MGTOW Life: Inevitability

For the holiday weekend, a relaxing screed from a wimminz upset that over half of male managers have, shall we say, bought into the myth of toxic feminism.

Sad survey: 60% of male managers are “uncomfortable” working around women

By Melissa Locker, 17 May 2019 and SurveyMonkey just released the results of a survey on the state of men and women interacting in the workplace in the age of #MeToo. The results are frustrating. The data reveals that 60% of male managers say they are uncomfortable performing common workplace activities such as mentoring, working one on one, or socializing with a woman. That.s a 32% increase over last year.

Emphasis hers. I don’t really know what to make of that survey. Men will lie rather than upset a female or admit to a vaguely-worded crime so that number would ordinarily be lower than the real value. If 60% is low, however, then why are women still being hired by any Y chromosome for anything? I can believe a partisan-parasite organization such as is simply lying for short-term advantage but doing so is the same thing as stating “are men are evil, get rid of them.” Not a good sympathy ploy.

Either way, da wimminz are more upset today than yesterday that their red carpet ride into the corner office is being stymied by men noticing the #MeToo pattern of “don’t hit me, I’m just a helpless girl victim” coming from the same person as “he rayyyped me 25 years ago and I just now remembered because I want his job!”

To add insult to insult, senior-level men who were surveyed are now far more hesitant to spend time with junior female colleagues than junior male ones, across a range of basic work activities. The men were 12 times more likely to hesitate to have one-on-one meetings, nine times more likely to hesitate to travel with a junior woman for work, and six times more likely to hesitate to have a work dinner with a junior woman.

Work dinner? One-on-one? What kind of corporate culture is this? Sales? Journalism? I’ve had half a career by now, not counting two other careers that didn’t take off, and in every one getting after-dinner drinks in an intimate setting was simply not a part of reality.

That means the many, many women in this world who are just trying to do their jobs and make progress in their careers are being stymied by men who are terrified of being, I dunno, unable to control themselves while talking to a woman in the conference room.

Ah, sweet oblivious narcissistic hamsterbation.

It.s an infuriating addition to the challenges that women already face in the workplace, adding to their emotional labor by making sure their male bosses feel comfortable interacting with them alone and at those all-important work socialization events.

Office slut: Boss, honey, you seem tense. Why don’t we undress a little? Have some wine? No witnesses, of course. It’s unpaid emotional labor for me but I don’t have any actual skills because you won’t spank me. I mean, mentor me.


The dynamic basically foists the burden of making men feel comfortable on to women, who already get paid less money than their male counterparts and may retire poorer at the end of their work lives.

Women are upset at men for the additional work of reassuring male coworkers that she’s not about to destroy their lives on a whim.

While male managers may feel like they are insulating themselves in the age of #MeToo, cutting off women’s access to mentoring and access to senior-level managers is just another form of discrimination and sexism.

Good job, wimminz! Doubling down on veiled threats is a great way to force high-status men to be comfortable around you and teach you to replace them. Keep up the pressure! They will crack soon, never mind the trends!

If that weren’t frustrating enough, the survey also reveals that sexual harassment remains pervasive in the workplace, with 57% of women reporting that they’ve experienced some form of sexual harassment in the workplace. Men and women don’t agree as to who is more affected by harassment.

Probably because men are the exclusive targets of sexual harassment accusations.

MGTOW is quickly becoming no longer a choice, but a necessity for continued existence.


9 thoughts on “MGTOW Life: Inevitability

  1. Sad survey: 60% of male managers are .uncomfortable. working around women.

    We KNOW that the actual figure is MUCH higher than 60 percent. I’m actually amazed that as many as 60 percent actually had the guts to admit the truth, given that such bad-think can be career-ending nowadays.

    If 60% is low, however, then why are women still being hired by any Y chromosome for anything.

    Because, as we all know, its claims to the contrary notwithstanding, estrogen’s pimp, The State, has quotas that require Y chromosomes to contaminate their businesses with a certain percentage of estrogen, a percentage that gets larger with each passing year. Failure to sufficiently contaminate one’s business with estrogen results in violent, often lethal assault by the pimp.

  2. Career wimminz (who of course are single and childless) are whining that their bosses don’t date them anymore….because apparently they see the workplace dynamic as a relationship dynamic. We get they need male authority but their boss is not their husband or father. Playing that stupid game with your boss results in stupid prizes.

    A prudent boss shouldn’t use his position to date his coworkers anyway…it’s the ones who let sexual immorality take over when one of them tempts him to where we get #metoo type damage.

  3. While male managers may feel like they are insulating themselves in the age of #MeToo, cutting off women.s access to mentoring and access to senior-level managers is just another form of discrimination and sexism.

    One day I came to the conclusion why it’s often seems like lose-lose with a lot of women.

    They dislike masculinity and they abhor effeminacy. However it’s better as a man to choose masculinity than effeminacy. Cut them off rather than giving into their whims.

  4. Men will lie rather than upset a female or admit to a vaguely-worded crime…

    Absolutely right. Men will go to great lengths to prevent upsetting a female in the workplace because they know it is an even bigger crime than avoiding them. That’s what makes her entire premise unbelievable, irrespective of the surveys.

    “…male managers say they are uncomfortable performing common workplace activities such as mentoring, working one on one, or socializing with a woman.”

    The men running the place are no doubt “uncomfortable” interacting with people that can accuse them of anything followed by pound-believe-her; but they are also smart enough to know they can’t be perceived as actively avoiding the women, as this results in an accusation in its own right (exhibit A provided by Melissa Locker).

    So you can bet they are publicly interacting with them so as to be seen by other witnesses. But they are not doing it without those witnesses. The most street savvy managers are probably making sure to be seen interacting with male workers under the same conditions. Not one on one, but with witnesses.

    The result is not that women can’t get a private meeting but that no one can. Feminism wins after all.

  5. In my experience, accusations are generally against the decent people, not the blatant violators. Women know they will be fired, and fear the men that actually engage in inappropriate behavior. Getting them to go to HR or filing suit is like pulling teeth while herding cats

  6. The most we can do is cause mass immediate economic harm. Most women are too timid to file suit anyways. The ones that do go to court only do so when their win is secured from the beginnibg

  7. I can.t wait for the corporate exodus from California over their new corporate board requirements..

    It sure would be nice, but I don’t see it happening. California has been poisonous to businesses for years, yet the place’s demographics making staying irresistible. It’s akin to a woman who stays with an abusive man who regularly beats the shit out of her, but who also regularly buys her expensive clothing jewelry, and vacations.

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