Dubai Fever

Now in America thanks to an unbelievable cuck-up in medical quarantine procedures.

An Emirates plane has been quarantined at JFK airport in New York after approximately 100 passengers and crew members reported feeling ill.

The plane, which arrived from Dubai at 9:12 am, was immediately taken to a location away from the terminal, according to the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey. Medical personnel from the Centres for Disease Control (CDC) then boarded to assist the ailing passengers, who complained primarily of fever and coughs.

Ten of the passengers were quickly transported to the hospital, according to Eric Phillips, a spokesperson for Mayor Bill de Blasio. Nine others were reportedly feeling sick but refused medical attention.

Holy shit.

Health officials were unsure what prompted the illness, but symptoms pointed to the flu, Mr Phillips said. He added that several of the passengers boarded the plane after visiting Mecca, which is currently experiencing a flu outbreak.

HOLY shit, heh. Bring back a souvenir from your pilgrimage to Mecca!

Emirates Airlines issued a statement shortly after the plan landed, saying that 10 passengers had fallen ill and all other passengers would be allowed to disembark soon. But only about half of the passengers had exited the plane and been cleared to continue travelling by 11:30am, according to the mayor’s office.

HOLY SHIT! They let a new strain of influenza loose in USA? And that’s the best-case scenario? “Health officials were unsure what prompted the illness” so they put the symptomatic ones in the hospital and let the ones who’ve been sitting next to them for hours breathing the same recycled air walk into NYC and connecting flights…

…before they were even certain it was a mere flu strain.

One of the worst casualties of Open Borders is medical quarantine. We’ve never had the planet’s population be so mobile before and yet, our gov’t is refusing to take even the most elementary precautions against the spread of infectious disease.

Humanity is living on borrowed time. We’ve had some close calls already. You might not have heard about the contained Ebola outbreak in Dallas, Texas in 2014.

Ebola Patient in Dallas Lied on Screening Form, Liberian Airport Official Says

nytimes com/2014/10/03/world/africa/dallas-ebola-patient-thomas-duncan-airport-screening.html

By Norimitsu Onishi and Marc Santora, 2 Oct 2014

MONROVIA, Liberia . Thomas E. Duncan, the Liberian man who developed Ebola symptoms in Dallas after flying from Liberia last month, lied about his history of contact with the disease on an airport questionnaire meant to screen out passengers who might be carrying the virus and is subject to prosecution when he returns, Binyah Kesselly, chairman of the Liberia Airport Authority, said Thursday.

When Mr. Duncan flew out of Roberts International Airport in Monrovia, the Liberian capital, on Sept. 19, he answered “no” to a question about whether he had had contact with any person who might have been stricken with Ebola in the past 21 days, the maximum period of incubation for Ebola, Mr. Kesselly said.

.He lied on his form,. Mr. Kesselly said. .If he had answered truthfully, he would have been sent to secondary screening immediately and not allowed to leave..

Mr. Kesselly said Mr. Duncan would be prosecuted upon his return.

Mr. Ducan died of Ebola in the hospital but not before infecting two of the nurses caring for him. The nurses survived; one met with Prez Obama the day she was declared hemorrhagic fever-free. There was also an unrelated doctor in NYC. From Wikipedia,

On October 23, Craig Spencer, a physician who treated Ebola patients in West Africa, tested positive for Ebola at Bellevue Hospital Center after having a 100.3 ?F (37.9 ?C) fever. Officials said he was hospitalized with fever, nausea, pain, and fatigue. He had flown to New York City from Guinea within the previous ten days, and contacted the city’s Department of Health and Doctors without Borders after showing symptoms. Spencer traveled to Guinea to treat Ebola victims on September 16 and returned on October 16. Spencer had been self-monitoring for symptoms of the disease, and began to feel sluggish on October 21, but did not show any symptoms for two days. His case was the first to be diagnosed in New York. The city was trying to find people who may have been in contact with Spencer between October 21.23.

On October 22, the day before he had symptoms, Spencer rode the New York City Subway, walked on the High Line park, went to a bowling alley and a restaurant in Brooklyn, took an Uber cab to his home in Manhattan, and took a 3-mile (4.8 km) jog in Harlem near where he lived. Health officials stated it was unlikely that Spencer could have transmitted the disease through subway poles, hand railings, or via bowling balls.

The first time health officials are wrong will be epic. Back to the NYT article,

…Dr. Frieden said the focus on the way Mr. Duncan answered the question about exposure was part of a bigger and more complicated dilemma facing many nations that want to protect their own people.

.The plain truth,. he said, is that “we can’t make the risk zero until the outbreak is controlled in West Africa. What we can do is minimize the risk..

He said that in September alone, around a dozen people were prevented from boarding planes in West Africa because they had a fever. Many of them did not have Ebola, but the screening indicated the level of vigilance in West Africa.

.Should we be isolating these countries in some way?. he asked. .It is a tough question..

No, it isn’t! What is wrong with these people? Countries with very sick, very contagious people who know they’ll get free medical care if they sneak onto a plane to America should be quarantined permanently, especially if they’re politically useless. Honestly, we should outlaw all international aircraft travel simply to prevent the next Black Death from reaching our shores.

But that would be pointless without also closing our borders. How self-destructive can our leaders get?


MGTOW Life: Home Ownership

The popular question of renting vs owning. For Millenials which most MGTOW are, it hasn’t been working out. The following article is tragicomic in its efforts to describe the problem without noticing the pink elephants.

Almost 70% of millennials regret buying their homes. Here’s why

By Megan Leonhardt, 19 July 2018

Millennials aren’t exactly jumping for joy after purchasing their homes.

About four in 10 millennials are already homeowners, according to a new survey of over 600 millennials (age 21-34) by Bank of the West. Yet it turns out that 68 percent of them are feeling buyer’s remorse . almost double the amount of Baby Boomers who say they have regrets.

.Millennials are so eager to become homeowners that some may be inadvertently cutting off their nose to spite their face,. says Ryan Bailey, head of Bank of the West’s retail banking.

The author blew past the first reason. 40% of age 21-34 are homeowners? Statistically, they haven’t even finished paying student debts! I bet the Millennials who didn’t overextend themselves on student debt aren’t the ones overextending themselves on a mortgage.

Here are the biggest areas of remorse.

Overspending on the down payment

Roughly four in 10 millennials felt they made poor financial choices when it came to purchasing their home. [GQ: The article title said 70%..?] Part of the problem seems to revolve around the down payment. The survey found one in three millennials dipped into their retirement accounts to pay for their homes . a trend Bailey calls “alarming.”

They’re building retirement accounts in their 20s? Mostly women, I suspect. They’re the ones who have free money flung at them in their 20s whereas Millennial men tend to not be even financially stable until their 30s when they have their career training done and accumulated the magical “five years of experience”.

To keep from getting squeezed, think about what you can afford as a monthly payment, and don’t forget to include taxes and insurance in your calculations, Danielle Hale, chief economist for, tells CNBC Make It.

Yep. “Danielle Hale, chief economist for”. A female in male space giving wisdom that no sane man could possibly need.

SLUUUT! Did she become a chief economist for a major realty outfit by giving “To keep from getting squeezed, think about what you can afford as a monthly payment” advice or by sucking Boss Cock? You can see the answer in her eyes. Attractive sluts are the only twentysomethings who already have such a fat retirement account that they can instead purchase a house with it… attractive sluts LARPing as experienced men.

Underestimating ongoing costs

When you buy a home, the expenses don’t stop once you move in.

Millennials understand basic costs, such heating and electric bills, but Bailey recommends also considering how much time and money it could take to mow the lawn, clean the house or deal with leaky faucet.

I clean my apartment and handle most leaky-faucet type issues myself because it’s either my mess or less bother than calling up the landlord and scheduling a repairman. Mow the lawn? In Commiefornia, it’s a crime to water the lawn.

Settling for something that’s not quite right

OH COME ON, BARBIE! Bitches gonna be the death of us.

Finding the right fit is as important as having the right budget when it comes to home ownership. The survey found that about half of millennials had regrets about the home itself.

One in five said they were frustrated by damages they found after moving in, while others said they discovered the house didn’t end up working well for their family.

One in five get an apology for my outburst, although not discovering problems hidden during due process is still not “settling”.

Let’s touch on some less-approved reasons why home ownership can be a bad decision these days:

1. You must know what you’re doing.

Yes, you can hire inspectors and handymen and financial advisers and realtors to ensure everything is being done right. That gets very expensive, however. Property ownership is unlikely to pay off unless YOU are the expert you need.

2. Neighborhoods can change dramatically.

From Section 8 horror stories to jobs being sent overseas to where the State Department unloads its next shipment of Somali Muslims, that dream location can become a nightmare literally overnight.

3. Frivorce means she gets the home and you get the mortgage.

4. Real Estate has been in a bubble since 2004.

Prices didn’t reset during the 2010 depression. I was looking for an opportunity myself at the time but a couple trillion dollars of TARP and other gov’t manipulations ensured it didn’t happen.

5. Death of marriage.

Now that men and women don’t often live together in the same housing unit, demand for housing has artificially doubled.

6. Illegal immigration.

Even when migrants live twenty to a room, it’s still a better life than Shittistan. Of course, illegally living twenty to a room and thus overloading the sewer system at the same time the white male engineers are kicked to the curb is how one makes a new Shittistan.

7. Baby Boomers are about to die off en masse.

John “Fuck America” McCain was only the beginning.

It’s entirely your choice whether to rent or own. Me, I see what a mess property ownership has become and am pleased to limit my risk exposure to a monthly sum with option to eject.

Perhaps someday, I’ll upgrade to an RV. Now there’s a growing job field for young MGTOWS: RV-specific mechanic. Lots of homeowners in urban Commiefornia rent their side yard to a guy in a trailer. The only infrastructure needed is water/electric hookup and an accessible bathroom. The renter maintains his own quarters so it’s an easy rental option for non-handyman homeowners.

Also, mortician and related services might be a good field to enter.


DNC Chairman Eric Bauman Is An SJW

Yes, yes, today I’m Captain Obvious but this has got to be the shortest-lived SJW boycott of recent history. More than that, it appears Chick-Fil-A has broken the SJWs’ will to enact boycotts in the food services industry so they deserve a shout-out for standing their ground.


Thursday, 30 August 2018

California Democratic Party Chairman Eric Bauman is calling for a boycott of In-N-Out Burger after the Irvine-based fast-food chain this week donated $25,000 to help Republicans this November.

.Et tu In-N-Out? Tens of thousands of dollars donated to the California Republican Party,. Bauman wrote on Twitter. .It’s time to #BoycottInNOut . let Trump and his cronies support these creeps.perhaps animal style!.


Labor Day Monday, 3 Sept 2018

.There is no boycott,. Bauman said. .I put one tweet out at 10:30 at night and it turned into a whole thing. We’ve raised so much money in small donations as a result of that one tweet and so many people have engaged with that tweet, almost a million people, so it’s amazing how it became this big boycott.. …

Earlier this week, the state party’s communications director said that the boycott was Bauman’s personal view, and was not being taken as an official stance.

.Chair Bauman’s personal tweet reflects his belief that he shouldn’t support companies that support the Trump agenda,. John Vigna said in a statement.

Bauman seemed not to be taking the tweet seriously, either. He said he wasn’t even personally boycotting the fast food restaurant.

.Are you kidding me?. Bauman said, laughing. .I.m gonna buy my staff In-N-Out burgers to celebrate our victory..

ELAPSED TIME: Two weekdays.

Classic SJW behavior, exactly as Vox Day described in his books. Bauman points & shrieks and when none of his supporters join him, he pretends he wasn’t serious and why would people listen to the California DNC Chairman, anyway? Reminds me of… somebody… can’t recall…

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A healthy ego would have said “I apologize for taking their lawful donation to a political rival as an existential threat”. But apologizing is exactly what you never ever do when the sharks are circling you… even when you yourself are the sharks’ leader.

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Eric Bauman on the left (heh), homosexual lover Michael Andraychak on the right. Being an openly flaming homosexual explains a lot about his hatred of Christ’s followers. Were we to reclaim the halls of power, his time of sexual perversions would end.

Previously on my blog:

Postscript, I like John Scalzi’s red choker. It reminds me of the French Revolution.


Choose the Form of the Destructor 3!

U of California Santa Cruz admitted more students than there is housing in the area in order to pay the wages of college professors opposed to ‘urbanization’. Then, school officials asked faculty to accept students as roommates in their private homes, thereby proving that school officials do not know where Antifa goons come from.

Liberal UC Santa Cruz Asking Faculty to Take In Students Due to Housing Crisis

by Chriss W. Street, 3 Sept 2018

The University of California Santa Cruz is asking faculty to house students . providing the ultra-liberal campus with an unplanned lesson in how building restrictions are driving a statewide housing crisis.

The Santa Cruz Sentinel reported that under a plan to make college more accessible to transfer students, UCSC offered admissions to 35,000 students this year, an increase of 1,400 graduate and 5,600 undergraduates.

With the school planning to increase enrollment by another 10,000 students by 2040, estimated that at the current pace of construction it would take 966 years to meet demand.

…UC Santa Cruz has lots of vacant property in a meadow, originally designated to remain undeveloped in the university’s 2005 land-use plan, that could be used to build a 2,100 dormitory beds in a development named Student Housing West.

But UC Santa Cruz humanities professor emeritus Jim Clifford has led a petition drive in the community to stop what he and his allies refer to as a radical break with the campus design, according to the Sentinel.

Image result for ucsc jim clifford

Jim Clifford. I suspect he has an incurable disease.

UC Santa Cruz is ranked the most liberal college in California in the annual Niche survey, based 80 percent on surveys of students. personal political leanings and 20 percent on students. perceptions of the political preferences of most students on their campus.

Why aren’t professors eager to let their students live in close proximity to them? They taught the kids everything they know, from the proper use of false rape accusations to the righteousness of hating white men.


Prager Doesn’t Know Leftoids

Dennis Prager has been exposed as a fraud and his PragerU is busy writing the definitive textbook on Tradcon policy, specifically the Nobody Is Left To Care edition. However, a recent series of “Explaining the Left” editorials is useful, in a correctable sense. I’ll focus on the third of the series.

PRAGER: Explaining The Left, Part III: Leftism As Secular Religion

By Dennis Prager, 1 Sept 2018

Prager is right; Leftism is a religion.

Marx saw man’s primary drive as economic, and Freud saw it as sex. But Frankl believed . correctly, in my opinion . that the greatest drive of man is meaning.

Religion, Prager. Not meaning. Prager disagreed with himself in the first three sentences.

The greatest provider of meaning for the vast majority of human beings has been religion. In the West, Christianity (and on a smaller scale, Judaism) provided nearly all people with the Bible, a divine or divinely inspired text to guide their lives; a religious community; answers to life’s fundamental questions; and, above all, meaning: A good God governs the universe; death does not end everything; and human beings were purposefully created. In addition, Christianity gave Christians a project: spread the Good News, and bring the world to Christ. And Judaism gave Jews a project: Live by God’s laws of ethics and holiness and be “a light unto the nations.”

Leftism is the search for meaning APART FROM GOD. “Fuck you, Father God” is its first and only inviolable tenet. Prager himself demonstrates Jewish Leftism here when he claims Judaism gives his people something to do, when in fact it was supposed to give his people Someone to follow.

I can speak for the Christian side about the inanity of “preach the Gospel” Tradcons. My clergy are so hopelessly out of touch that they haven’t even realized that the Great Commission has been completed. Every last corner of the planet has heard about Christ, in every language.

On dark nights, I think that the reason God has abandoned His Church is because we’ve completed our work of evangelism and must now be prevented from acting as the salt of the earth The devil can only rise to power over the Church’s dead body.

All this has disappeared for most Westerners. The Bible is regarded as myth, silly at best, malicious at worst . there is no God, certainly not the morality-giving and judging God of the Bible; there is no afterlife; human beings are a purposeless coincidence with no more intrinsic purpose than anything else in the universe. In short: This Is All There Is.

That didn’t happen in a vacuum, Prager. Many Leftists worked very hard to make God go away. Leftism isn’t filling a new void.

The answer is obvious: Find meaning elsewhere. But where? Church won’t provide it. Nor will marriage and family . increasingly, secular individuals in the West eschew marriage, and even more do not have children. It turns out, to the surprise of many, that marriage and children are religious values, not human instincts. In the West today, love and marriage (and children) go together like a horse and a carriage for faithful Catholics, Orthodox Jews, religious Mormons and evangelical Protestants . not for the secular. I know many religious families with more than four children; I do not know one secular family with more than four children (and the odds are you don’t either).

I’ve met several Chads from the ghettoes. Babies galore! Meanwhile, Prager pretends that marriage is something only the devout would value, when in fact marriage is now a risk that only the devout are forced to endure in obedience to God. Many atheists would love to have a domestic wife and kids; decrees from Pope Judas not required; but marriage is so risky that they prudently shun it. As do I myself.

The answer to the great dearth of meaning left by the death of biblical religion in the West is secular religion. The first two great secular substitutes were communism and Nazism. The first provided hundreds of millions of people with meaning; the latter provided most Germans and Austrians with meaning.

There’s only one substitute for God; the devil. It’s the same reason the only substitute for patriarchy is matriarchy, or the only substitute for order is chaos, or the only substitute for producer is consumer. Religion is a continuum, not a marketplace. Truth exists and religions can be ranked by how close they come to the light. The Leftist ranking is “not at all”.

With the fall of communism and the awareness of the extent of the communist mass murder (about 100 million noncombatants) and mass enslavement (virtually all individuals in communist countries . except for Communist Party leaders . are essentially enslaved), communism, or at least the word “communism,” fell into disrepute.

So, what were secular intellectuals to do once communism became “the god that failed”?

The answer was to create other another left-wing secular religion. And that is what leftism is: a secular meaning-giver to supplant Christianity. Left-wing religious expressions include Marxism, communism, socialism, feminism and environmentalism.

There’s only one left-wing secular religion, although it does re-brand itself occasionally. Don’t pretend your Jews haven’t had more than their share of intellectual Leftists, Prager.

Leftism’s guiding principles . notwithstanding the principles of those Christians and Jews who claim to be religious yet hold leftist views . are the antitheses of Judaism and Christianity’s guiding principles.

Now he’s right again.

…There may be a clash of civilizations between the West and Islam, but the biggest clash of civilizations is between the West and the left.

Now he’s wrong again. There’s no clash between the Left and Islam. They work together to destabilize entire nations. They share dreams of global conquest. They both enjoy raping children and ruling by mob while their handlers enjoy sultan-level comfort. They share the same location “on the spectrum”.

Prager has the Jewish habit of thinking God is a means to a good society. This blinds Prager into thinking that the Leftist error is using a motivation other than God when in fact, the Leftists want to get rid of God as an end in itself. That is how they define a good society. Leftists aren’t unable to have kids, keep promises, live with their neighbors etc…. they’re unwilling, because those habits please God.

The Left is waging a religious war against us Christians and Prager’s “do what brings you ideal results” theology is exactly what the Left is doing.

Why does the Left hate God? Not to fill a void of “meaning”. They hate God for the same reason wifey hates hubby, because she resents all the fun evil she could be doing and thinks she could do a better job, if only she usurps his strength and authority.