Roosh V Eats Mushrooms, Finds Jesus, Punks Clergy

Roosh V has reportedly accepted Christ, or at least, rekindled his youth’s Orthodox faith. I was hoping he would. Needless to say for anybody familiar with Roosh, the details are scandalous.

Infamous Pickup Artist RooshV Says He’s a Christian Now

Infamous Pickup Artist RooshV Says He’s a Christian Now

23 May 2019

He says he’s banning any discussions of premarital sex on his website.

Holy Spirit, Batman! I think he’s serious!

Daryush “Roosh” Valizadeh, one of the internet’s most infamous and noxious personalities, famous for his hate-filled polemics against women, says he’s a different person now. After years of writing about why women are intellectually inferior beings worth little more than what they can offer to a man sexually, Valizadeh.known as laying some new ground rules for his blog and the topics that can be discussed on it.and if it’s legit, it’s going to be a very different place.

Yeah, and that was awesome. The Godless pickup artists discovered Original Sin independently of Scripture! Move over, Dead Sea Scrolls, for real! This is independent validation of the Bible from the most unlikely of sources.

God has chosen the fools of the world to mock the wise.

Valizadeh says that he .received a message while on mushrooms. and has re-committed to the Orthodox Church he was raised in. He says he took “the God pill., which seems to be a reference to the red pill and blue pill trope from The Matrix, which has more recently been memed by various fringe groups into a metaphor for “waking up” to the “real world..for example, being “redpilled” means accepting certain conspiratorial beliefs that most people refuse to believe. In Valizadeh’s new paradigm, the “God pill” seems to be a final stage in redpilling.

That’s a little unnerving… dare I say, unOrthodox *GQ ducks*… but I’ve heard of Arabs converting to Christ on the basis of dreams and visions. Just because God reaches white men best through reason and Scripture doesn’t mean that that’s how He does it with every ethnic group.

Roosh tweeted the following on 29 March 2019; it’s apparently been removed.

The path to God for modern man:

Blue pill: Ignorance, denial of nature

Red pill: Truth through materialism (muscles, women, money, status)

Black pill: Acceptance of one’s powerlessness, withdrawal from materialist society

God pill: Submission to God’s will

That’s how one would expect the atheist to come to Christ. Beginning in ignorance, he realizes that humans are fatally flawed, despairs of a materialist solution and turns to God simply by turning away from the devil.

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We won’t be linking to RooshV.s website, since his professed transformation has not led to him taking down any of his disgusting articles with titles like “Women Must Have Their Behavior And Decisions Controlled By Men” and “Do Not Have Sex With Feminists..

Ooh, there’s a bitter feminist somewhere in the world today! There’s no reason he would delete those posts because they’re repeated in Scripture. Independent confirmation, as I said.

But the new rules on his message boards are going into effect on June 1. Among the new banned topics are things like “how to bang” and “Physical intimacy with women you’re not married to beyond the act of kissing.” There’s also now a ban on “pornographic and vulgar language. (he posts examples we can’t reprint here).

Repentance is an excellent sign.

Valizadeh concludes his new message by saying .I created this forum in 2008 to help men fornicate, so I don’t know if it’s possible to “retrofit” it for another purpose, but it’s worth a try. In the meanwhile, I will gradually lock threads that break these new rules if they become active..

During his career as a pickup artist, Valizadeh has argued against women’s right to vote, defended rape “on private grounds” and advised men on how to pressure women into sex (.No means no . until it means yes..). He has also bullied women for their weight, expressed anti-semitic sentiments and has ties to prominent white nationalists and the alt-right.

Being hated by the forces of Wokeness is another excellent sign.

Obviously, a change of heart would be very welcome for Valizadeh, and his online presence can only improve. Time will tell whether he follows through.

No author provided. I’m bummed. Had me $5 that said she weighs more than I do. Let’s read some more.

In a recent post on his personal forum, where users come to brag about their conquests and share their best pickup lines, the blogger announced he was “coming out” as an Orthodox Christian. He said he was inspired by the death of his sister, the decline of society, and a recent psychedelic mushroom trip. He titled the post “The God pill..

.The God pill does feel like the final destination, where life becomes about asking Him for help and performing His will in a way that embraces good,. Valizadeh wrote in the post, which was first reported by the site We Hunted the Mammoth.

.My mind is currently buzzing with this new perspective, and I wouldn’t be surprised if much of my new work will be framed around it..

While I’m hopeful, it would be a mistake for a new Christian to pose as an authority on Christianity.

.I was baptized in an Armenian Apostolic church as a child,. he tweeted. .I’m going to remain Orthodox. I do believe that Jesus Christ was the Son of God..

Valizadeh did not respond to emails and calls seeking comment.

Good, good. Not posing as an evangelist right away is a third green flag.

As pickup artist fever cooled online, Valizadeh, like other members of the anger-filled subculture, moved on to far-right politics and more explicit online misogyny.

He launched an explicitly anti-women site, Return of Kings, which promoted fat-shaming women online and ran articles with titles like .5 Reasons To Date A Girl With An Eating Disorder.. In 2015, Valizadeh proposed making rape legal on private property. He eventually shut down Return of Kings in late 2018, after a Paypal made it difficult for him to make money through the site.

I knew he shut down RoK but thought it was for admin reasons.

Valizadeh has also made inroads with white nationalist groups, even though he is not white. In 2015, Valizadeh gave a speech at a conference organized by white nationalist leader Richard Spencer. Racial differences aside, Valizadeh and white nationalist groups have found common ground on the idea that “feminism is behind the decline of Western Civilization,. according to the Southern Poverty Law Center.

Such obliviousness. “Hey, Nazis! Notice your new guy isn’t white! Didn’t you hear me? I called you all racists but you’re not acting racist! Get with the program!”

Valizadeh.s new focus on finding a wife mirrors the changes in the extremist “manosphere” over the past decade. Initially, would-be pickup artists believed in promises from gurus that they would have no difficulty finding casual sexual partners if they just followed certain rules. When those available women failed to materialize, many amateur pickup artists claimed that the real issue was modern feminism. On their forums, they began to focus instead on finding just one, traditional, often virginal woman to marry: a so-called “trad wife..

Valizadeh.s embrace of religion may be an attempt to pivot to this new, more fashionable brand of misogyny.

You mean marriage?

But the blogger claims finding God was the result of more emotional life events. In since-deleted tweets on the subject, Valizadeh linked to a eulogy for his sister in which he claimed her death from cancer in March 2018 made him feel “like a fool” for his pursuit of fame and women. A message he received while on psychedelic mushrooms, he wrote in his forum post, .further cemented that faith..

Mortality’s a good way to God, too. You know those proverbial atheists who say they’ll have fun then turn to God at the last second? Here his is and he “felt like a fool” for all the debauchery he enjoyed.

Some of the guru’s adherents appeared satisfied with the change. One commenter on his forum posted called it “the single most intriguing thing you’ve written to date.” Another commenter said he was going through the exact same changes in life. A recent tweet, in which Valizadeh compared a woman leading a man over a bridge to Satan leading someone into hell, garnered more than 2,500 likes.

But others were less impressed. “Any change that leads to Roosh not interacting with women at all seems like a net good,. writer Sara Luterman snarked on Twitter. Rebecca Schoenkopf, editor of the blog Wonkette, added she was “not buying it for a second..

Sarah Luterman, fondatrice de "NOS Magazine"

Sara Luterman. Androgyny is disgusting.

Rebecca Schoenkopf - Google+

Rebecca Schoenkopf. She’s brain-damaged, no joke. Notice her eyes have two different sizes of iris? When this picture was taken, she was either high on hard drugs or badly concussed. I didn’t come across a pic good enough to confirm if she’s always like that.

With detractors like these, I think Roosh is for real.

I came across Roosh’s conversion while checking out the June edition of Aaron Renn’s The Masculinist monthly newsletter. I’m not a regular reader but in that June edition, he calls for tolerance and patience with false clergy while simultaneously linking to news of Roosh’s conversion.

That was a very ironic pairing because Renn argues that highly credentialed, smart, professional clergy should not be called out when they repeat the humanist dogma infesting the church, while noticing that Roosh V gained salvation by drowning his grief in peyote. Mushrooms accomplished what seminary graduates could not.

Click to access The-Masculinist-34-Building-Up-Our-Churches-Means-Building-Up-Our-Pastors.pdf

If your pastor is putting out many of the incorrect beliefs I’ve critiqued in the Masculinist, the first thing to keep in mind is that it’s overwhelmingly likely that he is simply repeating what he was taught in seminary or heard from other, bigger name people or simply absorbed from secular culture. This is actually healthy in many respects. I want my pastor to hew close to what has traditionally been taught and what was passed down to him. We don’t need theological innovation. We do not have a faith that is new. But if somebody gets bad information, that can be a problem.

Mr. Renn, did you hear yourself? He is simply repeating what he was taught in seminary or heard from other, bigger name people or simply absorbed from secular culture.

That is not even a Christian. Faith in Christ does not come just from repeating Bible passages. It comes from believing it’s true. Implicit in that belief is that God, not any man, is the source of all truth.

The key is that it’s highly unlikely an ordinary church pastor is teaching something that he has reason to believe isn’t true. In my experience, most of these folks have never even encountered a different viewpoint, except for rival theological treatments that their tradition has already considered and rejected.

This is why you run them out of the Church, not why you play nice with them. Bubble Boy can’t hear you and be assured, that was a conscious choice he made, to make it into professional pastorhood without a clue.

The second thing to keep in mind is that changing his mind is likely to be a difficult undertaking no matter what you do. These beliefs on gender are analogous to political beliefs in some respects. And how often does someone change his political beliefs because of new information? Almost never.

No. There are two genders. Male and female. God created us this way. Science confirms God. You can see gender under a microscope. Rejecting this is not analogous to choosing between Libertarian and Green Party. It’s blatant denial of reality.

Third, these pastors are part of a community with others in their tradition, maybe even part of a tribe within a denomination. Adopting a position different from the group risks relationships, and even their future career path.

Translation, they love the approval of peers more than God. Nothing has changed in 2,000 years.

Realistically, even if you did convince your pastor there is a problem, it’s going to be very difficult for many of them to go against the party line.

That’s why I quit the Church entirely. I got tired of being useless and being lied to.

Finally, speaking the truth on these matters is risky and could create a lot of blowback. Just as a simple example, keep in mind that in today’s world, the people sitting in the pews are reading books, listening to podcasts, etc. from various big name people. So if their pastor starts teaching something different, they may get angry or push back, citing what they think is a superior authority. Most pastors aren’t very interested in that, so they are going to do what they can to stay on the safe side.

And this is where the once-professional prostitute Roosh V punks your worthless Ivy League clergy. They’re too afraid to follow God but Roosh is voluntarily burning his professional history and circle of paying customers to reinvent himself as a son of God. He’s already being hated and smeared by the devil’s witches. AND HE DOESN’T EVEN CARE because it’s not his first rodeo!

Your clergy want to do right by God but are too scared to suffer for God’s sake and believe their teachers can’t be wrong? They should resign in shame and let the whores & scam artists do the work of God. Just as happened in Jesus’ time. Matthew 11:19! “The Son of Man came eating and drinking, and they say, .Here is a glutton and a drunkard, a friend of tax collectors and sinners.” But wisdom is proved right by her deeds..

You’re right, Mr. Renn. We don’t have a new faith! And our traditions are scandalous.


4 thoughts on “Roosh V Eats Mushrooms, Finds Jesus, Punks Clergy

  1. I came across Roosh.s conversion while checking out the June edition of Aaron Renn.s The Masculinist monthly newsletter. I.m not a regular reader but in that June edition, he calls for tolerance and patience with false clergy while simultaneously linking to news of Roosh.s conversion.

    That was a very ironic pairing because Renn argues that highly credentialed, smart, professional clergy should not be called out when they repeat the humanist dogma infesting the church, while noticing that Roosh V gained salvation by drowning his grief in peyote. Mushrooms accomplished what seminary graduates could not.

    What is Renn supposed to say? My take on the newsletter is that the fish don’t know water is wet. Pastors were raised in a certain culture and were never taught to question it. They think they’re doing the right thing. He can’t undermine pastors and we still have to submit to their leadership even though they’re flawed. We’re trying to play a long game here. Throwing our hands up, taking our toys and going home is not the answer.

    you need to go back to church. Ordinarily, there is no salvation outside the visible church. The Christian church has always believed this. Where you and I live, there are definitely church options even though they might require driving on Sunday morning.

  2. I’ve been to nearly all the churches in my region, trying every denomination until I cried with frustration. None of them want me. I’m just headcount and a checkbook.

    If I’m not wanted then I’m not going. No church wants an opinionated lay theologian without a family so that’s that. I sleep in and watch one church die after another. Fortunately, Christ will accept me without a membership card issued by the devil’s dhimmis.

  3. Fortunately, Christ will accept me without a membership card issued by the devil.s dhimmis.
    This is true. WE are not born to go from church to church attempting to find one where the Gospel and sound doctrines are preached; and if we don’t find a solid church, we are not to settle for apostasy; furthermore , to use a witticism, Jesus did not say “now go build a huge stone building and let low men teach you their doctrines.”

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