Deep Stater Judge Tanya Chutkin


Like the “Two-Headed Alien Marries Elvis Clone” headline, it’s hard to imagine there’s more to the story than the headline. Guess what, though? The Clinton Machine is involved in this one.

First, a little background on Judge Chutkin from Wikipedia:

Chutkan was born on July 5, 1962 in Kingston, Jamaica. …Bachelor of Arts degree in 1983 from George Washington University and a Juris Doctor in 1987 from the University of Pennsylvania Law School. From 1987 to 1990, she worked at the law firm of Hogan & Hartson LLP (now Hogan Lovells). From 1990 to 1991, she worked at the law firm of Donovan, Leisure, Rogovin, Huge & Schiller. From 1991 to 2002, she was a trial attorney and supervisor at the Public Defender Service for the District of Columbia. She was a partner at the law firm of Boies, Schiller & Flexner, where her practice focused on complex civil litigation and specifically antitrust class action cases.

While a Partner at Boies Schiller & Flexner, Judge Chutkan represented Theranos, which hired the investigative firm Fusion GPS to threaten the news media. Despite the threats, the Wall Street Journal’s reporting resulted in an SEC investigation and Theranos paying a $200 million dollar fine.

Her husband Peter Arno Krauthamer, a judge to the bench in the Superior Court of the District of Columbia, was nominated by President Barack Obama on July 11, 2011. On December 19, 2013, [Obama] nominated Chutkan to serve as a United States District Judge of the United States District Court for the District of Columbia, to a new seat created pursuant to 104 Stat. 5089, on July 1, 2013.

A Jamaican that went straight through the Ivy Leagues to a law degree, who refused to take her husband’s last name, who represented Theranos, is pro-abortion and was nominated to a newly created position by Obama.

It gets worse. Hogan & Hartson was a law firm that did a lot of pro bono work for environmentalists, “civil rights” and such. The pro bono work paid so well that they began opening foreign offices, at which point they merged with Lovells. Lovells is a merger Frankenstein, a gestalt law firm whose primary work is acquiring smaller law firms to create a transnational legal services megacorporation. Watching Silicon Valley, I have grown to be very, very suspicious of such Frankensteins. They’re either Deep State black boxes or vulture venture capitalists. This and the following also from Wikipedia:

In the early 2000s Lovells invested strongly in China, expanding is office in Beijing and opening an office in Shanghai becoming the second largest foreign firm in China. Following five years of growth, culminating in the opening of the firm’s Madrid office in 2004, Lovells had a presence in every major European jurisdiction. In 2007, Lovells opened an office in Dubai, offering legal services to corporations, financial institutions and individuals in the Middle East…

Lovells is cozy with the Chicomms and timed its branching into the Mideast with the American Gulf Wars. More Deep State fingerprints.

In December 2013, Hogan Lovells merged with South African firm Routledge Modise. The addition of about 120 lawyers in the Johannesburg office make up the first physical location for Hogan Lovells in Africa…

Just a couple years before the latest Gimmiedat land grabs in South Africa. Coincidence?

[Boies, Schiller & Flexner] has become known for its involvement in high-profile litigation, having represented the Department of Justice in the antitrust action United States v. Microsoft, as well as Vice President Gore in the Supreme Court case Bush v. Gore. More recently, Boies successfully challenged the constitutionality of California’s Proposition 8 in Perry v. Brown, and represented the National Football League in the antitrust litigation initiated by the players’ union. The firm drew controversy for its representation of Harvey Weinstein amidst sexual abuse allegations.

Wow. Judge Chutkin has strong ties to some very dirty and/or global(ist) organizations. On to the primary article:


By Luke Rosiac, 21 August 2018

You absolutely must read this linked article in its entirety. Mr. Rosiac has done his homework with supporting links and background information. No single excerpt is sufficient to convey the situation here. The opening bullet points alone show how juicy the article is:

  • Former IT aide Imran Awan received no jail time Tuesday after a federal judge said he had “suffered enough..
  • His lawyer said his “destitute” client was building a charity hospital, but reports show that the land was also used for a real estate development and was allegedly stolen from farmers.
  • Former Democratic chiefs of staff wrote letters of support for Imran, despite IT-violation findings by the House inspector general and Capitol Police.

It’s like popcorn for the conspiracy theorist’s soul. A judge connected with organizations allied with China, the Mideast, the Clintons, Obama and the current South African gov’t stealing land from farmers decides the poor IT data-thief has already suffered so much with multiple indictments that convictions and jail would be inappropriate.

A federal judge declined to give jail time to former Democratic IT aide Imran Awan Tuesday, saying he has “suffered enough” at the hands of politicians “at the highest levels of government.” In addition, the Department of Justice said it did not find any evidence that supported criminal charges.

Imran choked back tears, saying, .We want to thank the prosecution, the FBI and the Capitol Police,. while his lawyer submitted a letter referring to President Donald Trump, Sen. Chuck Grassley and other Republications as .deranged,. “pathetic” and “without a shred of decency..

Judge Tanya Chutkin gave Imran three months of supervised release. Imran’s attorney had hoped to avoid the supervision, indicating Imran wanted to go back to Pakistan: “By ending this today, you will allow Hina to build her family wherever she chooses and allow Imran to visit his father’s grave and secure his legacy,. the attorney said.

The lawyer, former Hillary Clinton aide Chris Gowen, said Imran was motivated by love for his father, who was dying in Virginia when Imran flew to Pakistan. Imran, he said, was in a “panic” to get money to urgently build a charity hospital, described in court as a .women’s shelter.” He described the urgent moves as “securing his father’s legacy..

At least Judge Backus can claim her bad judgment was a one-time mistake. Chutkin has made a career of supporting globalist organizations and causes, which makes her kidglove treatment of a known Deep Stater, spy and terrorist with massive foreign connections extremely suspicious.

Imran and his family were banned from the House computer network in February 2017 after the House’s top law enforcement officer wrote that Imran is .an ongoing and serious risk to the House of Representatives, possibly threatening the integrity of our information systems,. and that a server containing evidence had gone “missing.” The inspector general said server logs showed “unauthorized access” and procurement records were falsified.

The Department of Justice said it could substantiate only the bank fraud charge, despite investigators. findings and other apparent violations in public records . such as the hiding of LLCs, one of which took $100,000 from an Iraqi government minister . on House ethics disclosure forms. Though media outlets reported prosecutors as having “debunked” .conspiracy theories,. the DOJ never explained the discrepancy between their legal conclusion and the evidence at hand, including falsified invoices.

A petition for Chutkin’s recall was declared successful with 1,225 signatures.


One thought on “Deep Stater Judge Tanya Chutkin

  1. I hope everyone is updating their LIST of commies and scumbags in your AO.

    Cuz dis bish needz to be on somebody’s list.

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