Los Angeles. Imminent Doom

The Fourth of July Earthquake was 6.4 located in probably the closest still-remote spot to Los Angeles possible.

PHOTO: A 6.4 earthquake struck in Southern California about 150 miles from Los Angeles on July 4, 2019.

There’s an entire fault zone at that location and even in this pic, you can see the main fault line running southwest-to-east across the geography below the red dot. It’s not the San Andreas, however.


6 thoughts on “Los Angeles. Imminent Doom

  1. I wonder what other concurrent event warranted the MSM urgently bringing the collective attention to the matter.

  2. What do you mean? It’s hard to fake a big earthquake and the MSM are so good at burying news stories that they hardly need distractions anymore.

  3. 4th of July tribute to America in DC.

    No, the MSM did not need to conjure anything up, a natural disaster they could up-play was conveniently timed. This story was news-worthy for the Weather Channel, not the all-day coverage on the major networks it received.

    They got to keep one of their manufactured outrages for a rainy day.

  4. Ah, right. Trump’s “militaristic” parade. Ya gotta give him props for knowing exactly how to give a Leftie a Narrative wedgie. If only he actually would stage the coup that liberals feared he was when they saw tanks rolling down the streets.

  5. I thought it was fun. Yes I do live in BFE, about 10 miles due west of that fault. I was hoping for a volcano though, you can see all the old lava flows just to the north of me. The newsies seemed to just wait around talking to each other then they’re off to the races if they think they’re are going to see some suffering. Creepy people.

  6. Welcome, Allen! I was almost epicenter for the Northridge quake so I understand the fun.

    “The newsies seemed to just wait around talking to each other then they.re off to the races if they think they.re are going to see some suffering. Creepy people.”

    Yep, they’ve long since ceased to be anything but paparazzi. It’s funny they all do it then constantly worry about the next layoff… none trying to actually do the job of investigative journalism.

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