Intellectual Humility

A PhD student attempting to subvert Christianity with modern psychology came up with a new term for cognitive surrender. Exploring it gives insight into how evil was able to triumph so easily and quickly over the Church.

Per the following article from Christianity Today, Steven Zhou is an incoming PhD student in organizational psychology at George Mason, with an MA in religion from Pepperdine. He has served in college student ministry and leadership development, and his research background is in the intersection of faith and psychology, specifically in leadership and motivation studies.

Sounds like a politician more than a Christian. Christianity is correct and while apologetics is always important, when it comes to combining Christ with secular paths of study it should be obvious which subject gets precedence. This gives the Christian scholar a tremendous head start on his unbelieving peers.

What Psychology Offers Christians Amid Political Polarization

By Steven Zhou, 24 June 2019

TL;DR Psychology offers honorable defeat.

Unprepared for all the political drama after the 2016 election, a number of churches split up over disagreements on whether Christians should support President Trump or not. As we face the 2020 election, the pressure to choose a side remains intense. Recent Democratic candidates have called for the establishment of a “religious left” to defeat the “religious right.” Groups like the Red Letter Christians vehemently denounce anyone who supports President Trump as “abandoning Jesus” and part of a “toxic Christianity..

Any examination of those church splits reveals the cause to be Trump Derangement Syndrome, not theological differences.

Yet the church’s tension is also part of a national tension: The growing rift between the two political parties has hit an all-time high, with 97 percent of Democrats polling more liberal in viewpoints than the average Republican, and likewise, 95 percent of Republicans polling more conservative than the average Democrat.

Psychology explains this political polarization as an effect of groupthink: Put in a position of .us versus them,. people will strongly side with those who think and act like themselves and want nothing to do with the other side. This creates a spiraling effect which further widens the “us versus them” gap.

This is insightful. “Us versus them” does indeed pressure people to pick a team and wear the uniform. Neither religious nor national boundaries can exist without a clear delineation between the factions.

I think one of the famous Soviet defectors said that first. Yuri Bezmenov?

Thus, the first step in Convergence of one’s enemy is to convince him that the standards he uses to determine “us versus them” do not exist or cannot be trusted. The resulting moral doubt is paralyzing and blinding.

A key mitigator to this hostility between groups is intellectual humility, a term psychologists broadly define as “recognizing that one’s beliefs and opinions might be incorrect.” The lead-up to the 2020 election has combined religion and politics in a way that is destined for social conflict. As the election cycle begins with this week’s primary debates, we can learn from this study.

Cognitive surrender was the previous term. We Christians should not have any doubt on the validity of our basic morality. It is simple to understand and established by our Creator. That so many Christians are unwilling to claim moral clarity in their God-based positions is the first, and possibly only, step on the road to apostasy.

While this kind of humility may be particularly applicable to this contemporary moment, humility has always been integral to the Christian faith. We believe in a God who humbled himself “to the point of death. (Phil. 2:8). Jesus taught us to think of others before ourselves (Phil. 2:3).

A case in point. Zhou immediately outs himself an an apostate of Christ by conflating Christ’s lack of selfish pride with Christ’s imputed inability to believe God’s moral code is trustworthy. Suffice to say, His last words on the Cross were “It is done,” not “Maybe I really did deserve this.”

Despite the infancy of studying this concept formally, psychology has already pointed to the importance of intellectual humility in social interactions around hot-button topics. One study suggested that participants with greater intellectual humility spent more time trying to understand views with which they disagreed and also were more likely to accurately assess their own knowledge on obscure topics. Another study pointed to intellectual humility as an important factor in reducing strong emotional reactions to those who disagreed with them, even leading to more moderate beliefs in general. Furthermore, intellectual humility had strong correlations with openness to alternative views and prosocial values such as empathy, gratitude, altruism, benevolence, social desirability, and honesty.

“Intellectual humility is useful for achieving Convergence.”

Unfortunately, the research on intellectual humility also suggests that Christians lag behind the curve. Numerous studies have correlated low intellectual humility with extreme views on religion both in support and opposition. One study found specifically that intellectual humility is difficult to practice among religious leaders. Since religion, especially Christianity, purports to be the only answer to the seemingly unanswerable questions about life and the afterlife, when such questions are challenged it can shake the foundations of a believer’s worldview.

Purports to be the only answer? If Zhou is Christian then he would not talk like this. Christ IS the only answer to the question of humanity’s redemption. There’s no posturing in that. No alternative.

Thus, confidence in one’s faith in the face of threats is preached and encouraged in the church, which unfortunately can breed a lack of intellectual humility. Instances of low intellectual humility mixed with misuse of the Bible as a weapon can result in the acts of violence and evil and disunity within the church. This April, we witnessed this when a member of an Orthodox Presbyterian church opened fire and killed a woman at a Jewish synagogue.

That’s a black lie. Zhou refers to the San Diego synagogue shooting which was John Earnest, a Brenton Tarrant wannabe who posted a white nationalist manifesto before doing the shooting. There is no case to be made that the Orthodox Presbyterians were waging jihad against outsiders.

Does Christianity Today not have an editor?

Who wants to bet that Zhou is a Chinese exchange student? *checks* I couldn’t confirm or deny. His undergrad was done at Pepperdine University. Huh, he made student of the year and gave a testimony that didn’t mention God but did mention his mentor, female Pepperdine Chaplain Sara Burton. No segue but here’s the link.

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While evangelicals believe that Christ is the only true way to salvation, we also believe in the transcendence of God and our own fallibility. His thoughts are greater than our thoughts (Isa. 55:8.9), and what we know and understand is only a part of the complete knowledge that comes in heaven (1 Cor. 13:9.12).

Your daily dose of Wormtongue. Christ is the only path to salvation but we aren’t smart enough to know that God also saves people via the Communist Party.

True, the Bible commands us to care for the poor and oppressed and to welcome the stranger from another land. Also true, the Bible commands us to defend the value of life and sanctity of marriage. Also important, though, Christians are commanded to demonstrate God’s love in their love for one another, so that in our unity, the world would know God. How are we doing this as we mediate between opposing political parties? Are we loving each other despite who we’re voting for or what party we’re a part of? Are we debating issues respectfully and with full consideration of each other’s ideas, rather than resorting to name-calling and personal insults?

Zhou speaks ill of the parts of Scripture claiming universal truth while speaking well of the parts useful for Social Justice. Such behavior makes me generally suspicious of advice to “take the good bits of a teaching while ignoring the bad bits”. If the source claims Christianity but doesn’t obey Scripture then salvaging his work is only a form of cover-up.

Research on intellectual humility suggests that it is not an unchanging personality trait; it can vary in specific situations. In other words, we can grow to manifest more intellectual humility through positive interactions and fruitful discussions with disagreeing individuals.

Peter set the example for us in Acts 10. Despite his strong convictions about staying away from “unclean” individuals such as the Gentiles, he was eventually convinced by God that the gospel is now made available for all peoples. He subsequently arranged for the baptism of Cornelius, a Gentile, as a new follower in Christ. Like Peter, we should be open to the possibility that our convictions may be incorrect and ready to learn from the work of the Holy Spirit in other Christians.

Israelites were required to keep separate from the Gentiles. God gave Peter a supernatural vision because Peter was trying to do right by God according to the Old Covenant and needed revelation to know that Gentiles were fully welcome in the NT church. When it came time to admonish Peter for treating the Gentiles poorly, Paul got the job.

When it comes to whom we should vote for in the 2020 election, the recent surge in intellectual humility research echoes a resounding biblical call to humility. If we transcend partisanship in the upcoming election in service of loving one another, we will ultimately demonstrate God’s love (John 13:34.35).

God’s love via totalitarian atheism and white genocide. Nobody, Zhou included, nags the atheist and SJW to be more tolerant of their opponents and always remember that they should never position themselves as intellectual absolutists. Let alone the vibrants.

We Christians have a monopoly upon spiritual truth. We didn’t make that monopoly; it exists because God is real and manifest in Christ Jesus, hated by the world. Anybody who tells you that you should not be dogmatically confident in your salvation and God’s basic morality should be assumed a false Christian.

The devil’s first deceit was “are you sure God said that?” From then until Zhou’s “intellectual humility”, nothing has changed. Self-doubt is a killer of principled conduct.

Who would Jesus vote for in 2020? Nobody, because Jesus is not an American citizen and would never break the law by voting. Remember that while you stuff the ballots, Social Justice termites. That is provably not what Jesus would do.


Florida Man Defeats STBX!

My deadlines are finally done and not too soon, because Florida Man is back in the news! Red flag gun confiscation is the latest attempt to thwart the Second Amendment but to twist a saying, you can take the skank out of the trailer park but you can’t take the trailer park out of the skank.

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Courtney Taylor Irby and husband Joseph Irby [of Lakeland, Florida] separated in December and were leaving a divorce hearing before Joseph’s arrest, LkldNow reported.

She had already gotten the house. Joseph was living in an apartment at the time of this.

Courtney Irby

According to a police affidavit obtained by the outlet, Courtney told officers that “after court the victim and the defendant engaged in a verbal altercation..

.The victim arrived to her vehicle and attempted to leave the courthouse,. police said. .The defendant followed behind her in his vehicle and began ramming his vehicle front bumper into the back of the victim’s rear bumper..

Polk County court records show that Courtney Irby filed for a domestic violence restraining order against her estranged husband in January 2019.

That and matching scratches on the bumpers got him arrested. So far, so good, but Courtney wasn’t satisfied.


December 2018, the couple filed for pre-divorce separation.

January 2018, Courtney files a domestic violence restraining order. Apparently not granted.

Between December 2018 and June 2019, Joseph loses access to his house and kids.

14 June 2019: Joseph follows Courtney to the camp their children are staying at, gets arrested for aggravated battery with a deadly weapon. Quote: During the arrest, he told the officer that Courtney was .a man hater and an asshole..

Nobody said he was wrong.

14-15 June 2019: Courtney files and is granted a domestic violence restraining order. A hearing for extending the DVRO is set for 28 June. And with that hot little paper in her hand…

Courtney Irby… gathered her estranged husband’s guns [from his apartment, that she had no lawful access to] and brought them to the Lakeland Police Department on June 15.

Irby told police that her husband, Joseph Irby, was in jail for trying to run her over with her car and had gathered his guns after a judge ordered him to turn them over.

.So are you telling me that you committed an armed burglary?. Lakeland Police Officer Brent Behrens asked Irby, according to the report. Behrens, who joined the Lakeland Police Department in April 2018, according to a department Facebook post, was the desk officer that night.

.Yes, I am, but he wasn’t going to turn them in, so I am doing it,. Irby replied.


Officers called her husband, who was being held at Polk County Jail, and he told police that he wanted to press charges.

Irby was charged grand theft of a firearm and armed burglary.

Serves the dumbitch right. Look, Courtney, disarming him isn’t going to keep you safe if he’s already tried to run you over with a truck. Men don’t need guns to kill. What’s the State going to do, take away his guns, knives, vehicles, wires, pipes, saws, hammers, sticks, matches, glass panes, rocks, pillows and Happy Meal toys? Maybe instead of taking away his ability to inflict violence, you should have tried to take away his motivation by treating him nicer than breaking into his home.

“He wasn’t going to turn them in?” How does she know? He never got the chance.

Joseph also requested a restraining order against Courtney, accusing her of being .(volatile) and aggressive during divorce proceedings. and making false statements. He claimed that Courtney had “previously stolen a third firearm which is still in her possession. I didn’t report this gun as stolen because she has tried to portray me as the aggressor and I was advised that pursuing this would poorly reflect on me for “trying to get the gun back for aggressive reasons…

His request for a temporary injunction was denied but a hearing is set for June 28.

That’s not just twisting the knife. Her defense as described by Heavy is she was only carrying out a judge’s order. If she had one of his guns still in her possession after “turning them over” then that defense is sunk like the Bismarck.

The article has this to say about red flag legislation:

LPD spokeswoman Robin Tillett told the outlet that while the situation was .complicated,. Courtney had no right to enter her husband’s home.

Polk County Sheriff’s Office spokesman Brian Bruchey explained that there is no automatic enforcement mechanism to take guns away from people who have been ordered to hand them over as part of a pre-trial release.

.We really don’t have authority to take firearms from people unless they are surrendered or there is a court order,. Bruchey said. .We can’t do anything, unless they willfully do it . release them to us..

.Technically if the person does have firearms they are in violation of the injunction or pre-trial release but it’s one of those things . it’s kind of hard to enforce, really. You.d have to have somebody to say .I know exactly where they are. . and you.d have to get a search warrant for it. It’s one of those things you hope people do the right thing and surrender their guns,. Bruchey explained.

“It’s kind of hard to enforce”, yeah, I bet. That continues to be the major roadblock in forcibly disarming the innocent men of America: no gov’t agent is dumb enough to kick in the doors of armed men who don’t trust the State for many good reasons, not to mention the gov’t agents who quietly sympathize with us. Leftoids pass all the laws they can but nobody wants to be first in line for the T-shirt.

Florida Man! He’s not the hero America needs. He’s the hero America wants because unlike his ex-wife, entertainment deserves to be free!


Roosh V Eats Mushrooms, Finds Jesus, Punks Clergy

Roosh V has reportedly accepted Christ, or at least, rekindled his youth’s Orthodox faith. I was hoping he would. Needless to say for anybody familiar with Roosh, the details are scandalous.

Infamous Pickup Artist RooshV Says He’s a Christian Now

Infamous Pickup Artist RooshV Says He’s a Christian Now

23 May 2019

He says he’s banning any discussions of premarital sex on his website.

Holy Spirit, Batman! I think he’s serious!

Daryush “Roosh” Valizadeh, one of the internet’s most infamous and noxious personalities, famous for his hate-filled polemics against women, says he’s a different person now. After years of writing about why women are intellectually inferior beings worth little more than what they can offer to a man sexually, Valizadeh.known as laying some new ground rules for his blog and the topics that can be discussed on it.and if it’s legit, it’s going to be a very different place.

Yeah, and that was awesome. The Godless pickup artists discovered Original Sin independently of Scripture! Move over, Dead Sea Scrolls, for real! This is independent validation of the Bible from the most unlikely of sources.

God has chosen the fools of the world to mock the wise.

Valizadeh says that he .received a message while on mushrooms. and has re-committed to the Orthodox Church he was raised in. He says he took “the God pill., which seems to be a reference to the red pill and blue pill trope from The Matrix, which has more recently been memed by various fringe groups into a metaphor for “waking up” to the “real world..for example, being “redpilled” means accepting certain conspiratorial beliefs that most people refuse to believe. In Valizadeh’s new paradigm, the “God pill” seems to be a final stage in redpilling.

That’s a little unnerving… dare I say, unOrthodox *GQ ducks*… but I’ve heard of Arabs converting to Christ on the basis of dreams and visions. Just because God reaches white men best through reason and Scripture doesn’t mean that that’s how He does it with every ethnic group.

Roosh tweeted the following on 29 March 2019; it’s apparently been removed.

The path to God for modern man:

Blue pill: Ignorance, denial of nature

Red pill: Truth through materialism (muscles, women, money, status)

Black pill: Acceptance of one’s powerlessness, withdrawal from materialist society

God pill: Submission to God’s will

That’s how one would expect the atheist to come to Christ. Beginning in ignorance, he realizes that humans are fatally flawed, despairs of a materialist solution and turns to God simply by turning away from the devil.

Neo returns to The Matrix: Part One | The Uncommon Geek

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We won’t be linking to RooshV.s website, since his professed transformation has not led to him taking down any of his disgusting articles with titles like “Women Must Have Their Behavior And Decisions Controlled By Men” and “Do Not Have Sex With Feminists..

Ooh, there’s a bitter feminist somewhere in the world today! There’s no reason he would delete those posts because they’re repeated in Scripture. Independent confirmation, as I said.

But the new rules on his message boards are going into effect on June 1. Among the new banned topics are things like “how to bang” and “Physical intimacy with women you’re not married to beyond the act of kissing.” There’s also now a ban on “pornographic and vulgar language. (he posts examples we can’t reprint here).

Repentance is an excellent sign.

Valizadeh concludes his new message by saying .I created this forum in 2008 to help men fornicate, so I don’t know if it’s possible to “retrofit” it for another purpose, but it’s worth a try. In the meanwhile, I will gradually lock threads that break these new rules if they become active..

During his career as a pickup artist, Valizadeh has argued against women’s right to vote, defended rape “on private grounds” and advised men on how to pressure women into sex (.No means no . until it means yes..). He has also bullied women for their weight, expressed anti-semitic sentiments and has ties to prominent white nationalists and the alt-right.

Being hated by the forces of Wokeness is another excellent sign.

Obviously, a change of heart would be very welcome for Valizadeh, and his online presence can only improve. Time will tell whether he follows through.

No author provided. I’m bummed. Had me $5 that said she weighs more than I do. Let’s read some more.

In a recent post on his personal forum, where users come to brag about their conquests and share their best pickup lines, the blogger announced he was “coming out” as an Orthodox Christian. He said he was inspired by the death of his sister, the decline of society, and a recent psychedelic mushroom trip. He titled the post “The God pill..

.The God pill does feel like the final destination, where life becomes about asking Him for help and performing His will in a way that embraces good,. Valizadeh wrote in the post, which was first reported by the site We Hunted the Mammoth.

.My mind is currently buzzing with this new perspective, and I wouldn’t be surprised if much of my new work will be framed around it..

While I’m hopeful, it would be a mistake for a new Christian to pose as an authority on Christianity.

.I was baptized in an Armenian Apostolic church as a child,. he tweeted. .I’m going to remain Orthodox. I do believe that Jesus Christ was the Son of God..

Valizadeh did not respond to emails and calls seeking comment.

Good, good. Not posing as an evangelist right away is a third green flag.

As pickup artist fever cooled online, Valizadeh, like other members of the anger-filled subculture, moved on to far-right politics and more explicit online misogyny.

He launched an explicitly anti-women site, Return of Kings, which promoted fat-shaming women online and ran articles with titles like .5 Reasons To Date A Girl With An Eating Disorder.. In 2015, Valizadeh proposed making rape legal on private property. He eventually shut down Return of Kings in late 2018, after a Paypal made it difficult for him to make money through the site.

I knew he shut down RoK but thought it was for admin reasons.

Valizadeh has also made inroads with white nationalist groups, even though he is not white. In 2015, Valizadeh gave a speech at a conference organized by white nationalist leader Richard Spencer. Racial differences aside, Valizadeh and white nationalist groups have found common ground on the idea that “feminism is behind the decline of Western Civilization,. according to the Southern Poverty Law Center.

Such obliviousness. “Hey, Nazis! Notice your new guy isn’t white! Didn’t you hear me? I called you all racists but you’re not acting racist! Get with the program!”

Valizadeh.s new focus on finding a wife mirrors the changes in the extremist “manosphere” over the past decade. Initially, would-be pickup artists believed in promises from gurus that they would have no difficulty finding casual sexual partners if they just followed certain rules. When those available women failed to materialize, many amateur pickup artists claimed that the real issue was modern feminism. On their forums, they began to focus instead on finding just one, traditional, often virginal woman to marry: a so-called “trad wife..

Valizadeh.s embrace of religion may be an attempt to pivot to this new, more fashionable brand of misogyny.

You mean marriage?

But the blogger claims finding God was the result of more emotional life events. In since-deleted tweets on the subject, Valizadeh linked to a eulogy for his sister in which he claimed her death from cancer in March 2018 made him feel “like a fool” for his pursuit of fame and women. A message he received while on psychedelic mushrooms, he wrote in his forum post, .further cemented that faith..

Mortality’s a good way to God, too. You know those proverbial atheists who say they’ll have fun then turn to God at the last second? Here his is and he “felt like a fool” for all the debauchery he enjoyed.

Some of the guru’s adherents appeared satisfied with the change. One commenter on his forum posted called it “the single most intriguing thing you’ve written to date.” Another commenter said he was going through the exact same changes in life. A recent tweet, in which Valizadeh compared a woman leading a man over a bridge to Satan leading someone into hell, garnered more than 2,500 likes.

But others were less impressed. “Any change that leads to Roosh not interacting with women at all seems like a net good,. writer Sara Luterman snarked on Twitter. Rebecca Schoenkopf, editor of the blog Wonkette, added she was “not buying it for a second..

Sarah Luterman, fondatrice de "NOS Magazine"

Sara Luterman. Androgyny is disgusting.

Rebecca Schoenkopf - Google+

Rebecca Schoenkopf. She’s brain-damaged, no joke. Notice her eyes have two different sizes of iris? When this picture was taken, she was either high on hard drugs or badly concussed. I didn’t come across a pic good enough to confirm if she’s always like that.

With detractors like these, I think Roosh is for real.

I came across Roosh’s conversion while checking out the June edition of Aaron Renn’s The Masculinist monthly newsletter. I’m not a regular reader but in that June edition, he calls for tolerance and patience with false clergy while simultaneously linking to news of Roosh’s conversion.

That was a very ironic pairing because Renn argues that highly credentialed, smart, professional clergy should not be called out when they repeat the humanist dogma infesting the church, while noticing that Roosh V gained salvation by drowning his grief in peyote. Mushrooms accomplished what seminary graduates could not.

Click to access The-Masculinist-34-Building-Up-Our-Churches-Means-Building-Up-Our-Pastors.pdf

If your pastor is putting out many of the incorrect beliefs I’ve critiqued in the Masculinist, the first thing to keep in mind is that it’s overwhelmingly likely that he is simply repeating what he was taught in seminary or heard from other, bigger name people or simply absorbed from secular culture. This is actually healthy in many respects. I want my pastor to hew close to what has traditionally been taught and what was passed down to him. We don’t need theological innovation. We do not have a faith that is new. But if somebody gets bad information, that can be a problem.

Mr. Renn, did you hear yourself? He is simply repeating what he was taught in seminary or heard from other, bigger name people or simply absorbed from secular culture.

That is not even a Christian. Faith in Christ does not come just from repeating Bible passages. It comes from believing it’s true. Implicit in that belief is that God, not any man, is the source of all truth.

The key is that it’s highly unlikely an ordinary church pastor is teaching something that he has reason to believe isn’t true. In my experience, most of these folks have never even encountered a different viewpoint, except for rival theological treatments that their tradition has already considered and rejected.

This is why you run them out of the Church, not why you play nice with them. Bubble Boy can’t hear you and be assured, that was a conscious choice he made, to make it into professional pastorhood without a clue.

The second thing to keep in mind is that changing his mind is likely to be a difficult undertaking no matter what you do. These beliefs on gender are analogous to political beliefs in some respects. And how often does someone change his political beliefs because of new information? Almost never.

No. There are two genders. Male and female. God created us this way. Science confirms God. You can see gender under a microscope. Rejecting this is not analogous to choosing between Libertarian and Green Party. It’s blatant denial of reality.

Third, these pastors are part of a community with others in their tradition, maybe even part of a tribe within a denomination. Adopting a position different from the group risks relationships, and even their future career path.

Translation, they love the approval of peers more than God. Nothing has changed in 2,000 years.

Realistically, even if you did convince your pastor there is a problem, it’s going to be very difficult for many of them to go against the party line.

That’s why I quit the Church entirely. I got tired of being useless and being lied to.

Finally, speaking the truth on these matters is risky and could create a lot of blowback. Just as a simple example, keep in mind that in today’s world, the people sitting in the pews are reading books, listening to podcasts, etc. from various big name people. So if their pastor starts teaching something different, they may get angry or push back, citing what they think is a superior authority. Most pastors aren’t very interested in that, so they are going to do what they can to stay on the safe side.

And this is where the once-professional prostitute Roosh V punks your worthless Ivy League clergy. They’re too afraid to follow God but Roosh is voluntarily burning his professional history and circle of paying customers to reinvent himself as a son of God. He’s already being hated and smeared by the devil’s witches. AND HE DOESN’T EVEN CARE because it’s not his first rodeo!

Your clergy want to do right by God but are too scared to suffer for God’s sake and believe their teachers can’t be wrong? They should resign in shame and let the whores & scam artists do the work of God. Just as happened in Jesus’ time. Matthew 11:19! “The Son of Man came eating and drinking, and they say, .Here is a glutton and a drunkard, a friend of tax collectors and sinners.” But wisdom is proved right by her deeds..

You’re right, Mr. Renn. We don’t have a new faith! And our traditions are scandalous.


Tara O’Sullivan: Police Convergence & Cowardice

The fatal shooting of a carefully credentialed, not-white male police officer in Sacramento is very illustrative of what happens when Convergence and feminism are put ahead of competence and the masculine virtues. The following spliced from these sources:

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Tara O.Sullivan, a former child development major who was part of a groundbreaking leadership program, was identified as the Sacramento police officer who was shot and killed in an active shooter situation that stemmed from a domestic dispute. She was remembered as an officer who was “committed to public service,. in the words of the city’s mayor.

They killed Superwoman!

.It is with a broken heart that we have to share with all of you that earlier today we lost one of our own. While on a call for service in North Sacramento, Officer Tara O.Sullivan was shot and killed. She gave her young life while protecting our community,. Sacramento police wrote. .Our hearts are with Tara’s family, whose pain can hardly be imagined. Please hold her family in your thoughts and prayers..


Tara O'Sullivan

She was smiling way too hard in that last photo. The wide, flat bridge of her nose is correlated with stubbornness. [Let me check on the reading of swept-back ears; hers are extreme.]

The police synopsis:

On June 19, 2019, at approximately 11:43 a.m., the Sacramento Police Department received a call regarding a disturbance between a male and a female. Officers made contact with the involved female at a residence in the 3700 block of Esperanza Drive.

At approximately 5:41p.m. officers responded to a residence in the 200 block of Redwood Avenue to standby while the involved female gathered some belongings from a residence.

That’s what Tara was doing at the scene, escorting the female.

At approximately 6:10 p.m., officers on scene reported shots had been fired, and an officer was struck by gun fire. The suspect continued to fire multiple times and the officers believed the gun used by the suspect was a rifle type firearm.

At approximately 6:54 p.m., additional officers responded with an armored vehicle to rescue the officer that had been shot.

At approximately 6:59 p.m., the officer was transported to a local area hospital.

Officers remained on scene and secured a perimeter to contain the suspect who sporadically shot at officers. Throughout this prolonged event, multiple officers returned fire. Officers also evacuated nearby residents in the area.

Officers from the Crisis Negotiation Team eventually established communication with the suspect. Several hours later, at approximately 1:54 a.m., on June 20, 2019, the suspect surrendered and was safely taken into custody. Officers secured the scene for CSI and detectives.

The officer who was shot, Tara Christina O.Sullivan succumbed to her injuries after being transported to the hospital.

If she lasted that long then the cowardice of her peers is what truly killed her… but more later.

The arrested suspect is Adel Sambrano Ramos, who immigrated from the Phillipines as a teenager. The top right is his mugshot at booking for murder and a warrant for previous domestic violence:

Adel Sambrano Ramos

Adel Sambrano Ramos

1995, First conviction for DUI. Referred to a first offender program, failed to complete, re-sentenced to 2 days in jail and three years’ probation.

1998, Charged with assault & batterly and corporal injury to a spouse, both misdemeanors. The latter was dropped (the battered women never testify) and he plead no contest to the former. Punishment, 15 days in jail and three years’ probation.

January 2001, convicted of petty theft. Punishment, 10 days’ work release and three years’ probation.

Nov. 2018, charged with assault & battery, pending, (apparently) warrant issued for refusing to show.

June 2019, murder of police officer, (not charged:) attempted murders of police officers, discharging firearm within city limits, assault & battery of spouse and endangering the public. If only we could have done something to prevent this!

Also, this:

In 2011, a California Highway Patrol Officer observed pulled Ramos. vehicle over for speeding and broken brake light. The officer smelled marijuana coming from the vehicle then asked Ramos and his passenger for his license and registration; he also asked Ramos to exit the vehicle, the records allege.

The report states that, due to conflicting stories, the officer investigated further and found approximately two grams of processed marijuana on the floorboard and in the cup holder. There was a marijuana plant in the backseat, four cell phones, and the $23,000 in cash bundled in a backpack hidden beneath the driver’s side seat.

Ramos’ passenger was arrested for narcotics violations and ordered deported. Ramos was not charged after signing affidavits authorizing the civil asset confiscation of the weed, the money and the GMC Yukon he was driving. I’m ambivalent about civil asset forfeiture but if we aren’t going to incarcerate or hang the perps then it’s the next best thing.

Whatever. He’s a vibrant migrant, drug trafficker and legit wife-beater. He’s not important. What is, is how Tara came to be on the scene of a violent police incident.

According to Sacramento State, the Law Enforcement Candidate Scholars (LECS) program is the “first of its kind in the nation..

.This program has given me many opportunities to understand what it takes to be a leader in law enforcement,. O.Sullivan said in a video on the program. …

Tara O.Sullivan was one of four seniors involved in the program. She was described as a child development major. In 2017, the program wrote on Facebook, .A big thank you to everyone that made it out to the LECS Program Graduation Ceremony to celebrate the achievement of the first 4 of our candidates to go on to the Sacramento Police Department Academy . Tara O.Sullivan, Denzel Recaen, Joshua Miles Heredia, Timothy Blocker!! We are so proud!…

LECS grads

No white men. That’s not a coincidence. Every one grabbing for his balls. Probably not a coincidence either.

First scholars-to-officers grads look to innovate policing

The first students to complete Sacramento State’s groundbreaking Law Enforcement Candidate Scholars (LECS) program . the first of its kind in the nation . are all headed to the Sacramento Police Academy.

The four graduating seniors are a diverse group and in many ways reflect the community they.ll serve as police officers: Tara O’ Sullivan, a child development major, is white; Timothy Blocker and Denzel Rencaen, both criminal justice majors, are African American and Filipino, respectively; and Joshua Heredia, an ethnic studies major, is Latino.

I see this in my own field of civil engineering. You need a bachelor’s degree to walk in the door but it doesn’t matter what the degree is in. It’s beyond stupid, it’s wasted resources at such a young age that it can cripple a student for life.

LECS is open to all Sacramento State juniors and seniors, regardless of their major. The program’s goals include increasing retention and graduation rates, creating a strong partnership between Sac State and law enforcement agencies, and ensuring that law enforcement personnel and leaders mirror the state’s diversity.

In addition, the program emphasizes the importance of inclusion and cultural competence for future law enforcement leaders and recently held an event, Unconscious Bias and Its Influence on a Culturally Competent Environment, with community advocates.

Pure Convergence. How’d that cultural competence work out for you, Tara?

.We focus on both career and leadership development . and positioning these scholars to become officers and to take leadership roles in the future,. Moffatt says. .Now these students not only will graduate from Sacramento State, but they will have jobs in law enforcement..

Participants choose whether to pursue a career with CHP or Sacramento PD. In the spring, an additional eight LECS graduates will attend the police academy and another 10 will go into the CHP.s academy. The two agencies waive academy fees for LECS graduates.

Participation in the historic scholars-to-officers program is demanding. In addition to their academic studies, LECS students undergo rigorous fitness training and attend workshops on career readiness, effective communication, defensive driving, leadership development, and interview preparation. All LECS students, no matter their major, must complete an academic internship through the Division of Criminal Justice.

The curriculum doesn’t mention firearm training or combatives. Also, police don’t train in DEFENSIVE driving. I can only wish that my driving instructor had taken a few minutes to let me practice the PIT maneuver.

.LECS has given me mentors within the Sacramento Police department,. says O.Sullivan, the only female among the first four graduates, “and an inside look at what to expect in the academy: the tasks that will be asked of me, how to walk, what to wear, how to put up my hair. This is another edge I will have over other recruits in the academy..

She completed a special, two-year university program to learn the first 30 minutes’ instruction of police work. Here’s a chart to illustrate the complete insanity of this:

LECS Roadmap

In addition to getting your bachelor’s in whatever, you must attend workshops, complete an internship, earn a certificate and then are eligible to join a police academy that you would have been eligible for anyway for the actual job training. That’s at least five years after high school to your first day of paid work.

Is police work that incredibly complicated? Hell, no. So why do they do it?

What is the required age needed to participate in the LECS program?

Students must meet … at least 18 years of age.

Can I be a freshman in the LECS program? [Since I’m already Age 18?]

In order to complete the LECS program on time you must be identified as a Junior or Senior according to Sacramento State at the time of acceptance. The reason for this restriction is that the program is designed as a career pathway program for students to enter a law enforcement academy as a law enforcement cadet immediately upon graduation or as soon as possible thereafter.

They age-restrict application to the program because its purpose is to give you a job. Sacramento State don’t want to lose paying customers too quickly.

Recruiter: So, you got prequalified for law enforcement training by getting a certificate while studying Ethnic Child Care for four years?

Barbie: Yes, sir!

Recruiter: Can you describe to me how your teachers robbed you of the next ten years of your life?

Barbie: Huh?

Recruiter: NEXT!

Let’s close with a professional postmortem:

SWAT expert reviews standoff, rescue of Sacramento Police Officer Tara O’Sullivan

By Lilia Luciano, 20 June 2019

It took 44 minutes to rescue Officer Tara O.Sullivan after she was shot while on a domestic disturbance call in north Sacramento. A SWAT expert explains why.


God, I miss the North Hollywood shootout. Remember that one? Bank robbers dressed in body armor, robbed a bank and began a no-shit street war with responding police. Their armor was proof against handgun rounds so a couple cops ran to the local gun store, bought AR-15s off the shelf, then ran back out and shot the bank robbers to Hell. Done.

Today? Lone suspect has a rifle, a team of pre-deployed police fall back and cry for SWAT. No, you cowards, you go to your squad car, grab the shotgun, fuck that fucker and save your teammate’s life.

Oh, well. Tara was no loss, all entitlement and credentialism, fighting crime with “they can’t hit me because I’m a girl”.

That’s why it took 44 minutes to rescue Tara, because every cop on the scene was a cowardly pussy trained to confront only law-abiding white men. But let’s see what a retired-FBI “SWAT expert” has to say.

SACRAMENTO, Calif. . On June 19, 2019, while out with a training officer responding to a domestic disturbance call in north Sacramento, Officer Tara O’Sullivan was shot as she was helping the victim gather her belongings. Hours later, police confirmed O’Sullivan died in the hospital from her injuries.

ABC10 sat down with retired FBI agent Don Vilfer about the hours-long standoff. What follows is a selection from the extended interview with Vilfer, some of which appears in the video above. It has been edited for brevity and clarity.

Lilia Luciano: So, there have been a lot of questions about what happened last night. What could have been prevented? Joining us is Don Vilfer. He is a former FBI agent. He is an expert at these kinds of circumstances because he was part of the FBI SWAT team for five years. Thanks for talking to us Don. So let’s get right to it. One of the big questions that people have is “Why 44 minutes to be able to rescue Officer O.Sullivan?. What comes to mind after hearing the scanner audio clips?

Good question.

Don Vilfer: Right. I’ve listened to some of the radio traffic and looked at the scene that they were at. Here we have a shooter that had a high-powered rifle working in a close area– backyard, front yard –laying down all kinds of rounds, all kinds of shots fired in a two-story building, so he could shoot from an elevated position. And so, all of that created a heightened risk.

A lone shooter can’t possibly cover all those angles. That’s an argument FOR immediate dynamic entry, not against. A straightforward “distract him while I go in the side door”.

Lilia Luciano: So, from what we know, Officer O’Sullivan was responding to a domestic disturbance. I am not a police officer. I have never worked in law enforcement, but I imagine that’s kind of a traditional thing that happens every day. Were they prepared enough, do you think that the protocol was the appropriate one to show up at the scene?

Don Vilfer: I think every police officer knows a domestic disturbance is potentially a most dangerous thing that they could face.

Lilia Luciano: Why is that?

Don Vilfer: You have a lot of tension between the parties involved. The victim could become the aggressor and turn on law enforcement, for example. And there’s this heightened tension because of the relationship issues. People turn to violence sometimes. But from the radio traffic that I heard here, they probably ran his background. They knew that he was potentially dangerous and that he had a criminal record. They brought with them additional officers, initially, before they made contact with him, from what I heard on the radio traffic.

Lilia Luciano: So, they were informed enough to suspect that this guy could be very dangerous?

Don Vilfer: Right.

Lilia Luciano: Let’s talk about the actual rescue. It sounds like they showed up, they were waiting for this BearCat (armored vehicle) to arrive to be able to place it in between Officer O’Sullivan and the house. What did you pick up from that rescue. How did it take place?

Don Vilfer: From the radio traffic, within just three or four minutes a police team probably quickly assembled on site and says, .We’ve got a shield team ready to go.. A shield team is basically officers who can go in a stack behind a barricade that they are moving, maybe laying down cover fire against the subject, and pull the officer out of there. And you know, within minutes after making that announcement that we’re ready to go, somebody made a command decision, “No, that’s too dangerous,” which is a reasonable call here, and said let’s wait for the BearCat. BearCat’s on the way. They needed an armored vehicle because of those circumstances. High powered rifle at close range, very accurate weapon with bullets that can penetrate vehicles. So, you know, you need something to protect the other officers going in.

Sounds more like a Cover Your Ass decision.

Lilia Luciano: I read some comments online. People are wondering why not just police respond with fire and start shooting into the house rather than having to wait?

Yes! Thank you!

DON VILFER: There was a… I think it was in San Bernardino County a couple of years ago where a fugitive was inside a cabin, was laying down fire, and they basically brought in a tank and set the house on fire, and killed the subject. So, that has happened in the past, but this is a neighborhood where rifle rounds–the police officers’ rounds–can go through walls, go through multiple walls, and hurt other people. From what I heard on the radio traffic, they’re not just going to fire indiscriminately.

“Because innocents might get hurt” is moot once the shooting has begun. Anybody who doesn’t get down after the shots and screams begin, after noticing a police squad responding to domestic violence screams, is also not much of a loss.

That incident was Christopher Dorner, an LAPD whistleblower who went terrorist against the LAPD after being punished for whistleblowing. This happened in February 2013 and I bet you didn’t hear about it on the news. He’s a fascinating account of a right-wing terrorist. I might post on him later but here’s a link to his manifesto and notice how much different it is from today’s “I’m hoping to ignite a race war and inspire copycats for Glorious Brave New World!” morons:

Suffice to say, the LAPD shot several people on sight because they mistakenly thought they were him–one died–and when they cornered him in a remote cabin, they fired an incendiary into the cabin Waco-style so he wouldn’t be taken alive to testify a second time. Or the official story, because a lone gunman was barricaded that securely.

You don’t suppose… *checks* No, Vilfer was not involved at Waco. He’s a computer forensics expert. I presume he’s who ABC had on retainer.

Lilia Luciano: How common are these BearCats? I mean, how many agencies do you suspect have these vehicles and how available are they?

Don Vilfer: At least a few agencies in the Sacramento area have those and years ago the federal government was making available to local law enforcement — at no or low cost –a number of military vehicles that could be converted to civilian use for these kinds of things.

It’s a war-surplus thing, not a FEMA conspiracy. As this incident proves, the value of armored cars remains directly proportionate to the size of the infantryman’s balls. Even when they had one on the scene, they didn’t go hunting.

Lilia Luciano: And what else are they used for?

Don Vilffer: Sometimes these vehicles, because they can drive over fences, they can go through walls, they can pull down gates, so they’ll be used for things like that, and to deliver a SWAT team closer to a target without coming under fire.

Lilia Luciano: So, let’s talk about communication between officers and the person who is in the house at this point. During the press conference that I attended, Sac P.D. was saying that there has been no verbal communication yet, and this was close to 9 p.m., maybe 8:30, I can’t remember. But… hours had passed. What’s the usual protocol for a situation like that where there’s a standoff and the person is already shooting?

Don Vilfer: There’s no usual protocol, but you want to establish communication and you want to stop the gunfire by talking some sense into the person, presumably. So, they will try to deliver something to talk to him. They’ll find his cell phone number to try to call him or a local landline number at his house. They’ll say, “We’re bringing you a phone,” something like that.

There used to be a protocol. Kill him before any more innocents get hurt. But then mission creep resulted in only SWAT being allowed to kill. Another way that credentialism gets people killed.

Lilia Luciano: I think another thing that was very surprising to me, but I had never covered anything like this, was that this went on until 2 a.m. It’s such a long time and it’s one person. Why is that? What do you think they were attempting, protecting, preventing?

Good questions, Lilia!

Don Vilfer: The kind of long, long ago SWAT method was to bust down the door and everybody go running in with guns blazing. That changed maybe 10, 15 years ago to more of a slow, methodical approach that’s safer.

Care-based morality.

So, there’s nobody else is going to get hurt because they’ve evacuated the neighbors from their homes. They have the area cordoned off. There’s nobody else inside the house. So, there’s no rush. You know, let’s talk some sense into him. Let’s not get other officers hurt.

Lilia Luciano: Something that they mentioned last night during the press conference, there are more women in the force and therefore it makes sense that… we have lost two young female officers in just a few months. I can’t help but consider that this was a domestic violence abuser. I know you were not an FBI profiler, but what can you talk about when it comes to, well, maybe he could have targeted her because she was a woman.

Don Vilfer: From what I read about his history, he had an extended history of violence against women, juvenile females, adult females. So, that could be that he picked from his sights the female officer.

Lilia Luciano: And is that something that happens? I mean, are women more at risk in any way?

Back in the ‘Fifties, which Cuckservatives claim to want back, a police recruit often had to be at least six feet tall and 200 pounds. People inclined towards violence will target a small, thin woman much more eagerly than a linebacker in a bulletproof vest. If they want to fight anyway then Linebacker probably has the advantages of height and weight. Wrong weight class, Ramos, now you have a black eye AND a felony arrest.

Don Vilfer: No. From my experience, women are generally more accepted by people in the criminal world. They’re more likely to talk to them when being interviewed, more cooperative even to make statements against interest, or confessions. But here we have a unique individual who’s had this problem with violence against women before.

Lilia Luciano: Thank you so much for your time.

Unique individual? Which is it? Is male domestic violence against women such a critical problem that multi-billion-dollar VAWA/frivorce programs are needed, or are men who like to beat on women “unique individuals”?

They aren’t stupid. They’re so invested in their Utopia that they cannot see reality. Educate the young to believe what they should, then debt-enslave them to ensure loyalty, then define every wake-up call as a one-off incident.


National Review Wants California Gone

Hat tip to Lost Patrol.

It’s fashionable to complain about California’s self-destruction, especially given the low-hanging fruits of Los Angeles and San Fransicko. But for the most part, it isn’t true other than the punitive taxes. I’ve documented the cities and even San Diego County that backed Trump’s efforts to thwart the state gov’t’s insurrectionist sanctuary state policies. I’ve documented California-style socialism in other states. And if you haven’t noticed, California is very, very big. It will never be ruled by a roomful of corruptocrats.

It surprises me to say this, but the National Review is being too harsh about California:

America.s First Third-World State

By Victor Davis Hanson, 18 June 2019

“Third World. is now an anachronistic geographical term of the old Cold War. But after 1989, .Third World. was reinvented from a political noun into an adjective to mean more than just Asian, African, and Latin American nations nonaligned with either the West or the Soviet bloc.

Rather, the current modifier “Third World” has come to transcend geography, politics, and ethnicity. It simply denotes poor failed states all over the globe of all races and religions.

The anachronistic term you want, Mr. Hanson, is “Communist”. Socialist. Marxist. ATHEIST. But hey, we defeated Communism back in Reagan’s Day. That couldn’t be our problem.

Third World symptomologies are predictably corrupt government, unequal or nonexistent applicability of the law, two rather than three classes, and the return of medieval diseases. Third World nations suffer from high taxes and poor social services, premodern infrastructure and utilities, poor transportation, tribalism, gangs, and lack of security.

You could have simplified that to “no fathers in Christian-style marriages”. Typical for a Cuckservative, he lists all the symptoms and none of the causes. No Christ, no fathers, no hope.

Another chief characteristic of a Third World society is the official denial of all of the above, and a vindictive, almost hysterical state response to anyone who points out those obvious tragedies. Another is massive out-migration. Residents prefer almost any country other than their own. Think Somalia, Venezuela, Cuba, Libya, or Guatemala.

The LA Times has been doing regular features on the typhus and homeless epidemics. Bay Area News Group, too. And rather than leave Commiefornia, I’d rather avoid all the morons who think ceding California to the wicked will guarantee that the wicked will leave them alone in peace forevermore.

Could that be VDH’s motivation for calling California “Third World”?

Does 21st-century California increasingly fit that definition . despite having the nation’s most amenable climate and most beautiful and diverse geography, with major natural ports facing the dynamic Asian economies, and being naturally rich in timber, agriculture, mining, and energy, and blessed with a prior century’s inheritance of effective local and state government?

We used to be a very conservative state. Then socialists and homosexuals overran us. Does anybody think his home will not be next because it’s a “very conservative state”? Tell it to Colorado.

The California Manor

By many criteria, 21st-century California is both the poorest and the richest state in the union. Almost a quarter of the population lives below the poverty line. Another fifth is categorized as near the poverty level . facts not true during the latter 20th century. A third of the nation’s welfare recipients now live in California. The state has the highest homeless population in the nation (135,000). About 22 percent of the nation’s total homeless population reside in the state . whose economy is the largest in the U.S., fueling the greatest numbers of American billionaires and high-income zip codes.

Misleading statistics. The immivasion is the cause of that income disparity and it’s not a problem unique to California. And many of those “poor” people drive late-model SUVs.

But by some indicators, the California middle class is shrinking . because of massive regulation, high taxation, green zoning, and accompanying high housing prices. Out-migration from the state remains largely a phenomenon of the middle and upper-middle classes. Millions have left California in the past 30 years, replaced by indigent and often illegal immigrants, often along with the young, affluent, and single.

The AMERICAN middle class is shrinking.

If someone predicted half a century ago that a Los Angeles police station or indeed L.A. City Hall would be in danger of periodic, flea-borne infectious typhus outbreaks, he would have been considered unhinged. After all, the city that gave us the modern freeway system is not supposed to resemble Justinian’s sixth-century Constantinople.

And it doesn’t, thank you. The poor of California STILL live better than the kings of old.

Yet typhus, along with outbreaks of infectious hepatitis A, are in the news on California streets. The sidewalks of the state’s major cities are homes to piles of used needles, feces, and refuse. Hygienists warn that permissive municipal governments are setting the stage . through spiking populations of history’s banes of fleas, lice, and rats . for possible dark-age outbreaks of plague or worse.

San Diego isn’t like that. Not NorCal, either. Heck, the San Fernando Valley (northern quarter or so of Los Angeles) isn’t like that yet.

High tech does its part not to clean the streets but to create defecation apps that electronically warn tourists and hoi polloi how to avoid walking blindly into piles of sidewalk excrement. In Californian logic, public defecation butts up against progressive tolerance, so it is exempt from the law. Yet for a suburbanite to build a patio without a permit, for example, costs one dearly in fines. Indeed, a new patio without a permit can be deemed more dangerous to the public health than piles of excrement in the public workplace.

And the Californians hate that.

I also documented how the people of San Francisco themselves are upset about being governed as heartlessly as a Commissar from Moscow.

One out of three Californians who enters a hospital for any cause is now found to be suffering from either diabetes or pre-diabetes, an epidemic that hits the Hispanic community especially hard but for a variety of reasons has not led to effective public-health efforts and sufficient publicity. State-run dialysis clinics now dot the towns and communities of the Central Valley . a tragic symptom of dietary culture, massive illegal immigration, and poor public-health education.

Haha! Die, Baby Boomers, die! You and everybody who thinks Chicken McNuggets are vegetables!

Seriously, diabetes is a motivation problem not an education problem. If you don’t care enough to eat right, and Idiocracy & Wall-E didn’t scare you straight, then education is wasted on you.

Infrastructure Is for the Unwoke

California.s transportation system, to be honest, remains in near ruins. Despite the highest gas taxes in the nation, none of its major trans-state freeways . not the 99, not I-5, not the 101 . after 70 years off use, are yet completed with six lanes, resulting in dangerous bottlenecks and wrecks. Driving the 99 south of Visalia, or the 101 near Paso Robles, or the 5 north of Coalinga is right out of Road Warrior . but not as dangerous as the fossilized two-line feeder lines such as 152 into Gilroy, or the 41 west of Kettleman City. The unspoken transportation credo of Jerry Brown’s aggregate 16 years as governor apparently was “If you don’t build it, maybe they won’t need it..

He’s badly mistaken. I drove the 101 through Paso Robles for last week’s camping trip. They’re doing new construction on it right now. Highway 46 running between the 101 and 5 (to just south of Coalinga) used to be a two-lane washboard nightmare but has been widened to four last over the last decade. I don’t know about I-5 north of Coalinga but south of Coalinga at Lost Hills, I-5 is also bring improved right now. Also I-5 in Los Angeles. I haven’t driven I-5 to San Diego recently but it was okay last time and cannot be enlarged anyway. Not with land values being inflated like they are.

Several new overpasses have been built around Gilroy in recent years to eliminate deathtraps. The Garlic Capital of the World, incidentally.

Don’t talk about Jerry Brown’s unspoken transporation credo. Talk about his spoken one, it is far more evil: the term is “road diet”. More for the interested:

A ‘diet’ to give California drivers indigestion

Meanwhile the concrete carcass of the recently cancelled multibillion-dollar high-speed rail system dots the skyline over Fresno. Bureaucrats now insist that more billions must be spent to ensure that a short segment of the least traveled route will be finished, though they obviously do not anticipate spurring a new tourist or commercial corridor between Merced and Bakersfield.

An Obama-era pork barrel project. It was never going to work. There was never any tourism between Merced and Bakersfield. No need for a commercial corridor, either, with agriculture priced depressed by free trade and slave labor.

High-speed-rail gurus insist on salvaging something of the boondoggle not because they have an economic rationale justifying more dollars . they would be far better invested in improving freeways, airports, and rails . but largely out of pride and shame that demand some small token rescued from a very bad pipe dream.

No, Gavin Newsom insists on a billion taxpayer dollars that Obama promised and Trump cancelled:

Pride? Shame? Dream? No. Greed. Cronyism. Evil.

In 1973, when I first visited and lived in Greece, the roads were medieval. The old Hellinikon Airport was dysfunctional, if not creepy. Highway rest stops were filthy. I have lived in or visited Greece in the ensuing 45 years since, including occasionally after the 2008 meltdown and European Union standoff. And yet today, the freeways, chief airport, and rest stops of relatively poor Greece are in far better shape than are California.s. LAX.s poor road access, traffic, uncleanness, crowds, and chaos seem premodern compared with the current Athenian airport.

Why compare us to Eastern Europe? Why not compare us to Oregon or Arizona? Because they have similar problems…

Nothing about LAX feels premodern to this air traveler. Nothing can be done further to improve LAX’s congestion, either. A major airport sandwiched between the Pacific Ocean and a major city, how is that not going to have lots of traffic?

It is an eerie experience to see America’s once premier state, currently at its supposed acme, now resemble Greece of the colonels a half-century ago, while 2019 Greece seems more like a functioning 1973 California. Athens and Thessaloniki are still dirty in a few places, and there are homeless and illegal immigrants. But one does not see needles and feces on the sidewalks, and it is safe to walk in the evening. Greek public restrooms, once notorious, are far more sanitary than those at rest stops in Fresno, San Francisco, or Los Angeles.

The rest stops along I-5 and 101 are fine. No piles of dirty needles or even graffiti.

Power outrages are characteristic of Third World countries. Here in California we are advised to brace for lots of them, given that our antiquated grid apparently contributes to brush fires on hot days. As a native, I do not remember a single instance of our 20th-century state utilities shutting down service in the manner that they now routinely promise.

I assume he means power “outages”. Third World countries have power only for specified hours of the day. There are no such outages in California. The closest are “brownouts” in Los Angeles that coincide with heat waves.

Although it’s true our need for electricity is outstripping supply.

California for Others

Crime the last three years has increased. It is epidemic in local jails. San Francisco has the highest property-crime rate per capita of any major city. The California prison system is a mess, and sanctuary cities ensure that illegal aliens charged with crimes will not be deported. Pick up a McClatchy paper and you.ll see that the day’s fare of Central Valley criminality, even after sanitization and editorialization, is mind-boggling.

Good thing that only California does the evil of sanctuary cities. /sarc

California.s cycles of wet boom years and dry bust years continue because the state refuses to build three or four additional large reservoirs that have been planned for more than a half-century, and that would store enough water to keep California functional through even the worst drought. The rationale is either that it is more sophisticated to allow millions of acre-feet of melted snow to run into the sea, or it is better to have a high-speed-rail line from Merced to Bakersfield than an additional 10 million acre-feet of water storage, or droughts ensure more state control through rationing and green social-policy remedies.

Is Hanson writing this for any reason except to hate on California? For the record, reservoirs are not our problem. Reliance upon a massive aqueduct system in earthquake country is. We could add a billion acre-feet of reservoir and it wouldn’t help without revamping the aqueducts, which will never be earthquake-proof. Desalination is the better solution.

Which is also being blocked by evil environmentalists, who consider cockroaches to be humans and humans, cockroaches. Don’t blame us for their behavior. We are not them.

Twenty-seven percent of Californians were not born in the United States…

We know. Skip.

California schools are usually in the bottom decile of national rankings. No one in polite conversation asks why that is so, given that the state’s K.12 schools used to be among the most competitive in the United States.

Everybody talks about it. Nobody, especially the conservatives, will admit the only effective solution: END PUBLIC EDUCATION. Every school, everywhere in America is a horror factory for Socialist indoctrination. Hanson wants to whine about California’s schools while not paying attention to what’s happening in his own backyard? Kiss my ass. This not a California problem.

Yet, again in medieval fashion, the professional schools and science and technology departments of California’s premier research universities . Cal Tech, Stanford, UC Berkeley, UCLA, USC . are among the highest-rated in the world. Imagine something like the scribal oases of Padua, Oxford, or Paris in an otherwise frightening 13th century. If one wishes to be schooled as an electrical engineer or cancer researcher, California is an attractive place; if one wishes to be a knowledgeable graduate of a public elementary and high school, it most certainly is not.

All except CalTech are Leftoid cesspits whose reputations are as decrepitly old as the alumni who still donate to them.

I knew a CalTech professor back when I lived in LA. He complained that CalTech’s education was actually too much. The professors rode the students so hard that many of them, especially the undergrads, had no social lives at all, as in hundred-hour work weeks just to keep up with the curriculum. More than a few graduated only to walk away from engineering and science in complete burnout.

You don’t want a top-level, prestigious university for your undergraduate work. Their faculty are research professors who consider every minute they spend teaching Differential Equations 102 as purgatory. Go to a mid-level college where the faculty teach for a living. Grad school is the point at which the ivory tower wizards are at least able to communicate with you.

California.s Department of Motor Vehicles is perhaps the worst public-service entity in the United States. To enter any branch office is to venture into a Dante’s Inferno of huge lines, chaos, unkept rest rooms, and rude and often incompetent unionized employees. The only efficient DMV office in the state is the unmarked and secret branch in Sacramento reserved for state legislators and grandee insiders who oversee the DMV for the rest of the population. For a fee, concierge private auto clubs and firms often duplicate some DMV services, a de facto admission that the state needs something else besides itself to offer basic services. I once asked a DMV clerk, after a long wait in line, if it was right to be wearing a purple SEIU organizing T-shirt; she replied, .Do you still want to be served?.

This is reaching farce. California is a Third World country because the DMV is a bureaucracy? Oh noes!

The several DMVs I’ve used across Central and Southern California have been at least decently run. They’ve got a system going that allows you to read a book while waiting for your number to be called, if you didn’t call ahead for an appointment.

The DMV scandals are multifarious: Thousands of motor-voter registrations sent to the wrong people, including illegal aliens supposedly ineligible to vote; corrupt employees who sell commercial truck driver’s licenses to the unqualified; and private corporations and occasionally individuals selling hard-to-obtain reservations and appointments.

Features, not bugs. You gawddamned Republicans don’t get to complain about liberal vote fraud until you get off your dusty RINO asses to prosecute it. You’d rather lose an election than prove the other guy cheated!

…Yet the rule in California is to punish the upper middle class while pandering to the rich and romanticizing the poor. Thus, the legislature is now considering a punitive new inheritance tax, and it just imposed an Internet sales tax.

No, the rich are getting whacked too. Didn’t you notice which faction coined the phrase “One Percenter”?

California.s apocalyptic present has created an alternate universe, in good Third World style, of pay-for-play services. To avoid the emergency room (the last time I used one, two gangs squared off in the waiting room, to continue what their wounded members were under treatment for), progressive Californians often pay for concierge medicine and anything private to avoid at all costs using any state services.

Not that I’ve noticed. My female coworkers, as I’ve overheard, are happy to use the social welfare system while thinking I’m crazy for paying the no-health-care premium and then my medical costs out-of-pocket on top of that. Sometimes I want to call up the Amish, who have inexplicably worked out a “faith-based” exemption to Commiefornia’s health care system, and ask how much they’ll charge me for a letter of exemption.

And sometimes, I realize that’s exactly pay to play. Which means they aren’t the good guys.

The coastal corridor elite often put their kids in tony prep schools that have sprung up or vastly expanded, in the fashion of the 1960s white Southern academies that were designed to circumvent federal desegregation edicts. Elite progressives mimic old-style, 1960s segregationists but feel that their children’s green and multicultural curricula offer enough penance to assuage their guilt over abandoning the state’s much praised “diverse” schools.

I knew a tech billionaire a few years back whose son was enrolled in the prestigious Robert Louis Stevenson school in Pebble Beach. He said that many of those children of the rich and famous were functionally abandoned by their parents.

The Elites have always sent their kids to top-end schools but before you complain about Privilege, you should first check if they’re boarding schools. Money doesn’t guarantee a happy family.

Our Dreams, Your Nightmares

What caused this lunacy?

The fool said in his heart, “There is no God.”

A polarity of importing massive poverty from south of the border while pandering to those who control unprecedented wealth in Silicon Valley, Hollywood, the tourism industry, and the marquee universities. Massive green regulations and boutique zoning, soaring taxes, increasing crime, identity politics and tribalism, and radical one-party progressive government were force multipliers. It is common to blame California Republicans for their own demise. They have much to account for, but in some sense, the state simply deported conservative voters and imported their left-wing replacements.

In a reductionist sense, perhaps if former governor Jerry Brown knew that he would one day retire to Delano and drive the 99 daily, rather than to Grass Valley, with several state pensions in his bank account, or if Dianne Feinstein dwelled in an East Palo Alto or Redwood City residence rather than in Pacific Heights, or if all the Pelosi grandchildren had to attend state public schools, then the architects of 21st-century California might have had to live with the consequences of their own dreams and been less eager to inflict their nightmares on the other 40 million Californians.

When he stands before God in Judgment, Jerry Brown won’t even try to defend his actions. He will calmly unbuckle his pants and defecate on the floor in order to defile God’s works one last time before being cast into Eternal Hell.

He knew what he was doing. He loved Evil because he hated God.

You Cuckservatives have yourselves abandoned God so completely that in all this complaining about California, you, Victor David Hanson, never, not once, called out evil. You gave a long list of complaints and problems without even trying to find the causes, identify common threads or call for solutions. You don’t want solutions. You don’t want California to clean up its act. You want to feel good about yourselves by talking about how badly the “other people” behave.

But then again, such a radical divergence between a few insider elites and a massive underclass, with little in between, is perhaps what best defines “Third World..

The point of his diatribe is that VDH doesn’t consider California to be part of America. Preemptively giving Socialists permission to keep California in return for nothing but false hope that California is all they want is why controlled opposition like the National Review exists.


Because Police Aren’t Busy Enough

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Or in this case, an ounce of “don’t let jihadists into North America” is worth at least two months of FBI skulduggery.

htt ps://

Mustafa Mousab Alowemer, 21, is a Syrian refugee living in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania that was arrested today for planning a terrorist attack on a Christian church.

Color me French.

A narrow nose with no flaring at the tip & nostrils can indicate a lonely childhood, consistent with the small mouth indicating disinterest in talking. “Visionary” eyebrows (thickest at the inside) but the inner ear cups are well-defined, so some idealism but not air-headed. Looks like cutting eyelids for sociopathy but the iris is so dark I can’t be certain. No cheeks and a weak chin indicate a lack of personal assertiveness. A good amount of passion to judge from full lips. Seems generally low-testosterone.

I can believe either that he’s a passive-aggressive terrorist (bomber) or a lonely nerd whose interest in big booms was leveraged by informants looking to make good on a plea bargain. Either way, he’s Muslim so he shouldn’t be in America.

According to a Federal complaint, Alowemer was charged with one count of providing material support and resources to the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS) and two counts of distributing information relating to an explosive, destructive device, or weapon of mass destruction.

A big thanks to America’s FBI agents who caught Mustafa.

Alowemer was born on June 5, 1998, in Daraa, Syria and is, a citizen and national of Syria. He arrived in the United States on August 1, 2016, when he flew into John F. Kennedy International Airport in New York. He was admitted to the U.S. as a refugee in August 2016.

A big Fuck Your Mother to the State Department toady that let Mustafa in.

He wanted to join ISIS and commit terrorist acts on behalf of the organization to punish “polytheists” and “take revenge for our [ISIS] brothers in Nigeria. and “our brothers from al-Baghuz.. Al-Baghuz is a town in Syria.

Oh, that’s right. USA has been playing proxy war in Syria recently. Mustafa didn’t just come from Muslim land, he came from an active war zone involving the American military and Deep State Muslim land.

Alowemer plotted to bomb the Legacy International Worship Center located on the North Side of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania using a homemade explosive device. The Federal complaint says he wanted to bomb the church in order to “support the cause of ISIS and to inspire other ISIS supporters in the United States to join together and commit similar acts in the name of ISIS.. He purchased [readily available materials] to use for making the bomb.

Legacy International appears to be a Charismatic black denomination dedicated to its founder, the late “Apostle” Rodney J. Washington. Wow, their website panhandles so aggressively that Mustafa could have gained entry to the church just by renting it.

Here, Washington visits a victim of the Pulse Nightclub shooting.

Jesus loves you. Jesus also wants to know why you were hanging out at a gay nightclub. Because Jesus doesn’t save unrepentant homosexuals.

Muzzie jihadists say they want to kill Christians but actually target homos. Huh. Well, with churches like this the confusion is understandable.

In fact, that photo could singlehandedly explain Mustafa’s choice of target, if he wanted to “finish what the Pulse shooter started”.

U.S. Attorney Scott W. Brady for the Western District of Pennsylvania said in an announcement, .Every day investigators and prosecutors work tirelessly behind the scenes to disrupt terrorist activity and keep our community safe. While the public does not always see the results of the hard work of these dedicated men and women, this case is a visible demonstration of our commitment to rooting out terrorists and bringing them to justice..

Their work would be much easier if the Democratic Party (and Republican Party) would give a care about border security.

Alowemer made a video as he pledged .Bay.aa. (an oath of allegiance) to the leader of ISIS, Abu BaIa al-Baghdadi. In several text messages sent in Arabic to FBI agents, he details he asks “can I make the Bay.aawhile masked?. and says, .Brother, I will send you the Bay.aa video and you save it because I want to delete it from my device..

He then sent them the video and confirmed that they received it. The video has not been made public and was not posted to social media.

This rules out my “misled nerd” hypothesis. That video’s gonna look good in front of a jury.

Under the pseudonym “Mustafa Alowemer., Alowemer sent bomb-making handbooks and other ISIS propaganda through social media to FBI agents and other ISIS supporters.

The author could have phrased that better. Wait, his pseudonym was his real name? “Just use your real name on Facebook. Nobody knows who you are and it’ll make the paperwork on my end a little easier. Did I just say that?”

In May 2019, Alowemer made contact with who he thought were fellow ISIS supporters but were actually FBI Undercover Employee (UCE) and/or an FBI Confidential Human Source (CHS). He met with the agents 4 times between April 16 and June 11. During the meetings, he detailed his plan to bomb Legacy International Worship Center, a church located at 2131 Wilson Avenue on the North Side of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania and provided the agents with detailed plans, maps, and instructions for the bombs he was allegedly making.

According to the Federal complaint, on May 24 he sent the UCE agent a “Beginners Course for Young Mujahedeen” which contained “nearly 30 pages of instructions related to jihad, military operations, organizational protocols, and explosives.. and provided .step-by-step instructions to manufacture explosives, toxins, poisons, and IEDs, including .TNT,. .Molotov Cocktails,. .Popular Landmines/IEDs,. .Sodium Bomb,. “Black Gunpowder,. and “Ammonium Nitrate 2…

Easily accessible reading material from Or did one FBI agent provide the materials and a second agent receive it? I’m tempted to see how easy it actually is to get such info online but fear “Omar” would appear and nag me to blow up a Federal building. My tax dollars at work!

Alowemer also distributed these plans via social media networks to other ISIS supporters, requested a silenced weapon from the FBI agent, and offered up potential targets in the Pittsburgh area.

While I’m glad it worked out to America’s advantage this time, such infiltration and betrayal is the most common play in the FBI’s playbook. Does it work? Yes. Am I pleased that a major law enforcement organization’s primary tactic is identical to Social Justice Convergence? Not a bit.

I want to believe that the story here is the courageous FBI doing what it takes to collar the bad guys, but they do so much dirty pool that I can just as easily believe they let him into America because they knew he was a jihadist and could use him for a Judas goat.

Instead of running networks of informants, agents provocateur and moles, and covering up the embarrassing incidents when the informants wander off the plea-bargain reservation, I’d rather see the Federal Government not allow Muslims from America-involved war zones to enter our nation in the first place.


There’s No Hell For Social Media Subcontractors

Because working conditions are sufficient punishment. The Daily Beast gives us a behind-the-scenes peek at Cognizant, a moderation subcontracting company for Facebook that demonstrates the future offered by Vibrant Woke technocrats. Popcorn is optional, Pepto-Bismol is mandatory.

Stressed Out Facebook Moderator Died of Heart Attack While on the Job: Report

By, Barbie Latza Nadeau 19 June 2019

By… Barbie? I must know.

A Documentary, 'Beyond The Headlines: Amanda Knox' Is Your Starting Point!

Attractive latina with very nice juicy juggs working over ...

Um. Anyway. Proceeding.

Some employees didn’t even look up from their monitors when a 42-year-old man tasked with purging Facebook of prohibited content died suddenly of a heart attack at his desk, according to a Verge investigation into a key company tasked with moderating Facebook content.

We always knew it would come to this.

Managers of the Facebook contractor Cognizant then allegedly prohibited employees from discussing the death at work for fear it would hamper productivity, according to the report.

Red shirt: “Could that happen to me, too?”

Captain Kirk: “Maintain discipline!”

Three Cognizant employees spoke to the online news site, breaking their 14-page non-disclosure agreements, painting a disparaging picture of what it is like to scour the social-networking site for hate speech, child pornography, and murder. The work was grim, often subjecting the monitors to images of self-harm and unthinkable cruelty against animals and children.

Police have the same problem. Cybercrime enforcement sounds sexy until you realize exactly what kind of sexy you’ll be exposed to every day.

But the working conditions.including sexual harassment, disgusting bathrooms with feces and menstrual blood smeared on the walls…

What a progressive, vibrant working environment!

…and at least one occasion when a preacher prayed loudly speaking in tongues…

Either a Charismatic exorcist or a Hindu tech support sub-subcontractor.

…were just as bad. Cognizant is the lowest performing moderation site in the U.S., enforcing Facebook policies with 98 percent accuracy, according to Vice.

Cognizant did not give a comment for the story.

No shit, Sherlock. More! We must know more!

The above was part of an expose by the Verge in February. The death was Coast Guard veteran Keith Utley on 9 March so this is a slightly dated story. Also a tragic one; as frustrated as we Red Pilled get with abuse at the hands of Leftoids, what they do to themselves is much worse.

THE TRAUMA FLOOR: The secret lives of Facebook moderators in America

By Casey Newton, 25 February 2019

The panic attacks started after Chloe watched a man die.

She spent the past three and a half weeks in training, trying to harden herself against the daily onslaught of disturbing posts: the hate speech, the violent attacks, the graphic pornography. In a few more days, she will become a full-time Facebook content moderator, or what the company she works for, a professional services vendor named Cognizant, opaquely calls a “process executive..

I’m only sympathetic on one of those three. If you can’t take “hate speech” then get off social media, it’s that simple. Violent attacks? Modern movies are gorier than the cop/soldier shoots I watch for entertainment. But yeah, sexual perversion is no joke.

But those perverts are the Social Justice Warrior’s colleagues. Chloe must bury her truly traumatic exposures underneath a stack of Orange Man Bad. She’s not allowed by her superiors to be honest.

For this portion of her education, Chloe will have to moderate a Facebook post in front of her fellow trainees. When it’s her turn, she walks to the front of the room, where a monitor displays a video that has been posted to the world’s largest social network. None of the trainees have seen it before, Chloe included. She presses play.

The video depicts a man being murdered. Someone is stabbing him, dozens of times, while he screams and begs for his life. Chloe’s job is to tell the room whether this post should be removed. She knows that section 13 of the Facebook community standards prohibits videos that depict the murder of one or more people. When Chloe explains this to the class, she hears her voice shaking.

Congratulations, Chloe. You’re a woman doing a man’s job. No sheltered life in the kitchen for you! This is what you women wanted. What you demanded. What you destroyed good men to seize.

Me, I’ve been in at least three near-fatal violent incidents in real life, working in gang territory Los Angeles. No PTSD. And you can’t watch Saving Private Ryan without a therapist?

Maybe… just maybe… women are not as emotionally strong as men. But she isn’t allowed to think that.

Returning to her seat, Chloe feels an overpowering urge to sob. Another trainee has gone up to review the next post, but Chloe cannot concentrate. She leaves the room, and begins to cry so hard that she has trouble breathing.

No one tries to comfort her. This is the job she was hired to do. And for the 1,000 people like Chloe moderating content for Facebook at the Phoenix site, and for 15,000 content reviewers around the world, today is just another day at the office.

Choose your fate, Chloe. You can either make $15 an hour as an empowered and emotionally traumatized cube jockey or trade in your Man Card for happy children and a husband’s protection.

Over the past three months, I interviewed a dozen current and former employees of Cognizant in Phoenix. All had signed non-disclosure agreements with Cognizant in which they pledged not to discuss their work for Facebook . or even acknowledge that Facebook is Cognizant’s client. The shroud of secrecy is meant to protect employees from users who may be angry about a content moderation decision and seek to resolve it with a known Facebook contractor.

Pointing out the obvious, it’s not the right-wingers who drive cross-country to vent frustrations via criminal action.

The NDAs are also meant to prevent contractors from sharing Facebook users. personal information with the outside world, at a time of intense scrutiny over data privacy issues.

The NDAs are reportedly fourteen pages long.

But the secrecy also insulates Cognizant and Facebook from criticism about their working conditions, moderators told me. They are pressured not to discuss the emotional toll that their job takes on them, even with loved ones, leading to increased feelings of isolation and anxiety.

Which explains fourteen pages over a boilerplate two. We warned you that your Woke bosses were hypocrites, demanding we live in panopticons while their own companies issue NDAs in hardcover to ensure nobody talks. You thought you were special. Looks like you are.

To protect them from potential retaliation, both from their employers and from Facebook users, I agreed to use pseudonyms for everyone named in this story except Cognizant’s vice president of operations for business process services, Bob Duncan, and Facebook’s director of global partner vendor management, Mark Davidson.

Pics were not readily available. Per , 6 of 11 executives are Dot Indians. 4 are white men and 0 are Latino, for a company located in Arizona. Duncan is not among them.

Congratulations, Cognizant workers! You have been freed from the tyrannical oppression of the WASP patriarchy. Enjoy your feminist Hindu caste-archy.

It.s a place where, in stark contrast to the perks lavished on Facebook employees, team leaders micromanage content moderators. every bathroom and prayer break; where employees, desperate for a dopamine rush amid the misery, have been found having sex inside stairwells and a room reserved for lactating mothers; where people develop severe anxiety while still in training, and continue to struggle with trauma symptoms long after they leave; and where the counseling that Cognizant offers them ends the moment they quit . or are simply let go.

Post-Christian Corporate America. It’s ugly.

The moderators told me it’s a place where the conspiracy videos and memes that they see each day gradually lead them to embrace fringe views. One auditor walks the floor promoting the idea that the Earth is flat. A former employee told me he has begun to question certain aspects of the Holocaust. Another former employee, [Randy,] who told me he has mapped every escape route out of his house and sleeps with a gun at his side, said: .I no longer believe 9/11 was a terrorist attack..

Ah, so they DO read our blogs. The real trauma of policing the Manosphere is that you might start seeing the same Matrix glitches we did.

Chloe cries for a while in the break room, and then in the bathroom, but begins to worry that she is missing too much training. She had been frantic for a job when she applied, as a recent college graduate with no other immediate prospects. When she becomes a full-time moderator, Chloe will make $15 an hour . $4 more than the minimum wage in Arizona, where she lives, and better than she can expect from most retail jobs.

Another ruined young woman and proto-feminist. But nobody will ever be able to say she was only a housewife and that’s what truly matters.

Since 2014, when Adrian Chen detailed the harsh working conditions for content moderators at social networks for Wired, Facebook has been sensitive to the criticism that it is traumatizing some of its lowest-paid workers. …Until recently, most Facebook content moderation has been done outside the United States.

Not a coincidence.

But as Facebook’s demand for labor has grown, it has expanded its domestic operations to include sites in California, Arizona, Texas, and Florida.

The United States is the company’s home and one of the countries in which it is most popular, says Facebook’s Davidson. American moderators are more likely to have the cultural context necessary to evaluate U.S. content that may involve bullying and hate speech, which often involve country-specific slang, he says.

This could explain a lot about their schizophrenic banning practices.

It is true that Cognizant’s Phoenix location is neither dark nor dingy. And to the extent that it offers employees desks with computers on them, it may faintly resemble other Facebook offices. But while employees at Facebook’s Menlo Park headquarters work in an airy, sunlit complex designed by Frank Gehry, its contractors in Arizona labor in an often cramped space where long lines for the few available bathroom stalls can take up most of employees. limited break time. And while Facebook employees enjoy a wide degree of freedom in how they manage their days, Cognizant workers. time is managed down to the second.

You know why these workers are so sensitive to what they moderate? Because management selects for weak-willed employees who will tolerate this pointless, cruel abuse. The same backbone that enables a manly man to endure traumatic emotions also enables him to tell his Kshatriya-caste supervisor where to shove his anti-America sadism fetish.

Security personnel keep watch over the entrance, on the lookout for disgruntled ex-employees and Facebook users who might confront moderators over removed posts. …There are barely enough [personal items] lockers to go around, so some employees have taken to keeping items in them overnight to ensure they will have one the next day.

To accommodate four daily shifts . and high employee turnover . most people will not be assigned a permanent desk on what Cognizant calls “the production floor.”

This is pure management laziness. How hard is it to number the workstations and write the workers’ names on a whiteboard? Come to think of it, how does management find a particular worker when they need to? A loudspeaker? Two floors of identical workstations, no assigned positions, no partitions or personal items allowed… I wouldn’t be surprised if management made a point of not even printing the workers’ names on their ID badges. Don’t want to be seen getting friendly with the lower castes!

Those challenges include the sheer volume of posts; the need to train a global army of low-paid workers to consistently apply a single set of rules; near-daily changes and clarifications to those rules; a lack of cultural or political context on the part of the moderators; missing context in posts that makes their meaning ambiguous; and frequent disagreements among moderators about whether the rules should apply in individual cases.

Putting on my managerial hat, let me count the fails thus far:

1. Rules are vague and subject to change. Either you hire only psychics or you don’t expect employees to read your mind.

2. Unreasonable expectations. Social media being heavily culture-specific, workers should not be expected to perform outside their comfort zones. Content moderation should ALWAYS have been regional, not global. Consider specializing employees to specific topics also, so they don’t have to keep up with every single change on every single topic.

3. Employees are not trusted to use their judgment. Second-guessing your underlings is bad for productivity, morale and turnover. What you do, if needed and reasonable, is accept their decision for the current issue and give instructions “going forward”.

4. Management is neither present nor willing to settle disputes.

5. Micromanagement. Set the employee’s daily goals and stop caring how they go about it. Trust employees to manage their bladders and lunches without Big Brother.

6. *sigh* Since this is a vibrant working environment and we’re talking bathroom breaks, lock down the facilities. Everybody must log into a bathroom stall to use it and if they report it’s messy, use the log to hunt down that shitty fucker and terminate him with prejudice. Clean bathrooms are CRITICAL to good morale. Don’t just put up a sign and expect Harambe to get with the 21st Century.

7. Termination of employees for casual or insignificant reasons. So long as an employee is trying to serve you, forgive his mistakes.

8. Allow privacy and personal items. Rearrange the workstations so employees don’t feel people are constantly looking over their shoulders. (What are they going to do, look at porn? That’s their job here.) I understand not allowing smartphones or thumb drives around the workstations for privacy concerns but otherwise, let them make their cubicles a little homey. Especially when the work is stressful.

9. Shift employee loads. While I was harsh on Chloe, nominating a more thick-skinned employee that she can refer the truly nasty stuff to would be better and cheaper than hiring a professional shrink. Such employees would be rewarded with extra pay and trust (from the professional counselor budget) and the existence of those “NCO” positions would help me identify the ambitious and talented.

10. Don’t hire a woman to do a man’s job. She will break and nobody will be happy about it.

Facebook has instructed Cognizant and its other contractors to emphasize a metric called “accuracy” over all else. Accuracy, in this case, means that when Facebook audits a subset of contractors. decisions, its full-time employees agree with the contractors. The company has set an accuracy target of 95 percent, a number that always seems just out of reach. Cognizant has never hit the target for a sustained period of time . it usually floats in the high 80s or low 90s, and was hovering around 92 at press time.

11. Treating contractors as second class citizens. If they’re on the team then they’re part of the team.

Facebook will randomly select 50 or 60 [from a typical moderator’s 1,500 or so weekly decisions] to audit. These posts will be reviewed by a second Cognizant employee . a quality assurance worker, known internally as a QA, who also makes $1 per hour more than Miguel. Full-time Facebook employees then audit a subset of QA decisions, and from these collective deliberations, an accuracy score is generated.

12. Redundant layers of management.

Facebook.s single-minded focus on accuracy developed after sustaining years of criticism over its handling of moderation issues. With billions of new posts arriving each day, Facebook feels pressure on all sides. In some cases, the company has been criticized for not doing enough . as when United Nations investigators found that it had been complicit in spreading hate speech during the genocide of the Rohingya community in Myanmar. In others, it has been criticized for overreach . as when a moderator removed a post that excerpted the Declaration of Independence. (Thomas Jefferson was ultimately granted a posthumous exemption to Facebook’s speech guidelines, which prohibit the use of the phrase “Indian savages..)

This is because Facebook is trying to have it both ways: they want to censor what they don’t like and not be responsible for allowing what they do like. Have the cake or eat it, Facebook.

A third major source of truth is the discussions moderators have among themselves. During breaking news events, such as a mass shooting, moderators will try to reach a consensus on whether a graphic image meets the criteria to be deleted or marked as disturbing. But sometimes they reach the wrong consensus, moderators said, and managers have to walk the floor explaining the correct decision.

Again, absentee management. The leader should have made the decision after collecting opinions.

The fourth source is perhaps the most problematic: Facebook’s own internal tools for distributing information. While official policy changes typically arrive every other Wednesday, incremental guidance about developing issues is distributed on a near-daily basis. Often, this guidance is posted to Workplace, the enterprise version of Facebook that the company introduced in 2016.

Like Facebook itself, Workplace has an algorithmic News Feed that displays posts based on engagement. During a breaking news event, such as a mass shooting, managers will often post conflicting information about how to moderate individual pieces of content, which then appear out of chronological order on Workplace. Six current and former employees told me that they had made moderation mistakes based on seeing an outdated post at the top of their feed. At times, it feels as if Facebook’s own product is working against them. The irony is not lost on the moderators.

.It happened all the time,. says Diana, a former moderator. .It was horrible . one of the worst things I had to personally deal with, to do my job properly.” During times of national tragedy, such as the 2017 Las Vegas shooting, managers would tell moderators to remove a video . and then, in a separate post a few hours later, to leave it up. The moderators would make a decision based on whichever post Workplace served up.

.It was such a big mess,. Diana says. .We’re supposed to be up to par with our decision making, and it was messing up our numbers..

This is a management atrocity. Diana was trying to do her job and through no fault of her own, was messing it up. She was not the problem. Redundant layers of useless suits was the problem.

Officially, moderators are prohibited from approaching QAs and lobbying them to reverse a decision. But it is still a regular occurrence, two former QAs told me.

One, named Randy, would sometimes return to his car at the end of a work day to find moderators waiting for him. Five or six times over the course of a year, someone would attempt to intimidate him into changing his ruling. .They would confront me in the parking lot and tell me they were going to beat the shit out of me,. he says. .There wasn’t even a single instance where it was respectful or nice. It was just, You audited me wrong! That was a boob! That was full areola, come on man!.

Fearing for his safety, Randy began bringing a concealed gun to work. Fired employees regularly threatened to return to work and harm their old colleagues, and Randy believed that some of them were serious. A former coworker told me she was aware that Randy brought a gun to work, and approved of it, fearing on-site security would not be sufficient in the case of an attack.

Yeah, guns are nice when you’re afraid for your life, aren’t they? I would allow my employees to carry concealed (and open, it’s Arizona) and ensure security is up to the task of keeping them safe enough to never even think about drawing it.

Security watched him get screamed at by aggressive coworkers in the parking lot and did nothing?

13. Pay the employees enough that they take their jobs seriously. This avoids so, so many problems down the road.

Cognizant.s Duncan told me the company would investigate the various safety and management issues that moderators had disclosed to me. He said bringing a gun to work was a violation of policy and that, had management been aware of it, they would have intervened and taken action against the employee.

14. Don’t shoot the messenger. Especially in Arizona.

Before Miguel, [a moderator,] can take a break, he clicks a browser extension to let Cognizant know he is leaving his desk. (.That.s a standard thing in this type of industry,. Facebook’s Davidson tells me. .To be able to track, so you know where your workforce is..)

You don’t even have an assigned workstation yet they want to know when you pee so they know where to find you? Hella whack, man.

Miguel is allowed two 15-minute breaks, and one 30-minute lunch. During breaks, he often finds long lines for the restrooms. Hundreds of employees share just one urinal and two stalls in the men’s room, and three stalls in the women.s. Cognizant eventually allowed employees to use a restroom on another floor, but getting there and back will take Miguel precious minutes.

That’s an OSHA violation, probably a zoning violation and possibly a Fire Marshal violation. Please tell me that extra restroom wasn’t originally reserved for management.

Miguel is also allotted nine minutes per day of “wellness time,. which he is supposed to use if he feels traumatized and needs to step away from his desk. Several moderators told me that they routinely used their wellness time to go to the restroom when lines were shorter. But management eventually realized what they were doing, and ordered employees not to use wellness time to relieve themselves.

Sadism confirmed. This ain’t funny anymore.

At the Phoenix site, Muslim workers who used wellness time to perform one of their five daily prayers were told to stop the practice and do it on their other break time instead, current and former employees told me. It was unclear to the employees I spoke with why their managers did not consider prayer to be a valid use of the wellness program. (Cognizant did not offer a comment about these incidents, although a person familiar with one case told me a worker requested more than 40 minutes for daily prayer, which the company considered excessive.)

H1bbie Hindus confirmed. No other ethnic group has a big enough Blue Check Mark to openly persecute Muslims for praying. Although the latter half of the paragraph sounds like there was a power struggle going on.

Cognizant employees are told to cope with the stress of the jobs by visiting counselors, when they are available; by calling a hotline; and by using an employee assistance program, which offers a handful of therapy sessions. More recently, yoga and other therapeutic activities have been added to the work week. But aside from occasional visits to the counselor, six employees I spoke with told me they found these resources inadequate. They told me they coped with the stress of the job in other ways: with sex, drugs, and offensive jokes.

Among the places that Cognizant employees have been found having sex at work: the bathroom stalls, the stairwells, the parking garage, and the room reserved for lactating mothers.

Employees have nine minutes of free time but there’s an entire room reserved for lactation? I shudder to imagine the wattage of the breast pump that can work that quickly. Maybe it doubles as HVAC. Can’t have too much HVAC in Phoenix.

Employees also cope using drugs and alcohol, both on and off campus. One former moderator, Li, told me he used marijuana on the job almost daily, through a vaporizer. During breaks, he says, small groups of employees often head outside and smoke. (Medical marijuana use is legal in Arizona.)

.I can’t even tell you how many people I’ve smoked with,. Li says. .It’s so sad, when I think back about it . it really does hurt my heart. We’d go down and get stoned and go back to work. That’s not professional. Knowing that the content moderators for the world’s biggest social media platform are doing this on the job, while they are moderating content ..

The same behavior occurred in Soviet Moscow. The real symbol of Communism was drunks passed out in the street, not the hammer and sickle.

News flash, Li: you’re on the wrong side of history.

Jokes about self-harm were also common. .Drinking to forget,. Sara heard a coworker once say, when the counselor asked him how he was doing. (The counselor did not invite the employee in for further discussion.) On bad days, Sara says, people would talk about it being “time to go hang out on the roof. . the joke being that Cognizant employees might one day throw themselves off it.

One day, Sara said, moderators looked up from their computers to see a man standing on top of the office building next door. Most of them had watched hundreds of suicides that began just this way. The moderators got up and hurried to the windows.

The man didn’t jump, though. Eventually everyone realized that he was a fellow employee, taking a break.

Yeah, I know a thing or two about dark humor myself. These are hard days.

Conspiracy theories were often well received on the production floor, six moderators told me. After the Parkland shooting last year, moderators were initially horrified by the attacks. But as more conspiracy content was posted to Facebook and Instagram, some of Chloe’s colleagues began expressing doubts.

We’re red-pilling the Facebook censors! They have as little chance to stay in the Narrative as the Roman soldier handcuffed to Apostle Paul.

.People really started to believe these posts they were supposed to be moderating,. she says. .They were saying, .Oh gosh, they weren’t really there. Look at this CNN video of David Hogg . he’s too old to be in school.” People started Googling things instead of doing their jobs and looking into conspiracy theories about them. We were like, .Guys, no, this is the crazy stuff we’re supposed to be moderating. What are you doing?..

They were reading ME!

The job also changed the way [Randy] saw the world. After he saw so many videos saying that 9/11 was not a terrorist attack, he came to believe them. Conspiracy videos about the Las Vegas massacre were also very persuasive, he says, and he now believes that multiple shooters were responsible for the attack. (The FBI found that the massacre was the work of a single gunman.)

A single freelance agent, they mean. Lots of people still have lots of questions about that shooting.

Last week, after I told Facebook about my conversations with moderators, the company invited me to Phoenix to see the site for myself. It is the first time Facebook has allowed a reporter to visit an American content moderation site since the company began building dedicated facilities here two years ago. A spokeswoman who met me at the site says that the stories I have been told do not reflect the day-to-day experiences of most of its contractors, either at Phoenix or at its other sites around the world.

The day before I arrived at the office park where Cognizant resides, one source tells me, new motivational posters were hung up on the walls. On the whole, the space is much more colorful than I expect. A neon wall chart outlines the month’s activities, which read like a cross between the activities at summer camp and a senior center: yoga, pet therapy, meditation, and a Mean Girls-inspired event called On Wednesdays We Wear Pink. The day I was there marked the end of Random Acts of Kindness Week, in which employees were encouraged to write inspirational messages on colorful cards, and attach them to a wall with a piece of candy.

15. I will ban all company newsletters, potlucks, themed days, motivational posters and other useless activities mistakenly categorized as morale boosters. Morale will be boosted exclusively by clean restrooms, cash bonuses, paid time off, promotions and converting the lactation room into a massage parlor for employees.

After meetings with executives from Cognizant and Facebook, I interview five workers who had volunteered to speak with me. They stream into a conference room, along with the man who is responsible for running the site. With their boss sitting at their side, employees acknowledge the challenges of the job but tell me they feel safe, supported, and believe the job will lead to better-paying opportunities . within Cognizant, if not Facebook. …

When I ask about the high difficulty of applying the policy, a reviewer named Michael says that he regularly finds himself stumped by tricky decisions. .There is an infinite possibility of what’s gonna be the next job, and that does create an essence of chaos,. he says. “But it also keeps it interesting. You’re never going to go an entire shift already knowing the answer to every question..

In any case, Michael says, he enjoys the work better than he did at his last job, at Walmart, where he was often berated by customers. .I do not have people yelling in my face,. he says.

I was right about them intentionally hiring low-performing employees. No offense meant, but it takes either a lot of desperation or a lack of self-respect to endure anything like this even briefly.

When I ask about the risks of contractors developing PTSD, a counselor I.ll call Logan tells me about a different psychological phenomenon: .post-traumatic growth,. an effect whereby some trauma victims emerge from the experience feeling stronger than before. The example he gives me is that of Malala Yousafzai, the women’s education activist, who was shot in the head as a teenager by the Taliban.

That’s called ducking the topic, counselor. And before that headshot, Malala had already been nominated for the International Childrens’ Peace Prize… by Desmond Tutu, one of the first blacks to, ultimately, dispossess and condemn white South Africans to racial genocide.

.That.s an extremely traumatic event that she experienced in her life,. Logan says. .It seems like she came back extremely resilient and strong. She won a Nobel Peace Prize… So there are many examples of people that experience difficult times and come back stronger than before..

Yasser Arafat won the Nobel Peace Prize for shooting rockets at civilian targets in Israel. Former Vice President Al “I invented the Internet” Gore won the Nobel Peace Prize for running CO2 protection rackets. Let’s see… the European Union won it in 2012 just because they were awesome.

The day ends with a tour, in which I walk the production floor and talk with other employees. I am struck by how young they are: almost everyone seems to be in their twenties or early thirties. All work stops while I’m on the floor, to ensure I do not see any Facebook user’s private information, and so employees chat amiably with their deskmates as I walk by. I take note of the posters. One, from Cognizant, bears the enigmatic slogan “empathy at scale.” Another, made famous by Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg, reads “What would you do if you weren’t afraid?.

It makes me think of Randy and his gun.


Honestly, this was an amazing article of how NOT to run a business. Long as this was, I still didn’t do it justice.


MGTOW Life: White Nationalist Anklebiters

What’s the difference between Communists and Nazis? They hate each other.

I don’t mind the man-up rants directed at MGTOW. They’re proof of progress. They hate us because they can’t ignore their increasing need for us. God willing, one day they’ll be so desperate as to make us a reasonable offer for our cooperation.

However, Vox Day has begun to lie about Christianity and Scripture in his recent efforts to thwart MGTOWs warning young men away from self-destructively raising the white fertility rate. You believe all men should marry and have kids? Fine. You believe Christ demands all men marry and have kids? Problem.

Worse, as I dug into the material VD has apparently gone full white nationalist, I mean Brenton Tarrant level. This is worth fisking just to demonstrate how little either the white nationalists or the feminists care about the welfare of ordinary men.

His blog has a couple relevant posts but the meat of it is on the following YouTube video. All formatting is mine, taken from the automated transcript.

Darkstream 411: Men going evil’s way

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17 June 2019

So now, what’s the matter with men going their own way? What’s the matter with men who are in fear and in despair, not unreasonably because of the current situation. Well,
let’s point out the first thing fear is intrinsically bad. Despair is intrinsically wrong. Now, that doesn’t mean that it’s not understandable to be afraid of negative outcomes. It’s normal to be afraid of negative outcomes. It is totally normal to be concerned about bad things happening. It’s totally reasonable for you to try to avoid negative outcomes.

God wired us for fear and thus, fear is not intrinsically bad. Thanks for the examples of fear being helpful.

But here’s where the problem begins to enter in. First of all, the argument is invariably full of lies. It’s invariably very wrong. Every young woman is not a whore addicted to selfies. Every woman does not want to secretly divorce her husband and divorce rape any man that she marries and so forth. Those things simply flat out are not true.

Those things also aren’t what MGTOWs say. We say that so many, not every, women are like that today, and society rewards women so much if they do behave that way, that getting married is uncontrollably dangerous. If you want to marry anyway then God help you in both meanings of the term, but we don’t shame anybody for marrying. Your life, your choice, and please allow us the same.

Is the legal system stacked against men? Yes. Are there negative outcomes? Yes.

So why are we having this Darkstream? Because MGTOWs are afraid to get married? Dude, we’ve been saying as much.

But here’s the thing that’s so ridiculous about the statistics that are so often quoted by these fearful and cowardly men. The statistics are general. They don’t apply to anybody specific.

This is total, feckless bullshit, especially coming from the mouth of someone who talks much about his Very High IQ. This is tantamount to claiming there’s no difference in Russian Roulette between one bullet in an eight-shot cylinder and seven bullets. You either live or die so the odds are always fifty-fifty, right?

Did you know how low the estimated divorce rate is for white church-going
Christians? It’s below 10%.

SUCH feckless bullshit. I know a white church-going Christian friend going through a nasty divorce right now. What an unfortunate outlier he must be, except he’s the latest in a string of white Christian friends, family and coworkers ruined by divorce stretching back to my junior high days thirty years ago.

Take all the statistics away and we men can still see the problem with our own eyes.

You know those Bama studies and so forth are total nonsense and they don’t
account for race, they don’t account for a lot of other [factors], don’t account for income, they don’t account for education.

Yes, we already know that marriage has become an exclusive hobby of the Upper Class. The solution to that problem is NOT to demand that Lower Class men reinvent themselves as Upper Class. It is for our gov’t to restore Biblical marriage.

This is a huge difference in attitude. Restoring marriage is the strong helping the weak to succeed. Making demands is the strong writing off the weak as losers. Which would Christ do? Seeing as He provided us a salvation that we couldn’t gain for ourselves….

There are tons of things that you can do to reduce your risk of divorce and divorce rape and losing your kids and all that sort of thing… but even if you look at the worst possible, most exaggerated version of the argument, how on earth do you compare it to historical periods like, oh, I don’t know, the Black Plague?

The Black Death is preferable. A clean death after less than a week of suffering and kids handle the death of Daddy more easily than his removal by the State. The frivorce-industrial complex, that iron-hearted bitch doesn’t let you die OR recover. EVER.

People did not know how Black Death was spread. Not knowing how to avoid it, men didn’t try to avoid it.

But today, the problem is marriage being weaponized against men. Marriage is avoidable. You don’t ever have to say “I do”. God Himself said as much.

If not having sex was known at the time to guarantee a lifetime free of Plague then many young men would surely have gone childless-bachelor. If the married men had then tried to shame and coerce bachelors into marriage and justified exposing them to Plague with “the good of France and who cares if your children be orphans” then the situation would be very analogous to now.

Can you imagine if every single man living in Europe had reacted in the fearful and cowardly way that these men are advocating? We wouldn’t be here. Western civilization wouldn’t be here.

We’ve heard this argument before. “If all men went MGTOW then what would happen?” Obviously, all humanity would die out… the same as if all men were welders not farmers. Welding is fearful and cowardly behavior!

What they are doing that is wicked and evil as they are, [MGTOWs are] attempting to spread their fear.

Yes. Most men should fear getting involved with women, at least to the point of doing very careful homework. “Don’t repeat my mistakes, young man” is timeless advice. Not wickedness.

They’re attempting to spread their despair.

No. We attempt to spread our selfishness. Nobody cares about you as much as you do. Therefore, you should be careful to live the life YOU want, not a life that others demand of you. They don’t have your best interests at heart. They can’t, because they aren’t you.

Selfishness is Christian. There is no reason to follow Christ except to escape one’s well-deserved damnation. That is a very selfish motivation. Better motivations come with maturity but the fear of God is always the beginning of wisdom. Heh, fear. How about that?

They are literally doing the devil’s work.

The devil’s work is to kill, steal and destroy (John 10:10). We MGTOWs kill nobody. We steal nothing. And the only thing we’re destroying by deliberately living for our personal benefit is the many-faced institution of modern male slavery. Sic semper tyrannis.

[This is important] because when we say these things it’s not about trying to convince the men going their own way to stop going their own way. The problem is that they are intentionally attempting to infect young men who don’t know any better.

You want the young men who don’t know any better about women to not be warned about how bad marriage is today? That is vile. Also, that is the purpose of this Darkstream. Vox Day wants to denigrate MGTOWs as evil anti-Christs so nobody will listen to us.

So much for not punching right.

That’s why when we talk about them being weak and fearful and cowardly, we’re not
trying to shame them, we’re not trying to rescue them, we’re trying to put down the

You’re trying to slander and “put down” us so people can’t hear what we have to say? Isn’t that exactly how Big Social Media wronged you?

Vox Day is appropriating his enemies’ playbook. That’s how little difference there is between white nationalists and socialists.

[MGTOWs] are no different than zombies because the zombies are trying to bite other people and MGTOWs are trying to turn them into zombies, too. They’re trying to turn [their victims] into sterile, barren, pale shadows of men who will never understand or realize their real purpose in life and that’s why this is important.

Implying that man’s purpose in life is breeding. That’s the religion of evolution, again, just like the socialists. Christianity teaches that man’s purpose is reconciliation with God and preparation for eternity. If that makes mortal life nice, great. If not, ask Job.

1 Corinthians 7 gives us God’s permission to either marry or not (and Paul’s recommendation to not) so there’s no argument for marriage as a Christian duty. Vox Day never referred to that chapter or its contents in any of the material I reviewed for this post.

Ignoring data inconvenient to the chosen Narrative. Another play from the Leftoid playbook.

Men going their own way do not speak truth. They lie every single time. Every single man going their own way with whom I have ever engaged has lied and so you
can’t take them seriously. You can’t listen to them.

Repeat the lie enough and people will believe it. Was that Goebbels or Stalin?

Now, can we have some sympathy for them because many of them were mistreated and were abused? Of course, you know, they’re like the soldiers who … tried to do the right
thing and they suffered for it. I feel bad for them, for their experience, we can mourn for them, but what we cannot accept is when they rise up like zombies and begin preaching
their gospel of fear and despair and attempt to infect young men with the evil philosophy that they’re trying to push.

This attitude is straight from Brenton Tarrant’s Manifesto. A quote from its introduction:

To return to replacement fertility levels is priority number one. But it is no simple task. There are myriad reasons behind the decline in fertility rates and the destruction of the traditional family unit. We must inevitably correct the disaster of hedonistic, nihilistic individualism. -Tarrant

Emphasis mine. MGTOW is a threat to white nationalism because we advocate men looking out for their own self-interest. MGTOW is compatible with Christianity because we advocate men looking out for their own self-interest. Don’t gain the world at the price of your soul… the murder-suicide edition.

Vox Day is happy to salute the fallen from his staff car until the fallen start warning the next wave about the minefield ahead. Are we zombies or dissidents?

What good are [MGTOWs]? What use are they? They’re not any good. They’re not useful.

Not if you have an agenda requiring many disposable, gullible, unpaid foot soldiers. MGTOWs tend to wise up the chumps.

There’s even an example here in the Bible explaining the intrinsic wrongness and the divine perspective on them.

Bring it.

This came up in the discussion today on the blog and this guy was trying to justify himself and justify his fear and so he actually tried to claim that God doesn’t want you to take a risk because you might lose your fancy pants and lollipops. He actually said capital rather than fancy pants and lollipops but you know, I think we understand what he’s talking about there.

No, I don’t think we should assume that understanding. Segue:

43. Alphaeus June 17, 2019 9:38 AM

[Opening quotation]”Satan does not want men of God to be fruitful and multiply, he wants them to be rendered sterile by fear.”

Satan can’t tempt us if God doesn’t care what we choose, per 1 Cor. 7.

“Be fruitful and multiply” was a command given to two specific individuals, Adam and Noah. Not only were both capable of ending humanity by refusing to reproduce, both had excellent reasons to do so. Adam had just condemned all humanity to the devil and Noah had just been through an apocalypse so horrible that the first thing he did when the Flood ended was plant a vineyard to get drunk.

Once again, 1 Cor. 7 is the marital standard for Christians. Alphaeus begins:

I think the devil has managed to render many men functionally sterile by re-shaping society in such a way that makes it rational to be sterile, and objectively foolish to try to be married and have children.

As Christ put it, some eunuchs are made that way by society. Even so, that’s society rather than the devil specifically.

So that’s why trying to shame those men who make an objective assessment of the situation and choose not to invest in such a risky venture by calling us cowards, etc, is going to work less and less and less as the world gets more and more and more the way Satan wants it to be.

Yep, exactly. They shame us because they can’t lie to us any longer.

I’m not afraid of a woman trying to push me around and insult me and belittle me and grind me in to the emotional dirt. I’m afraid of the [entire gov’t] and the local dog catcher all coming at me to destroy the family that I worked hard for and invested everything I had or ever will have to build.

Now, THAT is what Satanic behavior looks like. Destroy what the innocent built, steal what the innocent earned and when he’s got nothing left, kill him off. I like Alphaeus thus far.

I’m not afraid of the emotional pain of losing my family as much as I don’t believe in wasting my time just to make my self into a chump when I was able to see it coming from a zillion light years away before it happened. … I believe that MGTOW is a rational choice similar to when I choose not to invest in a Ponzi scheme. Sure, if I get in early I might come out like a bandit, but more likely I will just lose everything I put in to it and feel like a stupid chump mostly because I knew it was a Ponzi scheme in the first place.

God wants people to invest, but God does not want us to throw our capital down a rat hole investing in what seem to be to them losing propositions.

Straight from Matthew 7:6. .Do not give dogs what is sacred; do not throw your pearls to pigs. If you do, they may trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you to pieces.”

Also Proverbs 22:3. “The prudent see danger and take refuge, but the simple keep going and pay the penalty.” Which is also Proverbs 27:12.

Alphaeus is spot on. He did not deserve Vox Day’s mockery.

End segue.

I thought that was really interesting because of course it brought a certain verse in Matthew immediately to mind… This is the parable of the three servants [Matt. 25:14-30, recap skipped]. To those who use well what they are given, even more will be given and they will have an abundance, but from those who do nothing, even what little they have will be taken away. Now throw this useless servant into outer darkness where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.”

Never mind the parable’s actual meaning. Vox “immediately” thought of it because the wicked servant is a textbook Gamma, hating his master yet not leaving him for a master he could respect. As if MGTOWs cannot do anything to please God without first pleasing a wife!

Vox cited this Scripture merely to call Alphaeus a Gamma without actually saying it. Which is confirmation, not refutation, of Alphaeus’ points.

There is virtually no contribution that any one man can make that is more important than him having children and raising them, having a family, providing for them, marrying a woman, protecting her, that’s what you do if you are a man.

No more important contribution to a racially pure ethnostate, anyway. Many men raise kids but only a few men can repair my air conditioning. Don’t scoff. Africa and South America are full of men raising kids. I would not care to live in either place. My Scottish ancestors knifed each other regularly over nobody-remembers-what while raising lots of kids. I wouldn’t care to live in that place, either.

There’s more to life than breeding.

Now there are exceptions, of course. [On the one hand,] you know Isaac Newton.

Vox’s insinuation here, which elsewhere he has stated outright, is that any man refusing to breed had better have accomplishments on par with inventing calculus. That’s very strange now that he’s claiming refusal to marry is evil. In Christianity, “useful” never excuses “evil”.

On the other hand, what could the world have done if Isaac Newton’s genetics had been preserved? Maybe Isaac Newton’s son, maybe his grandson would be even more brilliant. Maybe he would have discovered nuclear fusion back in the 18th century. We don’t know.

Then sod off. Maybe Newton’s son would have murdered him before he invented calculus. Maybe his grandson would have taught the Third World to grow plentiful food so they could outbreed Europe. We don’t know.

Now, is it true that some men are not called to be fathers, not called to be husbands, yes, the Bible is very clear on that….

This is another lie. Nobody is “called” to marriage and nobody is “called” to bachelorhood. Christ couldn’t have been more clear on this. “For there are eunuchs who were born that way, and there are eunuchs who have been made eunuchs by others.and there are those who choose to live like eunuchs for the sake of the kingdom of heaven. The one who can accept this should accept it.” Matthew 19:12.

Only the former can possibly be considered an act of God. You are free to choose whether to marry. Whether to have kids. Whether to go MGTOW. Unless society castrates you first, literally or figuratively.

And then calls you a coward for not overcoming the barriers it threw up in your face.

…and those who are called to celibacy, those who are called to serve God only have that what we understand to be the greatest gifts of all…

Greatest gift? What, only virgin men can channel the power of God? Did Christ demand a perpetually staffed castrati chorus somewhere in the Great Commission?

Give me one example, just ONE in the last half century among ten billion people, of God supernaturally and publicly ordering a specific man to never marry. There isn’t. Most people I give this challenge to, they can’t name ANYBODY except Jeremiah, Jesus and maybe Paul in the entirety of human history. Thus, this “you must be uniquely designated by God Himself to have a celibate life forced upon you as a gift” standard is a dishonest, backdoor ban on bachelorhood that violates Christ’s own words.

…but they’re not going their own way are they they are men going God’s Way and that is not what men going their own way claim to be and it is not what they are doing.

A man holding a divine mandate to never marry would be Ultimate MGTOW. But VD can’t bring himself to admit that God can ever approve of a man never marrying even when God directly orders it. He’s that heavily invested in Moar Babeez.

Vox Day wants to live in a racially homogeneous, quietly prosperous homeland with strong boundaries. So do I. It would be great just to have a neighborhood that universally speaks English and vigorously applies the death penalty to porch pirating. But lying about Christ’s teachings and twisting Christianity into a tool of social utility is how we lost our comfortable America in the first place.

Get your priorities straight, Vox. Christ comes FIRST. Before family. Before nation. Before your genetic legacy. Don’t play the Almighty for a chump or a tool and for your own soul’s sake, don’t adopt the Enemy’s playbook of slandering and silencing people you disagree with.


Choose the Form of the Destructor 11

Zombies Versus Chinese propagandists! Which is the more braindead group of implacable Progress progs? This could be the greatest challenge ever for GamerGaters.

China’s New Video Game Rules Officially Ban Blood, Corpses, Mahjong, and Poker

By Andrew Liszewski, 22 April 2019

For the first time in my life, I want to play Mahjong.

In late-December, the Chinese government ended a nine-month freeze on approving new video games after a major government re-organization shifted the approval process to the propaganda-focused State Administration of Press and Publication. We now have official details on the new restrictions and requirements for games entering that lucrative market, and it doesn’t look good for Mortal Kombat 11.

Because China has a population of over 1.4 billion people, making a game available in the country can be an obvious boost to a developer’s bottom line. But three genres of games will no longer be allowed, including gambling titles such as Mahjong and Poker, games that deal with the country’s imperial history, and games featuring corpses and blood.of any color. Simply changing the color of blood to green and calling it slime or sweat isn’t going to cut it anymore. These new rules come into play alongside existing regulations that ban pornography.

Heehee. Will feminists be banned as pornography or as corpses? They can’t win! And out of curiosity, how many genders are available to Socially Responsible Citizens? I bet it’s fewer than fifteen.

This reminds me of a story I got from the counter monkey at a game shop: A man and his son went in to buy a video game. The father asked what games were popular.

“No, those are too violent.”

Some fantasy titles.

“Those teach witchcraft.”

Some sports titles.

“Still too violent.”

Some puzzle games.

“Anything noncompetitive?”


The kid: “NOOOO not more Tetris!”

Other initiatives include requesting publishers to change how their titles promote Chinese values and culture so that if they become popular around the world, they.ll portray the country in a favorable light.

Curious how America’s socialists have no trouble with Chinese nationalism. Now THAT would be an interesting addition to Woke games!

The new regulations also require developers and publishers to divulge more information about a given title including detailed scripts, screenshots, as well as what features are being included to help curb gameplay addiction and over-spending by the country’s younger population. Gaming addiction has long been an issue in China; it was first addressed in 2007 with regulations put in place for PC games, which have now been officially expanded for mobile gaming as well.

No more lootboxes? So this isn’t all totalitarian mind control.

With Tencent, the world’s largest gaming company, recently receiving approval to start selling the Nintendo Switch in China and the new approval guidelines, the country’s gaming market is starting to open up to the rest of the world. Having access to what Bloomberg describes as “the world’s largest gaming market. is undoubtedly good for developers and publishers. But they.ll either have to create alternate versions of certain games to meet approval guidelines or tone down titles altogether so that they comply.

And unfortunately, bad for us. I’ve never understood the appeal of AAA titles. Mass Effect was more like a movie than a game of any skill. There are games from the ’90s that I still play and they’re at least as much fun as current multi-gigabyte-sized games.

Regardless, the industry pushes top-budget AAA titles and therefore, has little fortitude to resist kissing Yellow Paper Pusher Ass in return for $$$. Just remember, game executives, sex isn’t the only way to be a prostitute.

Bowing to censorship is never an ideal outcome. But that’s not likely to stop many developers who want a piece of China’s estimated $30 billion in annual video game sales…

It didn’t stop Gamasutra, either:

So what should developers do? You could delete all the bloody assets from your game but that would leave you with a pretty bland user experience.

A better way to approach the blood ban is to rethink how your players can experience combat. With the right strategy, your redesign can be compliant with the new rules and well-received by players.

By all means, try to alter the way I experience combat in order to placate China-centric totalitarian censers. Just don’t be surprised if my response is not “tame, loyal citizen”.

Here are a few examples of how you can rethink animated violence and combat feedback in your game:

1. Animate death differently. Some Chinese games with combat action show characters slowly disintegrating when they die. This has been compliant with the new rules and accepted by players. Another example from a different genre is how characters die in Clash of Clans: they either become smoke and vanish or they return to their “original state” as an of the game’s resources. You could also convey death by giving a character a fitting facial expression and showing them clutch their chest as they fall.

What’s the point of a game? If it’s just arcade playing or storytelling then the developers are probably already doing this. If the point is realistic combat, however, then this is a non-starter.

Pozzed game developers may soon be forced to tell China “no, we will not cooperate with your Social Responsibility demands”. While we know what they’ll choose to do, we also know that their inevitably derp choice will open up the market for more independent companies.

2. Go old school and use comic-book style combat feedback. You can illustrate and animate what happens when a player engages in combat with written text in cards or bubbles the way the old Batman tv series does.

Video game developers prefer to not be reminded of their primary competitor, Magic the Gathering.

3. Use surrogate special effects for blood. Instead of liquid oozing or squirting out of a character’s body when they are wounded, you can design alternative special effects. For example, you could have white “puffs” appear around a body part that gets shot or stabbed.

Did not listen to instructions. That’s what developers were already doing.

4. Toggle visual violence on/off. Some game developers might remember a time when this was done to meet age restrictions. Considering China’s trend toward increasingly strict game regulation, the option to turn your gore or violence visual SFX on or off is certainly a handy function to start building into your game now.

Considering China’s trend toward mandatory compliance, developers would have to make two entirely separate versions of a game. This is the most likely option and guess who they’ll stick with the bill?

5. Get inspiration from kid-friendly games. Games that are built for a general audience, such as Clash of Clans, tend to use .kid-friendly violence.” They can be a great source of ideas on how to rethink and redesign your animated violence.

Memo, we aren’t kids anymore and the obvious market for high-realism military operations shall not be ignored.

Let me add a few:

6. Make a hyper-realistic, violent video game of Chinese Party officials spreading a zombie plague as a way to correct for their post-One Child-Policy demographics while simultaneously producing Socially Responsible, if brain-dead, Citizens. Use the names of actual top CP officials so they know they’re being mocked. Working title: Metal Gear Chuck Norris!

7. Flip the script. “You play the role of Chang, a young hero of the people as you defend the borders of your ancestral homeland from endless waves of greedy terrorists seeking to destroy the country you love!” Chicomm censor: Approved! Western gamers: *mod China to America/England/France/Germany.* Google: *bans all game mods from the Internet forever*

8. Just say no to censorship. Remember, liberals? Remember those long, Cold War decades during which you hated censorship of your ideas and beliefs? Of course you don’t. Remembering would be inconvenient.

9. Bribe the censor. More in a minute.

Even if your game was already fully licensed in China, you now run the risk of having that license withdrawn.until you change the game in compliance with the new rules.

Memo to government leaders, this is NOT what rule of law look like. It does not look like mandatory compliance to ever-shifting, poorly-defined standards. Rule of law looks like predictable infrastructure that changes only in response to severe life changes after the crisis has passed.

It.s hard to say when the Chinese gaming authority will get around to checking your game but you should count on them doing so at some point. If your game is high on China’s charts, expect them to get to you faster.

While we’re on the topic of rule-of-law, let’s talk about the primary issue with its alternative, the rule of men: things can change VERY quickly.

China gaming approval “green channel” halted after one Communist Party official’s promotion

Inside the Chinese bureaucracy, one unfilled job may be putting a US$38 billion industry on edge.

Chinese regulators have shut down the last known official path for releasing new games amid a broader licensing freeze, publications including Bloomberg and The Wall Street Journal reported this week.

This so-called green channel is a workaround for a few big firms to make money off their new titles after Beijing suspended approval of new games since the end of March.
Its existence was first revealed publicly by Tencent president Martin Lau during a conference call in August. Lau said the special process allowed publishers to apply for games to be distributed and monetised for a month-long testing, acting as a “relief for the entire industry..

Industry speculation was rife that his comments angered the authorities, who promptly shut down the channel, closing off the last avenue for profit for the burgeoning gaming industry.

The first rule of Loophole Club: you do NOT talk about your loopholes.

But a more mundane reason might be behind the halt in approvals. Niko Partners, a research firm that specialises in the gaming industry, suggested the suspension might be related to a top gaming regulator being promoted and leaving his position in August, the same month that Lau made his comment on the green channel. In the report, the analysts cited games publisher sources for the information.

.Game publishers are now in the same position they were in before the temporary approval process was introduced. [They] will not be able to have new games approved until the SAPP carries out reforms and begins issuing licences again,. Niko wrote in a blog post published on Wednesday, referring to the newly minted State Administration of Press and Publication, which is in charge of game licensing among other things.

Yep, the $38b Chinese game industry was shut down because Frankie got promoted. Left unmentioned is the month-long, covert, bureaucratic war for the little throne he left behind. Hmm, that could make a good video game.

The SAPP was formed in April amid a massive government shake-up and falls under the Communist Party’s propaganda department. It was headed by Zhuang Rongwen, who left the post in August after being named as the new chief of the Cyberspace Administration of China (CAC), the country’s top internet censor.

Zhuang, 57, who earlier worked under Chinese president Xi Jinping in the southern province of Fujian, is rising quickly in the official hierarchy. The CAC.s former chief, Lu Wei, was widely seen as the public face of China’s draconian control over the internet during his term until 2016, and pleaded guilty to taking bribes of 32 million yuan (US$4.6 million), according to provincial court authorities.

Huh, that was when I stopped getting spam from Nigerian princes.


Dodgeball Is the MK-ULTRA Of Patriarchy

And honestly, I can’t say they’re wrong on this one. Look at the Canadian Elites pushing this theory and tell me you don’t want to slam a fast one into your screen:

NHSA Chair Professor David Burn's announcement on CEO departure and recruitment - The NHSA


Professors David Burns (above) and Joy Butler (below).

Dodgeball isn’t just problematic, it’s an unethical tool of ‘oppression’: researchers

Dodgeball isn’t just problematic, it’s an unethical tool of ‘oppression’: researchers

By Joseph Brean, 5 June 2019

[Preamble: Thousands of academics are gathering in Vancouver for the annual Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences from June 1-7. They will present papers on everything from child marriage in Canada to why dodgeball is problematic. In its Oh, The Humanities! series, the National Post showcases some of the most interesting research.]

The games children play in schoolyards are famously horrible, if you stop and think about them.

It’s true! What begins as Cowbows and Indians ends up as LAPD and Indians. An off-duty cop just wasted a family from Calcutta in a Riverside, CA Costco. Details are still emerging but it seems the cop was protecting his young daughter from a “mentally disabled gentle giant” of a Dot Vibrant. Link here for the interested…

Kenneth French: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

…but you know it all started when that cop learned the pleasure of hurting people while playing dodgeball as a kid.

Tag, for example, singles out one poor participant, often the slowest child, as the dehumanized .It,. who runs vainly in pursuit of the quicker ones.

Don’t whine about your fat, slow, nonathletic childhood. It is unprofessional even for a fat, slow, nonathletic journalist like you.

Explains… so… much.

Capture the Flag is nakedly militaristic. British Bulldog has obvious jingoistic colonial themes. Red Ass, known in America as Butts Up, involves deliberate imposition of corporal punishment on losers.

But none rouse the passions of reform-minded educational progressives quite like dodgeball, the team sport in which players throw balls at each other, trying to hit their competitors and banish them to the sidelines of shame.

When the Canadian Society for the Study of Education meets in Vancouver at the Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences, a trio of education theorists will argue that dodgeball is not only problematic, in the modern sense of displaying hierarchies of privilege based on athletic skill, but that it is outright “miseducative.”

Dodgeball is not just unhelpful to the development of kind and gentle children who will become decent citizens of a liberal democracy. It is actively harmful to this process, they say.

Dodgeball is a tool of “oppression.”

Dun dun dunnnn!

It is not saved because some kids like it, according to an abstract for the presentation, led by Joy Butler, professor of curriculum and pedagogy at the University of British Columbia.

In related news, 86% of polled Canadian parents want dodgeball legal. It ain’t just “some kids”.

.As we consider the potential of physical education to empower students by engaging them in critical and democratic practices, we conclude that the hidden curriculum offered by dodgeball is antithetical to this project, even when it reflects the choices of the strongest and most agile students,. it reads.

This “hidden curriculum” in dodgeball is far more nefarious than your average gym class runaround. Dodgeball is “miseducative” because it “reinforces the five faces of oppression,. as defined by the late Iris Marion Young, a social and political theorist at the University of Chicago.

As Butler’s abstract describes it, those “faces” are .marginalization, powerlessness, and helplessness of those perceived as weaker individuals through the exercise of violence and dominance by those who are considered more powerful.” Young’s list of these fundamental types of oppression also includes exploitation and cultural domination.

Or you could, y’know, try harder. Maybe practice. Run a few laps.

The audience for this argument is primarily teachers, including gym teachers, who are identified as part of the problem, for not acting on values they otherwise understand and claim to hold.

You’re doing it again: trying to tattle on people who are physically much more capable than you. Gammas never learn.

.Despite the fact that many physical educators understand their vital role in helping students develop robust, equal, productive relationships and critical awareness, their practices on the ground do not always reflect this agenda,. the presenters write. .We suggest that this tension becomes sharply visible in the common practice of allowing students to play dodgeball..

It is a familiar criticism, though not one typically phrased in the dry, footnoted academic prose of education theory, let alone with reference to ancient Greek philosophy of ethics.

For example, when Ben Stiller and Vince Vaughan teamed up for the 2004 slapstick comedy Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story, they included a scene with Hank Azaria as Patches O.Houlihan, billed as the Wayne Gretzky or Michael Jordan of dodgeball.

.Remember,. O.Houlihan tells a boy keen to learn the game. .Dodgeball is a sport of violence, exclusion and degradation. So, when you’re picking players in gym class, remember to pick the bigger, stronger kids for your team. That way, you can all gang up on the weaker ones, like Winston here..

Mein Gott! A slapstick movie accurately summed up the entire history of humanity since ancient Greece in half a paragraph!

Winston, a stereotypical nerd, gets a laugh here when he gets hit in the head and his glasses fall off. For many students, this is the miserable experience of schoolyard dodgeball.

I never saw the movie but wild guess here, Winston didn’t cry, crawl off, nurture a grudge for half his life and earn a PhD in order to sicc the thought police on the entire nation’s gym teachers in retaliation for the childhood slight.

For teachers trying to foster the virtues of caring and inclusion, on this view, dodgeball is counterproductive.

When the fascists are right, they’re right. And here, they’re totally right.

Sport can teach ethical behaviour and give students the chance to practise it and, in this sense, it is important training for citizens in a democracy.

How is tagging the fat, slow, weak child as “It” any different than the majority voting the minority into oblivion for selfish gain?

This goal is impeded when cruelty, oppression and violence are built into the rules. Games become more like cruel initiation ceremonies into a brutal world in which might makes right. As O.Houlihan puts it, before he starts throwing wrenches at his players as a form of training: .If you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge a ball..

News flash, that was a movie scene. Not real life.

The problem with such a sink-or-swim view of physical education is that, at school, games are not just for fun. They are often deliberately chosen as part of a broader education strategy that is meant to align with other aspects of a student’s moral and physical development.

By offering models of good and caring behaviour, confirmation of their value, and practice for incorporating them into one’s own life, games can be training for the virtuous life, said David Burns, professor of educational studies at Kwantlen Polytechnic University, who contributed the parts of the presentation that refer to Aristotle’s philosophy of ethics.

Crying to Mommy is not training for a virtuous life. Sportsmanship and healthy competition are. Aristotle knew as much. What’s he got to do with this?

Aristotle was an ancient Greek philosopher whose work reflects a concern with how games, songs, poetry and art say something about who we are and the way we ought to be.

They’ve Converged Aristotle! They went to the very source of Logic! Goodbye Western philosophy, hello Grecian Momma’s Boy.

Fun for fun’s sake is good, Burns said, but when a teacher is formally telling students rules for a game, fun can also reinforce behavioural patterns, for good or ill. The moral problem with dodgeball, he said, is that it encourages students to aggressively single others out for dominance, and to enjoy that exclusion and dominance as a victory.

.Within a game,that.s largely harmless, but within an educational experience over time, you might be nurturing the wrong thing,. Burns said.

Professor Burns, had you complained that your face resembles a dog’s shaved hiney because of all those blows to your head in childhood then I would have had sympathy. Nobody deserves to go through life with a face like this:


Except you, because you disrespected Aristotle.

These people who want dodgeball banned, they are not normal, healthy people. They are very sick in the head. Christ Jesus warned us about them when He taught:


Physiognomy: Arkancide Isaac Kappy?

I was going to trash-bin this one but the last post had questions about links between physiognomy and drugs or personality disorders. The face tends to reflect emotions rather than behaviors specifically so by the time physio gives a hard positive on psycho, it’s generally redundant with an observer’s untrained instincts. By way of example, today we have poor Isaac.

Vox Day turned me on to the suspicious death of Isaac Kappy, a Hollyweird B-lister who tried to expose industrial Hollywood pedophilia then committed suicide in rural Arizona. Was it suicide? Arkancide? Can physiognomy and amateur criminology give an answer?

Image - Isaac Kappy.jpg | Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki ...

Frizzy hair is an easy indicator of disorderly thoughts and Isaac is a cracker with an Afro. His hair is also naturally very curly, considered a sign of high libido.

Isaac Kappy ? Pics ? Hollywood Life

A hilarious picture but it shows the flat-bottomed, “Abe Lincoln” beard he adopted either later in his career or more likely, between acting gigs. The latter would explain the scraggly beards he sports at other times, if his work required him to frequently shave it off. In physiognomy, facial hair is either voluntary face alteration or cultural style. The Abe Lincoln is not popular so the latter is ruled out. A square, jutting chin indicates confidence and aggression–many cops are square-chinned–so that’s the look conveyed by the Abe.

His beard is probably Isaac’s effort to convey confidence and masculinity in order to offset the boyishness of his poofy, curly Afro. I wonder if he ever tried to shave his head… no pics, so his hair might have typecast him.

At long last, a nostril selfie! Although I had to pic-grab it off a video rant. Triangular nostrils indicate a distrustful temperament.

Isaac Kappy~Seth Green is a Pedophile - YouTube

Disorderly hair indicates disorderly thoughts. It looks like he developed the “cutting pupils” eyelids towards the end. It can indicate active drug use (as in currently under the influence) instead of sociopathy. That’s a trivial difference so I hadn’t bothered to share it before (either way, you really want to avoid them). In this context, however, it suggests Isaac was in a drug-fueled death spiral.

The oversized aviator glasses are a cultural affection. They were popularized by California celebrities as a way of disguising themselves in public. It no longer works but has become the style because it’s what the popular people were doing. Here, notice they aren’t dark enough to hide Isaac’s face so anonymity is not his reason for wearing them. If he really is doing serious drugs then blocking out bright light wouldn’t be unexpected behavior.

Isaac Kappy, the “Thor” actor who choked Paris Jackson and accused Steven Spielberg of abuse, has died after jumping off of a bridge in Arizona. Kappy’s death was confirmed in a statement from the Arizona Department of Public Safety on May 14. Kappy killed himself on May 13.

The ADPS said that troopers were called to milepost 185 at Transwestern Road at 7:26 a.m. after hearing reports that a man had jumped from a bridge over the interstate in Bellemont, Arizona, and had been hit by a car. At the time of his death, Kappy was 42 years old. Bellemont is located around 10 miles west of Flagstaff.

Per Google Earth, it’s a rural truck stop. Most suicides happen at home or in other comfortable circumstances but this behavior isn’t unknown. I’ve personally seen a “suicide by bridge at a truck stop” in Lost Hills, CA. In that case, however, it was a homeless guy who might have considered the bridge a familiar, comfortable circumstance. Sad story.

I-40 being the only reason for Isaac to be in the area, this sounds like an impulsive, probably drug-fueled, suicide. Had he been kidnapped from Beverly Hills or wherever by the Kiddie Diddle Mafia, there are many rural overpasses before one reaches Arizona. No need to make a Federal case by crossing state lines.

The day before his death, Kappy posted a lengthy, rambling statement to his Instagram page. Kappy began by saying that the had come for “some stark revelations” about his character. Kappy said that despite believing himself to be a good person, the truth is that he had “not been a good guy.” Kappy said that he has used people, owed money, dealt drugs and “abused” his body with narcotics, cigarettes and alcohol.

No red flags. Welcome to Hollyweird.

In another section, Kappy makes reference to the .Q movement.” Kappy says he is “so sorry” for having “brought shame upon the greatest military operation of all time.” Kappy says that he outed pedophiles who were former friends but that he “remained in their sphere for much longer” than he should have.

Kappy makes a direct reference to President Donald Trump saying, .I have told people in the Trump administration that I am willing to admit to my many crimes in a public setting, and committed to execution, in a public setting. A nation cannot suffer its traitors, and I am no exception.” Kappy concludes by saying that he squandered his talents and that he has “betrayed” Jesus.

Human psychology is weird in that people, particularly the weak-minded, tend to orient themselves around persons rather than ideas. Kappy no doubt exposed himself to a lot of institutional evil and in rejecting that, he turned to Trump and “Q movement” as the only plausible alt-leaders. A hope that the Good Guys were working to defeat the evil he found himself surrounded by. That Trump isn’t actually our savior on a white horse is less important than his being a symbol of opposition. Ditto Qanon, which is a colossal, increasingly obvious troll.

The only interesting bit is claiming he “betrayed” Trump and Jesus. My guess, which will probably always remain a guess, is that Isaac visited old friends out-of-state, relapsed into drugs and whatever foulness he’d previously associated with and suicided in contrition and guilt.

The Arizona Daily Sun reports that two teenagers who were driving close to where Kappy took his own life, attempted to physically restrain him. Arizona Department of Public Safety told the Daily Sun, .We don’t know why Mr. Kappy took his own life.” Local authorities have described Kappy’s case as closed. There were no other injuries as a result of Kappy’s actions.

This clinches Isaac’s death as a suicide. There were witnesses despite the remote location.

Hollywood actors aren’t the most stable specimens of humanity at the best of times. Isaac’s decline and ultimate fate is, in that context, not even noteworthy. We at least have hope that he died as the thief on the Cross did, repentant at the end of a badly spent life.


Florida Woman: Listen and Believe!

Florida woman repeatedly stabs her husband, smiles for mugshot. After applying for a domestic violence restraining order against him.

Florida Teacher Smiles in Her Mugshot After Stabbing Husband: Cops

Police said Shawn Williams identified his wife as the person who stabbed him when officers responded to the scene Monday morning. The incident happened about 3:30 a.m., police said. Williams. husband told police he and his wife “began arguing and during the argument she approached him while holding a knife. She then stabbed him several times before he ran outside of their residence and called 911..

According to court documents, Shawn Williams was stabbed twice in the back, twice in his right arm and once in the left side of his chest. The wounds required stitches.

Another Sunday night in the trailer park, except for this:

kristy linton williams

Nice shirt, “educator”.

…and this:

Kristy Linton Williams and her husband, Shawn Williams, have been married since November 12, 2016… In November 2017, Kristy Williams filed for a domestic violence injunction against her husband. Details of that filing were not immediately available. A hearing was held on November 30 and a judge issued a temporary injunction. She withdrew the petition for an injunction at a December 27 hearing and the case was closed.

If it’s like California’s system, the judge grants a 30-day injunction but must renew it at a hearing. The timing fits. She pointed & shrieked, got a 30-day injunction and then couldn’t justify extending it. Which means he shouldn’t have been punished with it in the first place.

…and the cherry on the sundae, THIS:

Kristy Williams. “best friend,. Staci Nicole Allen, commented on a local news station’s Facebook page, writing, .s her best friend, YOU WERE NOT THERE AND PLEASE DON’T JUDGE WITHOUT THE FACTS OR TRUTH! She is a HUMAN.not just a teacher! She is a mother! She has a beautiful soul and loves Jesus! She is one of the best teachers I ever knew!.

The neighbors called it in. The cop says he was stabbed in the back. The doc says he needed stitches and a stay. She smirked in the mug shot. And you say I don’t know what happened.

Allen added, .There is way more to this story than anyone will ever know! She was dealing with a lot of hurt and pain! I will say this, SHE WAS PROTECTING HER DAUGHTER who is her world! Innocent until proven guilty!!!

Short trip, methinks. And she plead no contest in 2012 to DUI and leaving the scene of a collision so there’s that.

I.m not condoning this, but again, you weren’t there. She is HUMAN..(you don’t live in those 4 walls she does everyday) Her husband is fine and was home by 8 this morning. I’ve talked to him and her already today! Please just pray for them! She believed in the power of prayer and that’s what she would want! My heart hurts so bad for them all! Please be KIND.Please PRAY!.

Father God, please wipe that smile off her face. And let me watch. Amen.

Another friend, Kimberly Michelle wrote, .I believe there is much more of this incident that we don’t know about. She’s a wonderful mother, teacher, friend and loves the Lord!!!! Something triggered this incident. None of us know what really happened, but I believe there had to be some sort of struggle where she felt she needed to protect herself and her daughter. Love my dear friend and I’m praying …. that people not judge bc there’s a lot more to this story. Praying and loving you Kristy!!!! You have a lot of friends that love you and hope this all gets resolved..

Is there? Is this Shawn guy a creepoid?

kristy linton williams husban

No, he actually looks quite normal. Thick eyebrows for intellect, but more at the other edges than inner so a managerial type not visionary. A lowered septum means he needs to enjoy his work. Good chin, jaw kinda narrow, it’s a “top half square, lower half trapezoid”, which gives him the stable & hardworking temperament. Flat eyebrows confirm a rational, steady outlook on life.

kristy linton williams husband

Yes, that’s a square face modified by a narrowed jaw. Probably works with his hands.

Hmm, he’s a windsurfing instructor. Not a bad fit to my reading but I may have overestimated intelligence. Then again, maybe he just likes being on the water. With all those rational indicators on his face, I fear he hasn’t had enough experience with women to know which of them are psycho. Or alternatively, that that should be a guy’s starting assumption.

She’s emotionally unstable. I didn’t even need physiognomy or the police report for that:

kristy linton williams

Nice slutshot. I wasn’t joking about that smile, by the way. She’s got that kinked upper lip and is baring the upper gums, which denotes very high ego. Angled eyebrows suggest conflict, although they aren’t far from rounded for social.

kristy linton williams

In ten more years, she’ll make an excellent hag.



The SBC Abuse Scandal is SJW Convergence

When I first heard about the SBC sex abuse scandal, I assumed that it was the same as the Catholic sex scandal. The SBC is one of the largest Prot denominations, after all. But when I started reading into the details, what struck me was the near-absence of homosexual conduct. And all the responses focused on centralization of church authority under the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC), currently headed by Russell Moore, a Soros ally.

The Soros link is below but I want to pass on it to consider the sex abuse report.

George Soros-Funded Southern Baptist Leader: One Day, We Will Be Ashamed of Trump’s Refugee Policy

While I’m at it, here is the mentioned ERLC report.

Click to access SBC-Caring-Well-Report-June-2019.pdf


Click to access sbc-caring-well-report-june-2019.pdf

Report: How Southern Baptists Failed to Care About Abuse

By Kate Shellnutt, 10 June 2019

[The] Southern Baptist Convention report on sexual abuse.released Saturday as the culmination of a year of study, listening sessions, and expert consultation.begins with the story of a woman who was sexually abused by her youth minister and pastor starting at age 14, at a church outside Birmingham, Alabama.

Susan Codone, one of more than a dozen survivors whose personal accounts appear in the report, calls herself “living proof that sexual abuse has been overlooked for many years in Southern Baptist churches” and declares the crisis “an epidemic powered by a culture of our own making..

The 52-page document details the practical and theological failures of SBC churches and recommends a more rigorous response to prevent predatory behavior and “care well” for victims.

“Care Well” is the ERLC’s new program for addressing sex abuse,

It is seen as a major first step to a denomination-wide movement around addressing abuse. What will come next depends, in part, on what happens in Birmingham this week, as thousands gather in Codone’s hometown for the convention’s annual meeting.

The issue of sexual abuse looms large, the subject of ancillary events, outside protests, and official business. The messengers are slated to vote on a proposed amendment to specifically name mishandling sexual abuse as grounds for disfellowshiping a church and may task a new committee to handle claims of misconduct by SBC churches.

President J. D. Greear commissioned the sexual abuse advisory group following his election last summer; the group was responsible for the recent report as well as a free curriculum for churches. He will present their findings officially on Wednesday.

The report’s tone reflects the kind of frank acknowledgement of the problem recently modeled by Greear and other top SBC leaders.including Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission president Russell Moore and Southern Baptist Theological Seminary president Albert Mohler.and incorporates directed critiques from survivors and advocates involved in the advisory group.including attorney-advocate Rachael Denhollander and abuse survivor and Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary alumna Megan Lively. (Both are profiled among the 10 women changing the SBC response to abuse featured in CT.s June issue.)

In one section, the authors state, .We recognize failures have occurred in many ways, including:

Emphases mine, as usual.

Failing to adequately train our staff and volunteers.on the national, state, and congregational be aware of and respond appropriately to abuse
Using church autonomy improperly to avoid taking appropriate action
Failing to care well for survivors of abuse
Failing to take disclosure seriously and to believe the survivor
Failing to report abuse to civil authorities
Recommending suspected perpetrators to new employment
Promoting political, institutional, and congregational leaders whose language and behavior glorifies mistreatment of women and children..

Notice they’re conflating patriarchy with child abuse. They make a pattern of it. Similarly, church autonomy is a ‘problem’ that they repeatedly call out.

After a major Houston Chronicle investigation found credible abuse allegations against 380 SBC church leaders earlier this year, more from within the denomination began to push back against the common defense that because SBC churches are independent and autonomous, the convention could not address abuse among them.

The report owns the denomination’s position in repenting of its mistakes and building better systems to respond to abuse. North American Mission Board president Kevin Ezell stated that the SBC had “sometimes hid behind our autonomy,. but .we’ve waited way too long and the time is now to act..

The advisory group’s report also goes deeper than previous statements on the subject; the report names .theological misapplications. seen as factors behind insufficient and harmful responses to abuse.

It’s not just the abuse, it’s the badthink:

The list includes .wrong teaching that leads to treatment of women and children as inferior to men in value, intellect, and discernment. and “misapplication of complementarian teaching, leading to women submitting to headship of all men. as minimizing the sin of abuse, rushing to restore perpetrators, and suggesting victims might be to blame.

The report also condemns sexual relationships between pastors and members of their congregations as an abuse of power.a position written into law in the 13 states where clergy, like counselors, doctors, and other professionals, are barred from sleeping with their clients.

.Clergy abuse not only encompasses abuse to children, but also a “consensual” adult sexual relationship between a clergy member and a congregant. The power and spiritual influence that a member of the clergy wields over their congregants essentially renders consent impossible,. the SBC report stated. .They often get the benefit of the doubt as spiritual leaders, can leverage their positions of power to manipulate others, can play the victim card if they are caught, and can spiritualize the situation to minimize personal responsibility..

In sections on practical ways to improve abuse responses, the advisory group describes warning signs around people who may be grooming the church by pushing boundaries and recommends rules to minimize the risk of abuse: barring one-on-one settings in the church or transportation; requiring doors remain open; requiring volunteer screening beyond background checks; and avoiding sexual humor or innuendo.

Okay, those are good ideas, but when it was implemented in the workplace wimminz became unhappy about the lack of mentorship.

The report follows a LifeWay survey on Protestants. perceptions of abuse in church contexts; around a third believed there were “many more” abusive pastors yet to be found out. According to the survey, 10 percent of churchgoers under 35 and 5 percent of churchgoers overall had left a church because they felt sexual misconduct was not taken seriously.

The issue may be stirring involvement, concern, and prayer among younger Southern Baptists in particular. This is the second year in a row that women speaking out about abuse stand to shape the annual meeting; last year’s came just weeks after Paige Patterson’s resignation. Messenger attendance nearly doubled in 2018, with significant growth among first-time attendees and younger members.

This strongly suggests that the SJWs are using “listen and believe” tactics to Converge the SBC. Methinks the scale of the actual, sex/child abuse problem is being dramatically overblown. Even the Houston Chronicle’s original expose had 700 incidents but only 250 of them eventually resulted in criminal charges being filed. Not convictions; just charges.

.Though sexual abuse has rocked the SBC, I believe more progress has been made during the last 12 months in Christian transparency, gender equality, and Gospel fidelity than during the last 40 years combined,. tweeted Wade Burleson, a pastor and blogger who has critiqued aspects of the SBC for years, including Patterson’s leadership. “Brokenness brings repentance..

Survivors have expressed disappointment that it took the #MeToo movement and attention from secular media for them to see significant momentum around reform in the SBC.

This strongly confirms the SJWs are using “listen and believe” tactics.

Over the weekend, many pastors and messengers headed to the annual meeting shared the new report on Twitter.

.This Caring Well report is tough reading,. wrote Malcolm Yarnell, theology professor at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. “But the epidemic trauma caused by the evil of sexual abuse cannot be overcome through denial, ignorance, and changing the subject. Let us read, weep, become better informed, and change..

The sexual abuse study group will continue to assess denominational responses as it enters the second year of a two-year, $250,000 project. According to an update posted earlier this year, the group will evaluate the possibility of a creating database of known predators, requiring background checks for SBC appointees, and adding survey questions on abuse incidents to the Annual Church Profile (ACP).

Churches can commit to implementing the strategies set forth in the report by signing up at

That’s a pathetic way to address criminal conduct of any kind. The only action in these 8 points is the ERLC’s Care Well program providing mandatory training for all SBC churches in the future.

On that note, let’s fisk the ERLC report.


In June 2019, the Sexual Abuse Advisory Group will be launching the Caring Well Challenge, a unified call to action on the sexual abuse crisis in the Southern Baptist Convention. The goal is to equip churches to be safe for survivors and safe from abuse. It provides churches with an adaptable, and attainable pathway to immediately enhance their engagement on abuse. We urge all Southern Baptist churches to commit to taking the challenge over the next year as an important next step in addressing the crisis of abuse. Beginning at the SBC annual meeting in Birmingham, churches will commit to the challenge and find resources for the initiative at

The Caring Well Challenge is designed for any church to be able to implement. It encourages the entire denomination to take a stand against sexual abuse together as one body. Each church that takes the challenge would commit to work through the following eight steps:

Shown in the pic above.


In response to the revelations of a sexual abuse crisis in American society and recognizing that such abuse has occurred within our Southern Baptist churches, Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) President J. D. Greear commissioned a Sexual
Abuse Advisory Group. He tasked the group with considering how Southern Baptists at every level can take discernable action to respond swiftly and compassionately to incidents of abuse, as well as to foster safe environments within churches and institutions.

This report is the product of a that inquiry, in which the Advisory Group listened to and learned from hundreds of survivors of sexual abuse, and church leaders, and national experts in this field. It includes the personal words and testimonies of many of those survivors. Additionally, it aims to begin to educate our churches on the abuse crisis, equip our churches to care well for survivors, and prepare our churches to prevent abuse.

Education, education, education. Don’t think for yourself, just repeat what you’re told.

Be Careful What You Think! - Imgflip


Although research varies on the prevalence of abuse in America, the commonly accepted rates of abuse from the most frequently cited sources are staggeringly high.

Following stats say roughly 1 in 4 of everybody over a lifetime.

Sexual Abuse Rates within a Church Context

Most alarming, for the purposes of this report, is the rate of incidences of abuse that have been reported within a church setting. According to three insurance companies
that insure a majority of Protestant congregations in the United States, there are approximately 260 annual reports of children being sexually abused by ministers or
other church workers.

Additionally, researchers Donna Eshuys and Stephen Smallbone found that, contrary to what many Christians believe, the sex offenders who are most committed to church throughout their life (what the researchers called .stayers.) accumulated the most victims and the youngest victims of all sex offenders. They found that a perpetrator’s involvement in a church community did not seem to deter their criminal sexual behavior, in fact it seemed to worsen it.

The manly, patriarchal men you ran off? We aren’t the ones raping kids. It’s the male feminists, your allies, who diddle the kiddies.

It is dangerous to assume that we don’t have offenders in our congregations. As the experts from Darkness to Light stress,

“Those who molest children look and act just like everyone else. [GQ: *ahem*] There are people who have or will sexually abuse children in churches, schools, and youth sports leagues. Abusers can be neighbors, friends, and family members. People who sexually abuse children can be found in families, schools, churches, recreation centers, youth sports leagues, and any other place children gather.”

Furthermore, the preconceived notion that most incidences of sexual abuse are perpetrated by strangers is a myth. In fact, the majority of survivors of sexual abuse
know their abuser. The Department of Justice found that 3 out 4 of female adult victims knew their offender.

Additionally, 90% of child victims of sexual abuse know their perpetrator.

They stopped just one statistic short. The least likely child abuser is… the FATHER. The order of child abuser relationship, from high to low, is not-bio-dad male, the mother, a stranger, the bio-dad.

Great work rejecting patriarchy, you fuckwitted Pastors. You know what reform would banish child sex abuse from the Church one again?








While it’s tempting for Christians to believe that our communities are safe, the fact of the matter remains that we all know survivors of sexual abuse even if we don’t know who they are specifically. Time and time again, as survivors bravely come forward, an alltoo-common refrain is heard: .We never thought it could happen in our church or our community.”

As the body of Christ, charged with being His hands and feet in a broken world, we weep and lament the devastating impact on each person that makes up these statistics. Behind each number is a face, a story, a precious person created in God’s image. No matter if the abuse occurred within our church walls, on a college campus, or hidden inside a home, we grieve the violation that each statistic represents, and resolve to be a beacon of hope and healing to survivors and a safe haven free from abuse for future generations.

They don’t want to stop just abuse in the church. They want to stop abuse in your home, too.


The devastation of sexual abuse does not end when the abuse stops. The physical, emotional, mental health, and spiritual effects of abuse reverberate for a lifetime.
Studies show that children who are sexually abused have a significantly greater risk of developing emotional and mental health issues into adulthood, including posttraumatic stress and other anxiety symptoms, depression, and suicide attempts.

What does this have to do with anything? The Church’s motivation for opposing child abuse should be that God wants us to. All this wellness bunk is for atheists.

How Did We Get Here?

Russell Moore explains, “What we are dealing with in the sexual abuse of the
vulnerable is, after all, demonic (and I mean that quite literally). And that means that the devil, and those carrying out his will, are able to hide behind, and to use, virtually any ideology or theology or church structure. Evildoers can hide behind church hierarchy (as we’ve seen), and behind church autonomy. They can hide behind systems where leaders are mandatorily celibate or in systems where the leaders have families with double-digit numbers of children. They can hide behind theologies that minimize “gender roles” or in those that exaggerate them.

While I’m glad to see a pastor use the “E” word, a Soros toady in charge of Church Ethics who believes God’s people aren’t doing enough to forward the One World Government is likely to be doing so as projection.

Regardless, sex abuse isn’t demonic. It can lead to it but enough perpetrators are motivated by basic appetites that this is a bad assumption.

Failure to Recognize and Value God’s Image in Every Person

We have failed to follow Christ’s example in loving vulnerable people in our churches and communities. Quick to teach that all people are created in God’s image, we
nevertheless undermine that teaching when we neglect to properly care for women, children, and the least of these, as modeled by our Savior (Matt. 18:6, John 4:26).

That’s a lie and hello, Duluth model!

We see this neglect in many ways, including:

. Wrong teaching that leads to treatment of women
and children as inferior to men in value, intellect, and

. Misapplication of complementarian teaching, leading
to women submitting to headship of all men

They want to criminalize patriarchy.

. Failing to provide proper spiritual, physical, emotional,
and mental care for survivors of abuse

. Tending to believe testimony of the accused over disclosing abuse

Listen and believe!

. Failing to recognize abuse in the home and call abusers to account.

Here’s your demon worship, Russell Moore. Eve rebelled and you, Adam, are aiding her rebellion.

The point is not that we shouldn’t examine all of those things, to see whether our beliefs are right. The point is that we shouldn’t think that making a correction here or there will absolve us of the need for constant need for vigilance. Some theologies lead to horrible consequences, yes. Some church structures lend themselves to a lack of accountability and should be revised. But, after all of that, we must recognize that there is no safe harbor from this horror, this side of the New Jerusalem. That means that, whatever our theological tribe and whatever our denominational system, the struggle to keep children and other vulnerable people safe cannot stop with a revision to a confession of faith or an amendment to a by-law.

Protestant accountability is supposed to come from the laity. What Russell Moore proposed is we go back to Catholicism. That alone should see him dismissed. Even if he was a Christian, he would still not be a Protestant.

We must all be on watch. We must all be constantly examining not only how we may have wrong theologies, but just as much examining how predatory people can use “right” theologies too for awful ends.

Confusion Over the Doctrine of the Church

Not only have we failed to report crimes, but we have misunderstood the way God equips and uses His church in the advancement of His Kingdom. By elevating the
importance of the reputation of the church or institution, we have sacrificed honesty for optics, justifying the means by the ends of “church growth.” Rather than seeing church growth as something God gives and removes for His purposes, we have pursued it at high cost to the most vulnerable members of our congregations. We see this in many ways, including:

. Attempting to cover up or silence allegations of abuse
because we believe it could damage the reputation of
the church or of Christ

. Elevating leaders to inappropriate platforms and
pedestals upon which they are revered and believed to
be indispensable

. Creating cultures where pastors and leaders cannot
be questioned and where accusers are seen with
skepticism and fear, rather than love and concern.

I’ve waited a long time to hear this but why is it first being said in the context of imposing a new Commissariat? The answer:

. Emphasizing competency over character in our hiring
practices. We are quick to see power and a dynamic
talent, but undervalue humility and a shepherd’s heart.

. Lacking a John the Baptist’s mentality: .He must
increase, but I must decrease. (John 3:30)

This is a cunning call for low & mid-level church leaders who are too badly cucked to stand against the lies and wickedness now being spewed by Greear and Moore. Incompetent bootlickers are more valuable than skilled independents once Convergence has been achieved.

Misunderstanding that Sexual Abuse is Not Only Sin.But a Crime

So often church leaders receive reports or outcries that involve child sexual abuse or peer sexual abuse and respond as if the behavior is simply a sin, like premarital
sex or a spouse having an affair. The church then attempts to address the matter only through steps of repentance, reconciliation and restoration.

Which sex abuse? The criminal sex abuse or the doctrinal “sex abuse” of patriarchy? This malicious conflation must be pointed out.

Misunderstanding of Church Autonomy

Church autonomy has been one Southern Baptist doctrine that has been misunderstood in the context of sexual abuse within the church. Church autonomy is a valid reason that some things can’t be done, but it is not a valid reason that nothing should be done.

…Moving forward, we must determine to no longer allow our church structure or its leadership to hinder justice or healing for survivors of sexual abuse. We, instead, must
utilize our Convention to encourage policies and practices that protect the vulnerable, .maintaining the witness of Christ in the holiness and safety of his church..

Classic forked-tongue speaking. You can have all the autonomy you like… after you do everything I order you to.


In the spirit of lament and repentance, it is now time for the SBC to resolve to educate our leaders and congregations on the crisis of abuse that is plaguing our church and our community.

A fundamental aspect of atheism is that it has no word for evil. Instead, people are assumed to be inherently good so if what they do isn’t to the Party’s preference, it can only be because they got bad ideas in their brains. Educating good ideas into their brains is therefore the atheist version of salvation.

There is no evil. There is only badthink.

Author and survivor of sexual abuse, Mary Demuth, recalls what it is like to tell her story of sexual abuse in the church setting…

The subsequent statement is about her abuse story not being believed rather than what her abuse was. I have reasons for skepticism:

Everything by Mary DeMuth | L.A. Freeland

CEO Mary Demuth of Mary Demuth, Inc., international speaker and author of over 30 books. I couldn’t find her education but her face and bio are typical feminist. So, there’s reason to believe she lied about abuse for personal gain.

Rachael Denhollander, survivor of sexual abuse, advocate, and attorney, explains: “In your role as a pastor, you are very likely to receive disclosures of abuse. This is because the victim desperately needs what you preach and promise. Surely, someone who understands holiness and sin, justice and perfect love, will understand the depth of
the evil they have experienced.

…The lies a victim hears in her own their fault, their shame, it’s not that bad, they are overreacting.are so loud that if your response in any way reflects those lies, it is absolutely crushing. They are unlikely to speak to you again, they may even retract or soften their own allegations if your response indicates they are not safe and have not been believed. It often takes years for a victim to seek help after being crushed, even unintentionally.

Which is it? Are women so frail that their statements must be accepted at face value, or are they Strong & Independent as any man? Can’t have it both ways.

Per Wikipedia, “On December 12, 2018, Denhollander was announced as the winner of the Sports Illustrated’s Inspiration of the Year Award. The award was announced by Christine Blasey Ford, who, a few months earlier testified to Congress alleging then Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh had assaulted her as a teenager.”

Now we get… finally… to the actual proposed process for “helping abuse victims”.

1. Develop a team of caregivers to walk alongside a survivor of abuse.

It is important to identify key staff members, church leaders, and professionals to include on a care team to walk alongside a survivor who has disclosed abuse. Each
scenario and survivor will be different, so the team needed may be different for each survivor as well. Pastors, elders, women.s ministry leaders, youth leaders, professional counselors, medical professionals, and attorneys are all examples of people who may need to be included on a team.

What about her father? Shouldn’t he be involved?

Here are three things to consider when developing care teams:

a. Consider the needs and agency of the survivor: …But whatever actions need to be taken, be it in the case of child sexual abuse, adult sexual assault or domestic
violence, it is imperative that we hear and respect the agency of the survivor.

The bullet point continues to describe a generic incident of a counselor who accidentally made suggestions that the abuse might possibly have been her victim’s fault or not have happened, and the victim clammed up for another decade.

Police report or it didn’t happen, Barbie. Too bad clergy won’t be allowed to make that demand anymore.

b. Make sure to protect the survivor’s confidentiality

Because that’s been a big part of the SBC abuse scandal thus far? No, because SJWs hate allowing the accused to face his accuser.

c. Include men and women in the process:

It is essential that the care team be made up of men AND women. As complementarians who believe that men and women were equally created in God’s image but have been given unique roles and giftings, we recognize the importance of having both men and
women on a care team. Both genders brings a unique and invaluable perspective.

Okay, Barbie, but a lot of those male feminists you want to include are child rapists. A LOT of them. And again, WHERE IS DADDY?

2. Know your legal requirements for disclosure.

As Russell Moore has said, .The Kingdom is a mandatory reporting state..


3. Get to know your local Child Advocacy Centers (CAC) and other agencies that work with survivors of abuse

So much for separation of church and state. Our clergy are being Converged to serve the frivorce courts and feminist-industrial complex.

Child Advocacy Centers (CACs)

Your local Child Advocacy Center will be an invaluable resource to you when child abuse is discovered. CACs are designed to protect children from having to tell their traumatic stories of abuse over and over again. When a child makes a disclosure of abuse, they should be taken to a CAC where a trained interviewer will ask the right questions to record their story without retraumatizing the child. From there, a team that includes medical professionals, law enforcement, mental health, prosecution, child protective services, victim advocacy, and other professionals can use the recorded interview to make decisions about how to proceed and protect the child.

I thank God our birth rate is cratering. The kids who do exist, get used as weapons against their fathers by armies of SJWs, childless hags and professional misandrists, carefully protected from “abuse” while being taught sodomy is healthy and fun!

4. Implement a policy for how to deal with the accused perpetrator, especially when minors are involved.

When determining a policy for how to deal with an accused perpetrator, it is crucial to remember our first priority is always to the survivor of abuse and protecting potential victims. Repeated studies have found that only 1-7% of allegations of child sexual abuse are false.


Thus, when it comes to accusations involving children, it is wise for us to receive disclosures as credible until outside professionals demonstrate otherwise. Assuming innocence can endanger children.

If innocence does not protect then nobody will bother to be innocent.

5. Develop an after-care ministry for survivors of abuse or connect them with local resources.

Regardless if the sexual abuse disclosed is ongoing or happened many years ago, it is crucial to create a safe suggestion for survivors to heal within the context of the
church. Psalm 91:4 tells us that “He will cover you with his feathers, and under his wings you will find refuge; his faithfulness will be your shield and rampart.” As the body of Christ, we are to be that refuge.

No. Suck it up, buttercup. That’s how you treat us men. Once again, are women so fragile that they should be kept safe at home or not? You don’t get to have it both ways.

This year SBC President J.D. Greear directed a team of nine experts to develop a free, 12-lesson video series designed to equip the church on how to respond well to the initial report of abuse. The Becoming a Church that Cares Well for the Abused curriculum brings together top experts from various fields to help church leaders understand and implement the best practices for handling a variety of abuse scenarios at church, school, or ministry. We highly recommend that every church walk through this curriculum together.

That’ll be an interesting review. Pure Convergence, of course. Outside, secular, Feminist authorities are being invited into the Church to dictate our internal procedures.

Because God the FATHER’s way of protecting families is no longer welcome.

Speaking of Greear, would you like to know what the false positive rate of abuse accusations is likely to be? Greear named ten specific churches for investigation while calling for these new guidelines.

J.D. Greear’s Address to SBC Executive Committee Last Monday Night, 2/18/19

And the result… is 70% false positive under the new guidelines.

SBC bylaws workgroup releases sexual abuse response

By Staff, 23 February 2019

On Monday, February 18, 2019, in his presidential address to the Executive Committee of the Southern Baptist Convention, Dr. J.D. Greear mentioned ten churches he deemed worthy of inquiry regarding whether or not they were “operating with a faith and practice that upholds the Baptist Faith and Message, specifically Article XV, which says that we should seek to provide for the abused.” On the following day, Tuesday, February 19, pursuant to both the president’s request and the Executive Committee’s internal structure, this list was brought under the initial purview of the Bylaws Workgroup of the Executive Committee. …

Although the overwhelming majority of sexual abuse cases remains tragically unreported, in virtually all reported cases, the abuse and cover-up of abuse were criminal acts undertaken by a few individuals within a church. The church body rarely knew about these actions and even more rarely took any action to endorse or affirm the wrongful acts or the actors themselves. The Convention, through its Executive Committee, should not disrupt the ministries of its churches by launching an inquiry until it has received credible information that the church has knowingly acted wrongfully in one of the four ways described in the proposed amendment:

(a) employing a convicted sex offender,

(b) allowing a convicted sex offender to work as a volunteer in contact with minors,

(c) continuing to employ a person who unlawfully concealed from law enforcement information regarding the sexual abuse of any person by an employee or volunteer of the church, or

(d) willfully disregarding compliance with mandatory child abuse reporting laws.

…Under the principles set out above, we make the following report with respect to the churches identified by President Greear to our Workgroup:

1. Arapaho Baptist Church, Garland, Texas

Based on the information provided by the president, we have no evidence that the church, as a body, violated any of the four provisions. We believe no further inquiry is warranted based on that information.

2. Bolivar Baptist Church, Sanger, Texas

Since [no staff member or volunteer] is … reported to be a convicted sex offender, (a) and (b) are not applicable. If the allegations are true and provable, the church may have violated (c) and (d). We believe further inquiry is warranted.

3. Brentwood Baptist Church, Houston, Texas

Since [no staff member or volunteer] is … reported to be a convicted sex offender, (a) and (b) are not applicable. There is no allegation in the president’s material of (c) or (d) on the part of the church. We believe no further inquiry is warranted based on that information.

4. Cathedral of Faith, Houston, Texas

Information provided by the president states that a “registered” sex offender “leads” the church. We believe further inquiry is warranted.

5. Eastside Baptist Church, Marietta, Georgia

Based on the information provided by the president, we have no evidence that the church, as a body, violated any of the four provisions. We also note that, based on media reports and conversations with church leaders, it appears that after the events in question the church strengthened its existing policies to prevent abuse and properly respond to charges of abuse. We believe no further inquiry is warranted based on that information.

6. First Baptist Church, Bedford, Texas

Since [the former pastor] was not reported to be a convicted sex offender during his time in the church, (a) and (b) are not applicable to First Baptist, Bedford. There is no allegation in the president’s material of (c) or (d) on the part of the church. We would note, however, that media reports allege [former pastor Charles] Adcock was under indictment on 29 counts of rape and sodomy of a child at the time he was hired by the church. The Fort Worth Star-Telegram reported on February 22, 2019, that Adcock “is now a registered sex offender living in Arkansas, online records show.”

A published statement by the church’s current pastor, who was not the pastor at the time of the hiring described above, is available on the church’s website and states, “In 2015, the church membership was shocked, disgusted and angered to learn about the cases against Charles Adcock. When his background came to light Adcock left the church and those responsible for allowing Adcock to serve at FBC Bedford were removed from their positions shortly after his departure.” The church also indicated it has revised policies and procedures to help prevent such a hire in the future.

We believe no further inquiry is warranted based on that information. We further believe this church appears to be an example of a church, affected by the actions of a few individuals, that has taken decisive steps as a congregation.

7. Second Baptist Church, Houston, Texas

Based on the information provided by the president, we have no evidence that the church, as a body, violated any of the four provisions. It appears that the church has had, and continues to have, significant, detailed procedures and policies in place to prevent abuse and properly respond to charges of abuse. We believe no further inquiry is warranted based on that information.

8. Sovereign Grace Church, Louisville, Kentucky

Information provided by the president includes the statement “two Great Commission Council member[s] went on the record about their concerns over the leadership and their previous handling of abuse cases within churches they led.” This information provides a basis upon which to believe the church may have evidenced indifference to sexual abuse. If the allegations prove to be true, the church may have violated (c) and/or (d). We believe further inquiry is warranted.

9. Trinity Baptist Church, Ashburn, Georgia

Based on the information provided by the president, we have no evidence that the church, as a body, violated any of the four provisions. We believe no further inquiry is warranted based on that information.

10. Turner Street Baptist Church, Springdale, Arkansas

This church is not a Southern Baptist church.

Of Greear’s first ten accused, only 3 actually violated the new SBC guidelines. And one wasn’t even in the SBC.

The NRA’s Dirty Fantasy: Dick Tracy?

Second Amendment deniers are reaching some truly silly extremes to make armed citizenry seem a recent, unhealthy phenomenon. This latest effort provides a summer reading list for you in addition to entertainment.

How the “good guy with a gun” became a deadly American fantasy

By Beth Daley, 7 June 2019

At the end of May, it happened again. A mass shooter killed 12 people, this time at a municipal center in Virginia Beach. Employees had been forbidden to carry guns at work, and some lamented that this policy had prevented “good guys” from taking out the shooter.

It would certainly have been nice to have the option.

This trope . .the good guy with a gun. . has become commonplace among gun rights activists.

Where did it come from?

We got off the boat in the New World and were hungry for meat.

On Dec. 21, 2012 . one week after Adam Lanza shot and killed 26 people at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut . National Rifle Association Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre announced during a press conference that “the only way to stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun..

Ever since then, in response to each mass shooting, pro-gun pundits, politicians and social media users parrot some version of the slogan, followed by calls to arm the teachers, arm the churchgoers or arm the office workers. And whenever an armed citizen takes out a criminal, conservative media outlets pounce on the story.

That’s because you Leftoids never stop pushing. First one of you losers runs amok with a gun, then the rest of you losers use the murdering to disarm all the innocents that the first loser missed. Please, think of the children and learn a second tactic.

But “the good guy with the gun” archetype dates to long before LaPierre’s 2012 press conference.

There’s a reason his words resonated so deeply. He had tapped into a uniquely American archetype, one whose origins I trace back to American pulp crime fiction in my book .Hard-Boiled Crime Fiction and the Decline of Moral Authority..

Okay, this is new. A second tactic!

Other cultures have their detective fiction. But it was specifically in America that the “good guy with a gun” became a heroic figure and a cultural fantasy.

Australia: good guy with a gun.

Japan: good guy with a katana.

China: good guy with fists of death.

India: good guy with a saber.

Europe: good guy with a sword.

South America: good guy with a knife.

Antarctica: good guy with a harpoon.

Africa: Gimmiedat! *waves club*

It’s like the Old World peoples had good guys venting bad guys with not-guns only because guns hadn’t been invented yet. Whatever they had first was what stuck in their cultural memories.

Us Americans, we had our God, our guns and our frontiers to be tamed.

Beginning in the 1920s, a certain type of protagonist started appearing in American crime fiction. He often wore a trench coat and smoked cigarettes. He didn’t talk much. He was honorable, individualistic . and armed.

These characters were dubbed .hard-boiled,. a term that originated in the late 19th century to describe .hard, shrewd, keen men who neither asked nor expected sympathy nor gave any, who could not be imposed upon.” The word didn’t describe someone who was simply tough; it communicated a persona, an attitude, an entire way of being.

Holy toxic masculinity, Batman!

Most scholars credit Carroll John Daly with writing the first hard-boiled detective story. Titled “Three Gun Terry,. it was published in Black Mask magazine in May 1923.

.Show me the man,. the protagonist, Terry Mack, announces, “and if he’s drawing on me and is a man what really needs a good killing, why, I’m the boy to do it..

Terry also lets the reader know that he’s a sure shot: .When I fire, there ain’t no guessing contest as to where the bullet is going..

From the start, the gun was a crucial accessory. Since the detective only shot at bad guys and because he never missed, there was nothing to fear.

The bad guys shot back, though. She’s leaving out a lot.

Part of the popularity of this character type had to do with the times. In an era of Prohibition, organized crime, government corruption and rising populism, the public was drawn to the idea of a well-armed, well-meaning maverick . someone who could heroically come to the defense of regular people. Throughout the 1920s and 1930s, stories that featured these characters became wildly popular.

No, Daley, not “well-meaning”. Moral. Christianity was a thing back then. And don’t pretend America’s heavily armed heroes began with the gangsters. Davy Crockett was born in 1786.

Taking the baton from Daly, authors like Dashiell Hammett and Raymond Chandler became titans of the genre.

Their stories. plots differed, but their protagonists were mostly the same: tough-talking, straight-shooting private detectives.

In an early Hammett story, the detective shoots a gun out of a man’s hand and then quips he’s a “fair shot ” no more, no less..

Sounds interesting!

I would totally read something like that on a camping trip. *takes notes*

In a 1945 article, Raymond Chandler attempted to define this type of protagonist:

.Down these mean streets a man must go who is not himself mean, who is neither tarnished nor afraid. . He must be, to use a rather weathered phrase, a man of honor, by instinct, by inevitability, without thought of it, and certainly without saying it..

She didn’t do that quote justice. Let me try:

In everything that can be called art there is a quality of redemption. It may be pure tragedy, if it is high tragedy, and it may be pity and irony, and it may be the raucous laughter of the strong man. But down these mean streets a man must go who is not himself mean, who is neither tarnished nor afraid. The detective in this kind of story must be such a man. He is the hero, he is everything. He must be a complete man and a common man and yet an unusual man. He must be, to use a rather weathered phrase, a man of honor, by instinct, by inevitability, without thought of it, and certainly without saying it. He must be the best man in his world and a good enough man for any world. I do not care much about his private life; he is neither a eunuch nor a satyr; I think he might seduce a duchess and I am quite sure he would not spoil a virgin; if he is a man of honor in one thing, he is that in all things. He is a relatively poor man, or he would not be a detective at all. He is a common man or he could not go among common people. He has a sense of character, or he would not know his job. He will take no man’s money dishonestly and no man’s insolence without a due and dispassionate revenge. He is a lonely man and his pride is that you will treat him as a proud man or be very sorry you ever saw him. He talks as the man of his age talks, that is, with rude wit, a lively sense of the grotesque, a disgust for sham, and a contempt for pettiness. The story is his adventure in search of a hidden truth, and it would be no adventure if it did not happen to a man fit for adventure. He has a range of awareness that startles you, but it belongs to him by right, because it belongs to the world he lives in.

If there were enough like him, I think the world would be a very safe place to live in, and yet not too dull to be worth living in.

Amen, brother. *Gunner Q crosses himself.*

Back to Barbie Dullwit:

By the end of the 20th century, the fearless, gun-toting good guy had become a cultural hero. He had appeared on magazine covers, movie posters, in television credits and in video games.

Gun rights enthusiasts have embraced the idea of the “good guy” as a model to emulate . a character role that just needed real people to step in and play it. The NRA store even sells T-shirts with LaPierre’s slogan, and encourages buyers to “show everyone that you’re the “good guy.. by buying the T-shirt.

The problem with this archetype is that it’s just that: an archetype. A fictional fantasy.

A myth. And the power of myth is not to be disrespected.

We have come from God, and inevitably the myths woven by us, though they contain error, will also reflect a splintered fragment of the true light, the eternal truth that is with God. Indeed only by myth-making, only by becoming ‘sub-creator’ and inventing stories, can Man aspire to the state of perfection that he knew before the Fall. Our myths may be misguided, but they steer however shakily towards the true harbour, while materialistic ‘progress’ leads only to a yawning abyss and the Iron Crown of the power of evil. –Tolkien

Daly has no myths. No hopes, no dreams. She spews lies at us for her present need of disarming us, and to ruin the notion that gun control is hitting your target:

In pulp fiction, the detectives never miss. Their timing is precise and their motives are irreproachable. They never accidentally shoot themselves or an innocent bystander. Rarely are they mentally unstable or blinded by rage. When they clash with the police, it’s often because they’re doing the police’s job better than the police can.

Another aspect of the fantasy involves looking the part. The “good guy with a gun” isn’t just any guy . it’s a white one.

Dick Tracy is rayciss!

In “Three Gun Terry,. the detective apprehends the villain, Manual Sparo, with some tough words: ..Speak English,. I says. I’m none too gentle because it won’t do him any good now..

In Daly’s “Snarl of the Beast,. the protagonist, Race Williams, takes on a grunting, monstrous immigrant villain.

Could this explain why, in 2018, when a black man with a gun tried to stop a shooting in a mall in Alabama . and the police shot and killed him . the NRA, usually eager to champion good guys with guns, didn’t comment?

What an SJW. How dare the good guys be depicted as white guys for a white audience in a white country by white authors! Didn’t they know that 90 years later, the illegal migrants from Honduras wouldn’t approve?

That mall shooting happened on Black Friday in Birmingham. Two young blacks had a fight, one gutshot the other and a 12yo kid was caught in the crossfire. Police, already set up on-site to handle the Black Friday crowds, responded instantly and shot a young black male brandishing a handgun who was running away from the scene. Turned out he was a bystander who pulled out his CCW in a crowd when he heard shots fired.

He didn’t get shot for being black. He got shot for playing cowboy in a panicked crowd. Daley could have used this story as evidence that vigilante fantasies are unhealthy and she would have had a valid point, but she was too busy playing the race card to notice.

There have been times when a civilian with a gun successfully intervened in a shooting, but these instances are rare. Those who carry guns often have their own guns used against them. And a civilian with a gun is more likely to be killed than to kill an attacker.

Even in instances where a person is paid to stand guard with a gun, there’s no guarantee that he.ll fulfill this duty.

She has links. I checked one out of vague curiosity. Philadelphia drug dealers packing heat were counted as civilians. It’s technically true, and also true that your gun is likely to be used against you when it’s sticking out of your waistband gangster-style. You bought your piece a chrome job but not a holster? Dude, please.

What started as entertainment has turned into a durable American fantasy.

Maintaining it has become a deadly American obsession.

Carroll John Daly, Dashiell Hammett and Raymond Chandler. Thanks, I’m off to the used bookstore to maintain some toxic masculine fantasies!


SBC President J.D. Greear Is A Racist SJW

The Southern Baptist Coalition’s annual meeting is June 11-12 this year. President J.D. Greear published a new book on June 1 in preparation for it. That’s how bad this is going to get… the President monetized his plan for the SBC’s recovery from Catholic-style sex abuse scandals by reducing the number of white men in the SBC to God-acceptable levels.

Southern Baptist President J.D. Greear: ‘There’s Only One Way That We Can See the Church Going Forward’

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When Southern Baptists meet in Birmingham, Alabama June 11-12 for their annual meeting they’ll have no shortage of challenges.

The country’s largest Protestant denomination finds its membership dipping below 15 million for the first time in 30 years.

A Houston Chronicle investigative report on sexual abuse in Southern Baptist churches has thrust its policies into the national spotlight and the denomination is also grappling with initiatives to combat racism and include women in more positions of church leadership while adhering to its traditional complementarian theology.

While damning, the investigative report itself is reluctant to mention homosexuality among the offending clergy. Although it recognizes that ‘some’ of the abuse victims are teenage boys.

CBN News spoke with Pastor J.D. Greear, the president of the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC), this week about his views on the meeting, and the future of Southern Baptists.

“There’s really only one way that we see the church going forward and it’s putting the Gospel above all and pushing evangelism as the task,” he said.

Using the Gospel as the power of God is the theme of his book I mentioned per the preview that Amazon kindly provided for free. I’m not giving him a cent; nothing in his book could damn him as much as his selling a “how to fix the Church” book two weeks before an annual summit on how to fix the SBC he presides over.

Let’s segue to this excerpt from the linked preview. I think it says everything that needs to be said. Emphases his.

Think about this: The gospel is the one thing in the New Testament, other than Jesus himself, that is referred to directly as the power of God.
Not contains the power of God.
Not channels the power of God.
The gospel is itself the raw, unstoppable, death-defeating power of God.
The apostle Paul explains in his letter to the Romans that the gospel is the power of God unto salvation for all who would believe (Rom. 1:16).

Who needs Jesus when you have the Gospel?

He quoted the very verse I was going to use to undermine him. Thanks! As it says, the Gospel’s goal is our salvation. Here’s the situation, here’s Christ’s offer, you have until mortal death to accept or reject. In other words, the Gospel is not a source of power. We Christians have had the Gospel since 30AD. It has not prevented us from suffering every form of external persecution and internal conflict imaginable. Certainly, reminding people that Christ provided their salvation by crucifixion will do nothing to prevent a church split. It didn’t even stop Paul and Barnabas from splitting up in Acts.

But he only quoted the first half of Romans 1:16. For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes: first to the Jew, then to the Gentile. Greear will be calling for more diversity in the name of unity later on, so let’s notice that God still treats Jews and Gentiles differently in the New Testament.

Greear will also be talking about the sex scandals so let me quote verse 17 while I’m at it. For in the gospel the righteousness of God is revealed.a righteousness that is by faith from first to last, just as it is written: .The righteous will live by faith.. Greear talks about the power of the Gospel but never the righteousness of God that is the very point of the Gospel. God hates, HATES evil and will not excuse the smallest lawbreaking. That’s why Christ had to die in the first place, because God has an eternal, burning hate for those who do evil.

What is faith? Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see. Hebrews 11:1. Greear will be talking about how to boost membership, keep kids safe and so on, but as you will see, his only use for God is as a tool. If you truly love God, if you have faith in Him, then you will not compromise even when your headcount shrinks. Because you know that something better and more permanent than the SBC is coming.

Enough seguing. I show you the money.

Greear literally practices what he preaches at Summit Church in Durham, North Carolina. Summit encourages its 11,000 attendees to simply evangelize one person . their “one” . and it seems to work. Under Greear’s leadership, Summit has planted 53 churches in the US and 245 overseas.

Putting the Gospel first is also the focus of Greear’s new book, Above All.

It’s a strategy he believes will inform and improve the way Southern Baptists view some of their thorniest issues, including abuse.

Greear makes the case that dealing with sexual abuse in the church is a Gospel issue. “What does it say about our Gospel when we refuse to either deal with or create the structures necessary to prevent preying on the vulnerable, to prevent abuse?” he asks.

What does it say about the righteousness of God when we don’t break the necks of child molesters? Screw your “creating structures”, screw your “prevent preying on the vulnerable” and screw your “prevent abuse”. PUNISH THE EVIL!

“Evil” is not a word Greear will be using today.

Greear thinks addressing abuse could impact church attendance. He says churches must deal with it if they want to encourage people to attend church and feel safe.

It’s an idea supported by recent Lifeway research, which showed that one in ten younger Protestants have left their church because they felt that sexual misconduct was not taken seriously.

Greear also maintains that believers shouldn’t be surprised to find abuse in their house of worship.

“Jesus told us that there would be shepherds that would come in and masquerade as being shepherds and end up abusing the sheep,” he said. “Of all people we should have known that this was a potential and that this would be a problem in the church.”

This… is… not… normal… for the Church, you… you… *spitting angry*

The Lifeway research shows that one in three Protestant church-goers believe that #churchtoo has only just begun and that more church abuse cases are looming on the horizon.

Greear says he welcomes the spotlight but admits he cringed just a few months ago when the Houston Chronicle published its series on abuse in Southern Baptist churches.

“When I first heard about the Houston Chronicle investigation, my gut response was to pray, ‘Lord, protect our reputation, help the Gospel not go backward. And help people not to skew the information.’ And it was one of those moments when I felt the Spirit of God say to me, ‘That’s not what I want you to be praying. I’ll guard your reputation. I want you to be willing to do whatever it takes to provide safety, a more safe environment for victims and the vulnerable.’”

That’s what Cultural Catholics do. They ask God to hide their leaders’ wickedness because it would “hurt the church’s reputation” if the truth leaked out. It is not an attitude to be tolerated in the Protestant world. We have no institutional reputation. The church across the street is as good as this one… maybe more so if the current pastor worries that much about his reputation.

Last summer, Greear appointed a task force on abuse to advise on sexual abuse, domestic violence, and other related topics.

If it’s Task Force Silent Justice then I’ll calm down. Otherwise, I smell a bureauc-rat.

In Birmingham, he’ll be advocating for a new “Credentials Committee” that would evaluate claims of church misconduct, including abuse.

The task force is also considering abuse training and curriculum and the possibility of a clergy sex offender database. Abuse advocates will rally in support of these measures on the first day of the meeting.

Because that worked so well for the Boy Scouts?

Rally organizer Ashley Easter says advocates are committed for the long haul. “We will not stop until the Southern Baptist Convention becomes a safe place for survivors of abuse, and as of now it is not a safe place,” she said.

Diversity and the SBC

Greear is also pushing for greater diversity in the SBC. He recently appointed 126 people to SBC committees and says almost half were people of color.

He points out that the diverse appointments are not for the purpose of a photo opportunity, but to reflect the SBC. People of color make up 20 percent of SBC membership and non-white pastors planted close to two-thirds of SBC churches last year.

“We need their perspective,” Greear said. “The US is changing and in order for us to effectively reach the next generation they’ve got wisdom that comes out of their community and their experience that we need to heed.”

Greear says he hopes that such appointments will also help with issues of abuse.

“I sometimes wonder if some of the problems we’re having dealing with sexual abuse and how we respond to it -would some of those crises have been avoided or at least mitigated if you had people around the seats, the seats of power, that knew what it was like to grow up marginalized or grow up silenced?” he said.

Greear is breathing lies like oxygen here. Growing up with a race card in your pocket does not give you special insight into justice. Except, of course… for Social Justice.

National Politics and the SBC

Last year, Vice President Mike Pence spoke at the annual meeting. This year, no such high-profile political leader will speak.

When it comes to politics, Greear says he wants Southern Baptists to know that putting the Gospel first means they should be able to charitably disagree about their views.

“It’s ok for different Christians to come to different conclusions,” he said. “We can agree on the core issues: life, religious liberty, empowerment of the poor, the equality of races, the sanctity of marriage. We can agree on those things and even come to different conclusions about which particular candidate will be better for the country at this time.”

Oops, the mask slipped!

Greear argues that even Jesus’ disciples had different political beliefs but kept the Gospel as their first priority . and that made all the difference.

Actually no, because they thought Christ’s kingdom was going to be a physical one. Remember that documented time they squabbled over who would be at His right hand? Remember how Judas wigged out when Christ said the rulers of His Church were going to be the servants of the ordinary people?

Greear is so eager to bring the new, CORRECTLY COLORED people into the Southern Baptists that he’s forgotten his first duty is to the people already in it.

Lest you think this is only one article, let’s go to an inaugural interview.

A Conversation with J. D. Greear, the New President of the Southern Baptist Convention

A Conversation with J. D. Greear, the New President of the Southern Baptist Convention

By Justin Taylor, 12 June 2018

This afternoon the Southern Baptist Convention.the largest Protestant body in the United States and the largest Baptist denomination in the world.elected 45-year-old pastor J. D. Greear as its 62nd president, the youngest man to hold the office in 38 years.

Greear did his PhD in theology at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary (where he also teaches), writing on the correlation between presentations of the gospel in the early church and the theology of Islam. He has a heart for Muslims to come and know the saving gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ, having lived and served among Muslims.

The article gave some background info. The above paragraph is the only relevant bit. Researching the correlations between Christianity and Islam is a very disturbing topic for a modern young theologian. The facts are this: Mohammed tried to create a Jewish cult, was rebuffed, tried to create a Christian cult, was rebuffed, embraced highway robbery to pay his bills and upon achieving material success, invented a Judeo-Christ-like cult that outlasted him.

God and Allah have nothing in common because God is real and Allah is a lie.

What is the biggest need of the hour in the SBC?

Re-establishing the gospel above all else as the foundation of our unity and focus of our mission.

The apostle Paul said that the gospel is “of first importance. (1 Corinthians 15:3.4). If we are going to move forward in unity, we have got to keep the gospel at the center of all we do. The gospel must be greater than our programs, greater than our political agendas, and greater than any petty difference that threatens to divide us.

Unity is a globalist priority, not a Christian priority. We are unified only in the sense of following Christ.

We also need a shift in our culture. Our mission and our doctrine are rock solid. But recent events have shown that our culture has grown too comfortable with power and the dangers that power brings. We need to move forward on our knees.demonstrating confession, encouraging transparency, and modeling humility. God has been chastening the SBC, and that process is painful. But I believe that God is cleaning house in order to purify us for greater effectiveness for his mission.

Notice his “solution” doesn’t match his “problem”. I agree the Church is way too comfortable with the world but the solution to that is being different from the world, not being humble about being the same as unbelievers. We could start with an old Church practice called “no women in authority over men”. That’s way counter-cultural.

Obviously the question of how churches should handle cases of abuse has been much discussed in recent days. How would you like to see churches deal with abuse going forward?

It is a tragedy when anyone endures abuse.

Sexual abuse of children is a crime against God and man, and the best argument for a hanging party that America has ever had.

It is particularly tragic how common it is today, and it is a scandal that abuse has often flourished in church environments. The church should be a place where the abused and the vulnerable find a safe haven. At the Summit, we are doing everything we can to ensure that both our culture and our processes really do protect the vulnerable.

The church should be a place where the wicked fear to tread, where they glance at the bloodsoaked Crosses on the wall and wonder how long until they’re found out and take their turn. The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom.

This includes recognizing the difference between what is only immoral and what is both immoral and illegal. Jesus forgives both, but God gives primary jurisdiction over what is immoral to the church (Matthew 18) and jurisdiction over what is illegal to the state (Romans 13). We honor God and his Word when we recognize this and bring the appropriate authorities in, without apology and without delay.

God gave the duty of punishing evil to the State. He did not give them the job of defining what evil is. The Church’s role in America is to remind people what God says evil is.

I’m still waiting for Greear to use the word “evil”.

Physical or sexual abuse can never be tolerated, minimized, hidden, or “handled internally.” Those in leadership who turn a blind eye toward abuse are complicit with it and must be held accountable. The women in our churches deserve better.

The women in your church deserve to die childless and unloved. They are Jezebels, witches, cam-girls, priestesses, whores and… I repeat myself.

Are there ways in which you think the SBC needs to rethink the way in which women are utilized in gospel ministry?

The recent focus on raising up women in ministry has been a good one, and one that we in the complementarian camp should welcome. I affirm, without reservation, the complementarian view of gender found in Scripture.that women are equal in essence, equal in value, and equal in spiritual giftings, while not being equivalent to men. Women and men are created differently and serve distinct roles in the family and in the church, where (for instance) only men can serve in the office of pastor. Complementarianism is not a box to be checked, but a beautiful truth to be celebrated.

But this complementarian position should not lead us, as it has led some, to stifle the leadership possibilities and ministry avenues for women. The rich teaching of Scripture about the complementary roles of women and men has never meant, “All women everywhere should submit to men everywhere.” Nor does Scripture anywhere imply that women cannot exercise robust spiritual and leadership gifts in the church.

Sometimes, in our rightful espousal of complementarianism, we in the SBC have failed to create the same pathways into ministry for women that we have for men. This was true at the church that I pastor: it was easy for men to get trained and step into leadership, but not women. Our ministry team was very, very male-heavy, as we tended to consider only men even for positions of leadership that really did not require occupation by an ordained pastor/elder.

Why might God have forbidden women from ordination as Church Pastor specifically yet be willing for women to rule over men in any other context? This isn’t even lip service to Scripture.

I hope to see complementarians recognize that far from preventing women from exercising our gifts, our theology propels us to equip, encourage, and empower women to unleash their gifts for the church.

I know one of the things that drives you is the conviction that theology and mission should be deeply grounded in the gospel. Can you explain what you mean?
God has raised up many to remind us that the gospel is not simply the “entry rite” into Christianity, but the fountain of our growth and focus of our mission.

The gospel is the good news that Jesus died in our place to restore us to God, and offers us abundant life in him through his resurrection. It needs to be declared to every person on earth. Jesus summarized his mission as “seeking and saving the lost,. and said he had more joy over finding the one sinner who repents than anything happening in the 99 who were already his.

The gospel should saturate every stage of the Christian life. The gospel that saves the sinner also makes the saint come alive. We grow in Christ not by going beyond the gospel, but deeper into it. Or, as a friend of mine says, .The fire to do in the Christian life comes from being soaked in the fuel of what has been done..

My Christian fire comes from hatred at what you entryists and Children of the Devil have been doing to my people: my fellow Christians, my fellow Americans, my fellow whites, my fellow men. And if you think my hate is terrible–when all it does is this tiny blog–wait until you find out that God is real, knows everything you did and it’s possible to die a second time.

That’s the Gospel, right there. God HATES evil. In fact, there would be no need for Christ’s salvation if God was the forgiving type of deity. You are “forgiven” only in the sense that God butchered Christ instead of you for your crimes… literally in stead, meaning, in the place, of you.

How do you see the relationship between grace and truth?

No relationship. They’re two different topics. Why do you ask?

The apostle John summarized Jesus’s ministry in one phrase: .full of grace and truth. (John 1:17). To minister to our culture like Jesus, we must aim for that same balance.

Truth without grace is fundamentalism; grace without truth is liberalism.

The combination of grace and truth made Jesus irresistibly attractive to people of all kinds, and will make us so as well. Of course, Jesus also made people so mad that some wanted to kill him. When we carry ourselves with grace and truth, we will find our culture reacting to us like they reacted to Jesus.

On the surface, this looks like just another Tradcon contradicting himself. But it could also be a ploy to seek unity with Calvinists, since Irresistable Grace is a doctrine unique to them.

Practically speaking, this means our preaching of the gospel must be accompanied by acts of extravagant gospel generosity. As Francis Schaeffer explained, love on display in the church is God’s final apologetic to the world.

Can you tell us what you guys have done at The Summit Church [his megachurch prior to SBC Presidency] to increase ethnic diversity and why this is so important to you?

Our efforts at The Summit Church along this line are guided by the plumb line, .The church should reflect the diversity of its community and declare the diversity of the kingdom.” Unity across race and ethnicity is one of the hallmarks of the gospel, a sign to the world that the gospel has real power (Ephesians 2).

Again, unity is a globalist priority, not a Christian priority. Anybody who thinks the Church should be racially integrated had better be spending his weekends boycotting that Asian/black/Spanish church down the street (take your pick, I would avoid the Filipinos) for their racism and non-welcoming of whites. And nobody in North America is doing that.

Furthermore, our unity is to be a sign, preview, and firstfruits of the coming kingdom, in which every tribe, tongue, language, and nation will gather around Christ’s throne in all their resplendent cultural distinctives (Rev. 5).

Per Revelation, it will first be Satan’s throne.

Our journey toward this goal hasn’t been easy.true diversification never is. But we’ve learned that diversity isn’t a niche “project” for a select few; rather, it is an essential part of discipleship, and the responsibility of every follower of Jesus.

More lies. Remember God still considers Jews and Gentiles different?

For those of us in the majority culture, this process has begun with a posture of listening, not talking. The definition of a blind spot, after all, is a weakness that we don’t know that we have. Historically, the most insidious blind spots result from positions of privilege and power. If we are serious about discovering these blind spots, it means committing ourselves to uncomfortable conversations where we seek more to understand that we do to be understood.

Not only will we find the experience of listening uncomfortable, we will also likely find that some of the changes necessary to reflect the diversity of the body of Christ are uncomfortable, too. If we want the SBC to be a homogenous, conservative, white Anglo-Saxon movement, then cultural hegemony is fine. But if we want to reach the diversity of communities throughout the United States, then we better get ready to see our cultural and leadership structures change.

The term highlighted above are as typical of Social Justice as Irresistable Grace is of Calvinism. Greear is an SJW.

God has, by his grace, given us real progress in this area. Nearly 20 percent of our church attenders are non-white (up from less than 5 percent less than a decade ago). At least a third of our campus pastors and worship leaders are non-white. Our church still has a long way to go, but we are proof that moving toward diversity is possible.

At least Greear isn’t a racist. /facepalm

How could you see this playing out in the wider SBC?

For the SBC, the road forward may be difficult, but it’s not impossible. More than 21 percent of Southern Baptists are non-white. Let that sink in.and praise God for it!

He didn’t answer the question. Inquiring minds want to know, is he going to banish current white members or place a moratorium on new white membership? And how is he going to keep a straight face about this on Judgment Day?

“Did you feed my sheep?”

“Only the niggers. Reward, please!”

The numbers, in fact, align rather closely to the national census statistics.

The U.S. population is

12% African-American
16% Latino, and
4.7% Asian.
The number of Southern Baptists in these demographics is similar:

7.4% African American,
6.7% Latino, and
3.9% Asian.
A quick glance reveals that while we aren’t perfectly reflecting our nation, we’re in the ballpark. And we’re much closer than the mainline denominations, which are nearly all white. We are, contrary to many expectations, a rather diverse convention.

The real work for us going forward is to bring our leadership into alignment with where our people are. Nearly a fifth of our churchgoers are black, Latino, or Asian, but our leadership still falls far short of that mark. The leaders are there, and we all stand to benefit from the treasures they bring the convention. But we’ve got to give them the platform to do it.

Remember when Saint Peter banned Greek Christians from Church leadership because God’s people had become less than 70% Hasidic Jewish? Me neither.

So, what is God’s quota for white regular Church attenders? 50%? 30%? No more than 10% of any official Church function can be cracker?

Why is “missions” so important for Southern Baptists, and [what] are your hopes for the future of mission and the SBC?

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Missions is at the heart of who we are because it is first at the heart of God.

Not an answer.

One of the key truths we repeat often at the Summit is that sending capacity in the local church is more important than seating capacity. All of Jesus’s promises about the greatness of the church are not about a large group of people gathering to bask in the anointing on one leader but multiple leaders being raised up and sent out in the power of the Spirit. Our God is a sending God. He sent his best into the world to save us. Jesus is referred to as “sent” 44 times in the New Testament. After his resurrection, Jesus passed his identity on to his disciples: “As the Father has sent me, I am sending you. (John 20:21). To follow Jesus is to be sent and to devote yourself to sending.

Not an answer.

We also know that the reason God blesses a people is to make them a blessing to the nations. The basis of the psalmist’s prayer for revival in Psalm 67 is that God would use his people to make his salvation known among all nations. God never pours his Spirit into people to make them into gospel reservoirs; he turns his people into rivers that flood the nations. If we want the awakening of the Spirit, we have to be devoted to the nations (John 12:26).

Greear lied in that last sentence. John 12:25-26 (for context): Anyone who loves their life will lose it, while anyone who hates their life in this world will keep it for eternal life. 26 Whoever serves me must follow me; and where I am, my servant also will be. My Father will honor the one who serves me. That’s the exact opposite of “we have to be devoted to the nations [world] if we want the awakening of the Spirit.”

I truly believe that the greatest movement of God in the SBC lies not in our past, but in our future. Throughout Scripture, we see that “past graces” are evidences that God wants to bestow future graces. There can be no doubt that the SBC experienced some unusual grace in the Conservative Resurgence. Why would the Holy Spirit have done that if it were not to give us an unprecedented effectiveness among the nations? God does what he does not to preserve institutions, but for the sake of the Great Commission. It’s all about the Great Commission. That means the best days of the SBC are ahead us. They have to be! There are still more than 6,000 unreached people groups in the world, and history cannot end until they have been given a gospel witness. It is our moment to expect great things of God, and then attempt great things for God.

News flash: the Great Commission is finished. The Gospel has been preached to every corner of the planet, in every language, and the Internet you’re using right now is the final proof.

I have no idea where he’s finding “6,000 unreached people groups”. Probably those Stone Age tribes in rain forests being kept ignorant of the outside world by host governments to serve as living museums. And I doubt there’s even 6k of those left.

Is Greear sending people to those six thousand groups specifically, or just wherever they can gin up some headcount and revenue?

What would it look like if every Southern Baptist church committed to help in the planting or revitalizing of just one domestic church next year? And what if every one of our churches got involved reaching one unreached or underserved people group overseas? Truly, the gates of hell would not stand a chance.

And Greear would be hailed as a great leader because the big wooden church boxes are full of dupes. Remember, God only look at the numbers, not the heart!

How can we pray for you personally in the days and weeks and months ahead?

I am first a husband and father, and second a local church pastor. These have been and will remain my primary assignments.

If Christ is not a man’s top priority, over even family, then there are serious problems. Matthew 10:36-37 “Anyone who loves their father or mother more than me is not worthy of me; anyone who loves their son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me. Whoever does not take up their cross and follow me is not worthy of me.”

Please pray that God gives all of family, our church, and the denomination.grace for the future.

Pray that my kids grow up to love Jesus and the sheep.

Pray for wisdom for me. Even those of us appointed to be shepherds are still sheep, which means we need to lean on him to make our paths straight and not trust in our ability to understand. We need to cast ourselves on the mercy of the One who laid down his life for us and promised the success of the church in every generation, world without end (Eph. 3:20-21).

I pray for your salvation, Greear, that one day you will realize that Christianity is not a fairy tale Convergeable to the needs of your One World Government. I pray that one day you realize you are betraying your own people for the approval of outsiders. I pray the SBC recognizes you for the SJW termite you are and kicks you out. Your eternal punishment would be the less for their doing so.

J.D. GREEAR: In his own words - Baptist Message

The chin is interesting. It’s triangular, which is…

A quick comment on my readings. One of the reasons I like the Western school of physiognomy over others is redundancy. There tend to be several features indicating general topics like intelligence, impulsiveness, extroversion and so on. If you have a feature that I’m frequently negative about, don’t take it personally. There’s often more to it than I’m saying at any one time.

Here, for example, I’ve noted that many SJWs have triangular face shapes and in particular, narrow chins. This is not to suggest that all narrow-chinned people are SJWs. The one group is a subset of the other group. Narrow-chinned people also tend to be intelligent and bookish because narrow chins are associated with lower testosterone in adolescence, and physically weaker men naturally compensate with building up their intellect. I thank God that my company’s network admin isn’t Thor the bodybuilder.

Similarly, crows-feet indicate marital or sexual stress, not specifically, for example, pedo tendencies. I have to look for other indicators to confirm, which is why I have templates like pedoface. Also, you get wrinkled all over as you age so if you’re seventy and wondering about your crows-feet, no need for that.

I try to only read people in their prime, in good light with good detail, correcting for context. That can be difficult when picture selection is limited.

So, his face/jaw/chin is what I would expect for an SJW, not that most clergy today are much different. But the chin also seems prominent, which is an uncommon correlation.

J.D. Greear to Accept Nomination for President of SBC

Yes, that seems to be the case. That kind of chin likes conflict but this is not confirmed by, for example, angled (“dramatic”) eyebrows or a sharp, downward-pointed nose. Concentration lines on the forehead for intelligence but upper eyelids are visible so socially oriented. Consistent with being a priest, which has both ideas and people to master.

2018 Pastors? Conference | Baptist General Convention of Oklahoma

I would find those eyes suspicious except he’s both smiling and probably staring into bright light. More important is his teeth. Every pic I’ve found of him smiling shows him baring the upper gum. That indicates he believes he’s very popular.

So, a typical clergy type except with a lot of ego. He probably hasn’t sold his soul, he’s simply been raised to the modern zeitgeist with no spiritual awakening to counter it.

Perhaps God will hear my prayer and wake him up. We’ll know it if he get the Paige Patterson treatment.

Physiognomy: Incel Plastic Surgery

The concept of plastic surgery is a fascinating one for the physiognomist. If our face reflects our personality then does it work in reverse? Can changing our face change our personality? Certainly, changing our appearance changes how people treat us. Women have done this since the invention of cosmetics. But my answer is “not really”. Plastic surgery creates a mask and until/unless the underlying personality matches that mask, the discontinuity will probably be more harmful than the baseline. Personalities don’t change quickly, and genetics/childhood experiences not at all, which is why physiognomy is face reading not facial expression reading.

But there are situations in which having a better mask could help. Sales/vendor work, for example, or simply to feel better about yourself. Plastic surgery to erase a birthmark, acne scarring or obvious deformity that you believe is crimping your social life? Go for it. Plastic surgery to hypnotize a modern Tinderwhore into bed like a vampire? Bad idea.

Hat tip to youTuber Monday FA, who has the most magnificent “disappointment” nasolabial lines I’ve yet seen. He looks otherwise normal to me, although that scraggly facial hair seems out-of-place. Make it a goatee as thick as his head hair and he’d do fine.

How Many Bones Would You Break to Get Laid?

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By Alice Hines, 28 May 2019

Truth4lie was 27, depressed, and living in a student apartment after a year in a psychiatric hospital on suicide watch when a friend showed him Neil Strauss’s pickup-artist guidebook, The Game. Together they practiced lines from the book, planning to use them on girls in nightclubs. .Would you like to kiss me? I didn’t say you could..

In real life, pickup artistry made Truth4lie anxious. One rule stated he needed to initiate conversation with a woman three seconds after seeing her, which felt like taking an exam. Still, he tried the techniques for a few years, with middling success. Eventually, he stumbled on a forum called Sluthate, where anonymous men gathered to “discredit the effectiveness of pickup art.” In one post, a user described coming to the realization that it didn’t matter what he said because of the way he looked.

The underlying problem here is fried ice. Women want looks because it’s a status sign and they want Game because they want the emotional experience and they want $$$ because who doesn’t and they want blah blah blah. There’s no end to the demands. Sadly, in a matriarchy a man either tries constantly to meet those impossible demands or gives up and goes MGTOW. Burnout or loneliness is a painful choice.

The user uploaded a selfie, and other Sluthate posters agreed, mocking the flaws in his face. They congratulated him for “taking the black pill,. shorthand for waking up to the tragedy of being ugly. Ugly people, especially ugly men, they said, are destined to lead unhappy lives and die alone.

Reading this, Truth4lie felt exhilarated.

Because he thought his problem had a solution. Problem: I’m ugly. Solution: Plastic surgery. Except I’d bet he wasn’t actually ugly, just normal.

Women don’t want X, Y and Z. They want MORE. Never forget that Donald Trump Jr. got divorced by his wife while his father was freakin’ POTUS. There’s no upper limit to female hypergamy.

In the mental hospital, counselors had told him the roots of his depression and anxiety were repressed childhood traumas. In therapy, he relived getting in physical fights as a kid with his dad and the time he punched his sister in the head. Cognition determined emotions, the counselors told him. By changing his mind-set, he could change his behavior. But what if his problems weren’t inside him but outside? Looks can’t be changed with a mind-set adjustment; neither can the cruelly superficial world that values them above all else. The realization was awful and great all at once, as if someone were finally telling him the truth about himself after a lifetime of fake validation.

Looks can be changed with a mind-set adjustment. Lift in the gym, smile more, shoulders back, lose weight… all these start as a change in mindset. Also, looks can be changed with different hairstyles, cosmetics and choice of eyeglasses & clothing. And of course, more regular showers. As a D&D gamer, I believe bad hygiene causes actual ugliness at least as often as poor genetics.

There’s no “ugly” or “undesirable” in physiognomy. Not even “stupid”, excepting specific situations like Down’s Syndrome. In fact, ultraintelligent men frequently read as ordinary intellect because they don’t have concentration lines on the forehead.

.The difference between a mirror image and non-flipped image of myself drives me crazy,. he typed one night, after spending hours comparing his phone’s selfies to his reflection. .I see all my asymmetries . How can it only be my brain?.

Ask Jeff Bezos, the wealthiest man on the planet.

Jeff Bezos

Friends and family said he had body-dysmorphic disorder, a condition the International OCD Foundation says affects about one in every 50 people. Psychiatric manuals describe it as an obsession with perceived flaws in one’s appearance that others don’t see or notice. But Truth4lie.s imperfections were perfectly noticeable to other forum users: weak jawline, feminine nose, small frame, thinning hair. To Truth4lie, their assessments explained why he hadn’t fit in in high school, why his ex didn’t love him, why women he looked at on the street didn’t make eye contact.

That does sound like obsession with perceived flaws. I have a weak chin but y’know, after four years of HIIT in the gym and directing my anger in productive ways, my jaw has slowly fleshed out and looks stronger. I’ll probably have jowls later in life, when stuff inevitably begins to sag. Having square shoulders and big trapezius muscles draws the viewer’s attention away from my chin so I don’t worry over it anyway.

Physiognomy isn’t destiny!

Truth4lie had for a while tried to write a novel about his time in the psychiatric hospital. He read Camus, who said that life has no great meaning. He pondered nihilistic theories posited on the forums he frequented. He discovered terms like .oneitis,. a disease of romantic obsession that enslaves men, and .hypergamy,. an evolutionary principle that pushes women to seek mates above their status. In a post-monogamy society, that means a tiny percentage of genetically superior alpha guys hoard most hetero sex. There were infographics to back it up, Tinder experiments with precise data. Beyond that, there was biology: Genetic wiring controls most everything about life, the forums. users argued, ensuring the misery of people like him.

Heavy confirmation bias in his answer-searching. We’re a matriarchal society in which women swap lovers like baseball cards, not a post-monogamy (presumably meaning polygamous) society in which the top guys keep harems. Sultans & warlords didn’t give up a quarter of their lifetime wealth whenever one of their concubines wanted out, that’s for sure.

The forums. posters blamed their plight on women’s rising social power. Once upon a time, women without careers married for stability; today they inevitably spent their 20s riding a “cock carousel” of the hottest guys they could land, settling for an ugly or average-looking man only when they were old and used, i.e., above 30. Even then, women could hardly be depended on for loyalty. Showered with attention on dating apps, favored by divorce courts, beloved by HR diversity initiatives, women had become a privileged class. The forums rarely mentioned wage gaps, pregnancy discrimination, or sexual violence, except in jest.

That paragraph tells us more about the post author than Truth4Lie.

.Truth4lie. was an early user name; over the next few years, he’d use others. His depression lingered well into his 30s. He started an online editing business and moved into his parents. house in a small village in the Netherlands, where he knew almost no one. Most days, he would work from home, post on the forums, then eventually dress . leather jacket, torn jeans, fingerless leather gloves . and take a walk around the village, silently cataloguing how many people glanced at him or returned a smile.

His root problem is high insecurity, not low sex appeal. A poor candidate for plastic surgery, one would think.

Truth4lie.s friends hated Chad, but they were also convinced their lives would improve significantly if they could somehow become Chad. They tried “gymceling” and “steroidmaxxing” (incel-speak for bodybuilding and taking steroids). They tried (penis-stretching exercises) and mewing (chewing hard foods to bulk up the masseter muscles, said by British orthodontist Mike Mew to augment the jawline). They tried pulling on their faces to reshape them. They got into skin care.

Using steroids indicates a desire for shortcuts. Bulking the masseters is very hard because they’re already the strongest muscle in the body. Women would be lantern-jawed just from talking on the phone.

Some wanted more elemental improvements. More than pudgy flesh or pocked skin, it was their bones that made incels unfuckable, they believed. … .The difference between a Chad and an incel is literally a few millimeters of bone,. reads one meme.

Found it. Been making the rounds on the chans.

Pictures of similar featured men but one has a few more millimeters of bone and looks much handsomer

Let’s see… flattened forehead, lowered & more prominent brow, extended eyebrows, raised eye canthus, recessed nose root, nose tip turned up, stronger chin, thicker neck & shoulders, less flesh under the jaw. Somebody had fun with Photoshop but no, that is not a “few millimeters of bone”.

My makeover. Artificial eyebrows via cosmetics and the goatee I mentioned for Monday FA to strengthen the chin. Almost as good, allowing for my poor artistic skills, and way cheaper & safer than completely rebuilding one’s face. He might darken his skin a bit, too. Preferably by going outdoors.

To transform skull and skeleton could be done only with great expense and pain. It would take surgery. Some incels spent years researching procedures. More and more, they congregated around a single name: Barry Eppley, a cosmetic and reconstructive surgeon in Indiana.

.I had a dream: to meet the great Dr. Eppley,. wrote Truth4lie in one of over 1,100 Lookism posts mentioning the doctor. .I finally met the man, the true master artist, a superior human being. He should be mentioned with the likes of Mandela, Shakespeare, Luther King, Descartes, and Mother Teresa. He is the Einstein of Aesthetics,. he wrote. .He’s changed thousands of incel lives for the better..

The article gives three examples of “naturally occurring Chads”. Clockwise from left, David Gandy, Jordan Barrett and Lucky Blue Smith.

All three pinged my gaydar. Healthy men don’t obsess that much over their appearance. Jordan in particular looks homosexual. Dr. Eppley is no better:

Indianapolis Plastic Surgery Practice of Dr. Barry Eppley - YouTube

A good example of new-moon eyes, indicating deceit and cunning.

Dr. Barry Eppley - Premier Plastic Surgeon - YouTube

When we meet at his office in Carmel, a suburb of Indianapolis, Dr. Barry Eppley says he has never heard of incels. This surprises me. How could someone become an incel celebrity unwittingly?

On the walls of his consultation rooms hang black-and-white photos of beautiful humans. The men have zygomatic arches hanging like precipices over their caved-in cheeks. Their jaws are wide and sharp, as if drawn by protractors. They have long eyelashes and full lips that never smile.

The zygomatic arch is behind the cheekbone, making a “shelf” towards the ear.

.I call it the male-model look,. Eppley tells me, sitting on his right hand and gesturing with his left. He is 63 and wears a paisley tie, monk-strap loafers, and a white coat and speaks with a mischievous ease. “Chiseled features, an angular, sculpted face. It’s been the standard for the annals of time. Now there’s a practical way to actually achieve it..

Looks fake as heck to me. Prominent cheekbones are an indicator of dominance but this takes it too far: sunken cheeks indicate resignation and powerlessness. These look sunken even though they aren’t.

And every male facial feature is exaggerated. I remember Roosh once commented that the reason women like totally shredded men is because they can’t tell the difference between a strong man and a weak man unless it’s that obvious. This face is that obviously masculine. It’s a physiognometric parody.

Cosmetic surgery among people who identify as male rose 325 percent between 1997 and 2015 in the U.S., according to the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery.

Note the red flag, “people who identify as male”. Sexual deviancy surely plays a part in this.

Eppley, who is boarded in oral and maxillofacial surgery as well as plastic surgery, is one of a handful of doctors explicitly targeting young men with procedures to transform the face and body rather than to reverse aging. It’s a burgeoning demographic: Patients fly here from around the world, looking for something their local surgeon doesn’t perform, often a procedure Eppley invented. He does around 450 surgeries a year . eight to ten a week.

He’s homosexual himself. Perhaps not surprising for a surgeon specializing in elective vanities.

He performed his first custom facial implant in 1997 while on the faculty at Indiana University, practicing plastic surgery at the hospital there. A machinist from Terre Haute had wanted his jawline augmented . and wanted to design it himself. He and Eppley worked together, carving a model out of clay. Eppley now designs custom jaws with CAD, the software used by architects and engineers. .Some people may call my practice on the edge,. he tells me, “but it’s only cavalier if you don’t have the background, working at the university and doing free flaps and complex cases and these sorts of things, which 99 percent of plastic surgeons haven’t done.. (.Free flaps. are a type of tissue transplant used in reconstruction after trauma.)

I doubt 99% of his peers are incapable of what he does. More likely, 99% are unwilling. Also, Eppley doesn’t do custom CAD work if he’s cranking out 8-10 surgeries a week. Skilled surgeon, probably. Pathological liar, almost certainly.

Eppley.s range of services includes shoulder widening and narrowing (the clavicle bones are broken, then reconstructed), deltoid and quadriceps implants, and rib removal.

My gym’s basic membership is $10/month and does all but the latter, which is unethical. You don’t mutilate somebody’s body just because she wants a literal wasp waist and has money.

Barcroft's Pictures of the Year 2016 - Mirror Online

Pixee Fox, plastic surgery addict. She gave Adam his rib back.

Some 10,000 blog posts on his website respond pragmatically to patients. queries: .Do Neck-Muscle Implants Exist?. They could. “Can My Face Be Changed to Look a Lot Like Someone Else?. Perhaps, pictures needed. “Am I Too Old for Skull Reshaping at 57?. He’s had patients who are over 70. .What Is the Maximum Size of Testicular-Enlargement Implants?. The largest Eppley has done so far is seven centimeters in diameter.

You wouldn’t even be able to walk normally. This guy’s a pervert… both the doc and the patient.

Eppley.s not sure exactly why a patient would want testicles of dinosaur-egg size. But that’s true of many of his procedures, which he tends to design in response to patients. requests. If his practice had a slogan, it would be “We don’t care why you want it,.. he tells me. “And I suspect patients seek me out because they know I won’t ask them. I don’t see it as my job to cast a judgment..

Goodbye, Hippocratic Oath. You were only magical words of power, a meaningless ritual spoken to open the gate of board certification.

Often his rib-removal patients are transgender and will get hip implants in the same trip. Transgender female patients make up 10 to 15 percent of his practice. He performs facial-feminization surgery on around 25 patients a year. He does far more facial-masculinization surgeries . on over 100 patients annually . although all but one or two of them are on cisgender men.

Female hypergamy leads to male obsession over male appearance, which coincides with rising rates of sodomy and other sexual confusions. Transgender surgery in not just unethical, it’s immoral and impossible. And a growth industry.

.What makes a head shape manly?. I ask. Turns out it depends on whom it belongs to. One recent patient asked for a more angular skull with a peak at the top; another requested the exact inverse, to have his naturally peaked skull rounded. The first patient was black, and the second was white; Eppley suspected cultural standards were at the root of the difference. Some Eppley specialties . like a wide jaw or prominent brow . are universally male, triggered by the hormone testosterone during puberty. Others are arbitrary. Eppley credits the fashion industry for popularizing angular “male model” cheekbones, for instance. Custom implants allow him to adapt to trends more rapidly than other surgeons, who mostly use standard shapes.

Also true of physiognomy. There are racial traits, hormonal traits and contextual traits. I hypothesize that for racial traits, the more unusual are the sexier because hypergamy automatically rejects baseline normal.

While Eppley consults with patients, his wife, Andr?a, the practice’s COO, sits in their shared office and works on an Excel spreadsheet. She manages the finances; Eppley tries to stay in the dark about the cost of the procedures he performs. Andr?a has a short blonde pixie cut…

Probably what I call the New York City haircut, a feminist staple.

…a lineless face, and fantastically high cheekbones (they’re .genetic,. she tells me).

Not likely. But no pic.

She says she’s noticed a shift lately in the type of face male patients are looking for. It’s still masculine, but now they want a dash of the feminine, too. .It’s breathtaking bone structure with prominent, full lips,. she says. .A lot of people are headed in androgynous directions..

God, I don’t want America to die like this.

The article has a few pics of incels photoshopping themselves into “Chads”:

I see what changed but really, it doesn’t seem worth the effort of surgery. The thicker neck is the biggest improvement and that’s just gym work.

Nothing a well-trimmed beard couldn’t have fixed in my opinion. Disorderly hair is a bigger issue for me than a triangular, intellectual/passive-aggressive face shape.

If his original face shape is “Sun”, ovalish, then his predicted personality is one that’s generally nonsocial. He enjoys the party but doesn’t take it personally if he’s not invited. Of course, all men want sex…

On another visit to Eppley’s office, I meet Matthew, 31, who has flown in from the East Coast for a checkup on his third round of chin implants. He has also gotten a rhinoplasty, temple implants, and mouth widening from Eppley. .Women today are definitely pressured more to look a certain way, but if you’re a man, getting work done is more stigmatized,. he says, asking me not to use his last name.

Beauty is all women have. Men have muscles, brains, even wisdom once upon a time, but now that the government is womens’ financial security, she prefers men who obsess over their looks as much as she does.

Matthew isn’t an incel. He knows what one is . he stumbled on their forums while researching Eppley and found them “degrading” to women. He is bisexual and hoped cosmetic surgery would help him date more. He saw it as within the normal, if expensive, range of body improvements, like dieting. He also wants to be famous: .I became obsessed with a lot of models around my age who had that real chiseled bone structure,. he recalls. There was one in particular . Colton Haynes from Teen Wolf . who spoke in a monotone voice that reminded Matthew a lot of his own. Haynes never went to college, while Matthew has a master’s in engineering. .These people have all these followers on Instagram,. Matthew says, “and you’re like, Why can’t I have all these followers?.

One supposes that vanity is a prerequisite for extensive, elective surgery.

Matthew has striking blue eyes with pale lashes, and, thanks to the procedures, a wide jaw and jutting chin. .I.m definitely more happy with the way I look now,. he tells me, although his life is far from transformed. He lives with his parents and works at Best Buy, an arrangement he originally conceived to help save up for surgery. He’s now planning new procedures, including one to fix what he describes as a bump on the tip of his nose, although I don’t notice it.

I thought he had a master’s in engineering? There’s got to be enough demand for engineers that something is wrong if he’s working at Best Buy to save money. Back in the day, men got satisfaction from their career and the act of creating stuff. Now, men get satisfaction from nose jobs and bisexual experiments.

Most of Eppley’s patients are happy with their results in one go, Eppley tells me. But cases like Matthew’s are not uncommon: Roughly 25 percent of his surgeries are revisions of his own work or another doctor.s. That’s higher than most doctors., because implants often require more adjustments than other types of procedures.

Also, because many of his patients have body-dysmorphic disorder and are psychiatrically unable to be happy with their appearance. Hold the thought.

Incels began discussing Eppley’s results around 2014 on Sluthate. They were particularly interested in the custom facial implants designed by Eppley and a team of engineers at the Colorado firm 3D Systems, which are then manufactured, usually in silicone, by a California company called Implant Tech. Patients participate in the process down to the millimeter.

Yeah, I didn’t think he did his own CAD. Nothing wrong with that, as far as it goes.

When I show an incel forum to Eppley, he at first seems confused by the anonymous usernames. We look at a thread by a user named Saiyan who has posted images of his designs for Eppley cheekbone implants and post-op selfies. Finally, it seems to dawn on Eppley: .That patient has done more to promote that style of implant than anyone I know,. he says. He has fielded requests from dozens of patients who specifically reference Saiyan’s photographs. He hadn’t known where they.d found them.

Hard to believe that Eppley never asked how his patients found him in sufficient numbers that he was doing 8-10 surgeries a week.

Eppley.s “whatever you want” philosophy is certainly part of his appeal. Some surgeons will not operate on patients they believe may have body dysmorphia. .To me, that’s a red flag when someone has 200 pictures of themselves on their phone,. says Joe Niamtu, a cosmetic surgeon in Virginia, who declines to operate on many young male patients seeking sculpted faces. .The risk is they.ll never be happy.” Niamtu has referred some patients to Eppley.

About Dr. Joe Niamtu « Dr. Niamtu?s Weblog

Dr. Niamtu.

On forums, incels argue that the diagnosis is often a kind of reverse discrimination and that women seeking invasive procedures to fix relatively small flaws are not greeted as skeptically. .Social media and ease of access/exposure to plenty of top 3% chaddy hunks has literally set the bar much higher for men,. wrote one user. Body dysmorphia “was invented by oldcel psychologists who grew up in the 50s and had NO problem to find a looksmatched or even better-looking wife,. noted another.

It wasn’t about looks back then. It was traditional marriage and no welfare state. Generalizing from this article is risky but there seems to be much confirmation bias in the incel forums.

I get it. You want to believe your sociosexual problems are solvable. But that doesn’t mean they are.

But even Eppley’s learned to be more cautious. In 2009, he sued a former patient who was waging an online war on his practice, creating dozens of SEO-hogging sites (e.g., Her face-lift revision had resulted in a permanent breathing problem, she claimed to filmmakers in the 2006 HBO documentary Plastic Disasters, although she never filed a medical-malpractice suit and doctors who subsequently examined her found no surgery-related abnormalities. Shortly before the court ruled in Eppley’s favor, the patient committed suicide.

Except for the ending, typical hysterical modern female.

Eppley now trains assistants on how to monitor patient communications for signs of mental instability. But he doesn’t turn away those he suspects of having body dysmorphia. .Many of my patients have it to some degree,. he tells me. .These procedures can be really transformative..

“Nature isn’t fair,. Truth4lie, who is half-Dutch and half.North African, tells me. .Some races are more attractive than others,. and biology, he says, determines beauty, not cultural norms.

Again, this is only true in the context of today’s welfare-based, post-scarcity economy for women. Which is not going to last much longer.

In 1993, a 34-year-old neo-Nazi…

Skip. The author probably included this because she was disgusted at low-SMV men presenting themselves as high-SMV. A 26-year old news story, seriously?

In forum posts, incels classify Chads by phenotype (.Keltic Nordid,. .Gracile Mediterranid.) and style (jock, lumberjack, vampire, pretty boy). They repost scientific research on the importance of symmetry and harmony in universal standards of beauty. They discuss the Golden Mask, a Platonic ideal of a face designed by a California surgeon using the ratio of phi.

A promising topic, too much for a segue but here’s a link.

Facial Analysis and the Marquardt Beauty Mask

Truth4lie.s preferred Chad was a common incel favorite: David Gandy, the face of Dolce & Gabbana’s Light Blue cologne ads, in which the British model has a bronzed six-pack, a plump Speedo, and crystal-blue eyes. (That Stefano Gabbana and Domenico Dolce are gay designers best known for an aesthetic of homoerotic high camp was an irony most incels missed.)

Gaydar confirmed.

The more Truth4lie read about Eppley, the more the doctor seemed capable of turning even Truth4lie into a Chad. He remembers one widely shared photo showing what it said was an Eppley patient with a new chin, a new jaw, a new forehead, new temples, and a new skull. .It was like Eppley created a whole new person,. Truth4lie recalls. .Incels have this idea of an ideal superman, and Eppley is the one who does that crazy stuff..

The first time Truth4lie saw Eppley was during a video consultation one summer afternoon in 2016. He was living in an apartment his parents owned. His bedroom was what he calls “typical incel,. i.e., .trillions of fruit flies multiplying, cigarettes and ash on the floor, dirty clothes all over the place, not a glimmer of light.” He took his laptop to the garden outside.

I hope many incels would disagree with that statement. On that note, the article returns to Truth4Lie’s experience:

Truth4lie.s jaw wasn’t severely recessed, Eppley noted, peering at the videoconference feed of the dark-haired 35-year-old side by side with pictures he’d sent by email. Eppley said he could fix his slightly weak chin, asymmetry, and lack of vertical length with a custom jaw implant based on a CT scan of Truth4lie.s skull. (Truth4lie wouldn’t send me pictures of himself, but I found a few online, although I wasn’t sure if they were pre- or post-op. He has short dark hair and dark eyes, a cupid’s bow on his upper lip. He is squinting into the camera. He reminds me of Joseph Gordon-Levitt with a wider face.)

The surgery came with risks, Eppley explained: infection, malposition, asymmetry. In young men getting multiple procedures, the likelihood that one would need to be revised was high. And it was impossible to precisely predict, even for an experienced surgeon, how large or small an implant would look once it was covered with soft tissue. Truth4lie understood, he told the doctor. He made a deposit and booked a date for the surgery, which would cost $18,500, plus the price of a trip to Indianapolis from the Netherlands.

Doesn’t pay for his own apartment. Has $20k discretionary income for plastic surgery.

The operation would include a rhinoplasty revision. Truth4lie had his first cosmetic surgery when he was 19 from a local surgeon who transformed his naturally concave “Arabic” nose into a bunny ski slope, a result Truth4lie had come to see as a botch. Eppley would give his nose a shape that Truth4lie considered “more masculine. . aquiline or Roman, straight with a slight curve at the tip.

The concave nose is indecisive or sometimes intuitive. If “bunny ski slope” means convex then that’s a decisive nose. The straight nose is rational, thus the most masculine, because Barbie doesn’t do NON-emotional.

Seems his personality didn’t change as quickly as his nose.

That October, Truth4lie would take the 11-hour flight to Indianapolis, his first trip to America. He was more nervous about being unable to shield himself from judgmental glances at the crowded airport than about the procedure. When he pulled up to Eppley’s office in a suburban medical park, the parking lot felt like another ocean. Everything in America was too big.

That’s psych trouble, not physio trouble, if he felt judged by random strangers at a busy airport.

A nurse had him read some paperwork. The procedures would take six weeks to heal, and the swelling might continue even longer. When Truth4lie woke up from the anesthesia in Eppley’s surgical center, the room was dark. He felt no pain. Later, Eppley came in, removed the bandage from Truth4lie.s nose, and handed him a mirror. The appendage looked straighter, more male. As Truth4lie left the surgical center, he made eye contact with the nurses and staff, trying to gauge their reaction to his new face.

Back at his hotel, he ordered room service and watched TV. His jaw was still swaddled in bandages, and his mouth was filled with blood. When he removed the bandages, his jaw was not yet swollen. He admired its width and dreamed of a new life.

.I hope everything goes well and this will be a real change,. he wrote on the forum. “But where do I need to begin? I need women, lots of women, to make up for my miserable life. I need a new social circle, a new identity, a new life. I’ve been thinking of leaving my country. I want to live in hotels in tropical countries and live a playboy life there, only fucking hot blonde European girls. I have the money, I have the freedom. I need to go and leave this goddamn rotten place, need to leave everything behind, my old life..

.I think you are expecting too much from just some jaw implants,. replied another user.

I think that sounds like Borderline Personality Disorder but don’t take my word for it. I’ve never been married to find out. *ducks*

When I discovered his real-world identity and tracked him down, Truth4lie at first denied he was the user from the Lookism forum. Then he came clean.

.I feel ashamed about everything,. he told me. .I.m talking to a woman, and I said bad things about them. I’m actually a nice person in real life.” He declined to speak further, preferring not to be reminded of this dark chapter in his past.

A few minutes later, he changed his mind and called me.

Concave nose forever!

By that time, Truth4lie.s account on Lookism had been dormant for roughly a year. One of his last posts, from June 2017, announced he was leaving the online community for good. .Slowly slithering back into society, because looks = NT,. he wrote, using an acronym for “neurologically typical.” In Truth4lie.s view, mental illness was a by-product of his outward appearance; if he were better looking, his depression would disappear.

As a thought, perhaps Truth4lie’s real problem was living among a population that doesn’t look like him. I don’t know where on Earth a half-Dutch, half-North African might find one. But one wonders if this kind of insecurity is a direct consequence of forced diversity.

After his first surgery with Eppley, he tells me, he returned to the Netherlands to wait for the swelling to go down. He was happy with his rhinoplasty revision but couldn’t figure out whether his new jaw was too big. Some days the results seemed perfect. Other days one side looked horrifically large. .Just realized my face is slightly too flat,. he wrote one morning. .Should I fly back to the U.S.?. Eppley pressed him to wait. To feel calmer, Truth4lie listened to long videos of rain sounds.

.My self-image fluctuates all the time,. he wrote on the forum as he waited. .I want to live in a plastic surgeon’s office. I just want to have a bed in one of his labs. Just a bed, a small kitchen, and an internet connection. I want to feel pure within my body and self-validate by looking in the mirror and seeing the flawless skull. When detecting a tiny deformity, I call the surgeon and he.ll be there immediately, along with his assistant and a knife in his hand to cut me open..

If that’s not body dysmorphia then I don’t know what is.

He would come back to Indianapolis three more times that year, staying at the same Holiday Inn off the side of the interstate near Eppley’s office for weeks at a time. For the first revision, in January 2017, Eppley shaved off part of the original silicone implant that Truth4lie thought was too big.

The time in his life when Truth4lie remembers being happiest was that spring, after his second surgery. Before he began to notice new flaws, he spent a brief few months when he felt transformed into a new person. He contacted an old friend in a neighboring town and rebuilt his relationship with his parents. When he took pictures of himself or looked in the mirror, he felt calm. People’s reactions to him appeared to change. They seemed to make eye contact more and smile, though Truth4lie couldn’t be sure if it was all in his head.

But by May, he’d returned for a second revision, during which Eppley replaced the implant altogether to correct a small asymmetry. Another revision corrected for a shape that Truth4lie found, once again, too big. After his last revision with Eppley, over the summer, Truth4lie developed an open wound that took months to close.

On the phone, Truth4lie told me he had recently had his fifth jawline-implant revision, this time with a local surgeon in Holland. .Do you say, .I.m happy with how I look now?… he asks. .Or do you go deeper down the rabbit hole with the chance to fuck up everything with another procedure because you can always be better looking?.

Dude, who pays your medical bills? Your body’s been rebuilt more times than Robocop’s.

He says he doesn’t hate women anymore. But he hasn’t left behind most of the theories about life that he was exposed to on incel forums. Sometimes when he notices a woman making eye contact with other men in the street, the entire world seems to narrow to a harsh, suffocating plane of power dynamics, in which sexual attraction determines all. .Every time I try to talk myself out of things I used to believe, of the black pill, it feels like I am moving away from the truth,. he tells me. It’s hard to want to live when that happens.

The second time we speak on the phone, Truth4lie tells me he has just been released from the hospital after attempting suicide. His last jaw-implant revision was still monstrously swollen, and he was so anxious about it that death seemed easier than looking at his face in the mirror.

Maybe some Generalized Anxiety Disorder, too?

He swallowed pills, then read on Google that his final hours would be slow and painful. So he called an ambulance. When he woke up in the hospital, it felt like being reborn, joyous, akin to the dopamine rush he always felt after being operated on.

.The prospect of a better surgery result is keeping me alive,. he tells me.

Truth4lie is psych-bait wacko. His story ends here.

In 2014, a self-described incel named Elliot Rodger…


When incel Alek Minassian…

Skip. Can’t we have a single conversation about incels without those two being brought up? Alek wasn’t even incel. He identified as a housecat.

Much like women getting breast implants, South Koreans getting eyelid surgery, or bodybuilders taking steroids, the posters on incel forums seem at first to be motivated by the undeniably relatable desire to look better . and therefore be treated better.

Understandable but when the standard of male attractiveness is set by Slutwalk Barbie swiping on Tinder, it’s a target moving too quickly for something permanent like surgery.

Unlike transgender people who pursue surgery, of course, incels tend to be perpetrators, rather than targets, of violence and discrimination.

Total bullshit. Incels aren’t dropping $20k at a time on plastic surgeries because a shooting spree would be more expensive.

.Getting treated better after surgery feels sickening,. wrote one user, LegendOfBrickTamland. Brick had gotten a new jaw, nose, and cheekbones from a surgeon in California, costing him around $30,000, and still he was furious at women and the world. .It’s like, I am the same fucking person, and yet I am somehow better because I spent some money and had a man cut my face up. Might as well just go with prostitutes. At least it’s an honest exchange..

The author’s increasingly visible bias against incels makes it impossible to predict if this experience is normative for post-op incels… what is this world coming to?… but it sounds right, that their frustration at the world wouldn’t end immediately with the world being more accepting of them. I can’t forget how women treated me when I was young, either. But I don’t let it drag me down. Christ wouldn’t want that and in hindsight, I dodged a bullet.

In conversations like this, it was difficult to empathize with incels . they had so little empathy for anyone else. It’s not as if straight men are the only ones who experience punishing standards of hotness and social-media alienation. But only incels react with bile.

This female journalist writing for New York Magazine complains that incels lack empathy. The article degenerates quickly from here.

Plastic surgery has its place in helping one achieve a natural appearance. Using it to achieve a supernatural appearance such as “everybody likes me on sight” is ill-advised and unethical. And one should never use plastic surgery as a proxy for personality surgery because most of what the surgery can do for you personality-wise, can be equally well done with better grooming, clothing and lifestyle choices.

There’s no shortcut to good character.


Sophie Turner’s Wokeness Is Funny

Grab your popcorn, my fellow Libertarians, Gun nuts and Bible-Thumpers! Our LGBT community is being discriminated against by people who don’t believe in discrimination! Hat tip to Computing Forever.

X-Men: Dark Phoenix Actress Sophie Turner: “I Can’t Work in These States” With Pro-Life Laws

Game of Thrones and X-Men: Dark Phoenix actress Sophie Turner declared she will not work in states with pro-life laws like those recently passed in Georgia and Alabama.

Turner did an interview with her X-Men: Dark Phoenix co-star Jessica Chastain with SkyNews, where the two actresses revealed they would not be working in states with pro-life laws.

Aww, I sneered at Alabama for that useless virtue-signaling law but now it’s driving liberals away? So it’s not useless virtue-signaling after all. Mea culpa.

Chastain stated, .There’s a letter going around that I signed saying I’m not going to work in any state that denies rights for women, for the LGBTQ community, for anyone.” She would add, .I.m not going to work in a state that discriminates..

Cluelessness, thy name is Jessica.

Turner would agree with Chastain and indicate she signed the letter as well, .I signed it too. I have yet to tell my agents I signed it.. She added, .They’re going to be like: .What? You can’t work in these states?. Yeah I can’t work in these states..

They’re going to be like: I need a new job, repping a bitch who likes to make money and don’t do crazy behind me back, yo.

When the reporter from SkyNews informed Turner that she had done quite a bit of filming for Game of Thrones in Northern Ireland, where women can face life in jail for aborting a pregnancy, Turner responded, .There was a lot of work of Game Of Thrones there, so luckily we’re moving on..

Policy Director for The Conservative Partnership Institute, Rachel Bovard, echoed the point made by the Skynews reporter. She wrote on Twitter, .Does she know she filmed Game of Thrones in Northern Ireland which bans abortion?. She would even question Mark Hamill and Natalie Portman’s stances on the issue as well, .Mark Hamill and Natalie Portman, who said this about Georgia, filmed Star Wars in Tunisia, where it’s illegal to be gay.” She concluded, .These people are either insanely dumb or insanely hypocritical..

Actress Alyssa Milano revealed that Hamill and Portman had signed onto her letter calling for Hollywood to boycott Georgia.

Before I get to that, the article has a link to Instagram that doesn’t work well for me. Instead of including the specific picture, here are some near-identical memes. Wow, it’s like half the Republican Party has been trolling feminists about rape! Who knew? Republicans on Rape | All quotes confirmed as true, they really said this. These are ...

I like Lockman’s best. My body, my strength, my choice! *Pimp slap*

BartCop's most recent rants - Political Humor and Commentary

For the first time in a decade, I want to hear a politician talk MORE.

That one’s mine. By way of apology, Alabama! Here’s the letter. Notice they think Georgia will accept money in return for keeping abortion legal. That’s hella cynical, Barbie.

Dozens Of Hollywood Actors Pledge To Battle Georgia Filming If “Heartbeat Bill” Passes

This bill would remove the possibility of women receiving reproductive healthcare before most even know they are pregnant and force many women to undergo unregulated, hidden procedures at great risk to their health..

Y’know what, this is the most vile, most evil sentiment I have ever heard a female utter. “If you don’t kill my baby then I will risk my own life to kill my baby myself.” The only sane response is to chain such a woman to a prison bed, wait nine months then sterilize her after the delivery. Here’s the bill, Barbie. Congrats, you’ll never be a mother. That’s what you wanted.

The Georgia bill would ban most abortions after six weeks from conception (or, as the nickname suggests, when a “heartbeat” can be detected). The Georgia House of Representatives has yet to vote on the bill; Kemp is expected to sign it if and when the House passes it.

The law isn’t even passed yet? Truly, abortion is the sacred idol of feminism.

The letter signers vow to “do everything in our power to move our industry to a safer state for women if H.B. 481 becomes law..

Not safer for children, though.

For the Defarge list, here’s the signers. No surprises.

Wil Wheaton? Sod off, washed-up child actor. Your girlfriend is not impressed that you signed this letter even though she said she would be.



Physiognomy: DeWayne Craddock

A quick post on the Virginia Beach shooter. I’ve only found one pic of the guy but he has an excellent case of cutting eyelids:

Image result for dewayne craddock

Cutting eyelids isn’t just the upper eyelid touching the iris, it’s touching the actual pupil as you see here. Authorities haven’t “determined a motive yet” but his face demonstrates a strong sociopath indicator.

The shooting itself is unremarkable. A guy possibly divorced in 2017, always had a misanthropic streak inside him, decided to end it all (politely giving notice to his boss) and then shrug, why not make the news at the same time? I don’t know what motive police expect to find; a manifesto, perhaps. Or maybe people need to know his “why” because they want reassurance it wasn’t a simple “why not?”