
I found an interesting chart on the Daily Kos that said 11 state politicians have changed political loyalties since the 2018 elections barely six months ago. I don’t mean turncoats in the pejorative sense today; Left vs. Right has become meaningless, now that the real battle is globalist vs. nationalist. Then again, this is an awfully short time after the elections for the pols to reveal themselves as not who the people voted for. Let’s have a look at their reasons and physiognomies.

Johnny Tadlock, Oklahoma, Dem->Rep, 6 Dec 2018

Oklahoma State Rep Switches Teams?? | The Lost Ogle

The bulb on his nose suggests interest in money/finance. He’s probably decisive with a square, jutting chin like that; indeed, his career was in law enforcement rising as high as Sheriff before entering politics. Heavy crows-feet at the corner of his eyes but not extending across the lower eyelids; an unhappy marriage, perhaps, or police work may have aged him prematurely. A generally square face indicates a pragmatic, high-endurance personality.

As Democratic rural losses increase, state Rep. Tadlock says he is changing Parties, not changing sides

Oklahoma City . State Rep. Johnny Tadlock, first elected as representative from Oklahoma House District 1 in 2014, delivered the political equivalent of a trembler at the state Capitol last week.

Tadlock switched his party affiliation from Democrat to Republican. The Idabel legislator cited conservative policy beliefs as the reason for the change.

In comments sent to The City Sentinel on Thursday (December 6), Rep. Tadlock said, .This to me is not at all about party affiliation. This is about representing the people who live in my district to the best of my ability and making sure their voice is heard at the state Capitol. To do this, I feel I would have better success in the majority party.

.I have not changed my beliefs. As a Democrat, I was endorsed by the National Rifle Association. I have always been pro-life. I have cared about safe and decent roads and bridges, public safety, free and fair public education and health care that reaches those in the rural communities. These are still the issues with which I will be concerned..

Not a conservative worthy of the label. But his switch leaves OK Democrats with almost no presence outside of the cities.

State Rep. Emily Virgin of Norman, recently elected as the Democratic House Leader, sent a statement soon after Tadlock’s party switch was announced. She said:

.Whether the legislator from House District 1 is a Republican or a Democrat, the Democratic Caucus is going to continue to fight for legislation that benefits towns like Broken Bow and Idabel.

For the last decade, Republican policies from healthcare to education have been devastating to rural Oklahoma so while we don’t understand Rep. Tadlock’s decision, we wish him the best of luck..

She didn’t scream at him for homophobia and Russia connections so I conclude it’s a reelection ploy done early.

Barbara Bollier, Kansas, Rep->Dem, 12 Dec 2018

Barbara Bollier

A textbook feminist face. Masculinized chin/jaw, sunken eyes, thin lips, New York City haircut, flat chest. I’m surprised she ever identified as a conservative.

Barbara Bollier: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

Barbara Bollier is a Kansas state lawmaker who left the Republican Party to join the Democrats. Bollier said her frustration with the party had been building for years but the final straw was the inclusion of anti-transgender language into the party platform, The Shawnee Mission Post reported.

Bollier has been an outspoken critic of her own party for years, even backing a Democratic candidate in the Kansas 3rd Congressional District election and the state’s governor’s race.

Bollier had been punished by the party by losing her position on the Senate Public Health and Welfare Committee.

.Once I was removed from my committees, it no longer made sense for me to try to represent my constituents as a Republican,. she said.

Entitled termite bitch. She attacked her own party from the inside. Good that her peers removed her from positions of leadership but they should have kicked her out entirely before she had the chance to leave. They didn’t want to lose their meaningless edge against the Democrats, most likely.

Dinah Sykes, Kansas, Rep->Dem, 19 Dec 2018

New Member Spotlight: Dinah Sykes | Rotary Club of Lenexa

Not fully feministized. The accessories are Leftoid–haircut, glasses–but she could probably be rehabilitated to live a normal life. Smiles that bare the gums indicate a belief that the subject self-perceives as desirable.

Compromise, common sense and listening to all sides of an issue don’t seem like countercultural values. Certainly, in the home I grew up in they weren.t. My parents belonged to separate political parties, and those values were part of the air I breathed.

But in my state’s Republican Party, such values have become increasingly difficult to find. And that’s why I’ve decided to leave the party.

Impressive. Okie Republicans found their spine!

I ran for office because I strongly believe that elected officials should serve the people they represent. They should take the time to hear from those on all sides of an issue and consider how people’s lives are affected by policies. I didn’t see this from the incumbent, so I ran for a seat in the Kansas legislature.

That’s not how gov’t leaders serve the people, by giving them what they want. Fear God, punish evil, keep the infrastructure intact. It doesn’t matter how many soccer moms are inconvenienced by State prohibitions on divorce.

There, I identified with and developed friendships with moderate women in both parties who embodied this kind of principled compromise and common sense. Despite the work of then-Gov. Sam Brownback, a Republican, to purge state government (and the Republican Party) of moderates, I believed the best way to fight for my state was to work with my moderate friends to try to reverse those changes; in fact, that’s what I had been elected to do. It’s what the people wanted. However, I quickly discovered during my own service what many of my moderate friends already knew: The changes were deeper and much more pervasive than I thought. To many in the Republican Party, “bipartisan” had become a dirty word.

Bipartisan IS a dirty word. Meanwhile, Dinah found sisterhood with the Dems.

I witnessed party bosses reinforce this message numerous times by punishing caucus members who disagreed with their leadership. I was even threatened early in my first session for advocating an end to Brownback’s failed tax experiment, a key issue in my campaign and one that the people of my district supported. When a fixed ideological position was put ahead of the people I serve and their wishes, I knew that was unacceptable.

Brownback, the previous Kansas governor and proponent of trickle-down economics, pushed massive tax cuts into effect. State gov’t revenue fell dramatically with education, transportation and abortion most notably affected. In fact, the State gov’t’s credit rating was downgraded in part for financial stability concerns. Sounds good to me but he’s considered to be one of the least popular governors in Kansas’ history. He is now President Trump’s “U.S. Ambassador-at-Large for International Religious Freedom” over loud objections from the ACLU, CAIR and the LGBT faction.

Sounds like there’s quite the cold civil war in Kansas politics today.

Stephanie Clayton, Kansas, Rep->Dem, 19 Dec 2018

The same day as Dinah. Looking forward to this one… on the right:

Sen. Dinah Sykes and Rep. Stephanie Clayton, both moderate Republicans, said Wednesday they are becoming Democrats. They join Sen. Barbara Bollier, who left the Republican Party earlier in December.

A very smooth face in a pic most likely indicates cosmetics; truly unlined faces at midlife have led sheltered lives. On a woman, curved (emotional) eyebrows combined with rational eyes & lips indicate emotional manipulation. This is perversely confirmed by her long, maintained hair. Committed feminists (which I admittedly didn’t learn from her face) who don’t cut their hair are breaking partly with the herd, which means they have practical advantage to gain from long hair–manipulation or sleeping to the top, stuff like that.

Also, her smile strikes me as predatory. I’ve seen it in a few other pics I sampled so it’s not just for this one.


Two more Kansas lawmakers are leaving the Republican Party to become Democrats, shrinking the ranks of GOP moderates after the Legislature grew more conservative in the November election.

Sen. Dinah Sykes and Rep. Stephanie Clayton, both moderate Johnson County Republicans, said Wednesday they are becoming Democrats. They join Sen. Barbara Bollier, who left the Republican Party earlier in December. …

Clayton, of Overland Park, called out what she described as “recent moves to support chaos in public policy” that she said had caused her great concern. She said she first ran for office in 2010, when her daughter was in first grade, because of a lack of stable funding for public education.

A perfect example of why women don’t belong in politics.

.Leaders in the Kansas House and Senate have now indicated that they will seek to scrap the bipartisan education plan achieved over the last two years, just as we are so close to solving this problem and ending the cycle of school litigation,. Clayton said in a statement.

.My Republican Party, then, seems to no longer represent or serve the interests of the 19th District, Johnson County, or the State of Kansas,. she said. …

The Kansas Supreme Court has largely signed off on a five-year plan to ramp up annual school funding by $525 million approved last spring, but faulted the Legislature for not accounting for inflation. Additional funding to address that could require roughly $90 million more a year, and the court expects lawmakers to act during the upcoming session. …

In addition to Sykes, Clayton and Bollier, departing Rep. Joy Koesten has also become a Democrat. The Leawood lawmaker was defeated in the Republican primary in August.

The new Democrats may help boost [Democratic Gov-elect Laura] Kelly, who will need votes not only for her agenda but also to potentially uphold vetoes of Republican-driven legislation.

That’s what I expected would be the motivation of most turncoats, voting politics, but damn… Kansas Republicans are kicking da wimminz out of their party!

Donald Marean, ME, Rep->Indep, 4 Jan 2019

Maine State House Rep Don Marean leaves GOP - News Growl

I don’t have much to say about this face. It’s too much like every Establishment politician ever. Large ears could indicate gullibility but there’s nothing confirming that. (The larger the ears, eyes and mouth are in proportion to the head, the more sensitive the person tends to be to life experiences.) If you draw a circle around his nose/eyes/mouth, notice that’s far inside the circumference of his face? That indicates a thick-skinned personality.

Recently re-elected Maine lawmaker quits Republican Party

AUGUSTA, Maine . A state legislator from York County left the Republican Party on Thursday without explaining his decision to unenroll, reducing the party’s minority in the Maine House of Representatives to 56 and becoming the seventh independent in the chamber.

Rep. Don Marean confirmed that he left his party in a Friday text message, but he said “out of respect” for House Republicans, he had no comment on his decision and would let it speak for itself.

.We were informed by the speaker’s office yesterday that he has unenrolled,. John Bott, spokesman for House Republicans, said Friday. .We do not have any details on his decision..

It’s one thing to not give a public explanation, another to not give ANY explanation even to your peers that you’re abandoning.

Marean is term-limited from running in 2020 after six overall terms in the Legislature. He won his seat in 2018 with 56 percent of votes and represents his hometown of Hollis and parts of Buxton. He was recently assigned to serve as the ranking Republican on the Legislature’s tax committee.

Marean has been a moderate member of a conservative caucus. Last year, he was one of four Republicans who opposed former Gov. Paul LePage’s veto of a bill to ban conversion therapy, a widely condemned and pseudoscientific treatment that attempts to change a person’s sexual orientation or gender identity.

He’s not a pedoface. Maybe he’s just pulling the cord on a golden parachute. *checks* Fewer than 10 years in politics so that seems unlikely, too.

Brian Malenschien, California, Rep->Dem, 24 Jan 2019

Brian Maienschein.jpg

There’s our pedoface. My California, of course. *Sigh* *checks* Per wikipedia, he’s proudly endorsed by LGBTs and a volunteer children’s coach. Doin’ the Boy Scout thing, eh? Interestingly, he authored legislation permitting but not requiring youth programs to do background checks on children’s coaches.


SACRAMENTO, Calif. . A moderate California Republican state lawmaker switched parties Thursday while criticizing the policies and leadership of President Donald Trump, whom he said has led the party “to the extreme..

Assemblyman Brian Maienschein said he and the Republican Party have moved in different directions since he was first elected in 2012.

Right off the start? Republican unwillingness to police its membership for loyalty, not to mention sabotage, is a major reason it’s useless except as controlled opposition.

He represents the border city of San Diego and said he differs with the Republican Party on immigration as well as health care, gun control, abortion and gay rights.

No Sodomite is ever going to advocate Christian morality. Is there something Brian AGREED with his peers about?

Maienschein said he has been a Republican all his adult life, but is changing in part because “Donald Trump has led the Republican Party to the extreme on issues that divide our country..

.As the Republican Party has drifted further right, I and my votes have shifted to the left,. he added. .Over the years I’ve often been at odds with the Republican Party, and even when the GOP disrespected and ignored me, I crossed the aisle to vote for my values..

Maybe that’s WHY the GOP disrespected and ignored him. Brian will not be missed.

Dawn Addiego, New Jersey, Rep->Dem, 28 Jan 2019

Dawn Marie Addiego has served in the state Senate since 2010.

Central Casting feminist face. The nose appears to be concave which would indicate higher emotional expression than average.


In a rare and unexpected move, longtime Republican state Sen. Dawn Marie Addiego of Burlington County announced Monday she is switching parties and becoming a Democrat.

.As gridlock in Washington dominates the news, it has become increasingly clear that in order to effect change you have to be part of the discussion and not on the outside looking in,. Addiego, who has represented South Jersey’s 8th District since 2010, said in a statement she released on Facebook.

.The people of the 8th District did not elect me to be content in the role of loyal opposition,” the 56-year-old attorney added.

The “loyal opposition” part is interesting. The article gives several possible reasons for the move. This one is my guess:

Addiego.s decision could also be wrapped up in a Democratic Party civil war between Sweeney, D-Gloucester, and the more liberal Murphy, with whom the Senate president sometimes clashes, most notably on fiscal issues.

Addiego, a longtime moderate Republican, is likely to be part of a relatively moderate South Jersey voting bloc aligned with Sweeney, which could come in handy as another fight appears to be brewing between the Senate president and governor, over the next state budget.

That also means Addiego likely won’t have to stray too far from her past votes.

Sweeney says New Jersey is facing a financial crisis and is suggesting more cuts to public-worker pensions and health benefits to help save the state money.

Murphy, a major union supporter, has not lent his support and could seek more tax hikes instead to pay for pensions . something Sweeney says he’s against.

Sweeney told NJ Advance Media on Monday that Addiego is .a good friend” and will be “another vote” for the party.

.I know she’s not a liberal,. he said. “But she’s been moderate on a lot of social issues. It’s a good thing. … She.ll bring a view and a voice that.ll strengthen our team.”

I can see a low-commitment Republican changing teams if that’s what it takes to stop a major tax increase. As things stand, New Jersey is nearly as lost to the GOPe as California. No harm done here.

Bryce Edgmon, Alaska, Dem->Indep, 14 Feb 2019

Another squarish face indicating pragmatism and endurance. Horizontal eyes & brows indicate a very rational outlook on life, contrasted slightly with a mustache whose purpose, I think, is projecting more masculinity than he actually feels. Combined, he doesn’t strike me as a man of strong convictions. Even his glasses are rimless.

Bryce Edgmon reregisters as ‘Undeclared’


Lifelong Democrat Rep. Bryce Edgmon of Dillingham quietly reregistered as an “undeclared” yesterday, Division of Elections records show.

It may be part of a plan Democrats and three Republicans are hatching to nominate him as Speaker of the House, allowing him to return for another two-year term.

Today, two Speaker nominees were turned down by House members. Republican Dave Talerico failed on a 20-20 vote, and then Republican-in-name-only Gary Knopp, who has flipped to work with the Democrats, also failed to get the votes.

With the Republican side in disarray today, Edgmon’s change of party status appears to be the next move to organizing the House.

Edgmon is said to have consulted with Democrats in his heavily partisan district, and won their nod of approval to change his party in order to build a bipartisan coalition.

His official page at the Alaska Legislature still lists him as a Democrat.

I agree, this stinks of coalition building. Pure politics. Also, I verified that he still unofficially considers himself a Democrat.

Steve Holland, Mississippi, Dem->Indep, 1 Mar 2019

House votes to nix civil service protections | Mississippi Today

He could be Pink Mafia in the Vatican with a face like that. Bulb on nose tip indicating money. I think he has small nostrils, indicating low generosity, which is a bit disturbing when linked with the nose and those beady, hooded eyes. Is he originally from New Jersey? He looks like New Jersey.

*checks* No, but WTF? Um… never mind, let’s stay focused. I might do a post later.


Steve Holland (Independent) is a member of the Mississippi House of Representatives, representing District 16. Holland is running in the general election on November 5, 2019. He was first elected to the chamber in 1983.

Holland switched parties from Democratic to Independent on March 1, 2019. Daily Journal noted that this was most likely to avoid a primary challenge in 2019. “This, however, is a seeming maneuver to avoid a primary fight with former justice court judge Rickey Thompson. Holland has outspokenly identified as liberal. Thus, regardless of the outcome of the House District 16 race, the winner looks certain to caucus with Democrats,” wrote Caleb Bedillion.

Just a reelection ploy. Move along.

Nick Bain, Mississippi, Dem->Rep, 1 Mar 2019

I’m hoping this guy is a sane one but he’s the same day and state as Holland.

Hahaha! Forgive me, but that’s Trump’s hair he’s wearing and he looks so happy about it. Nice NRA pin. The crooked teeth stand out. Chinese reading says that indicates skill at public speaking. His face shape is too squat to count as triangular (often meaning SJW), so his face is probably Venusian: rounded at the upper corners, gently pointed at the middle bottom, sometimes called a “lozenge” shape. He’s a lover or at least, passionate about his interests. That extra fold of flesh around his jaw/neck is a Chinese indication of good luck. Still, he’s guarded on the left side of his face so his personal life is not all in order. Protruding cheekbones give his a slight air of dominance without which, he’d probably be considered ugly. That itself could be the personal life problem; his face has a lot of asymmetry so he might have been shunned until he learned to present himself well. Thick eyebrows with trailing hairs on both ends indicates an active mind.

Per Wikipedia, “In 2013, Bain introduced a bill to ensure that all Mississippi children would be screened for speech impediments.” I nailed his being passionate and a public speaker! *victory lap*


A late-breaking defection guarantees that Republicans will flip at least one seat in the Mississippi legislature this election cycle.

State Rep. Nick Bain is in his second term as a Democrat, representing House District 2, which includes Alcorn County. He announced re-election plans earlier this year, but not until Friday, the last day of qualifying, did it become publicly known that he will change parties and run for re-election as a Republican.

Ah, so that’s why they both switched on the same day: last-minute qualifying. I bet Mississippi regularly has party flipping on 1 March.

A Republican, DuJuana Frazier Thompson., had previously qualified in that district to challenge the Democratic incumbent.

Following Bain’s party switch, Thompson promptly dropped out of the race.

Bain.s decision apparently took Democrats by surprise, and no Democrat qualified, leaving Bain unopposed for re-election.

It worked.

In a press release issued by Speaker of the House Philip Gunn, Bain justified his switch by stating a desire to have more influence in the state capitol.

.I.m tired of sitting on the sidelines,. Bain said in the statement. .I.m ready to be part of the policy-making in Mississippi. I have always been conservative in my voting record concerning Second Amendment rights and social issues like protecting the sanctity of life and family values. With this switch, I know I will be able to better help my constituents of Alcorn County in House District 2..

Blah blah blah, it worked.

Andy McKean, Iowa, Rep->Dem, 23 Apr 2019

Longest-Serving Iowa Republican Ditches Party Over Trump ...

Pedo. He’s also got those bad-luck earlobes and… is his jaw dislocated? A second picture seems to confirm. That might mean he grinds his teeth which, when combined with being guarded on the left side, indicates major personal issues. Or, maybe Trump Derangement Syndrome causes teeth grinding. I’m guessing TDS from being a male Dem->Rep.

Report- Iowa's Longest-Serving Republican Switches to ...

This pic confirms crows-feet. The inner ear cup is flush with the outer ear, indicating he has trouble separating his inner life from his outer life. Huh, those earlobes are like cancer tumors. A theoretical interpretation: a small tragus gap indicates introversion. It would be interesting if McKean is naturally extroverted but so easily triggered in old age that he turned inward with so much effort that his earlobes grew to squeeze the tragus shut. A similar effect to stuffing one’s fingers in his ears to blot out unpleasant sound. But this is highly theoretical.

Andy McKean: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

Andy McKean is the longest-serving Republican legislator in Iowa. McKean, a lifelong Republican, announced that he would switch parties to the Democrats over his opposition to President Donald Trump’s policies.

Trump Derangement Syndrome. Grinding teeth explained? Frankly, I expected more than two TDS patients but Trump has been in office three years already so maybe most of them are gone. McKean probably only lasted this long by being entrenched Establishment. Iowa has been going Blue swiftly on his watch; looks like we have the reason why.

McKean is a retired attorney and square-dance caller, according to his official bio. He served in both the Iowa House and Senate between 1979 and 2003. He returned to run for office in 2016 and says he plans to run for re-election as a Democrat.

Do male dancers tend to be homosexual? Dancing used to be a masculine thing, back when we sent the Redcoats home, but when I tried dancing a couple times (hey, I was desperate to meet girls. They said to go where the girls are. I ruled out anything alcoholic. That left dancing) it was strictly for make-out purposes. One class even assumed from the start that only couples would show up. Then they did the “grope”.

Then #MeToo ended any chance of me putting my arms around an unknown female ever again. You win, wimminz. Enjoy me not being there for you.

McKean, who had been appointed to head the House Ethics Committee, said that he left the Republican Party, in part, because he believed Trump’s spending was “reckless” and his foreign policy was “erratic” and “destabilizing.”

.I believe that his actions have coarsened political discourse, have resulted in unprecedented divisiveness and have created an atmosphere that is a breeding ground for hateful rhetoric and actions,. McKean said. .Some would excuse this behavior as “telling it like it is” and the new normal. If this is the new normal, I want no part of it..

Says the treacherous, bipartisan RINO.


6 thoughts on “Turncoats

  1. For those shifting to Independent, I consider that to be essentially Democrat. At least at the national level, I don’t know that any Independents ever vote with the Republicans. I wonder if it just makes them feel better that they could do so if they wanted.

  2. “At least at the national level, I don.t know that any Independents ever vote with the Republicans.”

    Even Republicans routinely vote against Republicans so it’s hard to say. NeverTrump! Heck, I remember wondering why the “Log Cabin Republicans” were tolerated, being open homosexuals in the purportedly conservative party. What are we conserving, Sodom? Apparently.

  3. Female politicians switching from Republican to Democrat should be about as unexpected as a man who, having lived as a trans woman for most of his adult life, suddenly realizes that it doesn’t work because he is, after all, A MAN, and switches back to being a man.

    Modern women, being feminists to their core, cannot be Republicans (notwithstanding the fact that Republicans rarely ever walk their own talk). I have to give these women props for finally deciding that they cannot live the lie anymore and “coming home” to the party whose ideology unabashedly reflects their true feminist values.

  4. Yeah I consider any female politician a Democrat no matter what affiliation she claims to be.

    I was presented a choice one time of a female republican or male democrat (so basically not much difference). I rarely vote democrat but I did in that case.

  5. “I was presented a choice one time of a female republican or male democrat (so basically not much difference). I rarely vote democrat but I did in that case.”

    I do that, too. There’s no shame in favoring the cis-male over the fems and freaks. Even a bad cis-male is not categorically banned from leadership per Scripture.

  6. About that little WTF moment, Steve Holland’s mother, a judge, was one of three targets on the 2013 ricin letter mailings… another letter was sent to then-President Obama. My biography check identified that Steve was personally involved with the criminal, James Everett Dutschke, and had possibly grown up together with him, and a quick check of faces–as I’m wont to do these days–revealed everybody involved had at least slight pedoface indicators. That made me wonder if the incident might have been a Matthew Shepard-style incident.

    After investigating, however, I failed to confirm my theory. Dutschke had easily plausible motives to target Holland’s family and the third target, Senator Roger Wicker, repeatedly acted in ways that a homosexual surely wouldn’t have. For example, Wicker opposed the US Navy allowing an atheist into its chaplain corps last year or so.

    Just because a face has pedoface indicators doesn’t mean he’s actually pedo. The face reflects emotions, not thoughts and actions, so verification is always warranted. Conversely, I would not have guessed that South Bend’s Petey Buttplug was a homo from his face alone.

    False alarm. Carry on.

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