The Wages Of Socialism: Los Angeles

I’ve mentioned before that Los Angeles is a dangerously unstable place to live, no hyperbole whatever, in large part because of its tyrants’ social engineering projects. They prepare to double down on their anarcho-tyranny one… last… time.

L.A. County juvenile halls are so chaotic, officers are afraid to go to work

By Matt Stiles, 19 May 2019

The detention officer’s email described “chaos” inside one of Los Angeles County’s juvenile halls.

Her words were desperate, describing unruly, violent youth and fed up detention officers . enough to prompt a surprise visit by Joe Gardner, president of the county’s volunteer advisory panel, the Probation Commission.

Inside the Barry J. Nidorf Juvenile Hall in Sylmar, he found shattered windows, smashed walls and tiles ripped from the ceilings. Phones in common areas were busted and debris lay scattered on the floors. Gang graffiti had been scrawled on the walls. The staff were overwhelmed.

L.A. County juvenile halls are so chaotic, officers are afraid to go to work

.I was stunned,. Gardner said of the facility, where about 200 youths are housed behind a sturdy, red-brick wall topped with circular barbed wire. .Some of the damage appears to have taken time to do. It appeared there really wasn’t the oversight that there needed to be..

The “chaos” in Sylmar is far from an anomaly. Officers have long argued that their workplaces are becoming more violent . and data backs that up. But internal reports and photographs obtained by The Times show just how dangerous and dysfunctional Los Angeles County’s youth detention operation has become.

The L.A. County Probation Department is facing a series of serious problems, including bursts of violence among detainees, plummeting officer morale and the organizational headaches from closing several detention facilities. Six officers also were recently charged with child abuse and assault over the unreasonable use of pepper spray on several teenagers, putting even more political pressure on the department to stop using it by the end of the year.

That kinda says it all. On one hand, police are on the front line of America’s decaying social fabric. On the other hand, anything they do to “the children” can and will be used against them in a court of law. The badge is all responsibility, no authority.

The fathers of America sympathize.

.We have way more than enough staff. The problem is people aren’t coming to work because they are afraid,. said Stacy Ford, a veteran detention officer and an executive on rehabilitation camp issues for the rank-and-file union, AFSCME Local 685.

The rehabilitation camps are rural work camps where inmates can either be put to work maintaining fire breaks in the tinder-dry mountains around Los Angeles… you watched Malibu and a couple other local places burn recently… or be warehoused in miserable heat on the cheapest land available. Their choice.

In recent months, the department has acknowledged large fights involving multiple youths, including one last month at Camp Rockey in the foothills of the San Gabriel Mountains. In that incident, young detainees engaged in two separate fights, requiring staff to call in reinforcements to help restore peace and supervise the facility, the department said. Two staff and one detainee required medical attention.

If they mean offsite reinforcements specifically then this was a prison riot.

In March, a female detainee leaving a court facility in Compton began to kick the seats and windows of her transport van. The officers struggled to control her, and she repeatedly spat on them. When one officer tried to block the flying saliva, the youth lunged forward and bit the officer’s hand, breaking the skin. She continued to kick, yell obscenities and resist. The officers had to repeatedly call for assistance en route to their destination, according to the report.

That sounds more normal, actually. Drugs and kids, a combination that should never happen.

In April at Central Juvenile Hall, three youths refused to enter their rooms after eating, delaying a second group’s entrance into the food hall for dinner. At the same time, officers reported they could sense tension coming from the second group related to a previous incident, in which one youth refused to hold a door for another. An officer tried to cool the tension. But they refused to calm down and words involving “gang activity” were exchanged. The officers eventually had to use an upper-body restraint to keep the enraged youths apart.

This is an insightful incident. What would have happened a couple generations back? A couple whacks to the ass, maybe a frog march. Done. But here, an officer tried being nice and eventually had to *gasp* physically restrain one of the kids. That shouldn’t have been a significant use of force.

Such incidents occur almost daily. When they do, detention officers say the recent backlash over the use of force inside the facilities, including an overreliance on pepper spray, has made them increasingly worried about being subjected to internal discipline.

Over time, officers have become reluctant to physically restrain youths to control tense situations, allowing eruptions to occur that have led to injuries or property damage.

Classic anarcho-tyranny. They have to control the situation but anything they DO to control the situation will be judged mercilessly by the Ministry of Love. Not allowed to do your job, can’t eat food without your job. The only winning move is… not to show up for work.

In Sylmar, the conditions were so alarming that Gardner penned a three-page letter to the L.A. County Board of Supervisors. In it, he described the officer-turned-whistleblower.s concerns about staff working to a “breaking point. because of officers calling in sick and the intense conditions requiring forced overtime among those who did report to work.

The officer worried about staff fatigue and injuries, saying that fights and assaults were daily occurrences . and that the officers were confused about how best to prevent them.

.There are significant problems at the facility,. she wrote in the email to Gardner. .The facility is significantly understaffed each day. Employees are stated to be quitting.. …

Part of the strain on detention officers is because the Probation Department continues to close facilities amid falling youth crime rates and a shift away from incarceration, while also grappling with an increasingly troubled population that has suffered from trauma, county officials say.

Inside facilities such as Barry J. Nidorf, where as many as 90% of the youths have an open mental health case, according to the county’s Department of Mental Health, the existing staff are expected to provide more intense, one-on-one supervision. But that can leave their colleagues without immediate backup, and so the department has begun asking officers from other facilities to volunteer for overtime shifts.

No. As many as 90% of the youths have NO FATHER. Fixed it for you.

This mix of factors has contributed to an increase in violence among detainees and assaults against the detention officers in recent years. Systemwide, there were at least 88 instances of youth-on-youth violence and another 46 direct assaults on staff in March, according to data the department began publishing recently.

An average of over four violent incidents per day, one involving staff.

Indeed, the officer who emailed Gardner was concerned that Barry J. Nidorf Juvenile Hall was becoming overcrowded by the arrival of youths from another hall, Los Padrinos, which is slated to close in July. That perception of overcrowding persists, even though county statistics show the hall’s population has remained relatively constant in the last year.

That tells us the brass is cooking the books hotter than the meth lab next door. They’re responding to the crisis by denying there is a crisis.

At the same time, the Probation Department has faced criticism recently over the excessive use of pepper spray by some detention officers . incidents that prompted the Board of Supervisors to phase in a ban and recently resulted in criminal charges against several county employees.

That has fueled additional staff anxiety about losing a tool they feel helps them maintain control, even though youth advocates contend pepper spray is inhumane and inhibits rehabilitation.

This has to be intentional. They want to crash the criminal justice system. There’s no way they can be this stupid, this long. This is pure evil.

Probation Department officials downplayed the reports of chaos.

.Are you going to have incidents? You absolutely are,. said Deputy Chief Probation Officer Sheila Mitchell, who oversees the department’s juvenile supervision efforts. .When we do, we respond quickly. We make sure that the children and the staff are in good stead..

Opportunities for Systems Change to Support the Youth Development and Youth Justice System ...

Ohhhh shiiiit. The woman in charge of supervising the juveniles is a black with cutting eyelids and hoop earrings.

She acknowledged the recent incidents involving unruly youth at the Barry J. Nidorf facility, but said the damage was isolated to one area and not indicative of the county’s overall operation, which includes two other juvenile halls and a network of seven rehabilitation camps from Malibu to San Dimas.

Shameless liar confirmed. Sociopath is likely.

Last week, for example, three football players from the Los Angeles Chargers visited Central Juvenile Hall with their coach, Anthony Lynn, in an effort to inspire the youths there.

What… what does that have to do with breakdown of order in juvenile detention?

Mitchell said the department has moved to adopt a more therapeutic model for the youth in the system by eliminating solitary confinement, relying less on institutional incarceration and enabling more home-like settings for supervision.

Found the problem. Sociopathic utopian negress in charge.

Ford said officers no longer have the option of penalizing youths for acting out, such as by limiting their activities in common areas or reducing their allotted time for outside calls. The department only recently began seeking new charges against youths for assaults, he said.

They didn’t punish assaults on the staff?

Members of the Board of Supervisors have been aware of problems in juvenile detention facilities for some time. In addition to voting for funding a comprehensive study…

Not a solution.

and voting to phase out the use of pepper spray…

SOOOO not a solution.

last year they launched the Probation Reform and Implementation Team…

Not. A. Solution.

which has for months held hearings about the department’s use of force, staffing, finances and other issues.


Led by Saul Sarabia, a consultant hired by the county, the team is expected to unveil plans for a permanent new civilian oversight panel that will replace Gardner’s Probation Commission.

Not only do they not want to fix the solution, the Supervisors are creating a new bureaucracy to take the blame for the imminent crisis.

Let’s segue to learn about Saul Sarabia:

Sa?l Sarabia

Sa?l Sarabia has worked for more than 25 years to strengthen the self-determination and power building efforts of people who are stigmatized by the law and by society. In 2012, he established Solidarity Consulting to partner with people who are fighting for racial justice and social change. A Queer Raza cis-man living in the Van Nuys neighborhood of Los Angeles, he is the youngest son of Mexican immigrants from the state of Durango in northern M?xico.

Saul is a member of the treasonous organization La Raza, a homosexual and a fake American. They’re having an open homosexual redesign juvenile hall administration?

From 2005-2012, he served as the director of the UCLA School of Law’s Critical Race Studies Program, where he counseled a new generation of civil rights lawyers and social justice advocates. These efforts created the largest expungement clinic in Los Angeles and produce a new team of lawyers and residents using litigation and policy advocacy to challenge discrimination against people with criminal records. Sa?l is currently an advisor to Legal Services for Prisoner with Children’s Los Angeles chapter of All of Us or None, which organizes formerly incarcerated people to change laws and policies that discriminate against them.

Lovely. The LA Supervisors chose a socialist who wants to end the criminal justice system to fix their criminal justice system.

Background Picture: My family roots are in the mountains of Durango, Mexico, where I took this photo.

Go home, Saul. You are neither American nor Christian. You do not belong in America.

End segue.

The team is also synthesizing recommendations from years of reports about the troubled system to draw up a reform plan to guide the newly created commission.

Still not a solution.

Supervisor Mark Ridley-Thomas, a leader on juvenile probation issues during a decade on the board, said his hope is that this latest effort will solve the department’s challenges.

You aren’t even trying to solve the problem. You’re actively trying to make it worse then duck accountability.

Supervisor?s Biography ? Supervisor Mark Ridley-Thomas

Another black leader of a major American city. Hmm, his head is uncommonly pointy. It certainly marks him as intellectually driven, not that he’s put that intellect to good use.


Supervisor’s Biography

Supervisor Ridley-Thomas went on to receive his Ph.D. in Social Ethics from the University of Southern California focusing on Social Criticism and Social Change.

Worse than a Marxist, he’s a Marxist from the University of Spoiled Children.

He is married to Avis Ridley-Thomas, Co-Founder and Director of the Institute for Non-Violence in Los Angeles.

Sounds like no support for a whipping post. Sadly, that’s probably all the system needs to be fixed. Half those kids wouldn’t even be there if they’d had a father to spank them and teach them right.

End segue.

.I have not seen as much tumult as is currently being witnessed,. he said. .It makes the case for substantial change being warranted..

For now, Gardner said he hopes his letter prompts management to transfer more staff from other facilities and to continue training for those learning to do their jobs without tools such as pepper spray.

He said he remains hopeful that the system can function better, making it easier to help the kids avoid a lifetime of crime.

I’m sure your total refusal to punish them for doing crime will convince them to avoid a lifetime of crime.

.We don’t want them to recidivate,. Gardner said. .The commission has always been focused on the humane care and treatment of those who are in the care of the department . all with the main goal of giving the kids the tools they need so they don’t return to the system or the adult system..

Cuckservative. He’s no concept of right vs wrong, good vs. evil. He just wants everybody to play nice. That’s not how humans work.

It is not the 11th hour for Los Angeles. It’s the 12th hour. Police are deciding, right now, whether to quit in despair or take orders from insane Utopians who are more concerned with exterminating Christ than punishing crime.

I suppose a revolt and law enforcement junta is out of the question.


6 thoughts on “The Wages Of Socialism: Los Angeles

  1. Mark Ridley-Thomas I saw in a long documentary about OJ Simpson basically had the…’I’m against the police doing their job against the unruly blacks’ mantra. It’s no wonder he’d be against any authority trying to stop the rebellious.

  2. The woman in charge of supervising the juveniles is a black with cutting eyelids and hoop earrings.

    Note the bolded word above, stop the sentence after Word Number 11, and you’ve identified the source of the problem. Needless to say, it ain’t gonna get fixed.

    I foresee Civil War II starting in SoCal, and probably closely resembling Lebanon, 1975-1985.

  3. Last week, for example, three football players from the Los Angeles Chargers visited Central Juvenile Hall with their coach, Anthony Lynn, in an effort to inspire the youths there.

    Makes perfect sense. What more fertile recruiting ground for the N[egroes with]F[elonies]L[eague ] than a juvenile prison?

  4. “I foresee Civil War II starting in SoCal, and probably closely resembling Lebanon, 1975-1985.”

    With all that sectarian violence? No question. The Big One Earthquake hits, Los Angeles is FUBAR without an aqueduct or its freeway system, then the city leaders sabotage emergency services in order to embezzle more money out of FEMA. Local, ethnic neighborhoods go “independent” of city gov’t and begin seizing their neighbors’ disaster relief. Instant no-go zones. Police realize there aren’t any good guys to defend and go home. Mad Max achieved.

    Then the UN sends in a peacekeeping mission that’s 90% Chicomms…

    These black city leaders want to play race politics despite being the smallest, most hated race group. I plan to laugh myself sick the next time they try a race riot in L.A. and discover how good those New Americans are with a machete. It’s already started with Rooftop Koreans in Baltimore.

    But man, I hurt for those hamstrung cops. Even the kids, if the homosexuals want control over them for the reasons they probably do. Tough love and some caning would straighten out many of them but instead, State policy is to turn them into monsters.

  5. These are not youths but military-age males fighting fourth-generation war against the State and its resources. And they’re winning. In addition to California’s demographic demise, a big earthquake is possible. So is an ark storm. The thin blue line is not going to be able to handle it much longer. Meanwhile, CA Baby Boomers want to disarm as they enter their dotage with all the remaining youth being Latin-American. What could go wrong for them?

  6. There’s only one way to deal with feral animals.

    Only one .. the other ways just prolong the one choice.

    “Two half nothings is a whole nothing!” – Foghorn Leghorn

    Harden your hearts men .. because this problem ain’t gonna fix itself.

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