John Wayne’s Last Fight

I went into this originally thinking it’d be a great way to remember how Wayne, among many of his peers, stood against the Communist Convergence of Hollywood. As sometimes happens, my post veered in a different direction during its making… this time into a nightmare of an SJW attack intended to dishonor the Duke forever.

SCA responds to students. protest against John Wayne exhibit

SCA responds to students. protest against John Wayne exhibit

By Summer Dahlquist-Tookey, 29 September 2019

The School of Cinematic Arts will talk with students in the coming days about how to address the school’s exhibit honoring controversial film star John Wayne, Interim Assistant Dean of Diversity and Inclusion Evan Hughes wrote in a statement to the Daily Trojan Sunday.

The decision follows a protest Friday in which two students held up a banner in front of the SCA asking for the removal of The Wayne Collection and accusing the school of “endorsing white supremacy” for honoring the actor.

Contextual Fact 1: John Wayne is one of USC’s most famous alumni.

Contextual Fact 2: This exhibit was installed in 2012, seven years ago.

Contextual Fact 3: One day’s protest by two homos was enough to imperil this homage to one of America’s greatest actors who popularized the only uniquely American cinematic culture, the Western.

.Our values as an inclusive community are predicated on the idea that our student population needs to be heard and have a say about our SCA environment, especially when information comes to light that changes how we relate to it,. Hughes said.

If you’re curious about the Left’s new obsession for child leaders, it’s because the devil is the First Rebel and nobody is more rebellious than brainwashed kids programmed with goodthinks and given power beyond their wit. Brain-damaged, ignorant, ego-driven arsonists are to Hell what paladins are to Heaven: paragons of the most important virtues, who go farther for their spiritual Father than normal people can imagine.

Eric Plant, a junior majoring in fine arts, said they created the banner because of Wayne’s controversial stances and portrayal of Native Americans in film. The banner calls Wayne .a blatant racist. and states that the actor promoted the genocide of indigenous Americans in his films.

.By keeping Wayne’s legacy alive, SCA is endorsing white supremacy,. the banner read.

I can’t find a pic of Eric; however, his ally Saul Singleton is already a published moviemaker, thanks only to his intense LGBT activism. Saul:

He appears to have… a pierced brain. A metal rebar rammed between his ears and crimped to not fall out. Must be one mother of an ice cream headache in the winter. Moving on, pencil neck and sharply triangular face are indicators toward an SJW mindset, confirmed by his choice of pursuing a fine arts degree at >$40,000 per year. Can’t confirm whether his lip corners point down to indicate general pessimism.

Segue to

Saul Singleton’s Since the First Day We Met is a film about a deaf boy’s crush on a fellow student. In the end, the two boys share a quick kiss between them before the credits roll. Harmless right? …

Singleton, currently a senior at Walt Whitman High School in Bethesda, Maryland, was told that because of the Golden Lion Film Festival’s .PG-comparable rating system,. they were “unable to accept any films with clearly illustrated LGBQT+ themes..

He refused to compete according to the rules and was disqualified according to the rules. Anybody but a paladin of Hell would have taken his Certificate of Loser home and re-thought his life. But why lose when you can cry like a spoiled brat instead?

Originally, the Golden Lion Awards stuck to their guns and continued to bar Singleton’s film. However, five days after his initial tweet, they revoked that decision and decided to allow his film and two others with LGBTQ themes into the festival, calling their initial response “insensitive and not well articulated..

While Singleton’s film was accepted, it was only brought to the judging phase. Though happy that his film was allowed entry, he is worried that the awards only accepted it due to bad publicity, and still will not move it forward in the process due to the kiss.

.I appreciate that they tried to show [acceptance] by reversing the decision, but I still think there’s a lot of steps to go towards being more progressive,. Singleton says, adding, .If it gets rejected from the showing at the festival, the only thing that goes through my mind is .Yeah, they still aren’t being the LGBTQ-inclusive that they said they would be.’.

Never give in. Never apologize. Do not feed the animals. It’s not even you they’re screeching at. They’re trying to silence their inner conscience by forcing all outside voices to tell them it’s okay to be Sicko. That’s why their amygdalas squeal when outside voices say the same thing their conscience does.

End segue.

Wayne attended and played football for USC before becoming an actor but is controversial for his stance on the treatment of people of color and indigenous people throughout history.

The Wayne Collection exhibit, which features a statue of Wayne along with several of his personal items in glass cases, was dedicated in June 2012. The collection contains a variety of Wayne film posters, memorabilia, awards and letters.

.I.m going to go every minute that I have and stand there,. Plant said. .I had conversations while I was standing there, and I was getting people to support it. I would like to keep being there and keep having a presence there..

I’ve come to understand that protesting is an actual hobby for a certain mindset. Is it like a Confucian experience? The drop of rational individuality becoming one with the ocean of braying useful idiots?

Plant said they hope to create larger banners and rally people to protest in front of SCA.

.If we can get enough students and if we can get enough faculty to say that this exhibit bothers them, they either have to take the choice of the people that they’re supposed to be representing, or they take the choice of John Wayne and all that terrible white supremacy,. Plant said.

Until Eric does find allies other than his probable butt-buddy, the administration should tell him to pick a mountain and take a hike.

Plant cited a 1971 Playboy interview with John Wayne in which the star expressed support for white supremacy and the removal of indigenous Americans from their land when discussing their reason for protesting the exhibit.

Eric is such a fag, he really does read Playboy for the articles! Wait… my research for this post turned up the fact that this interview went viral in February 2019 and was occasionally popular before then, too. Even covered it; guess I missed the story the first time around.

.I believe in white supremacy,. Wayne said during the 1971 interview, which resurfaced earlier this year. .We can’t all of a sudden get down on our knees and turn everything over to the leadership of the Blacks..

Later in the interview, Wayne said that he didn’t feel bad for the treatment of indigenous people throughout America’s history.

.I don’t feel we did wrong in taking this great country away from them,. Wayne said then. .Our so-called stealing of this country from them was a matter of survival. There were great numbers of people who needed new land, and the Indians were selfishly trying to keep it for themselves..

Plant said they had been working with the Diversity and Inclusion Office at SCA to get the exhibit removed, but believe that protesting will be the most effective means of creating change. SCA has hosted multiple events related to Wayne, and during a 2008 celebration for what would have been his 100th birthday, the school organized an event called “John Wayne: Actor, Star, Icon, Trojan..

Plant added that SCA removed nine items from the exhibit in an attempt to more accurately reflect Wayne’s legacy, but Plant believes the exhibit is still problematic.

…According to Plant, the SCA Diversity and Inclusion Board suggested placing a plaque in the exhibit in order to contextualize and critique Wayne’s legacy. But some students feel that this action does not go far enough to address the injustice.

.That.s not enough,. said Saul Singleton, a sophomore majoring in cinematic arts, film and television production. .I feel like SCA.s trying to give a quick solution that won’t resolve the problem by putting a small section of indigenous point of view..

Nothing will make them happy so let’s not try. Instead, let’s read Playboy Magazine 1971!

This is only an excerpt and I switched to indenting my comments because this is so long. The parts Eric quoted are in underline. It’s worth your time to read the whole thing, it’s an eyewitness account of Communist infiltration.

Click to access John_Wayne_Playboy_Int2.pdf

PLAYBOY: How do you feel about the state of the motion-picture business today?

WAYNE: I’m glad I won’t be around much longer to see what they do with it. The men who control the big studios today are stock manipulators and bankers. They know nothing about our business. They’re in it for the buck. The only thing they can do is say, “Jeez, that picture with what’s-her-name running around the park naked made money, so let’s make another one. If that’s what they want, let’s give it to them.” Some of these guys remind me of high-class whores. Look at 20th Century-Fox, where they’re making movies like Myra Breckinridge. Why doesn’t that son of a bitch Darryl Zanuck get himself a striped silk shirt and learn how to play the piano? Then he could work in any room in the house. As much as I couldn’t stand some of the old-time moguls.especially Harry Cohn.these men took an interest in the future of their business. They had integrity.

Why ever did they stop? Why do few current business leaders care if their company and work endures longer than their pension payouts?

There was a stretch when they realized that they’d made a hero out of the goddamn gangster heavy in crime movies, that they were doing a discredit to our country. So the moguls voluntarily took it upon themselves to stop making gangster pictures. No censorship from the outside. They were responsible to the public. But today’s executives don’t give a damn. In their efforts to grab the box office that these sex pictures are attracting, they’re producing garbage. They’re taking advantage of the fact that nobody wants to be called a bluenose. But they’re going to reach the point where the American people will say, “The hell with this!” And once they do, we’ll have censorship in every state, in every city, and there’ll be no way you can make even a worthwhile picture for adults and have it acceptable for national release.

Foolishly optimistic in hindsight but wow. This is gonna be good.

PLAYBOY: Won’t the present rating system prevent that from happening?

WAYNE: No. Every time they rate a picture, they let a little more go. Ratings are ridiculous to begin with. There was no need for rated pictures when the major studios were in control. Movies were once made for the whole family. Now, with the kind of junk the studios are cranking out.and the jacked-up prices they’re charging for the privilege of seeing it.the average family is staying home and watching television. I’m quite sure that within two or three years, Americans will be completely fed up with these perverted films.

PLAYBOY: What kind of films do you consider perverted?

WAYNE: Oh, Easy Rider, Midnight Cowboy.that kind of thing. Wouldn’t you say that the wonderful love of those two men in Midnight Cowboy, a story about two fags, qualifies? But don’t get me wrong. As far as a man and a woman is concerned, I’m awfully happy there’s a thing called sex. It’s an extra something God gave us. I see no reason why it shouldn’t be in pictures. Healthy, lusty sex is wonderful.

Odd that Eric didn’t bring THIS comment up. “If he was alive today, John Wayne would call me a pervert and a fag!”

PLAYBOY: At what point in your career were you nicknamed Duke?

WAYNE: That goes back to my childhood. I was called Duke after a dog.a very good
Airedale out of the Baldwin Kennels. Republic Pictures gave me a screen credit on one of
the early pictures and called me Michael Burn. On another one, they called me Duke
Morrison. Then they decided Duke Morrison didn’t have enough prestige. My real name,
Marion Michael Morrison, didn’t sound American enough for them. So they came up
with John Wayne, I didn’t have any say in it, but I think it’s a great name. It’s short and
strong and to the point. It took me a long time to get used to it, though. I still don’t
recognize it when somebody calls me John.

It matters, the name you are known by.

PLAYBOY: After giving you a new name, did the studio decide on any particular screen image for you?

WAYNE: They made me a singing cowboy. The fact that I couldn’t sing.or play the guitar.became terribly embarrassing to me, especially on personal appearances. Every time I made a public appearance, the kids insisted that I sing The Desert Song or something. But I couldn’t take along the fella who played the guitar out on one side of the camera and the fella who sang on the other side of the camera. So finally I went to the head of the studio and said. “Screw this, I can’t handle it.” And I quit doing those kind of pictures. They went out and brought the best hillbilly recording artist in the country to Hollywood to take my place. For the first couple of pictures, they had a hard time selling him, but he finally caught on. His name was Gene Autry. It was 1939 before I made Stagecoach.the picture that really made me a star.

This is the only account I’ve ever read about an actor who gave up paying work because he was too ashamed to live a false life.

PLAYBOY: Do you think young people still feel strongly about you?

Ohhh, do they.

WAYNE: Luckily so far, it seems they kind of consider me an older friend, somebody
believable and down-to-earth. I’ve avoided being mean or petty, but I’ve never avoided
being rough or tough. I’ve only played one cautious part in my life, in Allegheny
Uprising. My parts have ranged from that rather dull character to Ralls in Wake of the
Red Witch, who was a nice enough fella sober, but bestial when he was drunk, and
certainly a rebel. I was also a rebel in Reap the Wild Wind with De Mille. I’ve played
many parts in which I’ve rebelled against something in society. I was never much of a
joiner. Kids do join things, but they also like to consider themselves individuals capable
of thinking for themselves. So do I.

PLAYBOY: But isn’t your kind of screen rebellion very different from that of today’s
young people?

WAYNE: Sure. Mine is a personal rebellion against the monotony of life, against the
status quo. The rebellion in these kids.especially in the SDSers and those groups.
seems to be a kind of dissension by rote.

He didn’t have computers to know what an NPC is. Makes me sad, like the knowledge that I get to eat bacon and Almighty God didn’t.

PLAYBOY: Meaning what?

WAYNE: Just this: The articulate liberal group has caused certain things in our country, and I wonder how long the young people who read Playboy are going to allow these things to go on. George Putnam, the Los Angeles news analyst, put it quite succinctly when he said, “What kind of a nation is it that fails to understand that freedom of speech and assembly are one thing, and anarchy and treason are quite another, that allows known Communists to serve as teachers to pervert the natural loyalties and ideals of our kids, filling them with fear and doubt and hate and down-grading patriotism and all our heroes of the past?”

Damn. Good. Point. From possibly the last sane pundit to ever emerge from Irangeles, no less. To this very second, neither the Conservatives nor even most Manospherians dare to so much as advocate for the destruction of our misnamed “education” system.

PLAYBOY: You blame all this on liberals?

This was the first comment from the interviewer that pinged my SJW detector. John Wayne was talking about a specific group, not all liberals generally, and what’s this about blame?

WAYNE: Well, the liberals seem to be quite willing to have Communists teach their kids in school. The Communists realized that they couldn’t start a workers’ revolution in the United States, since the workers were too affluent and too progressive. So the Commies decided on the next-best thing, and that’s to start on the schools, start on the kids. And they’ve managed to do it. They’re already in colleges; now they’re getting into high schools. I wouldn’t mind if they taught my children the basic philosophy of communism, in theory and how it works in actuality.

That would be quite embarrassing for Commies. They always try to burn the past because they fear people remembering it.

But I don’t want somebody like Angela Davis inculcating an enemy doctrine in my kids’ minds.

PLAYBOY: Angela Davis claims that those who would revoke her teaching credentials on ideological grounds are actually discriminating against her because she’s black. Do you think there’s any truth in that?

WAYNE: With a lot of blacks, there’s quite a bit of resentment along with their dissent, and possibly rightfully so. But we can’t all of a sudden get down on our knees and turn everything over to the leadership of the blacks. I believe in white supremacy until the blacks are educated to a point of responsibility. I don’t believe in giving authority and positions of leadership and judgment to irresponsible people.

Eric cut off the “until the blacks are educated to a point of responsibility” bit. SJWs always lie.

PLAYBOY: Are you equipped to judge which blacks are irresponsible and which of their leaders inexperienced?

Ping-ping-ping! SJW detected!

WAYNE: It’s not my judgment. The academic community has developed certain tests that determine whether the blacks are sufficiently equipped scholastically. But some blacks have tried to force the issue and enter college when they haven’t passed the tests and don’t have the requisite background.

I presume he refers to the use of IQ tests in testing potential employees. Indeed, SCOTUS ruled on Griggs v. Duke Power Co. (Griggs being a black man) in March 1971.

PLAYBOY: How do they get that background?

WAYNE: By going to school. I don’t know why people insist that blacks have been forbidden their right to go to school. They were allowed in public schools wherever I’ve been. Even if they don’t have the proper credentials for college, there are courses to help them become eligible. But if they aren’t academically ready for that step, I don’t think they should be allowed in. Otherwise, the academic society is brought down to the lowest common denominator.

That was a wrong answer, Mr. Wayne. Just half a dozen paragraphs back you mentioned that the Commies had already infiltrated the colleges and were working on the high schools, now you say that school is the way to get the requisite background for civic leadership.

When their background reflects wisdom and maturity, is when blacks can be trusted with authority. Just like everybody else. Not when their background reflects ghetto rat life and gimmiedat victimhood. Looking at you, Mayor London Breed.

PLAYBOY: But isn’t it true that we’re never likely to rectify the inequities in our
educational system until some sort of remedial education is given to disadvantaged minority groups?

WAYNE: What good would it do to register anybody in a class of higher algebra or calculus if they haven’t learned to count? There has to be a standard. I don’t feel guilty about the fact that five or 10 generations ago these people were slaves. Now, I’m not condoning slavery. It’s just a fact of life, like the kid who gets infantile paralysis and has to wear braces so he can’t play football with the rest of us. I will say this, though: I think any black who can compete with a white today can get a better break than a white man. I wish they’d tell me where in the world they have it better than right here in America.

PLAYBOY: That’s hardly the point, but let’s change the subject. For years American
Indians have played an important.if subordinate.role in your Westerns. Do you feel any empathy with them?


Full stop. This interview was a Communist hatchet job to coax incriminating statements out of Mr. Wayne. The poor sod stood high against Communism yet didn’t recognize their agent while taking advantage of Wayne’s hospitality. Get him a little drunk, start off with some innocuous questions and jokes about the good old days, and before Wayne knew it, the interviewer was bouncing from one Leftoid cause to another, trying to pin him down on something his peers could exploit.

In perpetuity.

The interviewer was Richard Warren Lewis, a journalist with almost no Internet presence. Here’s his obituary from the LA Times:

Richard Warren Lewis, 65, prolific author and journalist who wrote for several newspapers and magazines including The Times and its now-defunct West magazine. Lewis studied political science at the University of Michigan and served in the Army before beginning his career as a writer. Based for many years in Los Angeles, he wrote more than 200 articles for such publications as TV Guide, Playboy, Playgirl, People, Life and Saturday Evening Post. Among Lewis. books were several anthologies and nonfiction works such as “The Scavengers and Critics of the Warren Report,. published in 1967. On Thursday (March 1998) in Hancock, N.H., of Lou Gehrig’s disease.

Rot In Perdition, Lewis. A cowboy’s last fight should be with a gun, not a devil’s advocate pretending friendship. Back to the interview,

WAYNE: I don’t feel we did wrong in taking this great country away from them, if that’s
what you’re asking. Our so-called stealing of this country from them was just a matter of
survival. There were great numbers of people who needed new land, and the Indians were selfishly trying to keep it for themselves.

“If that’s what you’re asking”. Wayne’s subconscious was also sounding the alarm. Alas, it went unheeded.

PLAYBOY: Weren’t the virtue of prior possession.the rightful owners of the land?

WAYNE: Look, I’m sure there have been inequalities. If those inequalities are presently
affecting any of the Indians now alive, they have a right to a court hearing. But what
happened 100 years ago in our country can’t be blamed on us today.

PLAYBOY: Indians today are still being dehumanized on reservations.

Oh, yeah. Gloves-off SJW feeding frenzy.

WAYNE: I’m quite sure that the concept of a government-run reservation would have an
ill effect on anyone. But that seems to be what the socialists are working for
have everyone cared for from cradle to grave.

Nice comeback, but one shouldn’t continue engaging an SJW when caught off-guard. Only fight the battles you’re prepared for.

PLAYBOY: Indians on reservations are more neglected than cared for. Even if you
accept the principle of expropriation, don’t you think a more humane solution to the Indian problem could have been devised?

WAYNE: This may come as a surprise to you, but I wasn’t alive when reservations were
created.even if I do look that old. I have no idea what the best method of dealing with
the Indians in the 1800s would have been. Our forefathers evidently thought they were
doing the right thing.

I skip sections discussing the Vietnam war and Lewis’ accusations projections of Wayne’s blacklisting.

PLAYBOY: What sort of [violent] activists?

WAYNE: A lot of Communist-activated people. I know communism’s a horrible word to
some people. They laugh and say, “He’ll be finding them under his bed tomorrow.”

Or be interviewed by them on his yacht.

But perhaps that’s because their kid hasn’t been inculcated yet. Dr. Herbert Marcuse, the
political philosopher at the University of California at San Diego, who is quite obviously
a Marxist, put it very succinctly when he said, “We will use the anarchists.”

PLAYBOY: Why do you think leftist ideologues such as Marcuse have become heroes on so many of the nation’s campuses?

WAYNE: Marcuse has become a hero only for an articulate clique. The men that give me faith in my country are fellas like Spiro Agnew, not the Marcuses. They’ve attempted in every way to humiliate Agnew. They’ve tried the old Rooseveltian thing of trying to laugh him out of political value of his party. Every comedian’s taken a crack at him. But I bet if you took a poll today, he’d probably be one of the most popular men in the United States. Nobody likes Spiro Agnew but the people. Yet he and other responsible government leaders are booed and pelted when they speak on college campuses.

PLAYBOY: Beyond the anti-administration demonstrations on campuses, do you think there’s any justification for such tactics as student occupation of college administrative offices?

What a stupid question.

WAYNE: One or two percent of the kids is involved in things like that. But they get away with it because 10 percent of the teaching community is behind them. I see on TV how, when the police are trying to keep the kids in line, like up at the University of California at Berkeley, all of a sudden there’s a bunch of martyr-professors trying to egg the police into violent action.

Today it’s Bike Lock Man, yeah. Wayne had these guys pegged.

PLAYBOY: If you were faced with such a confrontation, how would you handle it?

“I’m asking for a friend.”

WAYNE: Well, when I went to USC, if anybody had gone into the president’s office and
shit in his wastepaper basket and used the dirt to write vulgar words on the wall, not only the football team but the average kid on campus would have gone to work on the guy. There doesn’t seem to be respect for authority anymore; these student dissenters act like children who have to have their own way on everything. They’re immature and living in a little world all their own. Just like hippie dropouts, they’re afraid to face the real competitive world.

Ah, so that’s why Eric spends mega-$$$ for an obviously useless college degree. I hope he feels the burn of guilt as he tears down men whose every movie flop is a healthier, more enjoyable achievement than anything crybullies like him can ever hope to achieve.

Man, I didn’t want to end a reminiscence on John Wayne with how he got pwned at the end of his life by the very enemies he fought against off-camera. This was supposed to be a happy post. But it does serve as a cautionary tale for us Red-Pilled today and I can give the Duke the last word:

Although he enrolled in a cancer vaccine study in an attempt to ward off the disease, Wayne died of stomach cancer on June 11, 1979, at the UCLA Medical Center. His body was buried in the Pacific View Memorial Park Cemetery in Corona del Mar, Newport Beach. According to his son Patrick and his grandson Matthew Mu?oz, who was a priest in the California Diocese of Orange, Wayne converted to Roman Catholicism shortly before his death.

He requested that his tombstone read “Feo, Fuerte y Formal”, a Spanish epitaph Wayne described as meaning “ugly, strong, and dignified”. His grave, which was unmarked for 20 years, has been marked since 1999 with a quotation from his controversial 1971 Playboy interview:

“Tomorrow is the most important thing in life. Comes into us at midnight very clean. It’s perfect when it arrives and it puts itself in our hands. It hopes we’ve learned something from yesterday.”



3 thoughts on “John Wayne’s Last Fight

  1. We’ve lost so much ground since then, and it’s mostly due to Christians siding with the interviewer instead of the Duke.

    You have a typo in your first sentence.

  2. ” It.s not even you screeching at. trying to silence their inner conscience by forcing all outside voices to tell them it.s okay to be Sicko. ”

    Stealing this.

    ” Eric is such a fag, he really does read Playboy for the articles! ”

    Also, stealing this.

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