Turning Point: the Iowa Hog Farm Murder

A comment on Dalrock’s by Warthog turned me on to the in-progress Iowa Hog Farm Murder Trial. Men are finally beginning to respond rationally, if not morally, to the atrocities of the frivorce-industrial complex.


An Affair, Then Murder on an Iowa Hog Farm


By Kate Seamons, 19 September 2019

On Nov. 10 of last year, an Iowa man called 911 around noon. Todd Mullis said he sent his 13-year-old son to check on his wife, and the boy found Amy Mullis in a shed at their Earlville hog farm with a corn rake impaled in her back. She was pronounced dead at a local medical center, and Todd told investigators that she must have fallen onto the rake. Two days later, Amy’s death was recorded as a homicide.

Hold up, Fargo, you just got competition for my afternoon entertainment.

In a February article on Todd’s subsequent arrest, the Des Moines Register reported that the Iowa Medical Examiner’s Office noted that while the rake had four prongs, there were six puncture wounds in the 39-year-old’s back. Todd, 43, went on trial this week in Dubuque for first-degree murder and faces up to life if convicted. The latest:

The Register cited charging documents that showed investigators discovered a series of searches on an iPad Todd owned made four days before Amy died. Among them: “organs in the body,” “killing unfaithful women,” and “what happened to cheating spouses in historic Aztec tribes.”

HAHAHA! One would think a hog farmer would already know how to butcher a… pig.

On a related note, maybe I should start using an Internet privacy company. Some of my blog-related search queries might give the wrong impression in a criminal court. Example, I collect selfies of famous murderers but not because I’m a fan of their work.

On that note,

Family photos from Facebook show what appears to be a happy family, doting over their children as they showed off hunting trophies and awards for gymnastics and 4-H club

Perp on the left, vic on the right. There’s not much to say about him; he looks like your typical corn-fed Midwesterner. Works outdoors a lot but doesn’t wear sunglasses, to judge from cheek color and ears. I do note his left eye is more guarded than his right, indicating personal life problems. Ditto wifey.

As for the unfaithful part, Amy had been having an affair since late spring of 2018. Jerry Frasher, the 49-year-old field manager for the Mullis’ farm, on Wednesday testified that he had limited communication with Amy over the seven years he oversaw the farm, but that changed by early June. It was then that they engaged in a sexual relationship, seeing each other about once a week, reports the Telegraph Herald.

That’s what “fucking the pool boy” looks like when there’s no pool.

But a month later, Frasher says Todd questioned him over a phone bill that showed 100-plus texts between Frasher and Amy. He assured Todd they were just talking about farm logistics…

Without CC’ing the boss?

…and Todd spoke with Frasher’s wife as well. “Two days later, he called us both back and apologized,” said Frasher, who added that Todd asked that he stop texting Amy. The two switched to email, says Frasher, and last messaged at 10:14am on the day she died.

Frasher’s wife covered for his infidelity and the lovebirds didn’t take either the hint or the second chance.

A typical murder story thus far. Coroner ruled homicide when he found six puncture wounds but the corn rake had only four tines.

Prosecutors say Todd didn’t just kill out of jealousy and anger over the affair, but had a financial motive, too: If she left him, he could lose half the farm and millions in a divorce settlement.


Big uh-oh.

The threatpoint backfired. Killing wifey for something like insurance money is evil, but killing to keep what you already lawfully own is self defense against a robber.

Patricia Christopherson, a friend of Amy’s, testified that Amy confided in her that she wanted to leave Todd but was scared of him, “and if he found out about the affair, he would kill her,” per the Telegraph Herald. The Post reports some friends referred to Amy as “POT”: that’s “Prisoner of Todd.” And Amy’s brother on Tuesday testified that she told him a few months before her death she intended to file for divorce once the season’s crop had been harvested.

You lying bitches. Tears do not move us MGTOWs.

Barbie: “I need a divorce because I’m scared he’ll kill me!”

Judge: “Why would he want to kill you?”

Barbie: “Because I’m having a torrid affair with his business manager that he just found out about and I promised to stop but he also found out I didn’t and I’ll get at least half of everything he ever earned when I leave him the moment his next payday rolls in. Oh, and I’d like full child custody. For my son’s safety, of course. Hubby is a very angry man these days.”

In better times, adulterers were righteously executed. What was Todd supposed to do in this situation? Wifey was holding all the cards: she’d laid down precedents of abuuuse with a sympathetic Sisterhood and he couldn’t even fire her lover without risking sabotage and/or lawsuits. Both his professional and personal trusts were violated and the clock was ticking.

But if she conveniently died… then no divorce, he gets to stay on the family farm and keep doing the only work he’s ever known, he gets to stay in his son’s life and one knowing look at the farm manager will convince him to leave quietly.

If Momma ain’t happy, Momma gets a dirt nap? Is that the future our rulers want?

Here’s a prayer for jury nullification.


15 thoughts on “Turning Point: the Iowa Hog Farm Murder

  1. The threatpoint backfired. Killing wifey for something like insurance money is evil, but killing to keep what you already lawfully own is self defense against a robber.

    Dang RIGHT!

    If Momma ain.t happy, Momma gets a dirt nap? Is that the future our rulers want?

    She’s another slure .. she has multiple tells in that one pic.

    Here.s a prayer for jury nullification.


  2. In better times, adulterers were righteously executed.

    That practice might very well make a comeback, even if extra-judicially. In fact, in a TEOTWAWKI scenario where civil government completely breaks down, you can all but rest assured that it will happen.

  3. They don’t need to mention infidelity in the trial; it’s not pertinent. Farmer not too bright to leave her with 6 puncture marks when she “fell” on a 4 pronged rake. Maybe she fell on it twice.
    He’s going to prison which is where he belongs. And thanks to him, the 13 year old will have no parents.

  4. “They don.t need to mention infidelity in the trial; it.s not pertinent.”

    If it’s the motive then it definitely *is* pertinent. Which is what the prosecution claimed, not the defense. In fact, they were so brazen that the prosecution cited her imminent seizure of his livelihood as the motivation for the killing.

    Had I been the defense lawyer, I would have simply agreed with the prosecution and then asked the jury how they would respond to a credible threat of robbery that the police couldn’t take action against.

    It’s not a bad guess that most jurors in rural Iowa are the do-it-yourself types.

  5. ” The threatpoint backfired. Killing wifey for something like insurance money is evil, but killing to keep what you already lawfully own is self defense against a robber. ”

    Love this. Delineation between motives for killing. Gain vs protection.

  6. The murderer got life without parole. He should have lots of time to think about the fact that he sent his poor son to find his wife’s body and the child now has essentially become an orphan. Great dad. Guess he would have been better off splitting his assets with his wife. The one he killed.

  7. Guess he would have been better off splitting his assets with his wife. The one he killed.

    OR .. we could go back to the way it used to be for unfaithful whores. She got nothing (no cash and prizes .. i.e. kids and money) and liked it.

  8. Honeycomb, and what do you about his great treatment of his kid? Excusable because he wouldn’t have been forced to treat him that way if the wife hadn’t had the affair, right? Men know when they marry that in most states, if a divorce occurs, they split the assets 50/50. Don’t like that law? Then don’t get married. Men know the risks up front so should quit their whining when it happens.

  9. Men know the risks up front so should quit their whining when it happens.

    Well now .. it’s been a while since we had a good ole’ man-hater post here.

    The men who married before “no fault” or shortly thereafter didn’t get divorced on the older established rules. Did they?

    No siree bob. They got a rude awakin’. Didn’t they?

    Same for men today. If you married in the 80’s you didn’t have the those new (man-hating) laws in-place when you divorced. Did you? Nope.

    You never get divorced under the existing laws of that day you married.

    But, “true dat” on knowing the score .. currently .. more and more men are saying no to marriage. It’s just good business.

    I’m sure you’ll be “whining” [sic] / ‘white-knighting’ for th wimminz when they are looking for a ‘good man’ to marry and can’t find one.

    I’m sure you raised some fine whores daughters .. hope it works out for ya’.

  10. “Well now .. it.s been a while since we had a good ole. man-hater post here.”

    LRC snuck past my usual ban by opening with a comment on legal procedure rather than straight man-hating. The local heat wave in Commiefornia must be frying my brain, but it looks like I’m allowing for this post what I’d normally shut down hard.

    The wimminz can man-hate on the post about murderous pig farmers. Seems appropriate. Just don’t leave the barn.

    “Men know the risks up front so should quit their whining when it happens.”

    Flipping the script, adulteresses have historically been put to death. Don’t like that, ladies? Then don’t get married. She knew the risks so the husband is innocent and should be pardoned, and you should quit your whining.

    And unlike your script, my script IS WHAT THE COUPLE ACTUALLY VOWED. “Til death do us part”. She left him so by Corn Rake, he kept his marriage vow.

  11. .Adultresses have historically been put to death.. Yes, and we sacrificed burnt offerings then too.

    And yet .. as a civilization .. we survived (re: stoning adultresses).

    That must mean th wimminz conform to the restraints society puts on’em .. eh?

    It wouldn’t take many “death(s)” to return to a more civil era (re: marriage / family) .. would it?

  12. “.Adultresses have historically been put to death.. Yes, and we sacrificed burnt offerings then too.”

    You can thank Christ Jesus for the improvement. Who, incidentally, has a very dim opinion of wives not respecting husbands.

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