in a position of authority over women, to overrule their behavior as needed for Christian morality… an authority that did not extend to overruling their husbands, the latter being dead.

Stephen wasn’t martyred for his Church duties. He was falsely arrested for his quality apologetics (Acts 6:11) then executed for the speech he subsequently gave to the Sanhedrin. It’s absolutely not true that Stephen “got” to be murdered because he was noble enough to serve muh’Lady’s whims.

“Inspired by Stephen’s sermon [GQ: which never references women], I began to freshly reflect on the role women play throughout the Bible. Though the list could be much longer, here are 21 events.from Genesis to Revelation.in which women play key roles in redemptive history:”

1. A woman’s absence is the first thing declared “not good” in creation (Gen. 2:18).

The “not good” of woman’s absence contrasts the “good” of everything else God made (Gen. 1:31). Man cannot rule the earth without woman (Gen. 2:18). Even on the new earth, the last Adam will not reign without his bride (Rev. 22:5).

(Gen. 1:31) Adam’s (implicitly sexual) loneliness was the ‘not good’ part. He had God Himself for platonic companionship at that time.

(Gen. 2:18) Are we reading the same Bible?

(Rev. 22:5) Eric forgets the Thousand-Year Reign of Christ in Rev. 20, which will be held with only a very limited resurrection. Also, “the last Adam will not reign without his bride” is a much different statement than Eric’s implicit “the last Adam will not be able to reign without his bride”.

4. A woman is the first and only character in the Old Testament to confer a name on God (Gen. 16:13).

Given the significance of naming in the Old Testament, it’s notable that it is the abandoned servant woman, Hagar, who names God “the God of seeing..

Most of the reasons I’m skipping over are women who were the “first” at something, as if being first was some kind of achievement. It isn’t; being first is a substitute for being significant.

Elon Musk willing, one day I’ll be the first human in history to snort an entire candy bar up his nose in zero gravity. First!

5. Women act bravely at decisive moments to preserve the endangered line of the seed.often in the midst of vulnerability and oppression.

Tamar (Gen. 38), Hebrew midwives (Ex. 1:15.21), Rahab (Josh. 2), Ruth, Esther, and others step forward at key points to preserve the Redeemer’s line and move it toward fulfillment.

Esther… ah, my favorite Biblical example of a “holy woman”. Truth is, Mordecai was the hero. Esther 2:2: “But Esther had kept secret her family background and nationality just as Mordecai had told her to do, for she continued to follow Mordecai’s instructions as she had done when he was bringing her up.” Not a demonstration of courageous leadership.

Later, Esther planned to let the Jews be genocided rather than risk the king murdering his favorite sex toy for showing up unannounced. She’d never told the king she was a Jew herself so she expected to be spared. Mordecai then threatened Esther into giving a damn about her own people in Esther 4:12-14: When Esther’s words were reported to Mordecai, he sent back this answer: .Do not think that because you are in the king’s house you alone of all the Jews will escape. For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance for the Jews will arise from another place, but you and your father’s family will perish. And who knows but that you have come to your royal position for such a time as this?

That’s the Biblical account of how a woman practices sacrifice. Thank God our Savior is a man!

And Ruth? A woman hunting for a good husband was such important behavior (for women) that God dedicated an entire book of the Bible to it. But convincing Boaz that she was a good pick was hardly an act of female empowerment.

6. Women are the first to believe that Jesus and his forerunner soon would be conceived (Luke 1:5.38).and the first to speak aloud of it.

Zechariah disbelieved and became mute. Joseph contemplated a quiet divorce. Elizabeth and Mary received the announcement in publicly expressed faith.

I love that moment when a Churchian allows himself to start being honest. “Joseph contemplated a quiet divorce.” Yes, because Joseph was a righteous man per Scripture and found out his supposedly virgin fiance was preggo. Excepting this one specific, unique, pivotal event in human history, during which God tasked an angel to explain the situation, Joseph’s behavior was appropriate per the Bible.

The Biblical precedent of Joseph is that if your fiance turns up pregnant and not possibly by you, ditch the bitch and find a woman who respects you enough to not stray… unless God Himself goes out of His way to vouch for her.

10. A woman is the first to expect and request a miraculous sign (John 2:1.11).

Jesus.s response to his mother indicates that Mary requested more than quick thinking.she expected and received a messianic sign.

The correct Biblical lesson here is, surprisingly, that nagging works on God. It’s hard to believe but confirmed in Luke 18:1-8.

Also, Jesus’ mother was a nag.

11. A woman is the first recorded Gentile to recognize Jesus as the Messiah, and the first to go tell a community about him (John 4:4.42).

The Samaritan woman.likely abused and marginalized by her people.was the first recorded non-Israelite to identify Jesus as the Christ, immediately becoming the first missionary to go and proclaim him among a community.

The Samaritan woman.outed by Christ as a five-time adulteress.did not recognize Jesus as the Christ until He directly said so. No magic female intuition.

Why does Eric think she was abused and marginalized? Nothing in the account indicates that… unless you count Jesus asking for water. Abuuuse!

“Get your own damn water, patriarchy!”

“You’ve been a whore with these five other guys.”

“I see you are a prophet. Let’s talk about that instead.”

“I am God.”


13. No woman is ever recorded as acting against Jesus.

Jesus.s recorded enemies were all men.

Jesus’s recorded allies & disciples were all men, too, unless you count laundry & food services.

15. A woman is the final person Jesus directly ministered to before his death (John 19:26.27).

Jesus.s last act of ministry on earth was to provide care for a woman, probably widowed and soon to be bereaved of her eldest son.his own mother.

Heh, that’s one way to put it. I like this account because it shows Christ was so absent-minded that he forgot about his own mother. A less preoccupied man would have made arrangements before his execution instead of during.

This account and the account of Christ getting cold feet in Gethsemane are proof that Christ shared in our human frailties even though He also overcame them. It’s a great reassurance to me that God Himself can relate to my own forgetfulness and nervousness. But Eric is twisting it into Jesus’ last act being what man he can stick with the cost of caring for muh’Lady.


Eric concludes the article by encouraging men to follow Stephen’s “example” of championing women’s issues and the Biblical examples of calling out misogyny even though that isn’t what Stephen did and despite the Biblical accounts of women who did evil such as Eve, Sarah, Jael, Jezebel, Esther, Michal, the Samaritan at the Well, Euodia and Syntyche.

Eric Schumacher of Grand Avenue Baptist Church in Ames, Iowa lied about Scripture in order to justify the goddess cult of feminism and is therefore a false teacher of Christianity.


Divine Eros

Had an exchange on Dalrock’s in which I proposed that God’s desire for human companionship is comparable to male sexuality in strength.


I didn’t think it would be as objectionable as it turned out to be; after all, it’s commonly accepted that God designed marriage (and by extension, human sexuality) to be symbolic of the desired relationship between Christ and the Church. Is it unreasonable, then, to think the male sex drive is meant to illustrate the strength of God’s jealous desire for human followers? We always focus on the Church “bride” being loyal and obedient without thinking much about the male side. What’s in it for God?

Here’s the situation: We humans have nothing of material value to offer God. He can make servants more capable and loyal than humans in unlimited numbers. He made reality in one week. And yet, God is constantly involved with humanity to the point of living and dying as a human. He sacrificed Himself “while we were yet sinners”. (Romans 5:8) Maybe we Christians are just overexposed to this but come on, Crucifying yourself to forgive your enemies is not a rational, calm, impartial decision.

If all God wanted was obedient humans then He would have nuked Adam & Eve and started over. He wouldn’t have spared Noah when He finally resorted to the hard reset. He would not be tolerating the devil running loose today.

Again, what is God getting for His sacrifice? For all the centuries He’s invested in us? He’s either getting something of great value or behaving randomly. Answer, what He *is* getting from us is gratitude. Hero worship. Respect. So, that’s what God must want… badly enough to literally die for it.

We live in an age in which nobody asks what the husband wants out of a marriage. We simply assume that men keep jumping into the marriage grinder. I don’t just mean the feminists and Churchians, either; common Manosphere advice is that the only reason to marry is to have children. Which is still neglecting men’s primary motivation to get married. We’re never going to have healthy marriages until the male desire for sex is acknowledged, emphasized and centralized.

Similarly, we aren’t going to understand God’s involvement with humanity until we understand and cooperate with His motivation in doing so. It isn’t obedience; that was the lesson of the Old Testament. “Follow my rules and I’ll be nice to you.” Epic fail. Pharisaical letter-perfect obedience. Epic fail. New Testament: “God with us”. Epic win. Even in the OT, badly disobedient men like Samson and Jonah were still highly regarded, or at least never abandoned, by God.

Feral women who won’t put out for hubby remind me of the Book of Judges. The people suffer, God cares and rescues them, but instead of being grateful the people turn on Him the moment immediate danger has passed. Stupid for the humans… but God kept falling for the scam like He didn’t know any better. One would think a purely rational God wouldn’t make mistakes like that. One would be right.

Simply put, God is eager for our admiration and respect in the same way an ordinary guy is eager for porn star sex, up to and including making a fool of himself in the effort to get it. This is apparently a scandalous thought. People would rather think of God as some impartial, remote observer who doesn’t really care about us but wants to help us get things right on general principles, or something. To the contrary, God chose to live His mortal life almost entirely as an ordinary guy in small-town Israel. He chose to have friends instead of being a superhero demigod righting all the wrongs of the blood-soaked Roman Empire.

God’s problem with humanity is not that we do wrong or have problems or are limited in capability. His problem is we don’t appreciate Him as much as He badly wants us to.

They say Hell hath no fury like a jilted lover. They’re mistaken. The architect of Hell IS the Jilted Lover: God. Consider that after God claims His followers, He’s going to torture the remainder of humanity for eternity in order to savor the pleasure of their hopeless, doomed screams. Deleting them from reality instead would be more efficient and merciful; God clearly doesn’t intend to be efficient or merciful with them ever again.

Meanwhile, I plan to get a free ride through eternity by being useless, fun and grateful. I’ll be useless anyway so yeah, I’ll make a point of getting the frisky on however God likes it.