Choose the Form of the Destructor 6 AND 7!

Women in Northern California are too white to be feminists. Indeed, the Womens’ March political movement is falling apart in many ways as Care-Based Morality assumes the sale of feminism and moves on to non-feminist agenda items.

Women’s March event canceled over concerns of being ‘overwhelmingly white’

By Louis Casiano, 31 December 2018

Organizers of a Women’s March rally slated for Northern California next month have canceled the event, saying they were concerned that participants would have been “overwhelmingly white.”

In a news release, organizers for the march in Eureka . about 270 miles north of San Francisco . said Friday the “decision was made after many conversations between local social-change organizers and supporters of the march..

.Up to this point, the participants have been overwhelmingly white, lacking representation from several perspectives in our community,. the news release continued.

Have these people noticed how white their Antifa goons are? Maybe they should be more careful about disrespecting their own footsoldiers. Hey, Antifa, it’s okay to be both MGTOW and Orange Man Bad!

It’s okay to be white, too. Unless you’re Women’s March.

According to Census Bureau data from July, Humboldt County, where Eureka is the county seat, is 74 percent non-Hispanic white.

.I was appalled to be honest,. Amy Sawyer Long told the Washington Times. .I understand wanting a diverse group. However, we live in a predominantly white area . not to mention how is it beneficial to cancel? No matter the race people still want their voices heard..

That’s why it’s called the Womens’ March, so men can be heard too. Ah, silly me. Men are not people.

The rally, which had been planned for Jan. 19, would have commemorated the third anniversary of the original Women’s March, which was held Jan. 21, 2017, the day after President Trump took office.

Trump Derangement Syndrome again. Womens’ March isn’t just a movement. It’s a bowel movement!

The group said it is exploring shifting the rally to March to celebrate International Women’s Day.

The Women’s March movement has been marred by complaints from some black and Latina women, who’ve raised concerns that their input is often disregarded or overlooked, the New York Times reported.

Do they have a different way of hating Trump? Maybe they’re racist against Orange?

The cancellation of the march in California follows a previous one in Chicago.

Women’s March organizers in that city cited high costs and limited volunteer hours as reasons for nixing the annual rally, the Chicago Tribune reported.

.There’s no march, there’s no rally,. said Sara Kurensky, Women’s March Chicago board member. .We’re going to provide ways for people to organize and take action in their local communities..

Form of the Destructor 7: Taxes are too high to protest Donald Trump!

Meanwhile, the Women’s March national leadership has faced accusations of anti-Semitism because of ties to Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan.

In a speech in February, Farrakhan praised a Women’s March co-President Tamika Mallory and declared “the powerful Jews are my enemy..

Leaders of Women’s March Inc. have come under scrutiny for not condemning Farrakhan’s rhetoric fast enough. The Nation of Islam is considered a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center.

Earlier this month, a Washington state chapter of the Women’s March disbanded in protest because of the national group’s links to anti-Semitism.

Troll 11/10. We should take notes!

Marches and rallies are still planned for Jan. 19 in Washington, D.C., and dozens of other cities nationwide and internationally.

Free Cyntoia Brown! But not around me, please. I don’t have a man to protect me from her:


6 thoughts on “Choose the Form of the Destructor 6 AND 7!

  1. I’m truly enjoying all this. Regarding women’s marches in pink pussy hats remember –

    1. If your wife or girlfriend is wearing one, it’s actually you that is the pussy.
    2. If any other female relative is wearing one, you have to at least call her on it, or see number 1.
    3. If you’re actually wearing it…? You are quite possibly beyond redemption.

  2. The left eats their own young, Gunner.

    White college educated women are just the current batch of “useful idiots” the Left is suing until they legalize the 30 million welfare-loving leftist illegals in USA, make them into voters, have them chain-migrate 100 million more new voters through family re-unification laws… at that point, college-educated white women will be discarded in to the trash in lieu of a bigger, more reliable, poorer voting block – poor, newly amnestied illegal aliens.

    You just wait… the Left did that with black Americans in California, they used their votes to gain power, opened up the border, put illegal on welfare ahead of blacks, and by the times the blacks realized what happened, their neighborhood billboards were all in Spanish and their neighborhoods smell like burritos in the morning.

    That is why you see Black Americans slowly begin shifting to the GOP. Expect to see more Diamond and Silk, Candice Owes, ConservativeBlackChick blogger, Deneen Borelli…. The “Black Elephants” of California. It will be a slow shift after 80+ years of leftist mind-control, but it will happen. ..

  3. @earl

    Hi Earl! Taking a break from Dalrock… being moderated and not being able to reply to others gets old. lol

  4. “…the Left did that with black Americans in California, they used their votes to gain power, opened up the border, put illegal on welfare ahead of blacks, and by the times the blacks realized what happened, their neighborhood billboards were all in Spanish and their neighborhoods smell like burritos in the morning.”

    Anybody interested can read the history of Boyle Heights for an example of under-the-radar ethnic cleansing.

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