Douglas Wilson’s Convergence of Christianity

The global Christian Church is going to be Converged into a single, monolithic religion. False Protestants will join with false Catholics, which will require common ground. Douglas Wilson has been laying the groundwork for this Convergence since 2002 with the introduction of “Federal Vision”.

A quick summation: Federal Vision is the idea that Christianity is a public recognized (read: State-granted) status separate from acceptance of Christ as a savior. An adulterous, cruel husband is still a husband; a Godless, immoral Christian is still a Christian. Applying this doctrine to the Protestant world will make Protestantism compatible with (false) Catholicism by necessitating a centralized registry of Christians. Instead of accepting Christ’s offer of forgiveness, becoming a Christian shall be linked to the practice of Baptism. If you’re baptized then you’re a Christian, maybe not an ideal one but you’re certainly in the club.

Despicable heresy. And Pastor Douglas Wilson, despite claims to the contrary, has been unrepentant on this since participating in the 2002 church summit that first produced “Federal Vision” doctrine.

Let’s begin with Wikipedia:

The central distinctive of the Federal Vision is its view of the covenant. In keeping with the historic Reformed understanding of Covenant Theology, Federal Vision proponents argue that God has had two covenants with humanity throughout history: the first pre-Fall and the second post-Fall. The second covenant was progressively expanded throughout the Old Testament in various advanced covenants (Noahic, Abrahamic, Mosaic and Davidic), and reached its climax with Jesus and the New Covenant.

In Christian terms a covenant is simply “I will do this and you will do that.” It’s different from a contract in that it’s unconditional, ex. no payment for services rendered.

There was no pre-fall Covenant. There’s simply nothing in Genesis 1-3 that could possibly construe one. Neither do I see how the successive covenants are progressive revelations of a super-covenant.

Noahic covenant: I won’t drown all humanity like rats again. The rainbow shall be proof of this.

Abrahamic covenant: God would create the nation and people of Israel. Abraham would snip them. (circumcision)

Mosaic covenant: You will obey these 613 laws. I will give you victory, prosperity and… what are you doing with that golden calf?

Davidic covenant: God promises to have David’s baby. (Jesus)

They’re very distinct covenants.

What distinguishes the Federal Vision from other interpretations of Covenant Theology is its view of the nature of the covenant, namely that the covenant is “objective” and that all covenant members are part of God’s family whether or not they are decretally elect.

Translation, Federal Vision says being a Christian is an external, State-recognizable status. No wonder saner theologians freaked out at this. None of know who is truly Christian except for ourselves.

There is no New Testament, Christian covenant. What we have is the Abrahamic covenant opened up to all races instead of just the Jews, and that via belief. “Abraham believed God and it was credited to him as righteousness.” However, we Gentiles (non-Jews) are fully exempt from the Mosaic covenant. It was never given to us and the apostles were very clear that it was not a precursor to salvation or good standing. This debunks the theory that there is one “super-covenant” for all believers.

Douglas Wilson has noted six foundational tenets of the New Perspectives on Paul [a related philosophy]. He affirms the correctness of:

  1. Justification by faith was present in the Old Testament as well as the New Testament.
  2. Faith and works are not opposed to one another in the Bible. Faith was always present, even in the Old Testament. The Jews were not trying to earn anything by works.
  3. Law and grace are not opposed to one another, or that the Old Testament was mostly law and the New Testament was mostly grace.

#2 On the list is the old faith-versus-works issue. This is way harder than it needs to be. You cannot purchase salvation, it’s that simple. Almighty God values nothing you possess or can do. This is why salvation is, and must be, an unearned gift.

Works are evidence of your faith. God knows whether you truly believe but your neighbor does not, and will judge you by your actions. If your actions do not align with your beliefs then there’s obviously something wrong, yes?

Wilson says faith and works are not opposed but what he means is “salvation by faith” and “salvation by works” are not opposed. That’s the implication of #3 on the list… the Mosaic Law having been used by the Pharisees as the source of salvation in place of grace.

A review of Wilson’s book on Federal Vision:

Image 1

Membership in the Christian faith is objective and it can be photographed and fingerprinted. When we are baptized, we are ushered into an objective, visible, covenant relationship. In baptism, God names us and imposes gracious obligations on us. Our baptism sets us apart as Christians.

However, many conscientious conservative Christians do not appear to believe what God has said in their baptism, so let’s look at it another way: suppose a husband is committing adultery. Is he still a husband? Being a husband is not just a state of mind; it’s not just a private decision. Being a husband is a public relationship made from a public exchange of vows, an objective covenant. An adulterous husband is a covenant-breaking husband, but still a husband. Being a husband is what makes his infidelity so horrendous.

In the same way, when people are baptized in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, they are ushered into a covenant relationship with God and His Church. Regardless of the state of their hearts, regardless of any hypocrisy, regardless of whether or not they mean it, baptism sets them apart as visible saints and Christians.

I don’t know if Wilson wrote this but it’s an excellent summary of Federal Vision as far as I could corroborate. The website also has a sample of his book that I’ll dig into soon. But first:

Membership in Christ is not objective. I wish very much that it was, so that our leaders could be certified 100% to not be false shepherds.

Baptism is not a requirement for salvation. Romans 10:9. The purpose of the dunking in water thing is a public declaration of faith in Christ, not the creation of faith in Christ. If there was any truth in the sentence “Regardless of the state of their hearts, regardless of any hypocrisy, regardless of whether or not they mean it, baptism sets them apart as visible saints and Christians” then we Christians would be melting the polar icecaps with nuclear reactors.

This imagination of a husband being a permanent state achieved via a one-time wedding vow and existing apart from behavior is an excellent analogy to what Wilson & Friends want to accomplish with Federal Vision theology. One notes that a husband wholly emasculated by the State and clergy is still The Husband; even if his wife gets bored and takes another lover, husband is still held to be The Husband. A great way to justify chilamony.

On to the book sample, this explicitly written by Wilson (archived):

Click to access B-105.pdf

Click to access b-105.pdf


On June 22, 2002, Covenant Presbytery of the RPCUS declared that certain teachings at a pastors. conference presented by Steve Schlissel, Steve Wilkins, John Barach and [me] involved a “fundamental denial of the essence of the Christian Gospel in the denial of justification by faith alone.” Consequently, the four of us were declared to be heretics. …

The charges assumed (which is incidentally not the same thing as proved) that the positions taken by the speakers were “contrary to the Bible and the Westminster Standards.. As a result, in the following pages, there is a closer interaction with the teaching of the Westminster Confession than there would have been otherwise.
This was not done in order to “get around” anything in the historic Reformed faith, but rather the reverse. It is our conviction that certain epistemological developments since the Enlightenment have caused many modern conservative Calvinists to read their confessions in a spirit alien to that which produced them.

This is a DARVO. Deny, Attack, Reverse Victim & Offender.

As a result, we were taken to task for denying our confessional heritage at just those places where we were in fact upholding it. This of course does not make us the Westminster theologians themselves told us, and as Steve Schlissel continues to tell us in a loud voice. Something can be “confessional” and wrong. But we are like the obedient boy in the parable.we say the confession could be wrong, but then we affirm the confession.

That is dishonest. If the confession is wrong then one shouldn’t affirm it. If that means you lose your highly compensated seat of honor, so be it.

Apart from the specific charges, what exactly is going on here? Which worldviews are colliding? …

The answer is found in a contrast we have used many times.medieval versus modern. We believe ourselves to be in the process of recovering what our fathers taught from the Reformation down to the Enlightenment.that is, a Reformed and medieval mindset. We believe our opponents to be sincere and honest Christians, but men who have erroneously made a bad truce with modernity and who have accommodated their theology to the abstract dictates of the Enlightenment.

If you substitute “Protestant” for modern/Enlightenment and “Catholic” for medieval then you reach my conclusion. Wilson is looking for a way to undo the Reformation. (I am not criticizing Catholicism here; I’m criticizing a declared Prot leader for trying to undermine his own branch of Christianity.)

Chapter 1: Judas Was a Christian?

No. Buy my book?

The Church today is in dire need of reformation. This is not said with any denominational exclusivity. Reformed churches today need reformation as much as anyone else. I say this as one who embraces the richness of the Reformed faith, as will become apparent enough later. But at the same time, because of this Reformational commitment, it is still necessary to say that to be Reformed is not enough. We must certainly live up to what we have already attained, but together with this we must not be allowed to assume that the last significant attainment was in the middle of the seventeenth century. Semper reformanda is not something we should all chant together right up until someone actually tries it.

What we have long believed is no longer suitable for Current Year! Don’t be distracted by Wilson’s talk of Reformed churches and other denomination-speak. His Federal Vision heresy is greater than his particular corner of the Church.

One of the great reformational needs in the Church today is the need for us to understand the objectivity of the covenant, and so that is the thrust of this book. Because this covenant is our life, we are called to understand it, embody it, and love the members of it. Not surprisingly, in order to do this, we will have to clear away a good bit of theological debris, which is what I am seeking to do here.

This validates the Wikipedia entry.

The first question we must consider is this: What is a “Christian” when we use the word in the New Testament sense? Considered from one angle, this question is one of the most important questions a man can ask himself. Tied in with it are all the related questions about God, man, sin, salvation, and revelation. Additionally connected are all the great questions concerning a man’s destiny after his course in this life is over.

Christian means “Christ-like” or “little Christ”. That is why we who believe in Christ are called Christians. Nothing in the Bible gives the slightest support to the idea that being a Christian and believing in Christ might be two separate concepts but Wilson disagrees:

[Extraneous verbiage omitted. Wilson speaks to NOT be clearly understood. Boldface mine as usual.]

The Scriptures say very little about the word Christian, which occurs in only three places. And in none of these places is the word used in the way we tend to use it. Our application of the word is certainly a legitimate one, which should be defended and continued, but only if we understand what we are doing.

This is a very serious charge, that Christians have been misusing the word “Christian” since Biblical times.

The first usage in the Bible is a simple reference to what the followers of Christ came to be outsiders. The Scripture tells us that the word Christian first came to be applied to the church at Antioch, which consisted of the followers of Christ in that city. “And it came to pass, that a whole year they assembled themselves with the church, and taught much people. And the disciples were called Christians first in Antioch. (Acts 11:26). In this passage, the word is used in the same way other nouns are distinguish one thing from another. Just as we indicate the differences between tables and airplanes by giving them different names, so the pagans of Antioch decided to distinguish the Christians from the Jews and from the many other religious groups that swirled around the empire of that time. No statement was being made about the great questions mentioned above as they might have applied to an individual member of that church.

The Christians were distinct from the Jews and other groups because of those beliefs. Show me a group of people who don’t believe in Christ and I will label them “not Christians” even if their behavior is the exact same.

In fact, I do that all the time at church. Not everybody there is a Christian even though most/all claim to be and appear to be.

The second instance is also found in the book of Acts. “And as he thus spake for himself, Festus said with a loud voice, Paul, thou art beside thyself; much learning doth make thee mad. But he said, I am not mad, most noble Festus; but speak forth the words of truth and soberness. For the king knoweth of these things, before whom also I speak freely: for I am persuaded that none of these things are hidden from him; for this thing was not done in a corner. King Agrippa, believest thou the prophets? I know that thou believest.

Then Agrippa said unto Paul, Almost thou persuadest me to be a Christian. And Paul said, I would to God, that not only thou, but also all that hear me this day, were both almost, and altogether such as I am, except these bonds. (Acts 26:24.29)

In this instance, the context is the presentation of the gospel to those who had not heard or believed it. The apostle wanted them to consider these things, and since the charge had been given to him (along with the other apostles) to preach the gospel to every creature, this is clearly a plea to those in darkness to enter into true light. Obviously, Paul is inviting them to genuine faith, saving belief, and not simply to membership in a new religious club. But even here there is no distinction made between a false profession of Christ and a true profession of Christ. A true profession is assumed, but the contrast is between pagan unbelief and Christian belief. Spurious Christianity as opposed to the real thing is not under discussion.

WTF? Was Paul trying to make Agrippa first a Christian and then a believer?

The third and last application of the name Christian comes from within the body of Christ, and it shows that the name has stuck. The apostle Peter, when writing to a body of believers, tells them that they should not suffer as evildoers. They have left that way of life behind. If any of them stumble into sin and suffer its consequences, then of course they should be ashamed of themselves.

“If ye be reproached for the name of Christ, happy are ye; for the spirit of glory and of God resteth upon you: on their part he is evil spoken of, but on your part he is glorified. But let none of you suffer as a murderer, or as a thief, or as an evildoer, or as a busybody in other men’s matters. Yet if any man suffer as a Christian, let him not be ashamed; but let him glorify God on this behalf. For the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God: and if it first begin at us, what shall the end be of them that obey not the gospel of God?” (1 Pet. 4:14.17)

In the first part of this passage, Peter says that they are happy if they are “reproached for the name of Christ.. He then says a moment later that “if any man suffer as a Christian,. he should not be ashamed. It is difficult to miss the parallel. To be a Christian is to bear the name of Christ. If someone receives the world’s hatred because he bears the name of a hated Christ, then there is no shame in it. Again, the judgment is being made from a
distance.a persecutor hates Christ and attacks anyone associated with him.

NO! NO! NO! To be a Christian is to BELIEVE in Christ and accept Him as Savior! Christianity is not a country club in which believers and deceivers both wear Team Jesus shirts!

An expert in Christianity has no excuse for getting this wrong.

Now such a moment is important to the teaching of Scripture as a whole, and, for each person, it is crucial to be able to answer the question of individual regeneration. The reason we have to address this is that in our culture many have grown up in the church: they were baptized in infancy or when they were ten in a Baptist church, they sang in the choir and went through catechism class, and they are not Buddhists. They have been Christians their whole lives. But if, like Nicodemus, they are not born again, what must they become? Does it make sense for them to “become a Christian.? There is something which they must become.spiritually alive. But how does the Bible describe this kind of change?

“Born again”. A second, spiritual life. Meanwhile, the unbeliever with a Christian upbringing is called “an unbeliever with a Christian upbringing”. He is not called, I don’t know, a “secular Christian” or “lapsed Protestant” or whatever Wilson is trying for.

To answer the question, we have to look at some analogies from the Old Testament. There we see that someone could be outside the covenant entirely.a worshiper of Baal. A second category would be someone within the covenant people of Israel, who did not serve the God of Israel in truth. His service of God was externally formal and correct, but his heart was far from God. And lastly, there were true Israelites in whom there was no guile. Paul writes of this distinction at the end of the second chapter of Romans:

For he is not a Jew, which is one outwardly; neither is that circumcision, which is outward in the flesh: But he is a Jew, which is one inwardly; and circumcision is that of the heart, in the spirit, and not in the letter; whose praise is not of men, but of God. (Rom. 2:28.29)

Circumcision was a sign of the covenant, but Paul points out that the mere possession of the external sign was not sufficient to guarantee a genuine spiritual reality. We can reapply these truths this way: .For he is not a Christian who is one outwardly; neither is that baptism, which is outward and external. But he is a Christian who is one inwardly; and baptism is that of the heart, in the spirit, and not in the letter; whose praise is not of men, but of God.. Paul’s statement is blunt.he is not a Christian who has only the externals.

So far, so good.

But we see in his next breath that Paul’s statement was hyperbolic.

#ChristianMemes #Marvel #SpiderMan #Heresy ? THE BODY OF CHRIST

Jews who had circumcision only were not Jews at all in one sense, but they were of course Jews in another. Lest anyone be tempted to think that this made external membership in the covenant a big nothing, Paul hastens to add that such membership was actually quite important:

“What advantage then hath the Jew? or what profit is there of circumcision? Much every way: chiefly, because that unto them were committed the oracles of God. For what if some did not believe? shall their unbelief make the faith of God without effect? God forbid: yea, let God be true, but every man a liar; as it is written, That thou mightest be justified in thy sayings, and mightest overcome when thou art judged.” (Rom. 3:1.4)

In other words, the religious world is filled with infidels at heart.people who were baptized in their childhood, but who do not believe any of the Christian faith now. Does this mean that their baptism.their .circumcision..meant nothing? Not at all, Paul says. Every covenant member in the world could be lying about God through their lives, lives which contradict the religious signs which may have been applied to them at various
points in their lives. Let God be true, Paul says, and every man a liar. That is all right.the truth remains firm.

Wilson sees that some Jews were believers and some were not believers. From this, he decides that some Christians are believers and some are not. But Christianity is not an ethnic group. Judaism was and the Jews kept serious genealogical records to prove it.

God created a specific nation to provide real-life examples and symbols of God interacting with humanity. But the reality of that is spiritual, not material. Wilson wants to force it to be material, therefore objective and measurable.

One wonders if Wilson’s motivation is to hide behind some formal proof that he’s a real Christian instead of trying to be a better theologian than unpaid Gunner Q on his lunch break. Real Christians don’t spend a lot of time wondering about their appearance of piety.

In short, we can say that God knows those who call themselves Christians and who take upon themselves the marks of discipleship. Their lips are close to God, but their
hearts are far from Him. Such people are Christians covenantally, but their lives betray that covenant. This does not make God would take more liars among men than we could come up with to accomplish that.but it does show that the word Christian can be used in two senses.

We come to the crux of the matter. Wilson is trying to create a formally recognizable state of “covenant Christian” separate from faith in Christ. The only reason to do this is establishing an institutional, bureaucratic Christianity to replace what Christianity has meant since Antioch.

…And this means that many Christians need to become Christian all the way through. The applications move in two directions and forbid two grievous errors. Of course, these two errors (when committed) play off each other, which is why we must hold fast to the Scriptures. The first error is that of individualistic pietism, assuming that invisible saints are the only saints, or, rather, that invisible saintliness is the only kind. Advocates of the “ethereal Church” need to learn that, according to the Bible, a Christian is one who would be identified as such by a Muslim. Membership in the Christian faith is can be photographed and fingerprinted.

The Catholics do this with an official Registry, I’m told. I never thought I would see the day in which the Protestant world could even theoretically disown a believer in Christ. Also, as a California gun owner let me say that public registration of something many people find “triggering” is the first step in a State crackdown on it. I will never participate in such a registration. Does that mean I cannot be a born-again Christian? Wilson says some “covenant Christians” are real Christians and some are false, but I would like to hear whether non-covenant, non-fingerprinted and -photographed Christians can be true Christians. If yes then all of this Federal Vision bunk is proof our leaders are overpaid and underworked. If no then Wilson is implicity claiming that salvation comes first from being licensed by unbelievers. That is indeed a heresy.

It would be inappropriate to end this without noting that Wilson has recently disowned Federal Vision on his website.

17 January 2017

I have decided, after mulling over it for some years now, to discontinue identifying myself with what has come to be called the federal vision. … Since I certainly owned the phrase, albeit with modifiers, and lots of energetic typing, what happened was that I was thought to be owning what people knew as this. But the more I typed that, the more it made people’s heads hurt. So one of the few things I have been successful at doing is persuading a number of people that I am a sly fellow, and one who bears close watching. Heretics are slippery with words, and since I have spent a lot of time trying to grease this particular piglet, I must be a heretic.

So I have finally become convinced that the phrase federal vision is a hurdle that I cannot get over, under or around. The options are therefore limited. I could abandon my actual position and adopt what most people think of when they think federal vision, or I can continue my futile quest of explaining it just one more time, or I could abandon the phrase, and let everyone know that I have done so.

Wilson is dropping the phrase “Federal Vision” because nobody understood him correctly. Might have something to do with this layman summarizing two pages of Wilson’s writings in twelve words.

Peter Leithart’s “end of Protestantism” project is going someplace where I am simply uninterested in going. Unlike some of his critics, I do not believe he is going to Rome, but I do believe it is a project, and it does have a destination. That destination is not mine. It is hard to reconcile his “end of Protestantism” project with my “Protestantism forever” approach.

I cannot reconcile Wilson’s own words with “Protestantism forever”. A major part of the Reformation was rejecting a bureaucratic agency determining who a Christian is.

I would still want to affirm everything I signed off on in the Federal Vision statement…

Wilson abandoned the term “Federal Vision” to shed the heretic label but in the same statement, is openly unrepentant about separating belief in Christ from membership in Christ. His teachings are factually heretical. If he cannot or will not accept this then his peers should help him find the exit from his cushy job of writing such bad theology that he himself admits to being hopelessly misunderstood for years.


Choose the Form of the Destructor 5!

Now that liberals have made a habit of destroying cultural iconography, they’ve developed a habit of destroying cultural iconography.

Mysterious removal of historic San Jose mural sparks $5 million lawsuit

By Tatiana Sanchez, 5 Nov. 2018

SAN JOSE . Bay Area muralist Jose Meza Velasquez has filed a $5 million lawsuit in federal court against the new and former owners of a shuttered storefront on Story Road, alleging they violated state and federal laws that protect artists. work when they removed his historic mural from the building without notice.

A $5m Federal lawsuit because a shuttered storefront was repainted? Velasquez has a massive, ungrateful ego.

Community members and public officials were outraged after finding that a valuable piece of the city’s history had been quietly painted over before the sun rose one August morning. That scene set in motion a series of events that has culminated in the lawsuit, which alleges negligence on the owners. behalf. …

Why would public officials be outraged over what private property owners do to their property? Would the mayor be outraged if I repainted my house in order to sell it? By the way, that’s why the mural was repainted: nobody wanted to buy the property with that fugly boat anchor “culture” on the wall. A better excuse than Silent Sam or Prospector Pete ever got.

Representatives for the two companies named in the suit, 2048 Partners LLC and A7 Story LLC, did not respond to requests for comment. Attorney Peter Ajlouny, who managed 2048 Partners LLC . the company that previously owned the building . didn’t respond to several phone calls made to his San Jose law firm last week. He previously told this news organization that he tried to market the property to Latino business owners, but that many objected to the mural.

.No prospective tenant liked the mural,. Ajlouny said in August. .They said it depicted an old colonial, subservient Mexico.. …

BWAHAHA! Well played, Pete.

Velasquez designed and painted the “Mural de la Raza” on the side of what was a Payless Shoes in 1985 with muralist Frank Torres, who went by the nickname Pancho, and a local youth group. A city landmark for 33 years, the mural paid homage to Chicano culture. Historical icons, civil rights leaders and other prominent figures of Mexican culture were depicted in the colorful work of art, a cultural gem that reminded many San Jose residents of their roots. …

…There’s no indication that the Mural de la Raza will ever come back to east San Jose. The slate gray paint that covered the mural has since been tagged with graffiti.


Voting in 2018 to Destroy San Francisco

While this post is unique to California’s ballot, much of what California does tends to crop up elsewhere so it’s worth your reading. Ditto the political skulduggery. And there’s always the entertainment value of bad actors losing their masks, unintended consequences and so on.

This is the second election in which I’ve been forced to vote by mail. Liberals love such “motor voter” laws because proving vote fraud is difficult when it can happen anywhere instead of only in heavily policed specific locations where you have to sign in with a photo ID.

My normal election rule is 1: Never vote for a woman; God doesn’t want women to rule men, 2: No new debts/taxes, 3: not the Democrat and 4: Not the incumbent, in that order. It hurts when this means I vote for a male Dem over a female Rep but until con-art-servatives figure out what they’re supposed to be conserving, they’s just as much a liability.

On that note, four of the five new high-level judges up for unopposed appointment are female. We’re doomed.

The choice for US Senator was Dianne Feinstein the incumbent liche or Kevin de Leon the La Raza puppet. I left that one blank.

Moving on to the nationally popular California Propositions, #1-4 are the sort of new debt instruments that keep me voting. I can’t drain the swamp but I can slow the accumulation of stupidly unnecessary debt. About $17b worth of debt this year.

#7 will end daylight savings time for California. Given the size of our economy, this will probably ripple-effect throughout the USA. #9 was the latest effort to split up California, pulled by its proponent after some court ruling. Context here:

You’ve probably heard about Prop 13, the 1978 voter initiative that has kept property taxes low enough for ordinary people to continue owning their homes even as home values spike through the roof. Legislators have tried annually to get it overturned, lusting for new property tax revenue, but the Baby Boomer voting bloc thwarts them every time. Prop 13 has even been amended a couple times to ensure that baby Boomers can carry their low tax policies when they sell their home and move. Boomers got greedy this election’s effort with Prop. 5: “Removes certain transfer requirements for homeowners over 55, severely disabled homeowners, and contaminated or disaster-destroyed property.” When I see vaguely worded bunk like that, I do my homework. The truth is always interesting.

Screw you, you Baby Boomers. First you ruined our country, then you ruined our economy, now you want legal exemptions from paying taxes? Die already.

Proposition #6 is a fuel- and car-tax reduction. It became controversial when Caltrans workers stopped traffic in San Diego County to pass out anti-Prop 6 fliers. Read about it here:

Carl DeMaio: Caltrans Illegally Distributed Anti-Proposition 6 Material

The actual tax is old news. The State spends general funds on welfare handouts and other election kickbacks then offers earmarked taxes/debts to address the neglected infrastructure. Voters know the gov’t will burn the world before they favor the good of humanity over reelection and cooperate. As with men and women, the men-and-gov’t relationship is controlled by the side that cares the least about the other. This explains much about how MGTOW is a threat to the powers that be.

Proposition #8 is a curious one, imposing cost controls on dialysis treatment. Rather specific, eh? The opposition weighs in:

An independent study by the state’s former Legislative Analyst and the economic think tank, Berkeley Research Group, found that, under Prop 8, eighty-three percent (83%) of dialysis clinics in California would operate at a loss. …

Prop 8 is funded by United Healthcare Workers West (UHW) union through a front group called “Kidney Patients Deserve Better,. as part of an attempt to pressure dialysis clinics to unionize workers. While unions have the right to try to organize workers, it’s not right to abuse the initiative system and use vulnerable patients as political pawns.

Since 2012, UHW has spent $35 million in California and other states on more than 20 punitive state and local ballot measures in an attempt to force hospitals and other healthcare providers to accept their union organizing and contract demands.

Labor unions are organized criminal syndicates and fronts for Leftist political activism/terrorism.

Similarly, Proposition #11. What it says: “Requires Private-Sector Emergency Ambulance Employees to Remain On-Call During Work Breaks. Eliminates Certain Employer Liability. Initiative Stature.” But here’s the catch: “Private-Sector Emergency Ambulance” means the company American Medical Response, which paid for this Proposition and has a near-monopoly in California on emergency ambulance services. An op-ed I found compelling:

In order to understand why AMR would spend nearly $22 million to codify common sense practices . such as EMT and paramedic meal and rest breaks . it’s necessary to understand current California labor laws and AMR.s history of violating them. … In 2017, a group of first responders led by dispatcher Laura Bartoni alleged they were denied pay for these interrupted rest breaks over several issues, filing the lawsuit Laura Bartoni, et al., v. American Medical Response West.

Separate from the lawsuit against AMR, the California Supreme Court recently ruled that on-call breaks violate state labor laws in Jennifer Augustus v. ABM Security Services, a case involving private security guards and their employers, who required they keep their radios on during breaks. The court ruled in favor of the workers, stating that employers must provide breaks that are off-duty and not interruptible. In order to adhere to this ruling and make sure employees get uninterrupted, off-duty breaks, AMR would need to operate more ambulances and have more first responders on duty, increasing costs. It’s likely that this cost factors into AMR.s support and funding of the proposition.

Under Prop. 11, AMR seeks to eliminate the possibility for further lawsuits stemming from meal and rest break violations and circumvent the Augustus v. ABM Security Services ruling.

I generally don’t care for California’s busybody employment laws but the way to handle it here is AMR charging its costs to its municipal customers, not AMR spending eight digits to carve an exception out of the law. We can change the law but all must be equal under the law. No pay-to-play!

And the Proposition that might just nuke Sodom Fransicko: Number Ten. “EXPANDS LOCAL GOVERNMENTS. AUTHORITY TO ENACT RENT CONTROL ON RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY. INITIATIVE STATUTE. Repeals state law that currently restricts the scope of rent control policies that cities and other local jurisdictions may impose on residential property. ”

That sounded horrific because rent control is how one destroys a city if he doesn’t have an army. Landowners are invariably denied the rents needed to maintain the infrastructure and are then punished in real estate analogues of frivorce court until they abandon their properties entirely. Squalor and plague settle in. The Hondurans will get here and wonder why they ever left.

But as I read up on it, I found out rent controls had already been enacted at the State level and were rather obsolete. Okay, then. If I can’t stop the concept of rent control then local-level rent control is preferable to Moscow-level rent control… and I voted for Prop #10.

This will crank economic stratification to ten kerjillion. All the Leftoids will swiftly act to lower rents way below market rate in the areas they control, which means the Libturd exodus from California into other states will cease. Eventually, they’ll all be prisoners in shanty towns of their own making but hey, shanty towns are cheap rent. Only the landowners screwed & shamed by Leftists will be leaving.

You’re welcome, Texas.

Meanwhile, local control means I have a better chance of stopping rent control irrationality in my own neighborhood.


Proud Boys Jack Up Antifa

And there’s video!

We kept warning them what would happen if they kept poking the Anglo-Saxon bear. On the heels of RAM’s arrest is their peers, the Proud Boys led by Gavin McInness, were provoked by Antifa and appropriate beatings were administered. Naturally, the FBI now wants the Proud Boys for “rioting”.



By Kerry Picket, 12 October 2018

The Metropolitan Republican Club on Manhattan’s Upper East Side was vandalized Thursday night with broken windows, spray-painted anarchy signs, and a threatening message that the “attack is merely a beginning..

The building is the headquarters of the Manhattan Republican Party and the New York City regional office for the New York Republican Party.

The door of the Metropolitan Republican Club in Manhattan, New York, was vandalized Thursday, Oct. 11, 2018. (Photo obtained by The Daily Caller)

The window of the Metropolitan Republican Club in Manhattan, New York, was vandalized Thursday, Oct. 11, 2018. (Photo obtained by The Daily Caller)

The note reads:

Tonight, we put the Republican Party on notice, in defiance to the policy of mass misery they have championed.

The U.S. government has established concentration camps around the country for Latino people, shamelessly murdering black people, and continues its war machine that has slaughtered Muslim people with impunity for decades. The so-called “Land of the Free” leads the world in incarceration rates per capita, all the while profiteering in the new plantation within the prison walls.

While these atrocities persist unabated the Metropolitan Republican Club chose to invite a hipster fascist clown to dance for them, content to revel in their treachery against humanity. The Republican Party joined by their spineless partners in crime, the Democrats institute a policy of domestic and foreign terror felt the world over.

Our attack is merely a beginning. We are not passive, we are not civil, and we will not apologize. Those of good conscience and clear mind know this state of oppression cannot remain. The US fascist political system is one of the most savage institutions in history and we will combat it relentlessly until all are free of American barbarism.

The note takes a swipe at the Democrats. Interesting. Look at the second paragraph. It’s liberal talking points but notice they’re identity politics talking points. The Democrat Party has begun to splinter between its out-of-touch leader liches, the vibrancy they’re worked so hard to foster and the white Dems waking up to the fact that the devil has played them for total fools. The latter would be the Republican Party’s “spineless partners in crime”.

The term “hipster fascist clown” appeared to reference Vice Media co-founder and CRTV host Gavin McInnes, who was expected to speak Friday at the club. McInnes says he stands up for “Western values,. and is the founder of a fraternal group called the Proud Boys, where men who believe the “West is best” meet up and drink beer.

The article is well-written and I encourage the reader to follow the link for more. Here’s a link to the Proud Boys themselves:

They’re very determinedly not white supremacists and don’t like the alt-Right. However, what you might not see on their website is that they do operate as a street gang, with “beating in” initiation rites and mandatory (or strongly suggested, I can’t nail it down) tattooing. McInness himself is sleeved and refers to himself as “the Prophet”. Not a club I’ll be joining.

Proud Boys in HawaiĆ¢??i | Hawaii Public Radio

The America First Fraternity Pledges Trump

The black shirt with yellow trim is their uniform. They don’t make a habit of face concealment, a welcome change from Antifa:

The Liberals:

Police Seek 9 Proud Boys Supporters on Riot Charges After Brawls With Antifa


By Ashley Southall, 15 October 2018

Police commanders moved on Monday to quell a controversy over the department’s handling of brawls outside a Republican club in Manhattan, saying they were seeking nine people affiliated with the Proud Boys, a far-right group, and three additional anti-fascist protesters on riot and attempted assault charges.

So, on Friday 12 October the assigned police handled the politically charged event with no loss of control or serious injuries reported. NBC News reports that three Antifa goons had been arrested in a separate incident from the video below. On Monday 15 October, police leadership moved to protect their asses “from controversy” by issuing arrest warrants for Proud Boys. Oh, those spineless brass dhimmis.

Perhaps the mayor weighing in had something to do with it: “Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo on Sunday dispatched a State Police hate crimes unit to assist the New York Police Department and asked the Federal Bureau of Investigation for help.”

The trouble started, the police officials said, after fans of Mr. McInnes filed out of the Metropolitan Republican Club on East 83d Street and headed down Park Avenue. A splinter group of masked protesters looped around Lexington Avenue to intercept them, the police said.

Dem Proud Boys were looking to start shit!

The opposing groups came face-to-face on East 82nd Street, yelling as they met. Surveillance video from an apartment building captured a protester hurling a plastic bottle toward the Proud Boys, who were outside the camera’s frame. A man in a red hat then appears onscreen and can be seen throwing the first punch.

That’s dishonest verbiage. A protester threw an object at someone, that someone isn’t throwing the “first punch”.

That fight was the first of several violent clashes that spread over several blocks on the Upper East Side. By the next day, Republican Party officials were being criticized for holding the event, while some elected officials said the violence raised questions about the Police Department’s ability to handle demonstrations.

Violent clashes between police and Antifa, they mean. Is the mayor going to charge NYPD with rioting?

The Proud Boys have been associated with violence across the United States, including in Portland, Ore., on Saturday, and have been labeled a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center, a civil rights nonprofit. Mr. McInnes was barred by Twitter for violating its policy on “violent extremist groups..

My grandmother was associated with violence when she got mugged.

The police commissioner, James P. O.Neill, speaking after a police graduation at Madison Square Garden on Monday, called the violence on Friday night “disturbing and outrageous” and vowed to make more arrests. Still, he defended officers who were criticized by public officials and on social media for failing to arrest members of the Proud Boys group who were filmed hitting protesters.

The one political force more powerful than angry SJWs is police protecting their own. That’s fine, there should be many forces more powerful than weaponized butthurt, but too bad the innocent received no such consideration.

The Proud Boys:


by The Elders, 30 October 2018

First, enjoy the show:

They call that a riot? No blood, no foul. I’ve seen worse fights over parking spaces. The Proud Boys speak:

Antifa approached about five Proud Boys and threw a bottle of urine at them. They then jumped the Proud Boys, knocked two over, and began kicking them while they were down. This is all very apparent at the beginning of the above video. After taking a few blows, the Proud Boys defended themselves . hard. It was a typical bar brawl and the police saw no need to press charges. The alleged victims made that especially clear when they told the police to go fuck themselves. We cannot understand how this is considered assault when even the “victim” insists it is not. This is not a case that should be clogging up the courts. It is a cut and dry case of self-defense.

There’s more at the link. There were apparently 50 police assigned to this event so these PB arrests are not going to become convictions… certainly not for “rioting” when they were invited, cooperative with law enforcement and the other side was attacking them even before their arrival.




MGTOW Life: Revisiting Sigma

My readers are aware of Vox Day’s iconic Alpha-Omega sociosexual hierarchy. Solitary Wolf has an interesting post up about the traits of the Sigma ranking:

I noticed he didn’t mention maintaining harems or being popular. Sigma is a variant of Alpha, after all, not a “successful not-Alpha”. A very common mistake.

The thing to know about Alphas, they not only enjoy high status but are obsessed with attaining & keeping it. Being Alpha doesn’t happen in a vacuum; most Alphas are constantly playing social games. It’s the same reason nearly all superwealthy men are FIRE experts–finance, insurance & real estate–because the reliable way to get superwealth is to be super-obsessed about building wealth.

The Sigma is a Dark Triad Alpha. This combination attracts women without the Sigma having to make deliberate effort. That’s the key.

Sigma is the sociosexual type that attains top sexual status without putting in the usual effort, comparable to a hillbilly who found oil on his farm. The hillbilly billionaire is not going to fit into the conventional rich-man contexts or stereotypes; he’s an outsider with the same standing as an insider. Trying to act Sigma is like trying to find free money under your bed. Either it’s there or it isn’t.

I once read an article by a psychiatrist complaining about requests from guys asking how to acquire sociopathy. That’s because chicks love sociopaths and shit test healthy men. Being Alpha without putting in the normal effort is attractive to men who’ve already tried the Alpha path and failed. Sociopathy is attractive also because healthy men are hurt by social isolation. Men don’t like being vulnerable so for those of us who leave society because we were forced to, the idea of changing our personality to no longer be capable of vulnerability interests us.

There’s a converse to this. It’s possible to be an “Omega who didn’t earn it”. To be somebody who should be attractive to women but isn’t. Perhaps this should be the true definition of Incel. The sexual marketplace is a marketplace, after all, and market disruptions mean not everyone gets exactly their value in trade.

It’s okay to try achieving Alpha. It’s not okay to try achieving Sigma because it isn’t a state that can be achieved. Trying to copy Sigma traits risks embracing narcissism or manipulative coldness.

It is not always a compliment when women find you exciting.