Florida Woman: Listen and Believe!

Florida woman repeatedly stabs her husband, smiles for mugshot. After applying for a domestic violence restraining order against him.

Florida Teacher Smiles in Her Mugshot After Stabbing Husband: Cops

Police said Shawn Williams identified his wife as the person who stabbed him when officers responded to the scene Monday morning. The incident happened about 3:30 a.m., police said. Williams. husband told police he and his wife “began arguing and during the argument she approached him while holding a knife. She then stabbed him several times before he ran outside of their residence and called 911..

According to court documents, Shawn Williams was stabbed twice in the back, twice in his right arm and once in the left side of his chest. The wounds required stitches.

Another Sunday night in the trailer park, except for this:

kristy linton williams

Nice shirt, “educator”.

…and this:

Kristy Linton Williams and her husband, Shawn Williams, have been married since November 12, 2016… In November 2017, Kristy Williams filed for a domestic violence injunction against her husband. Details of that filing were not immediately available. A hearing was held on November 30 and a judge issued a temporary injunction. She withdrew the petition for an injunction at a December 27 hearing and the case was closed.

If it’s like California’s system, the judge grants a 30-day injunction but must renew it at a hearing. The timing fits. She pointed & shrieked, got a 30-day injunction and then couldn’t justify extending it. Which means he shouldn’t have been punished with it in the first place.

…and the cherry on the sundae, THIS:

Kristy Williams. “best friend,. Staci Nicole Allen, commented on a local news station’s Facebook page, writing, .s her best friend, YOU WERE NOT THERE AND PLEASE DON’T JUDGE WITHOUT THE FACTS OR TRUTH! She is a HUMAN.not just a teacher! She is a mother! She has a beautiful soul and loves Jesus! She is one of the best teachers I ever knew!.

The neighbors called it in. The cop says he was stabbed in the back. The doc says he needed stitches and a stay. She smirked in the mug shot. And you say I don’t know what happened.

Allen added, .There is way more to this story than anyone will ever know! She was dealing with a lot of hurt and pain! I will say this, SHE WAS PROTECTING HER DAUGHTER who is her world! Innocent until proven guilty!!!

Short trip, methinks. And she plead no contest in 2012 to DUI and leaving the scene of a collision so there’s that.

I.m not condoning this, but again, you weren’t there. She is HUMAN..(you don’t live in those 4 walls she does everyday) Her husband is fine and was home by 8 this morning. I’ve talked to him and her already today! Please just pray for them! She believed in the power of prayer and that’s what she would want! My heart hurts so bad for them all! Please be KIND.Please PRAY!.

Father God, please wipe that smile off her face. And let me watch. Amen.

Another friend, Kimberly Michelle wrote, .I believe there is much more of this incident that we don’t know about. She’s a wonderful mother, teacher, friend and loves the Lord!!!! Something triggered this incident. None of us know what really happened, but I believe there had to be some sort of struggle where she felt she needed to protect herself and her daughter. Love my dear friend and I’m praying …. that people not judge bc there’s a lot more to this story. Praying and loving you Kristy!!!! You have a lot of friends that love you and hope this all gets resolved..

Is there? Is this Shawn guy a creepoid?

kristy linton williams husban

No, he actually looks quite normal. Thick eyebrows for intellect, but more at the other edges than inner so a managerial type not visionary. A lowered septum means he needs to enjoy his work. Good chin, jaw kinda narrow, it’s a “top half square, lower half trapezoid”, which gives him the stable & hardworking temperament. Flat eyebrows confirm a rational, steady outlook on life.

kristy linton williams husband

Yes, that’s a square face modified by a narrowed jaw. Probably works with his hands.

Hmm, he’s a windsurfing instructor. Not a bad fit to my reading but I may have overestimated intelligence. Then again, maybe he just likes being on the water. With all those rational indicators on his face, I fear he hasn’t had enough experience with women to know which of them are psycho. Or alternatively, that that should be a guy’s starting assumption.

She’s emotionally unstable. I didn’t even need physiognomy or the police report for that:

kristy linton williams

Nice slutshot. I wasn’t joking about that smile, by the way. She’s got that kinked upper lip and is baring the upper gums, which denotes very high ego. Angled eyebrows suggest conflict, although they aren’t far from rounded for social.

kristy linton williams

In ten more years, she’ll make an excellent hag.



3 thoughts on “Florida Woman: Listen and Believe!

  1. ‘She.s emotionally unstable.’

    That’s probably the biggest area of blindness most men overlook in women. If men even see one case of emotionally unstable (aka she goes wayyyyy to far)…that’s grounds for breaking up.

    Are they all a little crazy…sure but some do have self control. There’s emotional because of things like menstrual cycles or fatigue from taking care of kids and crazy like taking a knife out to go all stabby or showing off your nudity on camera to entice more flies to the trap.

  2. A habit of smiling so as to bare the upper gums is a red flag for high ego in general. Heavy drug use results in skin color abnormalities but that’s actually an indicator for malnutrition. A correlation rather than a causation, but there’s few causes of malnutrition in modern America other than drug use or mental problems. The “cutting pupils” warning sign can occur temporarily while high on drugs such as marijuana.

    A rectangular face (tall, narrow, right-angled) like hers is associated with the Sanguine temperament, which tends towards bursts of energy rather than a square or round face’s steadiness. That’s not a concern by itself but the stop-and-go rhythm can amplify instabilities.

    A better test for personality disorders than physiognomy, when looking at selfies, is the subject’s clothing and context. In the third picture, she wore a sleeveless shirt with her toddler on her lap. What gets into womens’ heads, when they pose sexy yet have a kid in the frame? No man but hubby will be attracted to that.

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