California Helps Frivorced Men Paying Child Support

Hell just froze over this weekend. In the summer. Along with Montana.

Eh, they aren’t helping frivorced men so much as persecuting them less. But it’s still a step in the right direction. As the deep well of child $upport dries up in the Golden Lucre State, wimminz have taken note how much of those kiddie payments have been garnished by Sacramento.

California lawmakers take aim at “punitive” child support system for low-income families

California lawmakers take aim at “punitive” child support system for low-income families

By Erica Hellerstein, 30 September 2019

When Ronnell Hampton was growing up, his father wrote a $600 check every month to pay his child support.

But only $50 of that amount actually made it to Hampton’s family; the rest was sent back to the government to repay the cost of public assistance.

Those numbers seem off; women didn’t cash in hubby for $50/month; but my bitter heart laughs at the wimminz noticing how heavily Pimp Daddy has been garnishing her wages of sin.

That answers the old, feminist dilemma of “is prostitution slavery or liberation”, when she factors in her pimp’s take.

The family could have used the extra cash, Hampton said. He recalled days with the electricity turned off, selling candy and pumping gas to make ends meet, and school outings he couldn’t go to because they didn’t have enough money.

Ronnell is older than Strom Thurmond if he ever pumped gas for a living.

.I wasn’t aware that my father was contributing that $600 because that money wasn’t coming to the household,. Hampton, now 31, said. .When I think of $600 additional into my household growing up, that would have helped out so much..

Did you ever ask him, Ronnell? Or did you just take Mommy’s word that he was a no-good alley cat who couldn’t bother to care for his son the only way he was allowed to?

Sit down with your father, Ronnell. Just you and him. Get the real story on why you grew up fatherless. Father God would like that.

Critics have long argued that California’s child support payback system for families using public assistance is overly punitive, disproportionately affects low-income families, and can drive a wedge between children and their parents.

YA THINK?!? Barbie kicks her husband to the curb for nonspecific abuuuse, takes his children away from him and asks the government to suck on his future earnings like a vampire on a Twinkie, yeah, that JUST MIGHT drive a wedge between children and their parents while those $600/mo payments “perpetuate the cycle of poverty”.

Now, two bills on Governor Gavin Newsom’s desk could change the system for families like Hampton.s, ensuring that more money passes through to families using benefits, and that noncustodial parents aren’t charged interest on government-owed debt.

The bills, currently awaiting Gov. Newsom’s signature, would send more child support money to families receiving public benefits and eliminate interest on overdue child support payments owed to the government. They do this by taking aim at the way child support payments are collected from noncustodial parents and distributed to families using public assistance such as MediCal and CalWORKs.

Somebody, somewhere, in some dark basement in Sacramento, noticed that incarcerating men who can’t pay does not generate new revenue streams.

Under California law, families using public assistance only receive the first $50 of child support payments, even if the noncustodial parent pays hundreds more each month. The rest of the money is sent to the government to reimburse it for the cost of benefits. This practice earns the state hundreds of millions of dollars each year: In 2018, the state collected nearly $370 million from parents. child support payments to pay back the government for the cost of public assistance, according to the California Legislative Analyst’s Office (LAO).

It was never forrrr the chillldren. It was always about the green. The State raked in those child $upport payments while sticking the Feds (or at least other departments) with the costs of single motherhood. Privatized profit, socialized risk… I’ve read about that somewhere….

Daddy giving the money straight to Mommy was the original problem, solved with no-fault divorce. Now the taxman gets to take a cut.

Current policy also penalizes noncustodial parents who miss child support payments that are owed to the government. Late payments incur a penalty of 10% interest, one of the highest rates in the nation. Parents who miss them can have their driver’s licenses suspended, their wages garnished, and can be sent to jail.

But the median income of parents with child support debt owed to the government is less than $15,000 a year, according to a report from the San Francisco-based nonprofit Tipping Point. The report also concluded that most of the debt owed to the state is not collectable, often because the noncustodial parent can’t pay or lives out of state.

So, it’s not a question about mercy for the masculine. It’s the realization by parasites that the misandrists have a private agenda. But morality is still nowhere to be found.

Proponents of the bills say the interest rate, penalties, and the limited amount of money that families on assistance receive, can end up reinforcing the cycle of poverty.

.Once it becomes a debt owed to the government, that money never gets sent to the child,. says Jessica Bartholow, a policy advocate with the Western Center on Law and Poverty, which co-sponsored the bills. .It’s kind of the original sin of the child support system we have in place today, which is, how do we call it a child support system where none of that money goes back to the child?.

We. Told. You. So. For. Decades.

The two bills lawmakers recently sent to Gov. Newsom’s desk intend to change that.

SB 337, introduced by state Sen. Nancy Skinner, D-Berkeley, would increase the amount of money families on public assistance receive in monthly child support payments and eliminate child support debt the state determines is not collectable. Under Skinner’s bill, families on public assistance with one child will receive $100 a month instead of the current $50 and families with two or more children will get $200.

I’m not a fan of debt forgiveness but this is a case of not collecting illegal taxes punishing a not-crime, so it’s good.

Another bill, AB 1092 from Assemblyman Reggie Jones-Sawyer, D-Los Angeles, would end the practice of charging 10% interest on child support debt owed to the state as repayment for public assistance.

An earlier version of Skinner’s bill would have gone even further, directing 100% of child support payments to the family. That provision was ultimately removed amid concerns it would be too costly for the state…

It’s never too costly to eliminate the middleman. Except for the middleman.

…but Skinner says even the increase they did manage to get through . from $50 to $100 . can make a huge difference for families living in deep poverty.

.The cost of living in California is so high that while to many families something like $50 sounds like hardly a drop in the bucket, for a family that is counting every penny, $50 can mean a lot,. she says. .Fifty dollars can mean whether you eat, $50 can mean whether you’re on time with your rent. $50 can mean you’re paying off any type of bill that if you don’t pay, then starts to accumulate penalties or fines..

I sometimes work around those poverty-stricken Section 8 neighborhoods. You never saw so many SUVs and chrome rims.

The impact of debt can extend beyond finances. Researchers have found that the system can create friction between families, with noncustodial parents frustrated that more of their payments aren’t going towards their children, and custodial parents and kids confused and hurt about why they are receiving so little.

Talk about missing the forest for the trees.

Other studies have indicate that relieving parents of their payback debt for public assistance can strengthen their relationship with their children and improve their lives.

A recent study from the Urban Institute, for example, tracked 32 parents participating in a San Francisco pilot project that paid off their government-owed child support debt. Researchers determined that the debt relief led to more consistent child support payments, with an 18-28 percent increase in payments among participants in the pilot project. Parents whose debt was paid off also reported reduced levels of stress and anxiety and had better credit scores, housing opportunities and employment outcomes, the researchers found, as well as improved relationships with their children and even their co-parents, after the debt was eliminated.

After years of painstaking research, properly credentialed think tanks have discovered that men are more likely to pay child support when they aren’t incarcerated.

.It.s always been a question. If you get rid of debt, will people pay? And that’s what happened,. says Jamie Austin, senior director of insights and analytics at Tipping Point, which helped fund the Urban Institute study. “And I think for the insiders of child support, that was kind of proof or evidence that this kind of program relieving debt can work and it can establish a closer relationship between mother and father..

Only repentance can establish that closer relationship, and probably not even then.

Hampton, who advocated for Skinner’s bill and testified at one of its hearings, didn’t learn that his dad paid hundreds in child support each month until years after the fact, when the payback policy came up at a conference he attended. He was shocked. Then he called his dad, who confirmed it.

.Growing up, I just thought it was my dad not wanting to help,. he says, .versus not having the capacity to help. So for me It’s important to make sure that families that don’t have those kinds of experiences..

Dear Ronnell: never, not ever, not even on Christmas, say a single word to your shameless, man-hating BITCH of a mother ever again. Give her the silent treatment because God does not permit you to lie to her as she lied to you, and when it hurts because you have a conscience, remember that your father was innocent.

Frivorce and chilamony was never about helping people. It was about killing fatherhood and looting the men who work for a living. As the pie of middle class wealth shrinks, the factions begin warring against each other for bigger pie slices…

And none of them remember Father God In Heaven, who sees what they do.


5 thoughts on “California Helps Frivorced Men Paying Child Support

  1. We. Told. You. So. For. Decades.

    Your mistake is in imagining most wimminz don’t know this. That is absolutely incorrect. Wimminz do know that they won’t get any benefit, and they know that their children will suffer, and they don’t care, since their goal is not to help themselves or the chillun. Their goal is making the ex-husband suffer.

    Frivorce and chilamony was never about helping people. It was about killing fatherhood and looting the men who work for a living.

    That’s exactly right. Great analysis.

  2. Your mistake is in imagining most wimminz don.t know this. That is absolutely incorrect. Wimminz do know that they won.t get any benefit, and they know that their children will suffer, and they don.t care, since their goal is not to help themselves or the chillun. Their goal is making the ex-husband suffer.

    Bingo. You get it. Cunts are gonna cunt.

    Frivorce and chilamony was never about helping people. It was about killing fatherhood and looting the men who work for a living.

    You bet. Just plain thieves. The cunts and white knights will burn in hell for it too.

    O.T. Meanwhile VD’s mindless minions managed to completely derail a thread about Greta the Climate Change Heroine into an anti-MGTOW screed in the very first post! LOL! Boy, we really do get under the skin of the woman-worshiping brigade don’t we? ..

    But then again the truth always gets under the skin of liars.

  3. Ugh, I prefer to not even think about the vile faceless anklebiters. They’re far more obsessed about MGTOW than I am on my MGTOW-specific blog, as if the Manosphere doesn’t have any external threats worth fighting. Engaging them is pointless and not answering the incessant slanders is frustrating.

    The only solution is to deny them attention, which is why I delete trolls before they attract responses. Dalrock is surely busy but if he doesn’t do a bare minimum of moderation then it’ll cost him reputation and participation.

    Wouldn’t be a bad idea for him to nominate a moderator or two. Novaseeker would be a good candidate, methinks.

  4. Ugh, I prefer to not even think about the vile faceless anklebiters. far more obsessed about MGTOW than I am on my MGTOW-specific blog, as if the Manosphere doesn.t have any external threats worth fighting. Engaging them is pointless and not answering the incessant slanders is frustrating.

    Sorry to bring it up here Gunner. I just found it hilarious because the VERY FIRST post was blaming MGTOW for Greta. The post was so stupid that I literally laughed out loud. And yeah, it can be frustrating but it’s also good to not only get a good laugh out of it but remember something else too Gunner. Many lurkers are going to see it and be completely turned off by their idiotic antics. Sometimes it’s good to let them rave on until even the non-MGTOWs can’t stand them. They’re only cutting off their noses to spite their face. ..

    The only solution is to deny them attention, which is why I delete trolls before they attract responses.

    Good policy. Hey, if VD can do it so can we.

    Wouldn.t be a bad idea for him to nominate a moderator or two. Novaseeker would be a good candidate, methinks.

    Haven’t read many of his posts but maybe so.

    As for the content of your OP I’m kinda surprised that California of all placed would be doing this. Or is that kind of stuff only going to be reserved for the brown people, lol?

  5. Most Communists stabilize the system once they seize control of it. For example, they’ll destroy the power grid to create a useful crisis and then, once all resistance is crushed, start building coal-fired power plants again. The big step here is canceling unpayable CS debts or at least, not charging usury on them. That’s the rational step to get more money out of men but the feminists would rather see us incarcerated even at a steep loss.

    The rabid Communists don’t want a stabilized system ever. They want it all to burn, like Heath Ledger’s Joker. And sad to say, the rabids are the honest Commies.

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