My Blog Is A Riot

Liberals can’t meme. They’re so busy trying to twist their enemies into attackable strawmen that they can’t understand idioms or metaphors. A case in point has come up in a tight campaign for Nevada’s governor.

Twitter Agog At Trump Whopper That Californians Are ‘Rioting’ Over Sanctuary Cities

President Donald Trump insisted Saturday at a Nevada campaign rally that Californians are “rioting” in protest of sanctuary cities.

No one knew what he was talking about.

Twitter was dumbfounded.

Detecting sarcasm… error. No sarcasm detected. Abort, Retry, Fail?

…Trump was stumping for Nevada GOP Sen. Dean Heller, and blasted both Waters and Heller’s Democratic rival in November’s election, Rep. Jacky Rosen, for their support of what he termed “deadly” sanctuary cities . municipalities where local officials don’t cooperate with federal authorities to deport undocumented immigrants.

.A lot of people in California don’t want. sanctuary cities, Trump said. .They’re rioting now; they wanna get out of their sanctuary cities … They’re demanding they be released from sanctuary cities.. (Check out the video above.)

No one’s rioting in California to escape sanctuary cities.

But they are trying to escape California so eagerly that moving van rental fees are triple the national average. Housing prices skyrocket wherever “huddled masses yearning to live on freebies” aren’t. A dozen local governments have formally opposed “sanctuary statehood”. And if the Leftoids haven’t heard us complaining about the tax rate, it’s only because they’re too busy spending the money.

Stunned Toronto Star reporter Daniel Dale noted in a tweet that Trump is “now inventing nonexistent domestic riots..

Ted Westrup, a spokesman for California Gov. Jerry Brown (D), told Dale that “Trump and truth have long had a troubled relationship. These comments, frankly, don’t merit a response..

Other Twitter users were furious or stunned by Trump’s comments, while some expected nothing less from the president. Several tweets checked in from all over California with the exact same report: No riots.

No riots?

20 arrested after alt-right, antifa clash in Berkeley ahead of Charlottesville anniversary

6 August 2018

Dueling demonstrations in Berkeley, Calif., by alt-right and antifa groups turned violent on Sunday afternoon, with the front of a U.S. Marine Corps recruiting office getting damaged in the exchange.

Twenty people were arrested, mostly for possessing banned weapons, according to a statement from the Berkeley Police Department.

“The lack of injuries is fortunate given that extremists threw explosives at Berkeley Police and Alameda County Sheriff’s Office mutual aid officers,” police wrote on Sunday.

One protester clad in black, considered a uniform for anti-fascist movement members commonly known as antifa, was recorded smashing the windows of a nearby Marine Corps recruiting post, Fox News first reported.

Unidentified man in Antifa uniform smashes the patriarchy. Picture from linked article.

The original “No to Marxism in America 2/Exposing Communism” rally in Berkeley was organized by Amber Gwen Cummings, according to the Los Angeles Times. She arranged a similar event in August 2017. The counterprotest, called “Stop the Hate,” was supported by antifa groups like SAFEBay (Solidarity Against Fascism East Bay), the newspaper added.

Mayor Schaaf backs bars. response to alt-right group’s rumored Oakland visit

23 July 2018

OAKLAND . In a weekend tweet, Mayor Libby Schaaf threw her support behind a group of Uptown bars planning fundraisers in response to an alt-right group’s possible appearance Monday.

.We refuse to be intimidated and will not back down or stand by quietly as racist hate groups threaten violence and bring messages of hate to our neighbors,. Schaaf tweeted Sunday, linking to a post on Uptown Oakland bar Make Westing’s Facebook page.

In that post Friday evening, the bar said it had heard members of the alt-right group known as Proud Boys planned to meet Monday. In response, the bar said it would join neighboring establishments in a .pro-Oakland movement. to raise funds for causes like Black Lives Matter, Planned Parenthood, the American Civil Liberties Union and the Transgender Law Center.

By Gunner Q, 28 July 2018

Citing First Amendment rights, the Dixon City Council announced Tuesday at its meeting that it has decided against stripping Ted Hickman’s title as vice mayor after a controversial column he wrote in the town’s newspaper . calling for a Straight American Pride Month and using a derogatory term to refer to gay men . went viral.

Before the decision was announced, Randy Thomasson of Save California . a group that describes itself as a .pro-family organization: working, speaking and fighting the good fight for your values. . announced that he was going to speak at the meeting.

As a result, a small group of Hickman supporters and another, larger group of advocates for LGBTQ rights descended on the City Council meeting.

Berkeley: Alt right planning “anti communist” rally for Sunday, city braces for counter protest

4 August 2018

BERKELEY . The alt-right is planning an afternoon rally in Berkeley on Sunday and anti-fascist groups are organizing to meet them, but it was unclear Friday just how big the event will be.

Calling the rally “No To Marxism in Berkeley,. its organizer, Contra Costa County resident Amber Cummings, posted on Facebook that it will go on even as some far right groups have pulled out it recent days. No permit had been granted for the rally as of Friday.

.We will be having the event to expose Marxism as planned,. wrote Cummings, who could not be reached for comment on Friday. .There is certainly a communist agenda in Berkeley and the commies are not happy I’m coming to protest communism..

Anti-facist groups such as Berkeley Antifa are calling for counter rallies.

Berkeley city officials are preparing for whatever the event turns into. The city manager . under authority granted by an emergency ordinance passed earlier this week . is temporarily prohibiting sticks, pipes, poles, baseball bats, bricks, rocks, mace, knives and “anything else that can be used for a riot” from Civic Center and Ohlone parks as well as the areas between Sacramento Street, Piedmont Avenue, Dwight and Bancroft ways and Oxford Street between Dwight and Delaware, according to a news release issued Friday evening. Anyone caught with those items could be arrested.

Black-clad Antifa marchers arrive at Civic Center Park, Sunday, Aug. 27, 2017, in a counter-protest against a planned alt-right rally in Berkeley, California. (Karl Mondon/Bay Area News Group)

Fearing violence, California lawmakers ask National Park Service to rescind permit for San Francisco ‘alt-right’ rally

15 August 2017

Citing concern over violent clashes at a Charlottesville rally of white nationalists last weekend, a group of California lawmakers called Tuesday for the National Park Service to rescind a permit issued for a pro-Trump rally scheduled for Aug. 26 in San Francisco.

The conservative Patriot Prayer rallies have been organized by blogger Joey Gibson. He says he condemns white supremacists. but members of the white nationalist movement have spoken at and attended the rallies.

The event is scheduled at Crissy Field, a park popular with families and tourists, wrote three San Francisco Democrats, state Sen. Scott Wiener and Assemblymen Phil Ting, and David Chiu in a letter to the service.

.Allowing a likely violent rally of White Supremacists so close to all of this is of deep concern to us,. the trio wrote. .While we believe in the right to free speech and free assembly, we believe the National Park Service does not have the capacity to safely control this situation and therefore should not be issuing a permit for this rally at Crissy Field.. …

House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi of San Francisco separately called Tuesday for the National Park Service to “reconsider” the permit for Crissy Field.

.San Francisco takes great pride in being a city of peace which cherishes free speech and the right to public dissent,” Pelosi said in a statement. “However, the National Park Service’s decision to permit a white supremacist rally at Crissy Field raises grave and ongoing concerns about public safety.”

Do Leftoids think we don’t read the news? Every time we organize something in meatspace, they yank our permits, pass emergency laws, doxx us with cameras and sic Antifa on us as a countermeasure, er, “counter-protest”. We don’t have the chance to riot. That’s Antifa’s shtick, anyway, or should I say, Antifa’s hammer vandalizing the USMC recruiting station pictured above.

No, the “riots” of law-abiding taxpayers are mostly held online and anonymously because Leftoids are such stalwart defenders of free speech(tm)(c)(R)(all rights reserved by SPLC). Which allows the Left to pretend aggressive stupidity when Trump says we law-abiders are completely fed up with our Jokers elected by feminazis and Hondurans.

At least, I think they’re pretending. They couldn’t possibly be this aggressively stupid in real life.


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