Tara O’Sullivan: Police Convergence & Cowardice

The fatal shooting of a carefully credentialed, not-white male police officer in Sacramento is very illustrative of what happens when Convergence and feminism are put ahead of competence and the masculine virtues. The following spliced from these sources:

htt ps://heavy.com/news/2019/06/tara-o-sullivan/

htt ps://heavy.com/news/2019/06/adel-sambrano-ramos/

Tara O.Sullivan, a former child development major who was part of a groundbreaking leadership program, was identified as the Sacramento police officer who was shot and killed in an active shooter situation that stemmed from a domestic dispute. She was remembered as an officer who was “committed to public service,. in the words of the city’s mayor.

They killed Superwoman!

.It is with a broken heart that we have to share with all of you that earlier today we lost one of our own. While on a call for service in North Sacramento, Officer Tara O.Sullivan was shot and killed. She gave her young life while protecting our community,. Sacramento police wrote. .Our hearts are with Tara’s family, whose pain can hardly be imagined. Please hold her family in your thoughts and prayers..


Tara O'Sullivan

She was smiling way too hard in that last photo. The wide, flat bridge of her nose is correlated with stubbornness. [Let me check on the reading of swept-back ears; hers are extreme.]

The police synopsis:

On June 19, 2019, at approximately 11:43 a.m., the Sacramento Police Department received a call regarding a disturbance between a male and a female. Officers made contact with the involved female at a residence in the 3700 block of Esperanza Drive.

At approximately 5:41p.m. officers responded to a residence in the 200 block of Redwood Avenue to standby while the involved female gathered some belongings from a residence.

That’s what Tara was doing at the scene, escorting the female.

At approximately 6:10 p.m., officers on scene reported shots had been fired, and an officer was struck by gun fire. The suspect continued to fire multiple times and the officers believed the gun used by the suspect was a rifle type firearm.

At approximately 6:54 p.m., additional officers responded with an armored vehicle to rescue the officer that had been shot.

At approximately 6:59 p.m., the officer was transported to a local area hospital.

Officers remained on scene and secured a perimeter to contain the suspect who sporadically shot at officers. Throughout this prolonged event, multiple officers returned fire. Officers also evacuated nearby residents in the area.

Officers from the Crisis Negotiation Team eventually established communication with the suspect. Several hours later, at approximately 1:54 a.m., on June 20, 2019, the suspect surrendered and was safely taken into custody. Officers secured the scene for CSI and detectives.

The officer who was shot, Tara Christina O.Sullivan succumbed to her injuries after being transported to the hospital.

If she lasted that long then the cowardice of her peers is what truly killed her… but more later.

The arrested suspect is Adel Sambrano Ramos, who immigrated from the Phillipines as a teenager. The top right is his mugshot at booking for murder and a warrant for previous domestic violence:

Adel Sambrano Ramos

Adel Sambrano Ramos

1995, First conviction for DUI. Referred to a first offender program, failed to complete, re-sentenced to 2 days in jail and three years’ probation.

1998, Charged with assault & batterly and corporal injury to a spouse, both misdemeanors. The latter was dropped (the battered women never testify) and he plead no contest to the former. Punishment, 15 days in jail and three years’ probation.

January 2001, convicted of petty theft. Punishment, 10 days’ work release and three years’ probation.

Nov. 2018, charged with assault & battery, pending, (apparently) warrant issued for refusing to show.

June 2019, murder of police officer, (not charged:) attempted murders of police officers, discharging firearm within city limits, assault & battery of spouse and endangering the public. If only we could have done something to prevent this!

Also, this:

In 2011, a California Highway Patrol Officer observed pulled Ramos. vehicle over for speeding and broken brake light. The officer smelled marijuana coming from the vehicle then asked Ramos and his passenger for his license and registration; he also asked Ramos to exit the vehicle, the records allege.

The report states that, due to conflicting stories, the officer investigated further and found approximately two grams of processed marijuana on the floorboard and in the cup holder. There was a marijuana plant in the backseat, four cell phones, and the $23,000 in cash bundled in a backpack hidden beneath the driver’s side seat.

Ramos’ passenger was arrested for narcotics violations and ordered deported. Ramos was not charged after signing affidavits authorizing the civil asset confiscation of the weed, the money and the GMC Yukon he was driving. I’m ambivalent about civil asset forfeiture but if we aren’t going to incarcerate or hang the perps then it’s the next best thing.

Whatever. He’s a vibrant migrant, drug trafficker and legit wife-beater. He’s not important. What is, is how Tara came to be on the scene of a violent police incident.

According to Sacramento State, the Law Enforcement Candidate Scholars (LECS) program is the “first of its kind in the nation..

.This program has given me many opportunities to understand what it takes to be a leader in law enforcement,. O.Sullivan said in a video on the program. …

Tara O.Sullivan was one of four seniors involved in the program. She was described as a child development major. In 2017, the program wrote on Facebook, .A big thank you to everyone that made it out to the LECS Program Graduation Ceremony to celebrate the achievement of the first 4 of our candidates to go on to the Sacramento Police Department Academy . Tara O.Sullivan, Denzel Recaen, Joshua Miles Heredia, Timothy Blocker!! We are so proud!…

LECS grads

No white men. That’s not a coincidence. Every one grabbing for his balls. Probably not a coincidence either.

First scholars-to-officers grads look to innovate policing


The first students to complete Sacramento State’s groundbreaking Law Enforcement Candidate Scholars (LECS) program . the first of its kind in the nation . are all headed to the Sacramento Police Academy.

The four graduating seniors are a diverse group and in many ways reflect the community they.ll serve as police officers: Tara O’ Sullivan, a child development major, is white; Timothy Blocker and Denzel Rencaen, both criminal justice majors, are African American and Filipino, respectively; and Joshua Heredia, an ethnic studies major, is Latino.

I see this in my own field of civil engineering. You need a bachelor’s degree to walk in the door but it doesn’t matter what the degree is in. It’s beyond stupid, it’s wasted resources at such a young age that it can cripple a student for life.

LECS is open to all Sacramento State juniors and seniors, regardless of their major. The program’s goals include increasing retention and graduation rates, creating a strong partnership between Sac State and law enforcement agencies, and ensuring that law enforcement personnel and leaders mirror the state’s diversity.

In addition, the program emphasizes the importance of inclusion and cultural competence for future law enforcement leaders and recently held an event, Unconscious Bias and Its Influence on a Culturally Competent Environment, with community advocates.

Pure Convergence. How’d that cultural competence work out for you, Tara?

.We focus on both career and leadership development . and positioning these scholars to become officers and to take leadership roles in the future,. Moffatt says. .Now these students not only will graduate from Sacramento State, but they will have jobs in law enforcement..

Participants choose whether to pursue a career with CHP or Sacramento PD. In the spring, an additional eight LECS graduates will attend the police academy and another 10 will go into the CHP.s academy. The two agencies waive academy fees for LECS graduates.

Participation in the historic scholars-to-officers program is demanding. In addition to their academic studies, LECS students undergo rigorous fitness training and attend workshops on career readiness, effective communication, defensive driving, leadership development, and interview preparation. All LECS students, no matter their major, must complete an academic internship through the Division of Criminal Justice.

The curriculum doesn’t mention firearm training or combatives. Also, police don’t train in DEFENSIVE driving. I can only wish that my driving instructor had taken a few minutes to let me practice the PIT maneuver.

.LECS has given me mentors within the Sacramento Police department,. says O.Sullivan, the only female among the first four graduates, “and an inside look at what to expect in the academy: the tasks that will be asked of me, how to walk, what to wear, how to put up my hair. This is another edge I will have over other recruits in the academy..

She completed a special, two-year university program to learn the first 30 minutes’ instruction of police work. Here’s a chart to illustrate the complete insanity of this:


LECS Roadmap

In addition to getting your bachelor’s in whatever, you must attend workshops, complete an internship, earn a certificate and then are eligible to join a police academy that you would have been eligible for anyway for the actual job training. That’s at least five years after high school to your first day of paid work.

Is police work that incredibly complicated? Hell, no. So why do they do it?


What is the required age needed to participate in the LECS program?

Students must meet … at least 18 years of age.

Can I be a freshman in the LECS program? [Since I’m already Age 18?]

In order to complete the LECS program on time you must be identified as a Junior or Senior according to Sacramento State at the time of acceptance. The reason for this restriction is that the program is designed as a career pathway program for students to enter a law enforcement academy as a law enforcement cadet immediately upon graduation or as soon as possible thereafter.

They age-restrict application to the program because its purpose is to give you a job. Sacramento State don’t want to lose paying customers too quickly.

Recruiter: So, you got prequalified for law enforcement training by getting a certificate while studying Ethnic Child Care for four years?

Barbie: Yes, sir!

Recruiter: Can you describe to me how your teachers robbed you of the next ten years of your life?

Barbie: Huh?

Recruiter: NEXT!

Let’s close with a professional postmortem:

SWAT expert reviews standoff, rescue of Sacramento Police Officer Tara O’Sullivan


By Lilia Luciano, 20 June 2019

It took 44 minutes to rescue Officer Tara O.Sullivan after she was shot while on a domestic disturbance call in north Sacramento. A SWAT expert explains why.


God, I miss the North Hollywood shootout. Remember that one? Bank robbers dressed in body armor, robbed a bank and began a no-shit street war with responding police. Their armor was proof against handgun rounds so a couple cops ran to the local gun store, bought AR-15s off the shelf, then ran back out and shot the bank robbers to Hell. Done.

Today? Lone suspect has a rifle, a team of pre-deployed police fall back and cry for SWAT. No, you cowards, you go to your squad car, grab the shotgun, fuck that fucker and save your teammate’s life.

Oh, well. Tara was no loss, all entitlement and credentialism, fighting crime with “they can’t hit me because I’m a girl”.

That’s why it took 44 minutes to rescue Tara, because every cop on the scene was a cowardly pussy trained to confront only law-abiding white men. But let’s see what a retired-FBI “SWAT expert” has to say.

SACRAMENTO, Calif. . On June 19, 2019, while out with a training officer responding to a domestic disturbance call in north Sacramento, Officer Tara O’Sullivan was shot as she was helping the victim gather her belongings. Hours later, police confirmed O’Sullivan died in the hospital from her injuries.

ABC10 sat down with retired FBI agent Don Vilfer about the hours-long standoff. What follows is a selection from the extended interview with Vilfer, some of which appears in the video above. It has been edited for brevity and clarity.

Lilia Luciano: So, there have been a lot of questions about what happened last night. What could have been prevented? Joining us is Don Vilfer. He is a former FBI agent. He is an expert at these kinds of circumstances because he was part of the FBI SWAT team for five years. Thanks for talking to us Don. So let’s get right to it. One of the big questions that people have is “Why 44 minutes to be able to rescue Officer O.Sullivan?. What comes to mind after hearing the scanner audio clips?

Good question.

Don Vilfer: Right. I’ve listened to some of the radio traffic and looked at the scene that they were at. Here we have a shooter that had a high-powered rifle working in a close area– backyard, front yard –laying down all kinds of rounds, all kinds of shots fired in a two-story building, so he could shoot from an elevated position. And so, all of that created a heightened risk.

A lone shooter can’t possibly cover all those angles. That’s an argument FOR immediate dynamic entry, not against. A straightforward “distract him while I go in the side door”.

Lilia Luciano: So, from what we know, Officer O’Sullivan was responding to a domestic disturbance. I am not a police officer. I have never worked in law enforcement, but I imagine that’s kind of a traditional thing that happens every day. Were they prepared enough, do you think that the protocol was the appropriate one to show up at the scene?

Don Vilfer: I think every police officer knows a domestic disturbance is potentially a most dangerous thing that they could face.

Lilia Luciano: Why is that?

Don Vilfer: You have a lot of tension between the parties involved. The victim could become the aggressor and turn on law enforcement, for example. And there’s this heightened tension because of the relationship issues. People turn to violence sometimes. But from the radio traffic that I heard here, they probably ran his background. They knew that he was potentially dangerous and that he had a criminal record. They brought with them additional officers, initially, before they made contact with him, from what I heard on the radio traffic.

Lilia Luciano: So, they were informed enough to suspect that this guy could be very dangerous?

Don Vilfer: Right.

Lilia Luciano: Let’s talk about the actual rescue. It sounds like they showed up, they were waiting for this BearCat (armored vehicle) to arrive to be able to place it in between Officer O’Sullivan and the house. What did you pick up from that rescue. How did it take place?

Don Vilfer: From the radio traffic, within just three or four minutes a police team probably quickly assembled on site and says, .We’ve got a shield team ready to go.. A shield team is basically officers who can go in a stack behind a barricade that they are moving, maybe laying down cover fire against the subject, and pull the officer out of there. And you know, within minutes after making that announcement that we’re ready to go, somebody made a command decision, “No, that’s too dangerous,” which is a reasonable call here, and said let’s wait for the BearCat. BearCat’s on the way. They needed an armored vehicle because of those circumstances. High powered rifle at close range, very accurate weapon with bullets that can penetrate vehicles. So, you know, you need something to protect the other officers going in.

Sounds more like a Cover Your Ass decision.

Lilia Luciano: I read some comments online. People are wondering why not just police respond with fire and start shooting into the house rather than having to wait?

Yes! Thank you!

DON VILFER: There was a… I think it was in San Bernardino County a couple of years ago where a fugitive was inside a cabin, was laying down fire, and they basically brought in a tank and set the house on fire, and killed the subject. So, that has happened in the past, but this is a neighborhood where rifle rounds–the police officers’ rounds–can go through walls, go through multiple walls, and hurt other people. From what I heard on the radio traffic, they’re not just going to fire indiscriminately.

“Because innocents might get hurt” is moot once the shooting has begun. Anybody who doesn’t get down after the shots and screams begin, after noticing a police squad responding to domestic violence screams, is also not much of a loss.

That incident was Christopher Dorner, an LAPD whistleblower who went terrorist against the LAPD after being punished for whistleblowing. This happened in February 2013 and I bet you didn’t hear about it on the news. He’s a fascinating account of a right-wing terrorist. I might post on him later but here’s a link to his manifesto and notice how much different it is from today’s “I’m hoping to ignite a race war and inspire copycats for Glorious Brave New World!” morons:


Suffice to say, the LAPD shot several people on sight because they mistakenly thought they were him–one died–and when they cornered him in a remote cabin, they fired an incendiary into the cabin Waco-style so he wouldn’t be taken alive to testify a second time. Or the official story, because a lone gunman was barricaded that securely.

You don’t suppose… *checks* No, Vilfer was not involved at Waco. He’s a computer forensics expert. I presume he’s who ABC had on retainer.

Lilia Luciano: How common are these BearCats? I mean, how many agencies do you suspect have these vehicles and how available are they?

Don Vilfer: At least a few agencies in the Sacramento area have those and years ago the federal government was making available to local law enforcement — at no or low cost –a number of military vehicles that could be converted to civilian use for these kinds of things.

It’s a war-surplus thing, not a FEMA conspiracy. As this incident proves, the value of armored cars remains directly proportionate to the size of the infantryman’s balls. Even when they had one on the scene, they didn’t go hunting.

Lilia Luciano: And what else are they used for?

Don Vilffer: Sometimes these vehicles, because they can drive over fences, they can go through walls, they can pull down gates, so they’ll be used for things like that, and to deliver a SWAT team closer to a target without coming under fire.

Lilia Luciano: So, let’s talk about communication between officers and the person who is in the house at this point. During the press conference that I attended, Sac P.D. was saying that there has been no verbal communication yet, and this was close to 9 p.m., maybe 8:30, I can’t remember. But… hours had passed. What’s the usual protocol for a situation like that where there’s a standoff and the person is already shooting?

Don Vilfer: There’s no usual protocol, but you want to establish communication and you want to stop the gunfire by talking some sense into the person, presumably. So, they will try to deliver something to talk to him. They’ll find his cell phone number to try to call him or a local landline number at his house. They’ll say, “We’re bringing you a phone,” something like that.

There used to be a protocol. Kill him before any more innocents get hurt. But then mission creep resulted in only SWAT being allowed to kill. Another way that credentialism gets people killed.

Lilia Luciano: I think another thing that was very surprising to me, but I had never covered anything like this, was that this went on until 2 a.m. It’s such a long time and it’s one person. Why is that? What do you think they were attempting, protecting, preventing?

Good questions, Lilia!

Don Vilfer: The kind of long, long ago SWAT method was to bust down the door and everybody go running in with guns blazing. That changed maybe 10, 15 years ago to more of a slow, methodical approach that’s safer.

Care-based morality.

So, there’s nobody else is going to get hurt because they’ve evacuated the neighbors from their homes. They have the area cordoned off. There’s nobody else inside the house. So, there’s no rush. You know, let’s talk some sense into him. Let’s not get other officers hurt.

Lilia Luciano: Something that they mentioned last night during the press conference, there are more women in the force and therefore it makes sense that… we have lost two young female officers in just a few months. I can’t help but consider that this was a domestic violence abuser. I know you were not an FBI profiler, but what can you talk about when it comes to, well, maybe he could have targeted her because she was a woman.

Don Vilfer: From what I read about his history, he had an extended history of violence against women, juvenile females, adult females. So, that could be that he picked from his sights the female officer.

Lilia Luciano: And is that something that happens? I mean, are women more at risk in any way?

Back in the ‘Fifties, which Cuckservatives claim to want back, a police recruit often had to be at least six feet tall and 200 pounds. People inclined towards violence will target a small, thin woman much more eagerly than a linebacker in a bulletproof vest. If they want to fight anyway then Linebacker probably has the advantages of height and weight. Wrong weight class, Ramos, now you have a black eye AND a felony arrest.

Don Vilfer: No. From my experience, women are generally more accepted by people in the criminal world. They’re more likely to talk to them when being interviewed, more cooperative even to make statements against interest, or confessions. But here we have a unique individual who’s had this problem with violence against women before.

Lilia Luciano: Thank you so much for your time.

Unique individual? Which is it? Is male domestic violence against women such a critical problem that multi-billion-dollar VAWA/frivorce programs are needed, or are men who like to beat on women “unique individuals”?

They aren’t stupid. They’re so invested in their Utopia that they cannot see reality. Educate the young to believe what they should, then debt-enslave them to ensure loyalty, then define every wake-up call as a one-off incident.


One thought on “Tara O’Sullivan: Police Convergence & Cowardice

  1. Two things really ..

    1) She got a taste of equality .. I’m so very happy for her.

    2) These “diverse” PoPo are a cowardly bunch when they are confronted with violence. And sometimes it’s their command protocols / ROE (rules of engagement).

    BUT .. when they (ie active shooter) are shooting .. that’s when you go full-bore hunter-killer on their ass! It’s when they stop shooting that you slow down .. because (s)he’s looking for his next target.

    Anyway .. bunch-oh cowards the whole lot.

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