In a 2015 article headlined “Pot for your pup? Startups cash in on cannabis trend,. the safety and appropriateness of dosing dogs and cats with cannabis was examined in light of the pot shops for pets popping up. In the piece, Ettel said her policy is .don’t ask, don’t tell..
The article described using marijuana as a medicine for dogs as “controversial” and said the practice “has drawn criticism from everyone from the ASPCA to the Food and Drug Administration to the American Veterinary Medical Association..
And now, the science is settled:
More dogs being poisoned by marijuana, vets say
Animal poison control centers report a ‘significant increase in the number of calls’ related to pets and marijuana
When Dr. Jen Gunter returned home from the grocery store she knew something was wrong with her normally boisterous 3-year-old Labrador retriever, Hazel.
.She was on the couch. Her head was hanging over and she couldn’t lift herself up,. Gunter, a gynecologist in Marin County, California, told NBC News. .I got out the tennis ball, which she ignored. Normally, you get out the tennis ball and she is just all over it..
Hazel began shuddering when touched and couldn’t hold herself up or keep her eyes open. Then she lost control of her bladder.
.I thought ‘Oh my god, my dog is dying from poison or she had a stroke,’. Gunter recalled.
Staff at the emergency veterinarian clinic immediately knew what was wrong.
.The nurse came over and said, .This looks like this could be marijuana poisoning; we see that all the time,.. Gunter said.
A urine toxicology text confirmed it: Hazel had THC in her system. Gutner suspects her dog accidentally ate an edible or a joint when on a run earlier that day.
Does this count as a First-World problem? Does Hazel now have a probation officer? Regardless, if this is what THC does to dogs then Permit Patty’s former enthusiasm for “pet cannabis” is animal abuse. *Settles in to watch animals rights activists take on the Pot Lobby*
*still waiting…*
Calls to the Veterinary Services Poison Helpline about accidental marijuana ingestion in pets has surged 448 percent over the past six years, according to a statement provided by the American Veterinarian Medical Association.
If we legalized weed to stop its abuse then it’s totally not working. Even our pets are getting stoned. Next, it’ll be dumped in the water and fish will get the munchies. Hmm… you don’t suppose… *checks* CRIKEY! Do these people not have real jobs?
Scientists in Lebanon decided to get penned fish high to see if it would help lower some of that anxiety, kind of the way some stoners smoke a bowl in order to unwind from a crazy week. They fed tilapia either soy, hemp or cannabis oil for eight weeks to see if supplementing their food with weed had any effects. Afterwards, scientists measured the fish’s vitals, how well they grew, and how many survived their cramped pens.
At the end of the study, the fish were not any healthier (and as stressed as ever, it appears), according to the data.
“Scientists in Lebanon” = “two goat-humping summer interns”? Please? This is what optimism looks like in Current Year.
No, the Czech connection between crayfish and beer is not investigative journalism either.
Getting tilapia high in the name of science may seem silly, but fish welfare is a big issue for farmers as unhappy fish turn into sick fish, which ultimately leads to fewer sales. A study in salmon from last year revealed that the sushi staple can actually be depressed, reported. Researchers in Denmark and the Netherlands looked at the differences between healthy and sick salmon found in farms. They noticed that some of the fish kept to themselves, stayed near the edge of their cages and seemed unexcited about food: all signs of depression. So, they tested cortisol levels in the sea creatures and found that they did in fact have elevated levels of the stress hormone, which is also linked to depression in people. Cramped environments and aggression from other fish are believed to cause the mood disorder, according to
Since this discovery, researchers have been working on creating the fish version of Zoloft.
When they said no bullying in schools, they meant the fish hatchery?
At least nobody can accuse humans of speciesism. We treat our animals as badly as ourselves. Here, lizard, have a roach!
WHAT THE DUCK, people! A bong for a bearded dragon?
White nationalists are completely obsessed with Jews, Jewish conspiracies, Jewish control of the government and sometimes, with Judaism. The belief takes turns being funny, disturbing, obnoxious, true and false. I recently had an epiphany: White Nationalists want to follow the Jewish Code of in-group supremacy. Their obsession is projection. The Jews are everything they want to be.
My favorite WN to observe in the wild, Vox Day, has been hitting the immigration drums pretty hard lately. To hear him talk, the American Founders wrote “We the People” but meant “We the Undersigned Individuals”, and America died when the first immigrant set foot on the Atlantic shore. This is obvious paraphrasing but it gives the idea that VD wishes the Founders had bred new “tribes” to populate North America with, as Jacob’s twelve sons did. This idea is very consistent with his other writings on race and more generally, with the concept of tribalism that is being pushed hard in various parts of the Manosphere.
Of course, the Founders made no attempt at breeding “tribes” of descendants. One never hears talk of Clan Hancock or the Children of Hamilton in USA. They weren’t even a ruling elite at the time, being representatives of their home colonies when they signed the Constitution. The Founders were Protestants (or deists, which at the time was a secular Protestantism), and Prots define membership by shared beliefs rather than shared culture or ancestry. Similarly, America is (was) held together by a shared belief in American principles–Christian morality, limited gov’t, individual authority/ responsibility. This may have been overly optimistic of us, or not. America is falling apart while Protestantism is falling apart, while Christianity across the world is in unprecedented decline. That’s a hard trend to extrapolate from.
Tribalism as offered elsewhere is of the same sort. No distinction is drawn between nations and bloodlines, exactly as ancient Israel (and neighbors). There seems to be two definitions of patriarchy floating around: The man is head of his family and a peer of his neighbors, or the man is a chieftain with a harem. The latter is pure feminism–hypergamy and 80/20 facilitated by easily recognizable high-status men who can be shared among many women. It is also the dream of white nationalism, making large families with which to wage war against the Outsider.
That’s why white nationalism is a form of feminism.
The other definition of patriarchy–one man having one woman, with no visible status over his peers–is Christianty (lifetime monogamy, correct mutual submission) and absolute poison to both feminism and tribalism. It’s poison to feminism because a woman has no freedom to act upon her monkey-branching tendencies. It’s poison to tribalism because polygamy is needed to produce enough disposable men for constant warfare with other tribes.
Without enough disposable men, both peace and low-status men become valuable.
One area of Jewish behavior that meets unanimous WN approval is the famous “right of return”, the Israeli government’s call for Jews to return and build up the definitively Jewish ethno-state. This is why many WNs call for a breakup of the United States, because North America is too large to easily craft a white ethno-state. They fantasize about starting with a smaller landmass, moving all the whites into it and then overwhelming their neighbors with a mass breeding program. That hasn’t worked out for Israel but WNs don’t seem to mind.
In addition to shared beliefs on tribalism and immigration, WNs admire Jews for their successful exploitation of American institutions via their in-group preferences. Example, VD has no respect for rule of law except to the extent it can be reinterpreted to suit his agenda, something he has in common with many highly placed secular Jews. This admiration takes the form of projection, seeing Jewish conspiracies in pretty much every position of power that they would want control of.
Not all Jews are hell-bent on infiltrating society’s power structures for in-group benefit just as not all whites are white nationalists. It’s fascinating to reflect on how much the WNs would behave exactly like the treacherous Jews given the chance. This is what we should expect to see. The lower classes like to emulate the perceived winners of society because they, too, want to succeed yet have trouble securing their own paths to success.
Part of that emulation is having as little respect for whites who don’t share their zero-sum ethnic agenda as Israeli Jews increasingly have for ‘off-the-plantation’ secular Jews.
And that is why white nationalists are obsessed with “the Jews”. They wish to understand and imitate Jewish in-group success for themselves, in an age where ethnic conflict has been made unavoidable anyway.
Snuck into law in an omnibus spending bill, California AB1810 prohibits mentally ill criminals from standing trial for any crime so long as they complete a brief mental health treatment plan instead. From the Association of Deputy District Attorneys:
In a startling abuse of the legislative process, a budget clean-up bill has just been used to sneak in radical and never-debated changes in the criminal justice system. It allows a defendant suffering from a mental disorder to be granted pre-trial diversion and the charges later dismissed for any crime if a judge finds the disorder played a significant role in the crime and if a defendant has “substantially complied” with mental health treatment during the diversion period. In short, this new law allows diversion and the dismissal of charges for any crime, including those where a victim was killed or seriously injured.
This massive change in law was slipped into AB 1810, the “Omnibus Health Trailer Budget Bill” for 2018. The purpose of trailer bills is supposed to be to implement provisions in the budget bill, not to write substantive new policy. However, as columnist George Skelton explained last year, these trailer bills are “created in the dark without much legislative or public scrutiny” and “mostly used now by Democrats for slipping through touchy new policy..
Under AB 1810, a defendant charged with any crime can get those charges dismissed if they convince a judge the mental disorder they suffer from played a “major” role in the charged crime; if a mental health expert says the symptoms motivating the criminal behavior would respond to treatment; and if the defendant undergoes “treatment” during a diversion period with no minimum time period and a maximum of two years. Incredibly, only the defense gets to submit a psychiatric report; the prosecution has no opportunity to rebut that report with their own report or have their own expert examine the defendant. Finally, the mental health treatment shall be deemed “satisfactory” and dismissal granted should a defendant “substantially comply” with the diversion conditions and commit no “significant” new crimes while in diversion, although what constitutes “substantial completion” or a “significant” crime is not defined in the bill. …
In short, a deliberate and underhanded end run around the legislative process now allows charged criminals, including murderers, rapists, robbers, or arsonists, to avoid prosecution and punishment for their crimes by entering a short term “mental health treatment program” during which they only have to “substantially complete” the program and not commit any “significant” new crimes.
Michele Hanisee is President of the Association of Los Angeles Deputy District Attorneys, the collective bargaining agent representing nearly 1,000 Deputy District Attorneys who work for the County of Los Angeles.
The tragicomic part of this is that Trump Derangement Syndrome probably IS a legit psychiatric disorder. The Left has just given themselves carte blanche to wage total war upon Trump & allies with the justification that they’re so deranged that we cannot expect better behavior from them. That’s actually a hard concept to argue with.
Of course, the part they’re missing is that God judges the heart but man judges the action. The law doesn’t care why you murdered an innocent, only that you did. If someone is so nutcase that they can never be allowed in society again then the proper thing to do is put a bullet in their head and their corpse in the burn barrel.
That procedure would cure more mental illness than the entire field of psychiatry ever has in human history. When the punishment for being violently crazy is death instead of a free pass, people no longer have an incentive to drive themselves insane. For example, by attending women’s studies at a fully accredited university.
People respond to incentives. Offering them a free pass in criminal court in return for acting psychotic will have predictable consequences.
Amid dreary reports of servicemen being forced to train for pregnancy and march in high heels, a news article surfaces that somebody in Army Command is pushing back against migrant insanity!
US Army quietly discharging immigrant recruits
SAN ANTONIO – Some immigrant U.S. Army reservists and recruits who enlisted in the military with a promised path to citizenship are being abruptly discharged, the Associated Press has learned.
The AP was unable to quantify how many men and women who enlisted through the special recruitment program have been booted from the Army, but immigration attorneys say they know of more than 40 who have been discharged or whose status has become questionable, jeopardizing their futures.
“It was my dream to serve in the military,” said reservist Lucas Calixto, a Brazilian immigrant who filed a lawsuit against the Army last week. “Since this country has been so good to me, I thought it was the least I could do to give back to my adopted country and serve in the United States military.”
That’s why Lucas filed a lawsuit for not getting what he wanted: he wished to give back to the country that’s been so good to him. His lawsuit is dead on arrival. Courts have ruled many, many times that nobody has a right to serve in the Armed Forces.
Go home to Brazil, Lucas Calixto. We have enough anklebiting litigants.
Margaret Stock, an Alaska-based immigration attorney and a retired Army Reserve lieutenant colonel who helped create the immigrant recruitment program, said she’s been inundated over the past several days by recruits who have been abruptly discharged. …
“Immigrants have been serving in the Army since 1775,” Stock said. “We wouldn’t have won the revolution without immigrants. And we’re not going to win the global war on terrorism today without immigrants.”
Another lying feminist lawyer. I hope this doesn’t make me go blind… *finds a pic*
Margaret Stock. God-dayumn, that woman has buried more bones than the Third Reich! And she’s the author of a “foreign nationals in the Army” program? Why do all these cock-warped wimminz want America dead at the hands of migrants?
I checked if Stock is affiliated with the Clinton Foundation. She isn’t apart from a few donations but she is formally affiliated with the MacArthur Foundation. Both foundations are tentacles of Soros’ Open Society.
Some of the service members say they were not told why they were being discharged. Others who pressed for answers said the Army informed them they’d been labeled as security risks because they have relatives abroad or because the Defense Department had not completed background checks on them.
Of course foreign nationals are security risks. No need to complete (or start) background checks on them to find out. I hope those weren’t security clearance checks. One of the first scandals I watched the FBI bury was in the wake of 9/11, when the State Department was so desperate for Arab translators that they gave radical Muslim “immigrants” top secret-level clearance and translator work before running any background checks. Then they kept the Muslims in those top-access positions after they failed their background checks with huge red flags.
The Pakistani service member who spoke to the AP said he learned in a phone call a few weeks ago that his military career was over.
“There were so many tears in my eyes that my hands couldn’t move fast enough to wipe them away,” he said. “I was devastated, because I love the U.S. and was so honored to be able to serve this great country.”
He asked that his name be withheld because he fears he might be forced to return to Pakistan, where he could face danger as a former U.S. Army enlistee.
Portions of the 22-year-old’s military file reviewed by the AP said he was so deeply loyal to the U.S. that his relationships with his family and fiancee in Pakistan would not make him a security threat. Nonetheless, the documents show the Army cited those foreign ties as a concern.
Bullshit. Total fucking bullshit. A Pakistani national with a wife & family in Pakistan, an active war zone for the United States, is a blatant security risk. He should never have been allowed into the Army. Sanity have come late but at least it has arrived.
An Iranian citizen who came to the U.S. for a graduate degree in engineering told the AP that he enlisted in the program hoping to gain medical training. He said he had felt proud that he was “pursuing everything legally and living an honorable life.”
WHY ARE IRANIANS AND PAKISTANIS BEING ALLOWED INTO THE U.S. ARMED FORCES? I would not be comfortable with Chileans or Japanese in my military, to say nothing of people whose nations we have currently, recently and frequently been at war with. And not just “at war”, either, but doing very sketchy things with very sketchy people for very sketchy purposes. Benghazi, anybody?
What is the US gov’t doing in the Mideast??? Besides creating ISIS and igniting WW3 with Russians whose global agenda is to be left alone.
President George W. Bush ordered “expedited naturalization” for immigrant soldiers in 2002 in an effort to swell military ranks. Seven years later the Military Accessions Vital to the National Interest program, known as MAVNI, became an official recruiting program.
George Wanker Bush. The more I learn about my government’s globalist conduct, the more often his name comes up. Those Gulf Wars were a total farce, weren’t they? I don’t have words for how angry I am that all those hippie protesters chanting “Bush lied, people died” had been right.
It came under fire from conservatives when President Barack Obama added DACA recipients – young immigrants who were brought to the U.S. illegally – to the list of eligible enlistees. In response, the military layered on additional security clearances for recruits to pass before heading to boot camp.
This must by why Obama purged the military leadership.
The Trump Administration added even more hurdles, creating a backlog within the Defense Department. Last fall, hundreds of recruits still in the enlistment process had their contracts canceled. A few months later, the military suspended MAVNI.
Republican Congressman Andy Harris of Maryland, who has supported legislation to limit the program, told the AP that MAVNI was established by executive order and never properly authorized by Congress.
“Our military must prioritize enlisting American citizens, and restore the MAVNI program to its specialized, limited scope,” he said.
Sanity has a name: Andy Harris.
Per Wikipedia. Interesting background: Harris’ father was a Hungarian doctor immigrant to USA. Harris himself served in the Naval Reserve, entering active service for Operation Desert Storm, and otherwise works as an anesthesiologist.
The Liberty County Vindicator, a community newspaper between Houston and Beaumont, had been posting the whole declaration in small daily chunks for nine days on its Facebook page in the run-up to July 4. But the 10th excerpt was not posted Monday as scheduled, and the paper said it received an automated notice saying the post “goes against our standards on hate speech.. …
The offending passage?
It was part of the document’s “Bill of Particulars” against Britain’s King George III: .He has excited domestic insurrections amongst us, and has endeavoured to bring on the inhabitants of our frontiers, the merciless Indian Savages, whose known rule of warfare, is an undistinguished destruction of all ages, sexes and conditions..
Mr. Stinnett dryly replied in an article about the rejection, .Perhaps had Thomas Jefferson written it as “Native Americans at a challenging stage of cultural development” that would have been better. Unfortunately, Jefferson, like most British colonists of his day, did not hold an entirely friendly view of Native Americans..
We could call it the Stinnett Strategy. Use code words to fool the automated censors! That’s not KKK burning a cross on a black miscegenator’s front lawn, it’s omnicolored flower children performing a neopagan purity ritual hosted by an officially vibrant twosome. If the computer says it’s okay then there can’t be a problem!
We could call it that but shouldn’t because it’s the same thing as propaganda and meme wars. Humans have been doing it since Cain asked God if he’s a brother-keeper.
Meanwhile, that Particular seems ominously relevant to modern life. The government is inflaming ‘domestic insurrection’ by sowing every form of division imaginable among the people and has endeavored to visit upon us Indian, er, Latin American Savages such as MS-13, human traffickers and drug cartels. I mean, mandatory-tourism guides and pharma salesmen.
U.S. District Judge John Mendez of Sacramento struck down one new state law that would penalize private employers for allowing immigration agents into their workplaces. But he said the state was not interfering with U.S. immigration policy in its main sanctuary law, which prohibits local police and sheriff’s offices and state authorities from notifying federal agents of the upcoming release dates of undocumented immigrants in local custody.
.California.s decision not to assist federal immigration enforcement in its endeavors is not an “obstacle” to that enforcement effort,. said the judge, an appointee of President George W. Bush. .Standing aside does not equate to standing in the way..
No, you backstabbing-from-the-bench Judge of Color, California didn’t decide to not cooperate with federal border control. It decided to outlaw cooperation with federal border control at the local & county levels in addition to state level. That is clear-cut obstruction of justice. Maybe Judge Mendez’s on-the-record lying will be enough to convince President Trump to stop wasting time cooperating with the bureaucracy that hates his guts.
I’m actually disappointed he overturned the private employer law. Implementing it would have pitted Federal cops squarely against local cops. I’d bring popcorn to a circus like that.
Per Wikipedia, Mendez was born in Oakland, did college at Stanford and law school at Harvard. No need to say more, save that President Bush was a scumbag. How could even a nominal conservative think about giving this fully credentialed socialist a judgeship?
First, an intro to the fisking. Turd Flinging Monkey on youTube has been getting on my nerves lately by ranting about how easily our problems could be solved if we, meaning society, take away womens’ right to vote. “You hold the key to your chains! All you have to do is want to be free! All of your problems go away if you revoke their right to vote!” About a month of regular rants in this pattern thus far.
TFM isn’t wrong. He’s missing the obvious. Christ Jesus is waving hello in his face and he can’t see anybody. Yes, forcing women to submit would solve most of our society’s problems overnight. No, men don’t want women to submit. This is not rational. Submissive women worked but men don’t want to go back to that model even when they admit it worked. This is not a failure of reasoning. It is a failure of human nature. It is the pattern of Original Sin. And I’m frustrated because telling people this doesn’t convince them Christ was right.
I haven’t pointed this out to TFM and don’t plan to. He’s gone far enough down the sexbot road that going Christian would cost him his income (as well as his sex life). That’s the point at which I stop caring about saving people from Hell, when they make bank off the presumption that Hell doesn’t exist.
The relevant video:
TFM brought up a new (to me) Federalist guy: Jesse Kelley, a tough-taking Marine veteran who calls for conservatives to scorch the Earth instead of going quietly to the fate conservatives brought about for us. From his Federalist bio:
Jesse is a Marine Corps combat veteran, former congressional candidate in Arizona, and host of “Jesse Kelly Brief.” Jesse resides in the Houston area with his wife and two sons.
Now, the article du jour:
Close your eyes and imagine holding someone’s scalp in your hands. I don’t mean cradling his skull as you thousand-yard-stare at his lifeless face. I mean a real scalp, Indian-style, of some enemy you just killed on the battlefield; somebody you hated and who hated you back.
You killed him, won the day, carved off the top of his skull, and now you’re standing over him victorious on the now-quiet field of battle, with a quiet breeze blowing through your hair. Your adrenaline is still pumping with that primal feeling of victory and the elation of having survived when others didn’t.
Gruesome, but I’ve seen this movie. *munches popcorn*
I.m not naive enough to think that less than 5 percent of those reading this are the only ones not cringing at that mental image. Amid our wealth and privilege, most Americans cannot even relate to that kind of violence, and they sure don’t want to fantasize about it. That whole thing feels barbaric, violent, and repugnant. Maybe you even wish now you hadn’t read it.
If you’re going to call uS wimps then just say so. Battlefield experience isn’t a virtue and never having been shot at isn’t a character failing. Soldiering isn’t the only job that sends men into harsh locations to do ugly jobs. What point is he preparing to make?
Look, Guys, America Is Simply Going Down
First, we all have to accept certain realities about where we are as a nation. Rains will come and go. The stock market will rise and fall. The sky is blue. Water is wet. And government in America will just never stop getting bigger. This is simply a fact of life.
No, it isn’t. God is Almighty and will not allow these atrocities to continue forever.
We haven’t seen our government shrink since Calvin Coolidge, and there is little appetite among the American public for shrinking the government. We are now at the point in this country where we call them “cuts” if the government doesn’t increase spending quite as much as they had planned.
Credit where it’s due, Trump’s administration has been quietly cutting a lot of red tape while President Don mugs for the cameras. That and fracking are why the economy has been doing well lately. Manginas are already beginning to withhold support for female rebellion in fear for their balls, tiny as they are, and the SBC witches are being threatened with loss of funding if they don’t reinstate Patterson and follow proper procedure. Why the pessimism, Jesse?
So, barring some unforeseen awakening, America is heading for an eventual socialist abyss. It is really only a matter of dates. Will we all die in the inevitable communist purges within ten years? Of course not. Will it happen within the next century or two? Almost certainly.
In a way, it is actually a good thing. God gives each of us a period in history to live through. Why not have one that is memorable? I am thrilled to live in these times. Any man can coast through 80 years of a society at its pinnacle. His life will start and end, and it will be as if he never existed. Wouldn’t you rather live through an era people write stories about? I want to have a smirk on my face as I walk through the pearly gates of heaven, shaking my head, and saying to myself, .What a life..
I agree here. The main reason I haven’t prepared a concrete bunker with 30 man-years of food for the coming shitpocalypse is because I would never use it. Endless years of sitting in the dark playing games to not go crazy? I thank God that boredom has never yet been my fate and God willing, it never will be. Live fast, die happy and have a closed-casket funeral. Let’s see what would give Jesse a happy ending.
We Can Go Quietly, Or Fight to the Death
Do you remember the American Indians? Most likely you at least give them a passing thought whenever you pull a stick of Land O. Lakes butter out of the fridge or hear some liberal pretend to be outraged over the Washington Redskins. Either way, they were the randomly settled group of nomadic tribes who resided in America before a bunch of Europeans arrived, took all their lands, and conquered them.
The Indians were faced with something that faces all civilizations. It’s something we face now. They were facing the unstoppable force of inevitability. Many of them knew it. The settlers from Europe were about to take over every inch of this country. Some tribes, like the Choctaw, chose to play nice with the government in hopes that their peaceful gesture would be returned. They got a Trail of Tears for their kindness.
The Indians were ingrates. Given the chance to be part of the most free, greatest nation in human history, they instead chose to be bitter and insular, clinging to their Stone Age civilization instead of modernizing. The State of Nebraska was never going to belong exclusively for all time to the five thousand surviving members of the Whackjob tribe.
But some tribes, like the Lakota, chose a different path. They chose war. Leaders of the Lakota like Sitting Bull knew full well how this war would end. Nevertheless, he gathered thousands of young warriors in the Black Hills and made his enemy feel some pain before he surrendered. He scored a decisive win at the Battle of the Little Bighorn, and collected some scalps. Yes, the U.S. government prevailed in the end, but General Custer and his 200 men weren’t there to see it.
Like the who? They chose to kill & die for no possible achievement and now only exist as footnotes in dusty books. If Jesse is thinking of “going Lakota” then he needs the MGTOW Gospel stat.
That brings us to the continuous internal battle we see on the Right. We have this ever-present acrimony between the factions because some of us will not accept where we are and the enemies we face.
Dead wrong. The current internal battle needed to happen in Joe McCarthy’s day but the bad guys won and entrenched themselves in a two-party system of Democrat traitors and Republican sycophants. Better late than never; the war is finally being waged. But it is not a shooting war; it is a religious war. More on this soon.
Some on the Right believe that tyranny in this society, as in all societies, is inevitable. The people who will micromanage every aspect of your life are not God-fearing conservatives. They are leftists, and they are vicious.
Yes, they are leftists on the Right. This is only confusing until one realizes the new battle line is globalists vs nationalists. Conservatism is dead and there’s legit debate on whether that political philosophy ever existed in the first place. We are now facing the real war and beginning to fight the good fight. Again, why the pessimism?
They are not political opponents in the sense that you have a debate with them. These modern-day leftists want you to lose your job. They want to destroy you. How do you think they’re going to treat you when they finally sit in the seat of power for good? So fight them tooth and nail. Make them long for the day when you’re no longer fighting them. Be the Lakota.
You’re fighting the last war, Jesse. You fight this war by living free and for yourself. The globalist agenda is total control. You oppose this by not allowing others to control you. You insist on quid pro quo, you don’t engage with society except for selfish gain, you owe nothing to everybody. Society doesn’t want you sitting poolside. It wants you slaving away for the sake of any cause except your own.
America is about freedom, about being able to enjoy the consequences of the abilities we have and the risks we take. You can’t get this from last stands for lost causes. Go MGTOW… eh, too late, you’re married with kids. But do be more selfish. You come first, then your family, then your neighborhood, only then the ‘society’ that wants to crush the individuality out of you. Stop thinking like a military grunt!
At the End, Which Will You Have Wanted to Be?
Some on the Right will flatly reject this. They think we simply have a few minor policy quibbles with the Left. They think we would be able to settle these minor differences if it weren’t for the brutish Neanderthals who think it’s some kind of fight.
This group really peaked in 2016 after Donald Trump won the GOP primary.
I can’t tell if he’s a NeverTrumper. *Googles around* HAHAHAAAA! From Kelly’s Twitter:
Hmm, I’m liking Kelly. A couple more quotes from Twitter:
“How can you hypocritical evangelicals support Trump?!” Well, gee guys. Maybe because my choices were Trump or the party of infanticide
Call me when the Democrats are no longer the party of baby-murdering commies. Until then, I’m stuck with whoever the GOP nominates.
That’s about my level of Trump support, too. I’ve known too many celebrity politicians in California to have great hopes but the Lizard Queen alternative made for an easy choice.
If Kelly truly wants to die pointlessly on a false battlefield of “conservatism” then I understand why the Federalist published his ideas. Baby Boomers in their death throes want to burn it all instead of admitting their Brave New World was the Same Old Despotism. But there’s a better way to live: re-implementing the ideas America was founded upon in the first place. Christianity, individualism and patriarchy… but I repeat myself twice.
Nothing I’ve seen here makes me think Kelly is interested in reestablishing patriarchy. This explains why he thinks the situation is hopeless and (in a different Federalist paper) why we should break up the United States. Like TFM said, the key is in our hands… but what TFM didn’t say is that the key is Christianity. The needed laws will never be passed until the underlying rebellion against God is exposed and addressed.
Society doesn’t have patriarchy or small government because its leaders don’t want Father God. Not because the right laws haven’t yet been passed. On this point, Jesse Kelly is both correct and wrong: Some on the Right will flatly reject this. They think we simply have a few minor policy quibbles with the Left.
I am going down quietly, MGTOW monk style. No agenda. No desperate measures. I just try to live happy and on my own meager terms. It is amazingly effective. I can even live clean in the heart of corruption. That’s not because my faction is ascendant. That’s because I thank God for my daily food and follow His Son such as I find time & opportunity to. Was there ever more than this to being an American? Not really.
Not ‘my ADD life’ because I was an extreme rarity: I was adult-onset ADD and found a cure. The topic has come up elsewhere and my story might help other guys so it’s sharing time.
My junior year of college, I was a borderline genius, carrying a heavy load of upper-division STEM and loving the 60-hour weeks in the library & laboratory. My senior year, I would have flunked out of college had I not finished my degree a year early, less the general ed requirements. The change in behavior was that stark.
It was the standard set of ADD symptoms: restlessness, trouble concentrating, poor short- term memory. It soon got worse. I had trouble reading because the words on the page swam in front of my eyes. I would sit down to a lecture, barely be able to stay awake the entire hour, and revive instantly upon standing at the end of class. Even in classes I enjoyed.
That was the start of a fifteen-year period in which I could barely put two thoughts together. I did manual labor because I couldn’t stay awake long enough to sum a list of figures even though I could otherwise do hours of lifting & walking. I got fired for passing out in a business meeting while the company executives were talking to me. I began being careful about driving long distances because my vision started “graying out” on long stretches of road. I began collecting comic books because more complicated books kept swimming around in my vision, and got to reread the comics because I couldn’t remember the last five times I’d read them. For an extremely intelligent and easily bored man, it was a living hell.
Doctors were useless. I had no symptoms going about my daily life outside these specific circumstances. No history of drug use or brain trauma. Ironically, it took a full decade of doctor-shopping before one of them thought my attention-deficit troubles might be treatable with ADD medications. All the others thought it was being caused by my depression when I knew the depression was being caused by it. Whatever ‘it’ was. I didn’t dare tell them about my driving troubles; “I can’t help you except to revoke your license” would have driven me to suicide, living in car-crazy Los Angeles at the time. 8-12 cups of coffee a day was the better path.
I then made the interesting discovery that I was very good at handling danger & violence. When facing dog attacks and other sudden threats in gang territory, time slowed for me like Neo in the Matrix. Adrenaline rushes felt good. I’d trained a little in martial arts prior but actually being in danger was a surprisingly good fit for me.
I responded well to medication. The problems disappeared and I had my mind again for as long as the Ritalin lasted. The relief cannot be described, except to say the I’m now the favored right hand of the employer who was about to fire me for incompetence at the time I began being treated.
For unrelated reasons, I broke my back and began seeing a chiropractor during the recovery. He found that in addition to the bad back, I had tightness on one side of my neck from an old warehouse injury. I’d worked the summer between my sophomore and junior college years in a warehouse, had pulled my shoulder blade and not given it time to heal. Stupid kid. I’d thought I needed the money.
A couple months of chiropractic treatment on my neck and my attention-deficit troubles were gone.
Reconstructing after the fact, scar tissue in my shoulder blade from the warehouse injury had shrunk after a year–common–and in the process, tightened a tendon that pulled my C1 vertebra badly out of position. The top of my spinal cord had been in a semi-tourniquet for 15 years. For unknown reasons, instead of causing pain it put me in adrenaline shock–a constant, low-level “fight or flight” reaction in my limbic system. And that’s why I was good with danger, I was living my entire life tunnel-visioned from adrenaline. I was used to it. Also why I couldn’t read a book, or why I could drive safely in traffic but not on the open road. (Learn to drive, fools!)
I still use medication but infrequently; usually when the rest of my spine is acting up. Similarly, I’m down to 2-4 cups of coffee a day. I can’t tell whether the continued use is damage or simple age.
So, ADD is a real thing and could possibly be caused by a misaligned neck. Worth checking out, fellow sufferers. Meanwhile, I’ve learned that problems of mental performance are real and can be hard to confirm. That’s harsh in the Information Age with its steep cognitive demands.
Let’s walk on the wild side and get today’s story from al Jazeera! Portland intentionally reenacts Charlottesville as an election publicity stunt. Cue the fireworks!
Far-right Patriot Prayer clashes with anti-fascists in Portland
More than 150 far-right protesters clashed with counterdemonstrators in the US city of Portland on Sunday during a rally organised by a US Senate candidate.
Sigh, why are they holding a far-right protest in a far-left city? The lesson was learned the first time. I can’t support Stupid. “Far-right”, heh. It looked more like a crowd of ninja wannabes walking into a biker bar on pay-per-view TV.
Police declared Saturday’s events a riot, revoking a permit for a rally by the right-wing Patriot Prayer group after its supporters began clashing with the more than 100 anti-racists and anti-fascists, also known as Antifa, who gathered across the street.
Video shared on social media show Patriot Prayer members throwing metal rubbish bin lids at counterdemonstrators, as well as hitting them with flagpoles.
Both sides can also be seen punching and kicking each other.
Like boxing, hitting people is fun until they get to hit back.
Patriot Prayer organiser Joey Gibson, who is running as a Republican for US Senate in Washington state, told local news outlet KOIN that clashes were “good, in terms that we showed that there’s a political move right now to have the police stand down in order to impact free speech in some of these big cities.”
“We’ll make Portland so ugly in terms of how they allow these protesters to charge us when we have a permit,” he was quoted as saying. “The police stood down, we were told they would not stand down, so we have to challenge it.”
Oh, okay. One must admit this is a cheaper and more entertaining election strategy than outspending the opponent for the low-information voter vote. The following is not guaranteed to be true. True is boring.
Joey Gibson, Senate candidate for Spokane. Vote for him because he fought the riot cops in Portland. Valuable experience for high-level politics! And this might not even be sarcasm. I can’t tell anymore.
Patriot Protest was originally planned for Crissy Field in San Francisco until this meeting with a female community organizer.
Joey Gibson prepares to redefine “reaching across the aisle”. Yes, a motorcycle helmet is an excellent improvised riot helmet. I’m a hard hat guy, myself. More room for a gas mask. Joey prefers to fight akimbo with a baseball bat and selfie stick, shown here.
Antifa goon makes a wrong turn in Real America, pretends to be a lost tourist wearing a ski mask.
Antifa discovers some Nazis are brown jarheads. And big. And strong.
“Pete” makes the British gesture of universal respect. Seconds later, police declare a riot.
Iwo was not available for comment afterwards.
Sergeant Savage of Portland Riot Command gives his autograph to a spectator.
I stay in Commiefornia because there’s nowhere to go. A popular destination for Californian expats is Idaho. This post begins with the Narrative Failure that brought Idahoan refugees to my attention and ends with a picture of Satan’s Harem.
I’ll save you the effort of reading the article. A (((male))) went on a stabbing spree in a low-income housing complex for refugees in Boise. Nine victims including six children. Right off the bat, you know the unidentified suspect is not white. Whites from Idaho don’t butcher random children. In point of fact, the police had made an arrest before most of the initial news stories were published. Mug shot:
Color me shocked. Timmy Kinner… of Los Angeles? Stabbing children in Boise? Meh, it’s obviously drug trafficking, maybe some child trafficking, too. But what surprised me about all this is that Idaho has a state refugee resettlement program. A portrait emerges of NGO convergence and anti-nationalist malice.
Idaho entered the refugee resettlement arena in 1975 when Governor John Evans established the Indochinese Refugee Assistance Program in response to the need for all states to participate in the resettlement of refugees fleeing the overthrow of U.S. supported governments in Southeast Asia. While the resettlement effort initially focused on refugees from Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos, it soon expanded in scope to include Eastern European refugees fleeing oppressive regimes of the Soviet era. Over the years, the refugee groups resettling in Idaho have changed and become remarkably diverse, but the essential resettlement experience has remained constant throughout.
The Hmong of Southeast Asia were America’s neoconservatism’s first experiment in planting ethnic colonies in America’s heartland like cancerous tumors. It was a poor experience for all concerned, which didn’t stop liberals and their Republican water-carriers from expanding the effort as quickly as possible.
1980.s: Refugees arriving in Idaho during the decade of the 1980.s were primarily Southeast Asian and Eastern European. Those coming from Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia were part of the ongoing exodus from the Communist domination of those countries. At the same time, refugees from Soviet-dominated Czechoslovakia, Poland, Hungary, Romania and Bulgaria were being resettled in increasing numbers.
Eastern Europe was fine; many Americans have backgrounds in those countries and those peoples have a history of assimilating. The Asians could have been written off as a good-intentioned but failed experiment… but wasn’t.
1990.s: During the 1990.s Idaho resettled over 5,000 refugees, more than half of which were from Bosnia and Herzegovina. Civil war, ethnic cleansing and unchecked violence forced millions of Bosnians to flee their homeland, and the subsequent impossibility of return for many led to a major resettlement effort by the U.S. The other half of the refugees arriving in the 1990.s originated from other European countries, Africa, East Asia, the Near East, Central Asia and the Caribbean.
Bosnian Muslims subjected to ethnic cleansing and genocide
Croatian Serbs caught up in border conflicts and territorial disputes
Roma who were caught in the conflict ensuing from the breakup of Yugoslavia
Ethnic Albanians from Kosovo
What the hell? They settled Yugoslavia’s Muslims, Christian Serbs, Gypsies AND Albanians in the same place in the US? They were at war with each other over there! Thank God it’s didn’t happen in large enough numbers to import the conflict wholesale, although I suspect Ada County crime archives have some tales to tell.
2000.s: Idaho has resettled individuals from different countries between 2000 and 2017. While arrivals from these countries has grown and shrunk, recent arrivals include a large number of individuals from Iraq, Congo, Burma, Bhutan, Afghanistan, and Somalia.
Convergence achieved. Instead of importing victims of Communism, our refugee system began flooding USA with human trash. The Gulf Wars… we American people were lied to by the Bushes & media about EVERYTHING concerning those wars, weren’t we? Liberating poor Kuwait and changing hearts & minds, bah. It was a globalist offensive to build a pipeline for human trafficking. Also, oil.
One glance says these numbers are bullshit. The three largest categories alone add up to 139% and I doubt it’s a result of allowing multiple selections like “Somali Cubans”. Whatever. Of all those nations listed, the Russians and Mexicans are the only two nations I’m comfortable about having for a neighbor. Most of those nations are either Muslim nations and/or African cesspits… people who have no business existing in North America. This is a portrait of a white extinction program.
How can they do this to us, their own people? The answer is at the bottom of the linked page.
The [Idaho Office for Refugees] is a program of Jannus, Inc.
That sounds sinister. From Wikipedia: In ancient Roman religion and myth, Janus is the god of beginnings, gates, transitions, time, duality, doorways, passages, and endings. He is usually depicted as having two faces, since he looks to the future and to the past. … Janus presided over the beginning and ending of conflict, and hence war and peace. Notice that a state-level office overseeing refugee programs is being run by a private group. Let’s keep following the bread crumbs. Seems a very generic NGO from its webpage. I checked the staff directory, however, and of ten company officers nine are women. The one guy is the network admin. Here’s the CEO, Karan Tucker, middle, from Idaho Business Review:
She’s definitely a veteran of the carousel. On the left is Priscilla Salant, 2015 recipient of the Amiga del A?o award from the Idaho Commission on Hispanic Affairs for political support of “the human rights issues that affect… Idaho’s growing Hispanic population.” On the right is a Somali Muslim owner of a children’s daycare and graduate of the University of Nairobi. Gotta teach the kids early! And Manosphere tribalists think Islam is a patriarchy.
Jannus Economic Opportunity (EO) is one of three major initiatives of Jannus Inc., a nonprofit human services organization that also includes Public Policy and Community Health. Jannus EO removes barriers to transform lives and expand economic opportunity through education and support for those in need, especially underserved groups such as women, immigrants, refugees, Latinos, Native Americans and Veterans.
Six women, one man. All look like ex-carousellers. Apologies for the picture not being right-sized.
Jannus is a witch coven named after the two-faced Roman god of change and is dedicated to white genocide.
Conservatives fleeing California and other liberal hellpits frequently choose Idaho as a “safe zone” but it took me one news story plus fifteen minutes on the Net to discover that the liberal corruption they flee is already institutionalized there at the state level. What began as a misguided effort to protect the victims of Communism has become a feminist-operated Dirty Needle of Color jabbed directly into our nation’s heart.