MGTOW Life: White Nationalist Anklebiters

What’s the difference between Communists and Nazis? They hate each other.

I don’t mind the man-up rants directed at MGTOW. They’re proof of progress. They hate us because they can’t ignore their increasing need for us. God willing, one day they’ll be so desperate as to make us a reasonable offer for our cooperation.

However, Vox Day has begun to lie about Christianity and Scripture in his recent efforts to thwart MGTOWs warning young men away from self-destructively raising the white fertility rate. You believe all men should marry and have kids? Fine. You believe Christ demands all men marry and have kids? Problem.

Worse, as I dug into the material VD has apparently gone full white nationalist, I mean Brenton Tarrant level. This is worth fisking just to demonstrate how little either the white nationalists or the feminists care about the welfare of ordinary men.

His blog has a couple relevant posts but the meat of it is on the following YouTube video. All formatting is mine, taken from the automated transcript.

Darkstream 411: Men going evil’s way

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17 June 2019

So now, what’s the matter with men going their own way? What’s the matter with men who are in fear and in despair, not unreasonably because of the current situation. Well,
let’s point out the first thing fear is intrinsically bad. Despair is intrinsically wrong. Now, that doesn’t mean that it’s not understandable to be afraid of negative outcomes. It’s normal to be afraid of negative outcomes. It is totally normal to be concerned about bad things happening. It’s totally reasonable for you to try to avoid negative outcomes.

God wired us for fear and thus, fear is not intrinsically bad. Thanks for the examples of fear being helpful.

But here’s where the problem begins to enter in. First of all, the argument is invariably full of lies. It’s invariably very wrong. Every young woman is not a whore addicted to selfies. Every woman does not want to secretly divorce her husband and divorce rape any man that she marries and so forth. Those things simply flat out are not true.

Those things also aren’t what MGTOWs say. We say that so many, not every, women are like that today, and society rewards women so much if they do behave that way, that getting married is uncontrollably dangerous. If you want to marry anyway then God help you in both meanings of the term, but we don’t shame anybody for marrying. Your life, your choice, and please allow us the same.

Is the legal system stacked against men? Yes. Are there negative outcomes? Yes.

So why are we having this Darkstream? Because MGTOWs are afraid to get married? Dude, we’ve been saying as much.

But here’s the thing that’s so ridiculous about the statistics that are so often quoted by these fearful and cowardly men. The statistics are general. They don’t apply to anybody specific.

This is total, feckless bullshit, especially coming from the mouth of someone who talks much about his Very High IQ. This is tantamount to claiming there’s no difference in Russian Roulette between one bullet in an eight-shot cylinder and seven bullets. You either live or die so the odds are always fifty-fifty, right?

Did you know how low the estimated divorce rate is for white church-going
Christians? It’s below 10%.

SUCH feckless bullshit. I know a white church-going Christian friend going through a nasty divorce right now. What an unfortunate outlier he must be, except he’s the latest in a string of white Christian friends, family and coworkers ruined by divorce stretching back to my junior high days thirty years ago.

Take all the statistics away and we men can still see the problem with our own eyes.

You know those Bama studies and so forth are total nonsense and they don’t
account for race, they don’t account for a lot of other [factors], don’t account for income, they don’t account for education.

Yes, we already know that marriage has become an exclusive hobby of the Upper Class. The solution to that problem is NOT to demand that Lower Class men reinvent themselves as Upper Class. It is for our gov’t to restore Biblical marriage.

This is a huge difference in attitude. Restoring marriage is the strong helping the weak to succeed. Making demands is the strong writing off the weak as losers. Which would Christ do? Seeing as He provided us a salvation that we couldn’t gain for ourselves….

There are tons of things that you can do to reduce your risk of divorce and divorce rape and losing your kids and all that sort of thing… but even if you look at the worst possible, most exaggerated version of the argument, how on earth do you compare it to historical periods like, oh, I don’t know, the Black Plague?

The Black Death is preferable. A clean death after less than a week of suffering and kids handle the death of Daddy more easily than his removal by the State. The frivorce-industrial complex, that iron-hearted bitch doesn’t let you die OR recover. EVER.

People did not know how Black Death was spread. Not knowing how to avoid it, men didn’t try to avoid it.

But today, the problem is marriage being weaponized against men. Marriage is avoidable. You don’t ever have to say “I do”. God Himself said as much.

If not having sex was known at the time to guarantee a lifetime free of Plague then many young men would surely have gone childless-bachelor. If the married men had then tried to shame and coerce bachelors into marriage and justified exposing them to Plague with “the good of France and who cares if your children be orphans” then the situation would be very analogous to now.

Can you imagine if every single man living in Europe had reacted in the fearful and cowardly way that these men are advocating? We wouldn’t be here. Western civilization wouldn’t be here.

We’ve heard this argument before. “If all men went MGTOW then what would happen?” Obviously, all humanity would die out… the same as if all men were welders not farmers. Welding is fearful and cowardly behavior!

What they are doing that is wicked and evil as they are, [MGTOWs are] attempting to spread their fear.

Yes. Most men should fear getting involved with women, at least to the point of doing very careful homework. “Don’t repeat my mistakes, young man” is timeless advice. Not wickedness.

They’re attempting to spread their despair.

No. We attempt to spread our selfishness. Nobody cares about you as much as you do. Therefore, you should be careful to live the life YOU want, not a life that others demand of you. They don’t have your best interests at heart. They can’t, because they aren’t you.

Selfishness is Christian. There is no reason to follow Christ except to escape one’s well-deserved damnation. That is a very selfish motivation. Better motivations come with maturity but the fear of God is always the beginning of wisdom. Heh, fear. How about that?

They are literally doing the devil’s work.

The devil’s work is to kill, steal and destroy (John 10:10). We MGTOWs kill nobody. We steal nothing. And the only thing we’re destroying by deliberately living for our personal benefit is the many-faced institution of modern male slavery. Sic semper tyrannis.

[This is important] because when we say these things it’s not about trying to convince the men going their own way to stop going their own way. The problem is that they are intentionally attempting to infect young men who don’t know any better.

You want the young men who don’t know any better about women to not be warned about how bad marriage is today? That is vile. Also, that is the purpose of this Darkstream. Vox Day wants to denigrate MGTOWs as evil anti-Christs so nobody will listen to us.

So much for not punching right.

That’s why when we talk about them being weak and fearful and cowardly, we’re not
trying to shame them, we’re not trying to rescue them, we’re trying to put down the

You’re trying to slander and “put down” us so people can’t hear what we have to say? Isn’t that exactly how Big Social Media wronged you?

Vox Day is appropriating his enemies’ playbook. That’s how little difference there is between white nationalists and socialists.

[MGTOWs] are no different than zombies because the zombies are trying to bite other people and MGTOWs are trying to turn them into zombies, too. They’re trying to turn [their victims] into sterile, barren, pale shadows of men who will never understand or realize their real purpose in life and that’s why this is important.

Implying that man’s purpose in life is breeding. That’s the religion of evolution, again, just like the socialists. Christianity teaches that man’s purpose is reconciliation with God and preparation for eternity. If that makes mortal life nice, great. If not, ask Job.

1 Corinthians 7 gives us God’s permission to either marry or not (and Paul’s recommendation to not) so there’s no argument for marriage as a Christian duty. Vox Day never referred to that chapter or its contents in any of the material I reviewed for this post.

Ignoring data inconvenient to the chosen Narrative. Another play from the Leftoid playbook.

Men going their own way do not speak truth. They lie every single time. Every single man going their own way with whom I have ever engaged has lied and so you
can’t take them seriously. You can’t listen to them.

Repeat the lie enough and people will believe it. Was that Goebbels or Stalin?

Now, can we have some sympathy for them because many of them were mistreated and were abused? Of course, you know, they’re like the soldiers who … tried to do the right
thing and they suffered for it. I feel bad for them, for their experience, we can mourn for them, but what we cannot accept is when they rise up like zombies and begin preaching
their gospel of fear and despair and attempt to infect young men with the evil philosophy that they’re trying to push.

This attitude is straight from Brenton Tarrant’s Manifesto. A quote from its introduction:

To return to replacement fertility levels is priority number one. But it is no simple task. There are myriad reasons behind the decline in fertility rates and the destruction of the traditional family unit. We must inevitably correct the disaster of hedonistic, nihilistic individualism. -Tarrant

Emphasis mine. MGTOW is a threat to white nationalism because we advocate men looking out for their own self-interest. MGTOW is compatible with Christianity because we advocate men looking out for their own self-interest. Don’t gain the world at the price of your soul… the murder-suicide edition.

Vox Day is happy to salute the fallen from his staff car until the fallen start warning the next wave about the minefield ahead. Are we zombies or dissidents?

What good are [MGTOWs]? What use are they? They’re not any good. They’re not useful.

Not if you have an agenda requiring many disposable, gullible, unpaid foot soldiers. MGTOWs tend to wise up the chumps.

There’s even an example here in the Bible explaining the intrinsic wrongness and the divine perspective on them.

Bring it.

This came up in the discussion today on the blog and this guy was trying to justify himself and justify his fear and so he actually tried to claim that God doesn’t want you to take a risk because you might lose your fancy pants and lollipops. He actually said capital rather than fancy pants and lollipops but you know, I think we understand what he’s talking about there.

No, I don’t think we should assume that understanding. Segue:

43. Alphaeus June 17, 2019 9:38 AM

[Opening quotation]”Satan does not want men of God to be fruitful and multiply, he wants them to be rendered sterile by fear.”

Satan can’t tempt us if God doesn’t care what we choose, per 1 Cor. 7.

“Be fruitful and multiply” was a command given to two specific individuals, Adam and Noah. Not only were both capable of ending humanity by refusing to reproduce, both had excellent reasons to do so. Adam had just condemned all humanity to the devil and Noah had just been through an apocalypse so horrible that the first thing he did when the Flood ended was plant a vineyard to get drunk.

Once again, 1 Cor. 7 is the marital standard for Christians. Alphaeus begins:

I think the devil has managed to render many men functionally sterile by re-shaping society in such a way that makes it rational to be sterile, and objectively foolish to try to be married and have children.

As Christ put it, some eunuchs are made that way by society. Even so, that’s society rather than the devil specifically.

So that’s why trying to shame those men who make an objective assessment of the situation and choose not to invest in such a risky venture by calling us cowards, etc, is going to work less and less and less as the world gets more and more and more the way Satan wants it to be.

Yep, exactly. They shame us because they can’t lie to us any longer.

I’m not afraid of a woman trying to push me around and insult me and belittle me and grind me in to the emotional dirt. I’m afraid of the [entire gov’t] and the local dog catcher all coming at me to destroy the family that I worked hard for and invested everything I had or ever will have to build.

Now, THAT is what Satanic behavior looks like. Destroy what the innocent built, steal what the innocent earned and when he’s got nothing left, kill him off. I like Alphaeus thus far.

I’m not afraid of the emotional pain of losing my family as much as I don’t believe in wasting my time just to make my self into a chump when I was able to see it coming from a zillion light years away before it happened. … I believe that MGTOW is a rational choice similar to when I choose not to invest in a Ponzi scheme. Sure, if I get in early I might come out like a bandit, but more likely I will just lose everything I put in to it and feel like a stupid chump mostly because I knew it was a Ponzi scheme in the first place.

God wants people to invest, but God does not want us to throw our capital down a rat hole investing in what seem to be to them losing propositions.

Straight from Matthew 7:6. .Do not give dogs what is sacred; do not throw your pearls to pigs. If you do, they may trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you to pieces.”

Also Proverbs 22:3. “The prudent see danger and take refuge, but the simple keep going and pay the penalty.” Which is also Proverbs 27:12.

Alphaeus is spot on. He did not deserve Vox Day’s mockery.

End segue.

I thought that was really interesting because of course it brought a certain verse in Matthew immediately to mind… This is the parable of the three servants [Matt. 25:14-30, recap skipped]. To those who use well what they are given, even more will be given and they will have an abundance, but from those who do nothing, even what little they have will be taken away. Now throw this useless servant into outer darkness where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.”

Never mind the parable’s actual meaning. Vox “immediately” thought of it because the wicked servant is a textbook Gamma, hating his master yet not leaving him for a master he could respect. As if MGTOWs cannot do anything to please God without first pleasing a wife!

Vox cited this Scripture merely to call Alphaeus a Gamma without actually saying it. Which is confirmation, not refutation, of Alphaeus’ points.

There is virtually no contribution that any one man can make that is more important than him having children and raising them, having a family, providing for them, marrying a woman, protecting her, that’s what you do if you are a man.

No more important contribution to a racially pure ethnostate, anyway. Many men raise kids but only a few men can repair my air conditioning. Don’t scoff. Africa and South America are full of men raising kids. I would not care to live in either place. My Scottish ancestors knifed each other regularly over nobody-remembers-what while raising lots of kids. I wouldn’t care to live in that place, either.

There’s more to life than breeding.

Now there are exceptions, of course. [On the one hand,] you know Isaac Newton.

Vox’s insinuation here, which elsewhere he has stated outright, is that any man refusing to breed had better have accomplishments on par with inventing calculus. That’s very strange now that he’s claiming refusal to marry is evil. In Christianity, “useful” never excuses “evil”.

On the other hand, what could the world have done if Isaac Newton’s genetics had been preserved? Maybe Isaac Newton’s son, maybe his grandson would be even more brilliant. Maybe he would have discovered nuclear fusion back in the 18th century. We don’t know.

Then sod off. Maybe Newton’s son would have murdered him before he invented calculus. Maybe his grandson would have taught the Third World to grow plentiful food so they could outbreed Europe. We don’t know.

Now, is it true that some men are not called to be fathers, not called to be husbands, yes, the Bible is very clear on that….

This is another lie. Nobody is “called” to marriage and nobody is “called” to bachelorhood. Christ couldn’t have been more clear on this. “For there are eunuchs who were born that way, and there are eunuchs who have been made eunuchs by others.and there are those who choose to live like eunuchs for the sake of the kingdom of heaven. The one who can accept this should accept it.” Matthew 19:12.

Only the former can possibly be considered an act of God. You are free to choose whether to marry. Whether to have kids. Whether to go MGTOW. Unless society castrates you first, literally or figuratively.

And then calls you a coward for not overcoming the barriers it threw up in your face.

…and those who are called to celibacy, those who are called to serve God only have that what we understand to be the greatest gifts of all…

Greatest gift? What, only virgin men can channel the power of God? Did Christ demand a perpetually staffed castrati chorus somewhere in the Great Commission?

Give me one example, just ONE in the last half century among ten billion people, of God supernaturally and publicly ordering a specific man to never marry. There isn’t. Most people I give this challenge to, they can’t name ANYBODY except Jeremiah, Jesus and maybe Paul in the entirety of human history. Thus, this “you must be uniquely designated by God Himself to have a celibate life forced upon you as a gift” standard is a dishonest, backdoor ban on bachelorhood that violates Christ’s own words.

…but they’re not going their own way are they they are men going God’s Way and that is not what men going their own way claim to be and it is not what they are doing.

A man holding a divine mandate to never marry would be Ultimate MGTOW. But VD can’t bring himself to admit that God can ever approve of a man never marrying even when God directly orders it. He’s that heavily invested in Moar Babeez.

Vox Day wants to live in a racially homogeneous, quietly prosperous homeland with strong boundaries. So do I. It would be great just to have a neighborhood that universally speaks English and vigorously applies the death penalty to porch pirating. But lying about Christ’s teachings and twisting Christianity into a tool of social utility is how we lost our comfortable America in the first place.

Get your priorities straight, Vox. Christ comes FIRST. Before family. Before nation. Before your genetic legacy. Don’t play the Almighty for a chump or a tool and for your own soul’s sake, don’t adopt the Enemy’s playbook of slandering and silencing people you disagree with.


46 thoughts on “MGTOW Life: White Nationalist Anklebiters

  1. I stopped reading Vox a long time ago…but I’m curious…is he even aware of things like how promiscuity in women affects marital stability substantially even after one premarital partner, no-fault divorce, family (aka destroying family) courts, and contraception? Because without addressing things that do legitimately destroy marriage how can you even demand men marry ad nauseam?

  2. He could do it .. why can’t you?! /S

    Earl .. like most Hi IQ people he has huge blind-spots. It reminds me of Academia / Elite Types .. they live in an echo chamber .. and mostly (for now) are insulated to the plight / effects on the commoner .. errrr .. dirt people.

  3. In the Darkstream, VD said that the fact of his childrens’ existence was more important to him than whether they loved him. It’s anybody’s guess whether he was serious.

    He’s long been on the record as a race determinist. That’s why he obsesses over IQ and says “demographics is destiny” and is careless about both the ruin of innocent husbands and State indoctrination of children. I think also that he’s always been Upper Class and never had a humbling defeat. There’s a certain arrogance to highly successful men who have never been through the Valley of Death.

    And of course, Evolution teaches that the only metric of an organism’s worth is reproduction. What will a man decide, if the price of higher fertility is more souls in Hell?

    I’m going to stop reading Vox, too. He’s a useful news aggregator and does good work in alternative publishing, but lying about Christianity is beyond the pale. It hurts a little. Vox was the guy who introduced me to the Red Pill along with Dalrock. My gratitude, and my love of reading, is why I’ve followed him this long. He was also interesting as a self-described, two-thirds Dark Triad Christian. I guess we know which side won out.

    Is it just me or are these “pick a side” moments coming more quickly? I watch California emptying its prisons and wonder who they’re making room for.

  4. Yes a pick a side moment is coming.

    @honeycomb…perhaps I should. From what I’ve found most women and men in general are clueless to just how destructive contracpetion is from a physical, mental, and spiritual standpoint. I could even keep Catholic church teaching out and just highlight the numerous physical problems and mood swings it brings.

  5. I don’t get this idea that I need to fill hell with my offspring. I care more that my kids are raised right, than that I have kids. I’d rather not have a kid, than have one and watch his mom take him to hell with her. I’d have said good riddance when my evil wife divorced me, if I weren’t trying everything to remain their father and an influential fixture of their life. I just got rolled again by my wife, and the Feminist family court, and I submitted to more indignity and expense, as my wife does another victory lap and burnout on my butt. All because I don’t want my kids to be raised mainly by her and become like her. I may end up being shit on for another decade, just to give them a better childhood, and the chance to have a father they can learn about God and righteousness from. I’m glad I only have two boys, considering the damaging godless upbringing they’re currently getting. At this point I’d be proud if my sons both decided to be lifelong bachelors. But that is their decision. I just need to make sure they are well prepared to make a good choice and endure it gracefully whatever they choose. I recently gave a salute to men, on my blog, reserving my highest salute for my wise MGTOW brothers.

  6. I doubt he’s a Christian other than culturally. I still see no reason to stop reading him. He’s arrogant and has blind spots but also finds some interesting stuff and he fights. Take what you like and leave the rest. This is just the internet – there are no strong commitments one-way or the other.

  7. I think the issue is a manner of perspective. Lets look at VD’s background, from a manospherian perspective:
    – went to Cornell
    – was at various points a runner and a martial artist. Now hes in his late 40s-ish and still does competitive football.
    – was in a band at some point that was reasonably successful, apparently.
    – had a well-read WND column
    – wrote like a dozen books
    – literally runs a publishing house and a comics outfit
    I think its fair to assume that VD has, for the vast majority of his life, been a comparatively high SMV individual who benefits from womens hypergamy. As such, his advice and opinions regarding marriage carry little weight for the 80% of men who are rated “below average” on OKCupid.
    Same with people like Owen Benjamin or Stefan Molyneux, or even Steven Crowder. Their advice makes sense in their high SMV lives but not in many other lives.

  8. @earl re contraception.
    It is BECAUSE of hormones causing mood swings that many women choose to go on the pill. This evens out our hormones, gets rid of the mood swings, we can skip the sugar pills and stop menstruating completely, meaning we’re always available to our husbands.
    I suggest you do a little (lot?) more research on women’s bodies and hormones and contraception because currently you appear ignorant.
    Contraception, especially the pill, is great. No cramps, no crazy hormone fluctuations, no mood swings.

  9. Have you heard of the old saying ..

    “It’s better to be thought a fool than to remove all doubt” ..

    Asking for a friend .. heh

  10. @ Lady Muck
    I immediately question if you’ve taken your own advice.
    Suggestion that you research HOW the pill works to accomplish the ends that you visibly enjoy, and the sheer havoc it reeks on a woman’s body. It is not a natural thing at all.
    In this life we cannot have our cake and eat it too.

  11. I suggest you do a little (lot?) more research on women.s bodies and hormones and contraception because currently you appear ignorant.
    Contraception, especially the pill, is great. No cramps, no crazy hormone fluctuations, no mood swings.

    My wife used them briefly and then stopped. There are definitely negative side effects that are not publicized because of The Narrative. When they were first introduced, an old doctor told me they were causing breast cancer in teenage women. Much gets swept under the rug because of the Narrative.

  12. Saw your link today at Dalrock’s site and read this.

    You got it Gunner. It’s just the typical gynocentrism, lying and shaming BS.

    I doubt VD’s never had a hard day in his life. His family is worth $100 million (so no real risk to him in divorce court) and has lived a very insulated and privileged life. His lying and hypocrisy is blatant to anyone who can get one eye opened and isn’t a total moron or sheep. Not to mention that he tells men in the US to get married, fight blah blah then runs off to Italy, lol.

    And worst of all is his twisting of the scriptures. He’s wise in his own eyes and that’s something he better think twice about before he meets his maker when his time comes.

  13. Great post, although I disagree with one small thing: heard this argument before. .If all men went MGTOW then what would happen?. Obviously, all humanity would die out.

    Actually, if all men went MGTOW, maybe it would force some change for the better for once. If men streamed out of their homes, churches, etc. and boldly stated no, we are not your slaves, pack mules, punching bags, jokes, or anything else and demanded to be treated as human beings…..can.t imagine it, but I.d bet there.d be a monumental shift overnight in how men are treated by society.

  14. I am Alphaeus, erstwhile commenter at Vox Popoli. He deleted me and banned me after he posted a personal email I wrote to him and invited his vile mindless minions to attack me.

    I was shocked at how stupid Vox Day turned out to be. I’m even more shocked at how stupid I was to have denied it for so long. When people I know and respect told me that he was an arrogant pigheaded rude obnoxious stupid POS, I’d say, “Oh, he ain’t so bad. That’s just his way of LARP-ing as the Supreme Dark Lord.”

    The thing about his bullshit is that he KNOWS better than anyone else the difference between rhetoric and dialectic, so, the fact that he chose to employ rhetoric against me and MGTOW proves that he is a stupid idiot who doesn’t know how political coalitions work. If he thinks gratuitously badmouthing MGTOW is more important than promoting Nationalism, he’s a demented fool, with or without his 150 IQ. I mean that in terms of dialectic logic. No way can he have Nationalism as a priority if he’s driving MGTOW’s away from it. Only a fool makes enemies for no reason.

    But thanks very much Gunner Q for mentioning me on your blog. Your approbation is worth a lot more than Vox Day’s silly insults, and those of his vile mindless minions.

  15. I think posting this here instead of at Dalrock’s blog is better since I just don’t have the patience for drawn out stupidity right now. Maybe another time.

    jsolbakken says:
    November 21, 2019 at 3:35 pm

    As for gamma, calling someone gamma is not an argument.

    No but it sure is an easy cop out isn’t it? lol.

    Notice that as usual, they’re only response is more pointless insults? lol. All you did was call out VD’s unethical behavior due to him posting a private email of yours to a public forum while getting others to attack you personally. You also called out his cowardliness by insulating himself and others from any kind of response by deleting your post then banning you. And all his mindless followers can do is, “oh, you’re just butt hurt! You’re gamma!” blah blah. Funny stuff.

    It’s like talking to a bunch of hypocritical cunts (or do I repeat myself?), pretending they’re the innocent ones while being so butt hurt themselves all they can say is, “You’ve got a small dick! You can’t get laid! You live in mommy’s basement! You’re gay!” The comedy writes itself.

    Hell, I remember many years ago telling friends of mine not to get married and them responding like VD’s Mindless Minions and cunts do. What happened with most of them? They had their lives destroyed by their ex-cunt wives. Yes, the so-called “alphas” did too. But a few actually had the guts to admit I was right either in writing or to my face afterwards. Although I wish they had listened to my warning instead of having their lives obliterated. But hey, all you can do is try.

    Too many men let their little head do their thinking for them instead of their big head. I’d say that’s where the biggest problem lies with men these days.

  16. I thought Vox Day was smart, and I thought he attracted smart people. I’m butt hurt with my self because I was proven to be so stupid. I’m butt hurt that someone who could be so great has instead chose to be a pathetic POS. It’s not about disagreeing, or being insulted. It’s about hearing idiotic drivel from someone who I had convinced my self was capable of so much better. A person who takes ideas in general and the truth in particular seriously doesn’t get over this kind of disappointment quickly like it was nothing.

  17. The funniest part is how “butthurt” they get when their Infallible Master is questioned in any way. It’s actually entertaining when you think about it. So much projection, hypocrisy and blindness.

    “I thought Vox Day was smart”

    He’s smart but human. That’s a huge strike against anyone. Being smart doesn’t mean you won’t do idiotic shit.

    “I.m butt hurt with my self because I was proven to be so stupid.”

    No need. We all fuck up on all sorts of stuff. The best part of fucking up is learning from them. I learned years ago not to put too much faith in what one man or cunt (of course I never listen to cunts at all, lol) was saying.

    “It.s about hearing idiotic drivel from someone who I had convinced my self was capable of so much better.”

    I wouldn’t sweat it. Put your trust in God. Never a man or cunt. Men and especially cunts will always disappoint you in the end. We don’t have to serve VD or his Mindless Minions. Just think for yourself and follow wherever truth and facts lead you.

    As far as the carnal stuff goes…live frugally, save your money and spend some time in the gym. Be productive in some way. If you’re already doing all that, great! You’ll be in a much better place than most when the SHTF.

  18. Thanks for the good practical advice. It’s not like I’m in psychic meltdown over the love lost between me and Teddy Spaghetti. It’s really just a matter of being annoyed enough to enjoy joining in with his critics in calling him the very mild epithet “Teddy Spaghetti.” And, I feel like I owe it to God and the world to confess my error and to show true repentance by trying to make amends.
    I confess that while I never worshiped Teddy Spaghetti, I found my self making excuses for him the way others did, saying, “oh, that’s just his style and personality; he’s harsh and abrasive but he means well; he likes to provoke people in order to make them think harder…etc. and so on…”
    That’s what I was wrong about. Teddy Spaghetti is a dumb-@$$ with a 150 IQ that profits him and the world nothing.
    It’s especially personal for me because my little sister tried to get me to see what a dumb-@$$
    he is but I was blind, and now I’m shamed by having to admit that she was right all along and I was wrong. Can you imagine how painful that is? She is very gracious though, she acknowledges that his being right about a lot of technical points would tend to throw someone off.

  19. I confess that while I never worshiped Teddy Spaghetti, I found my self making excuses for him the way others did, saying, .oh, that.s just his style and personality; he.s harsh and abrasive but he means well; he likes to provoke people in order to make them think harder.etc. and so on..

    Maybe we just like to not think the worst of people. But then we notice…uh oh, there’s that damned sin nature cropping up again.

    Hell, I’m abrasive myself and think very little of cunts and cunt worshipers (as if you couldn’t already tell) but I don’t do unethical shit like VD did to you.

    Teddy Spaghetti is a dumb-@$$ with a 150 IQ that profits him and the world nothing.

    Not dumb just more like an arrogant jack-ass whose biases are very strong.

    It.s especially personal for me because my little sister tried to get me to see what a dumb-@$$ he is but I was blind, and now I.m shamed by having to admit that she was right all along and I was wrong. Can you imagine how painful that is?

    Not really to be honest. Everyone fucks up now and then. Hell even a broken clock (i.e., female) is right twice a day. I’ve been wrong many times in my life. So what? Know what the best part about being wrong is? It’s an opportunity for learning. Too many times humans get too hung up on being right instead of searching for the truth and facts.

    She is very gracious though, she acknowledges that his being right about a lot of technical points would tend to throw someone off.

    That’s good but here’s the real question…how does she react when she’s on the other end of that? Being right is easy to handle.

  20. “That.s good but here.s the real does she react when she.s on the other end of that? Being right is easy to handle.”

    She’s cool. And since she’s 54 years young, she’s not so little anymore.

  21. To me one of the funniest things about this anti-MGTOW train from these mindless tradcons is their idiotic use of words like “despair” and bullshit like that. Some of these people are using LoTR examples as some kind of comeback. Really? Talk about hilarious. This isn’t a book or a Hollywood movie but real life. MGTOW is a strategy not some give up and despair thing these idiots try to peddle. Even Dalrock pointed out some time ago that they’re just pretending the problem isn’t there. lol.

    Tradcons are just ostriches. In order to succeed you have to accept really and develop strategies around that reality not just stick your head in the sand and berate men for being smarter about marriage than your average dunderhead tradcon. MGTOWs have helped other men destroyed by the system to get back on their feet financially…the ones that aren’t completely annihilated…and even saved many of them from suicide. What do these trad-con-artists have? Ridicule. That’s their “answer” to the problem. LOL!

    Like I said, it’s all comedy gold. Some of these now former tradcons came up to me later and had to admit they were just being ostriches. But they’re too cowardly to accept reality and avoid playing a very rigged game to begin with until AFTER they’ve been nearly destroyed or completely so.

    Maybe if these idiots spent as much time attacking the family courts as they do living in denial we’d get the problem fixed eh?

  22. “Maybe if these idiots spent as much time attacking the family courts as they do living in denial we.d get the problem fixed eh?”

    You nailed it right there. Why, indeed, do these guys attack men who are just trying to protect themselves? There must be a deep psychological quirk at work.

    There’s definitely something weird going on because even though I’m innately a tradcon my self, and I hate being right about MGTOW, I’m also a practical sort of bloke and I take great pains to be realistic and not be stupid. I take the advice of Dirty Harry in Magnum Force very seriously, “A Man’s Got To Know His Limitations.”

    So, what’s up with these guys? If I can transcend my programming why can’t they?

  23. Why, indeed, do these guys attack men who are just trying to protect themselves?

    Let me tell you something…I’ve been at this MGTOW thing (before the acronym even existed) for about a quarter century or so. Almost all of these would-be “alphas” hold the same belief (I’m telling you I’ve seen it so many times before)…

    “It won’t happen to me because they’re so alpha man!”

    That’s why. It’s the selfish mentality of, “I’m the only man in the room and I got mine so fuck you!” kind of shit. They arrogantly see MGTOWs as “beneath them” so if it happens to you or me then why should they care? You’re just a lesser man to them so fuck you. It feeds their adolescent egos. It’s not only pathetic but very unchristian. This is one of the reasons why MRAs never got anywhere. This is why they’ve been so busy posting “butthurt” memes in the thread. They’re superior to other men so they don’t have to give a shit about what happens to any man except themselves. You’re just supposed to fall on your sword and if you get destroyed they’ll just laugh and say fuck you. It’s kind of like some sort of right-wing SJW club or something. So they’re worse than useless at this point.

    Christians are supposed to help each other but these morons too busy feeling like the “I’m a alpha-cock-wannabe-tough-guy” superior. They’re also very gynocentric. It just has a right-wing flavor to it. Too many men HAVE to learn the hard way before throwing off their ego-driven and gynocentric filter.

    As for me, I just laugh at them. It’s comedy gold like I always say. It’s pathetic and sad but also entertaining watching grown men act like their tough guys by having an adolescent boy’s hormonal-driven attitude. Also, as a MGTOW I’m happy to say we’ve gotten other men back on their feet and saved them from suicide. Do you think these idiots would care? Who’s the Satan worshiper here? LOL

    So, either don’t engage them or just laugh at them like I do. Hey, if they can dish it out they should be able to take. At the moment I’m not responding because I have a very tolerance for horseshit at the moment. I’ve already done it many times anyway.

    Workout, make money and at the end of the day they’re going to be the ones facing the jail cell not you while you’re retired chillin’ in your favorite vacation spot or wherever. They won’t think it’s so funny then.

  24. “ going to be the ones facing the jail cell”

    It’s like, they can’t wrap their tiny little minds around just how dangerous the situation is now. The risk is not just losing a few bucks and wasting a few years. Those convicted of domestic violence lose their 2nd Amendment rights, and that is absolutely something I do not want to happen to me if I can possibly help it.

  25. It.s like, they can.t wrap their tiny little minds around just how dangerous the situation is now.

    Like I said before, they don’t think it is going to happen to them PERSONALLY so they think they’re no danger. “Oh my wife would never do that to ME” they think to themselves or “my alpha cock is so thick so fuck you! I’ve seen it SO many times over the years. This way they get to belittle their fellow man and pretend to be in charge of their wives to make themselves feel bigger and better than they really are. It’s a huge ego trip. IOW, it’s all based on emotional shit not reality. Very cuntish thinking. The irony is hilarious.

    All the cunt has to do is pick up the phone. That’s it. Full stop.

  26. I appreciate Vox.s stand that he took with Sad/Rabid Puppies

    What Trad cons almost always overlook either on purpose or by accident, is that any woman can
    At any time
    For any reason
    Take a man.s life just on a say so.

    So as a MGTOW myself I have very little choice but to limit my interactions with women. Not because I dislike them but simply because I cannot chance something like this happening to me. Women who do this are rarely held to account.

    And someone like Vox day demanding that I go back to the plantation and take up the yoke again can quite literally go f*** themselves

  27. > Did you know how low the estimated divorce rate is for white church-going Christians? It.s below 10%.

    The difficulty with this statement isn’t that it’s silly to apply these sorts of generalities to particular cases. The problem with this statement is that it’s almost certainly false. A straightforward lie.

  28. >There is virtually no contribution that any one man can make that is more important than him having children and raising them, having a family, providing for them, marrying a woman, protecting her, that.s what you do if you are a man.

    Even if Vox is right about this, the problem is that these things are no longer an option.

  29. “>There is virtually no contribution that any one man can make that is more important than him having children and raising them, having a family, providing for them, marrying a woman, protecting her, that.s what you do if you are a man.”

    Teddy Spaghetti said this, and it is total garbage. Of course it’s possible and rather typical for a man who does great things to also get married and/or have children. I’m pro-children. I’m not one of those VHEMT types. But, if these guys here in this list I found on the interwebs told us we could have their life accomplishments or we could have their mediocre children, would Teddy Spaghetti still try to tell us the same thing?
    Ludwig von Beethoven
    Henry David Thoreau
    Wright Bros
    Nikola Tesla
    Isaac Newton
    Some guys can have it all, whilst other guys have to choose. The last thing the world needs is a pissant like Teddy Spaghetti choosing for all of us.

  30. What Trad cons almost always overlook either on purpose or by accident, is that any woman can
    At any time
    For any reason
    Take a man.s life just on a say so.

    Yes. Like I said, all a cunt has to do is pick up the phone and men with guns will come to your home and enforce her will on you. And VD and any other so-called “alphas” will be helpless against it no matter how tough they think they are should their cunts turn on them…and many do in the end.

    Hell, I’ve seen cases, and up close and personal, where the cunt waits patiently for decades until just as the husband is about to retire and then…BAM!…she springs it on him. He now has to work until he’s dead. She gets his 401k, his pension, house, car, and so on. But do these cunt-worshiping men listen? Of course not. They just continue to scream at the sky whenever you point this out.

    The usual hysterical cunt response is…
    You’ve got small dick! You can’t get laid! You’re gay!

    And the usual hysterical tradcon response is something like…
    You hate women! Gamma! Butthurt!

    LOL! Comedy gold! ..

    No logic. No reason. No thinking involved. But hey, sometimes you get a guy who thinks with his big head and listens. That makes it all worth it. ..

    For the ones who don’t…
    Cunts are gonna cunt and cucks are gonna cuck.

  31. So as a MGTOW myself I have very little choice but to limit my interactions with women. Not because I dislike them but simply because I cannot chance something like this happening to me. Women who do this are rarely held to account.

    I’ve heard the usual “real men take risks” sort of shit from the you–know-who crowd many times. The most entertaining thing about this is that they are pretending that modern marriage (aka. gambling) is somehow the only risk in life and you’re a coward if you don’t take it. No bitch, please. There are MANY risks in life and the ones that you can willingly enter into are the ones that should be evaluated. It’s what I call taking a “calculated risk”.

    Is the risk/reward ratio worth it or am I just playing Russian roulette?

    That’s a question you should always ask yourself before taking any kind of big time risk. You see, there’s a huge difference between taking a calculated risk and gambling and in my view marriage these days is just like throwing your money and life away at the casino. Even if you manage to stay married (and most of the one married guys I’ve seen are miserable beaten dogs) she still has complete power over you. The phone is right in her pocket and can be used at any time.

    Teddy Spaghetti said this, and it is total garbage.

    Yes it is. The purpose of life here on Earth is to determine where you’re going to spend eternity not whether or not you’ll be remembered or some crap like that. All glory is fleeting expect God’s. All glory, power and honor belongs to Him and HIM alone. I’m not the least bit concerned with what mortal being will remember about me. They’re opinions are nothing. But God’s will is everything. Period. Full stop.

    One day this place will be gone. Forever. Period. Eternity is where it’s most important. But nowhere in the Bible are we commanded to “get married or else”. Avoiding marriage at this moment for perfectly logical reasons doesn’t mean you’re somehow Satanists or sodomite or whatever (what retarded thinking, lol). It’s just a survival strategy for the here and now.

    It won’t always be like this. There is no such thing as eternal decline. One day the pendulum will swing back and the cunts will be put back in their place…and btw the longer this goes on the more harsh it’s going to be. But FOR NOW the best strategy is avoiding hitching yourself to a cunt until the blue pill idiots cuck boys unfuck themselves from their cunt worship. But then that’s the best part…the more guys get fucked over and the longer this goes on the more severe the blacklash is going to be. It’s going to be grand. ..

  32. Teddy Spaghetti doesn.t act very Christlike for his claims of following the Lord.

    I say just look at his fruit. Calling everyone who disagrees with him every name in the book? His stances definitely not what the Bible teaches?

    Professing himself wise, he had indeed become foolish.

    He.s become at best a Pharisee and at worst a megalomaniacal sociopath.

    I somehow doubt the Lord is pleased with him or his mindless minions.

  33. I’ve been accused of taking his insults personally, but I believe his stupidity is what has offended me much more than his calling me a liar, a coward, a sodomite, a Satan worshiper, and a gamma.

    I used to comment on Vox Popoli as “Alphaeus,” and then he posted a personal email I sent to him and sicced his vile mindless minions on me.

    I was prepared to be insulted, because I knew that much about Mr Spaghetti and his goons, but, I was no prepared for the dumbness of their rhetoric. I’m still taken aback by the absurdity of their ludicrous idiocy.

    Mr Spaghetti hates MGTOWs because they refuse to get married and have children, and he rejects them vociferously. Yet, he is a big friend promoter of Milo Yiannopolous, the homosexual who is married to a black man. Logically, one might suppose that if MGTOWs came out as homosexual and married men of color then the white nationalist Mr Spaghetti would then support them? But you can’t ask them because they aren’t interested in answering clarifying questions.

  34. been accused of taking his insults personally, but I believe his stupidity is what has offended me much more than his calling me a liar, a coward, a sodomite, a Satan worshiper, and a gamma.

    I don’t know, it’s pretty entertaining actually. I’ve got one side calling me a sodomite and the other throwing “homophobe” at me because I agree with God that it’s an abomination. It’s actually pretty damned hilarious. It just makes them both look like morons so it’s all good. .. Besides I’ve been called everything in the book over the last 20 years anyway so it’s no biggy. They’re conceding the ground to you anyway. It always makes me laugh.

    The real problem comes in when he doing unethical things like posting a private email for public consumption (the other part of using it as a tool to have others gang upon you is funny because it’s so childish) and deleting your comment and banning you like a coward. That’s disgusting but I admit also kind of funny too since he’s only exposing himself.

    The worst part is doing things like bearing false witness against thy neighbor. When he’s breaking God’s law he’s just asking for trouble on himself.

    Mr Spaghetti hates MGTOWs because they refuse to get married and have children, and he rejects them vociferously. Yet, he is a big friend promoter of Milo Yiannopolous, the homosexual who is married to a black man

    Yeah…it is really weird and idiotic that he’d be so buddy buddy with an actual sodomite while condemning others of being as such for refusing to play a rigged game. The hypocrisy is something to behold. Oh, and he’s not going to be able to hide behind “oh I was just using rhetoric” when he’s standing before God.

    In the end I don’t care what he says about me personally since it’s all so stupid and childish. Like I said, I’ve been called everything in the book anyway. VD’s in the same boat as 18 year old blue haired feminists SJWs…think about that. But he really needs to repent of his sins against God. Stop adding to God’s Word (you’re a Satanists-pedophile-sodomite if you don’t get married…which is just garbage or God supposedly commanding you to get married) and stop bearing false witness.

    The biggest problem isn’t really even VD but is Mindless Minions. I haven’t seen them come up with not only a good argument but any argument at all. It’s all just juvenile name calling and stupidity. I mean man, at LEAST come up with some decent arguments if you’re going to make yourself look like a grown child while doing it. Just tossing out meaningless drivel while simultaneously like, “words having meaning! Gamma! Butt hurt!” I mean really? That’s all you’ve got? LOL.

    Now the best part about all that is how idiotic it makes them look to who ever might be reading. Because like I’ve said before, they’re only hurting themselves and chasing people who might otherwise listen to them away with the exception of only the most gynocentric idiots. Something those goofballs would be doing anyway.

  35. All I wanted was for Mr Spaghetti to be fair to the truth, to be fair to a reasonable argument. I was not asking him to be “fair” to me or to MGTOWs, as such. I was asking in the name of building a political coalition to support what I thought he was in favor of, a more nationalistic America-if-not-first-then-at-least-somewhere-on-the-radar approach to policies. Turns out I was very wrong to suppose that he actually cares about the politics he blathers on about. I sure was stupid, wasn’t I?

  36. All I wanted was for Mr Spaghetti to be fair to the truth, to be fair to a reasonable argument. I was not asking him to be .fair. to me or to MGTOWs, as such. I was asking in the name of building a political coalition to support what I thought he was in favor of, a more nationalistic America-if-not-first-then-at-least-somewhere-on-the-radar approach to policies. Turns out I was very wrong to suppose that he actually cares about the politics he blathers on about.

    Yeah that’s what I’m saying. He’s less interested in building a political coalition and more interested in feeding his ego. If that weren’t true he wouldn’t be completely dismissing those who aren’t cunt-kissers who are real Christians while embracing an actual sodomite at the same time. Remember, this guy looks at people like us as “beneath him”. He’s WAY too full of himself. He’s far too wise in his own eyes, something people need to look out for before they’re standing before God one day.

    It really all comes down to this…these idiots need to spend all of this energy on condemning cunts, cunt enablers, and the family court system. I’ve been trying to get men to do this for two decades but they’re just too full of themselves to do it. They’re too busy with the, “I’m the super alpha-sigma-giant-cock-tough-guy and you’re beneath me! You’re just a lowly [fill in the blank with the one of the same old insults] whatever and I got mine so fuck you!” BS. It’s all about acting o n their childish gynocentric delusions in order to push aside their personal insecurities about themselves.

    For most of these adult teenage boys it’s going to take a real hard shellacking in family court to humble their asses. Because at that point their entire world of what a tough-guy-alpha will become exposed for them to see. Pain is a great teacher for most people, cunts and men alike.

    To the cunt-enabling white-omni-or-whatever nationalist type….

    You guys want your white-or-whatever babies? Destroy the family court system. That’s all you have to do. Stop ignoring it. The problem does not go away by ignoring it. Telling young men to get married and then tossing them aside for “not being alpha enough” is not only unchristian, it’s downright fucking evil. Put the fucking cunts in their place by force of law not by pretending you can phony-alpha-game your way out of it. It’s not rocket science.

  37. Sharkly
    June 20, 2019 at 1:26 am

    I don.t get this idea that I need to fill hell with my offspring. I care more that my kids are raised right, than that I have kids. I.d rather not have a kid, than have one and watch his mom take him to hell with her.

    Same here. Russian Roulette was never one of my favorite games.

    I.d have said good riddance when my evil wife divorced me, if I weren.t trying everything to remain their father and an influential fixture of their life. I just got rolled again by my wife, and the Feminist family court, and I submitted to more indignity and expense, as my wife does another victory lap and burnout on my butt. All because I don.t want my kids to be raised mainly by her and become like her. I may end up being shit on for another decade, just to give them a better childhood, and the chance to have a father they can learn about God and righteousness from.

    Too bad you weren’t MGTOW from the start. You would have saved yourself from so much needless horseshit. When all a cunt has to do is pick up the phone then that alone is enough to make me think, “Nah, I’m good. I’ll let some other poor fucker deal with her horseshit. No sense making myself miserable and being railroaded for no other reason than being born male. nope. Fuck that.

    I.m glad I only have two boys, considering the damaging godless upbringing currently getting. At this point I.d be proud if my sons both decided to be lifelong bachelors. But that is their decision. I just need to make sure they are well prepared to make a good choice and endure it gracefully whatever they choose.

    If they know what’s good for them they will.

    I recently gave a salute to men, on my blog, reserving my highest salute for my wise MGTOW brothers.

    Thanks for the salute man. Non-MGTOWs always wonder why we do what we do but then completely reject our answer when we tell them. lol. But I’ll say it again anyway…

    We talk about these subjects in order to prevent other men from willingly throwing their lives away. We also try and save the already destroyed ones as best we can (the ones that can be helped anyway). I’d say we’re the only group of people on the planet that actually truly gives a shit about our fellow men. All the rest of them just worship cunts.

  38. While we’re on the subject of VD here I see he turned off his comment section “until further notice” except his moderators. I’ve been wondering when he was going to stoop to that. LOL.

    I’m seeing this more and more everywhere. No one wants dissent of any kind so “you can’t talk!” *throws tantrum*. What a bunch of babies these people are. Take a look at this guy’s “comment policy” (check it out in the pinned comment under the video on youtube: watch?v=4DBfKNpE-dc). He might as well just turn off comments since once again…no dissent allowed….

    Read before you comment:

    STAY CIVIL AND POLITE we will delete any comments with personal insults, or attacks.
    AVOID PARTISAN POLITICS AS FAR AS YOU CAN we reserve the right to cut off vitriolic debates.
    HATE SPEECH IN ANY DIRECTION will lead to a ban.
    RACISM, XENOPHOBIA, OR SLAMMING OF MINORITIES will lead to an immediate ban.

    One person responded with this…

    @TimeGhost History Basically as long as people agree with you it’s allowed otherwise dissenting thoughts or facts to your narrative are “Hate Speech”.

    You got it. We’ve got one guy closing comments with the excuse of “gamma”. We have another one policing comments to the point of almost no dissent with the excuse of “hate!” (you notice they’re now starting to add Holodomor denial to make it look more legit).

    These people….LOL. What a clown act these people are.

    Look, I get deleting comments for spam or posting illegal shit but come on.

  39. Hey, wouldn.t partisan visionism lead inevitably to a partisan revisionism in response?

    Well, we know what he really means. He says he’s and advocate of free speech while turning around and instituting a policy that doesn’t allow dissent. And it’s ok for him to be partisan but not you. So, as always, it’s fine when he does it but not you. Just another leftist coward who knows he’s lying. The most amazing this is how little people are calling him on it. Or maybe he just banned most of them who knows?

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