Meet Some Climate Change Factors

On this lazy Sunday, I want to embarrass some eco-Nazis. Begin!

California Wildfires Signal the Arrival of a Planetary Fire Age

By Stephen Pyne

As a historian of fire, I know that no single factor drives it. Flames synthesize their surroundings. Fire is a driverless car that barrels down the road integrating whatever is around it.

We begin our search for embarrass-able people in the Ivory Tower of Nollij. A “historian of fire” presents himself for our consideration.

Climate change acts as a performance enhancer, and understandably, it claims most of the attention because it’s global and its reach extends beyond flames to oceans, mass extinctions and other knock-on effects. But climate change is not enough by itself to account for the plague of megafires. Climate integrates many factors, and so does fire. Their interplay makes attribution tricky.

Hmm, I may have chosen poorly. While he’s plugged into the Narrative, admitting that climate change can’t account for our current combustions is playing with fire. *ducks*

Hey, I said it was a lazy Sunday.

Instead, consider fire in all its manifestations as the informing narrative. The critical inflection in modern times occurred when humans began to burn fossilized rather than living biomass. That set into motion a “pyric transition” that resembles the demographic transition which accompanies industrialization as human populations first expand, then recede. Something similar happens with the population of fires, as new ignition sources and fuels become available while old ones persist.

…We can envision Earth entering a fire age comparable to the ice ages of the Pleistocene, complete with the pyric equivalent of ice sheets, pluvial lakes, periglacial outwash plains, mass extinctions, and sea level changes. It’s an epoch in which fire is both prime mover and principal expression.

That hysterical trolling gets a 7/10. I feel better about my opening pick for a lying jackass.

In the developed world, industrial combustion arranges agriculture, built environments, peri-urban settings and reserves for wildlands . all the stuff available for landscape fire. Societies even fight landscape fire with the counterforce of industrial fire in the form of pumps, engines, aircraft and vehicles to haul crews. The interaction of the two realms of fire determines not only what gets burned, but also what needs to be burned and isn’t. It changes the road fire drives down.

“Industrial combustion” is his idea that burning hydrocarbons for industrial energy has resulted in lumber no longer being logged. The actual blame for that goes upon the Leftoid environmentalists who outlawed logging when it was profitable. Strange that Leftoid scientists stop short of identifying causes when the causes are fellow Leftoids. He is also correct that a century of preventing healthy, smaller brushfires has resulted in massive, hair-triggered brushfires. Again, the work of Leftoid environmentalists. Again, he talks like overzealous fire suppression “just happened”.

Add up all the effects, direct and indirect . the areas burning, the areas needing to be burned, the off-site impacts with damaged watersheds and airsheds, the unraveling of biotas, the pervasive power of climate change, rising sea levels, a mass extinction, the disruption of human life and habitats . and you have a pyrogeography that looks eerily like an ice age for fire. You have a Pyrocene. The contours of such an epoch are already becoming visible through the smoke.

If you doubt it, just ask California.

I am so glad you asked! Let’s look at some… how you say… “contributors to the Pyrocene”.

46 Fire in Jurupa Valley Ignited by Stolen Vehicle Fleeing Authorities; 2 Arrested

By Anthony Kurzweil, et al, 31 October 2019

The 46 Fire that ignited near Rancho Jurupa Park in Jurupa Valley and spread into Riverside was caused by a stolen vehicle that was involved in a pursuit early Thursday morning, police said. The two people involved in the pursuit were eventually arrested.

Riverside police officers were on patrol about 12:15 a.m. when they noticed a stolen vehicle traveling northbound on Van Buren Boulevard near the Riverside County line, Riverside Police Department spokesman Ryan Railsback said.

The officers tried to pull over the vehicle but a pursuit ensued.

The driver eventually entered a vacant field in the 4800 block of Crestmore Road in the city of Jurupa Valley, Riverside County Sheriff’s Department Deputy Flores said.

Two people who fled the vehicle before it caught fire were arrested, Railsback said. They were identified as Bryan Anguiano, 23, of Jurupa Valley, and Kevin Hidalgo, 28, of Riverside.

Dindu Muffins! If only there had been a way to deport these Climate Change factors then California’s environment would be cleaner!

Heat from the vehicle’s wheels started a fire underneath and the car became fully engulfed, officials said. The fire spread quickly into the field and the the river bottom area.

Anguiano was booked on suspicion of felony evading, car theft, possession of a stolen vehicle, and an outstanding felony warrant for burglary and false impersonation, police said. Cal Fire arson investigators are also expected to charge the suspect with arson violations related to the cause of the fire.

Hidalgo was booked for an outstanding felony warrant for violating his post-release community supervision.

Video from the scene showed the car completely engulfed in flames that quickly burned out of control. …The fire came as the region was under a high wind warning until noon and a red flag warning until 6 p.m.

.He sounded normal.: Local woman says she talked with man when he set California brush fires

‘He sounded normal’: Local woman says she talked with man when he set California brush fires

By Sherae Honeycutt, 26 September 2019

Come now, Barbie, admit the truth. You didn’t talk with this arsonist… you fucked with him.

KANSAS CITY, Mo. — A Missouri man is in a Northern California jail, accused of setting more than a dozen fires between Friday and Saturday near the Bay Area. Those fires burned nearly 130 acres of brush.

Freddie Graham, 68, is facing 15 felony arson counts in Santa Clara County. Two of them are for setting fires during a state of emergency.

He’s a physiognometric poster child for antisocial traits. He even resembles an old, fat Rorschach:

I gotta fisk that comic someday.

A woman who knows Graham said he was texting her at the time. She said in the time she spent with Graham she saw he was a troubled man. With the recent loss of his wife, and signs of depression, she said she wanted to help and was shocked by the news of the fires.

“It was crazy,” said the woman, who did not want to be identified. “I just couldn’t believe it.”

She said she met Graham on a dating website back in July.

He was a fun guy,” she said. “He was very nice. He teased me all the time. I liked that. He made me feel comfortable.”

She said she quickly realized he was emotionally troubled and dealing with the loss of his wife, but she wanted to stay friends.

“He was just a very lonely guy,” she said. “It touched me, so I didn’t want to cut it off completely. So I kept a friendship with him.”

“He was fun, very nice and emotionally troubled with no friends.” Hmm. Hmm. Spoiler: he was also out on bond for felony arson while they dated.

A week ago, on Thursday, he told her he was heading to the Bay Area for his high school reunion in Milpitas. He texted and called her saying he was driving through the hills of Milpitas on Friday, and that he had a lot to tell her about his trip.

“He sounded normal,” she said. “He sounded happy.”

But what she didn’t know was, in California, firefighters were dealing with a serious situation.

…Police tracked Graham to a rental car after a witness spotted him on the hill and was able to get photos. Court documents show they traced the car back to the Hertz rental company at the Mineta San Jose International Airport.

They found that the car was returned, but the same person came back and rented a second car. That car was rented to Freddie Graham of Lone Jack, Missouri.

Investigators said Graham was using lighters to ignite napkins from fast food restaurants and then throw them out the window into the brush.

“It was crazy,” she said. “I just couldn’t believe it. I was like — did I really just hear what I thought I heard?”

Well, did you ever ask him about his criminal record?

Back in Lone Jack, Graham is facing an arson charge from last year. Court documents show on Aug. 12, 2018, around 2 p.m., they got word of a fire at the intersection of W. Cannon and Bynum roads.

A tractor trailer with bales of hay was ablaze in front of the old Perrywinkle building.

Investigators said they were able to connect Graham to the fire through surveillance video where they saw his car drive up to the hay and watch as an arm came out of the window and lit the hay on fire.

In the documents, officials say Graham was there while firefighters put the blaze out. When they talked to him about the fire, he said he went to lunch at the Lone Jack Cafe, came out and saw the fire.

When confronted with the video of the incident, he allegedly wrote in a statement, “I guess I done it.”

The woman said she had no clue about the fires in California or Missouri until she woke up and saw it on the news Thursday morning.

She said if she could talk to him now, she would ask him why he did this.

“I would say why? Why would you do that, and why didn’t you reach out for help?” she said. “There’s always someone out there that cares. That’s what I told him. I care.”

Somebody’s in love with jailbait, which means somebody needs neutering.

The charges he’s facing in California are more severe because the fires were set during wildfire season. California Gov.Gavin Newsom put the state of emergency into effect back in the spring ahead of the state’s dry season.

Graham is being held in the Santa Clara County Jail on a $500,000 bond. He is expected back in court in California on Sept. 30.

He was scheduled to be in Jackson County Court on Wednesday, but was in custody in California at the time. There is no new court date set for his case in Missouri at this time.

Some folks think he was a false flag but not me. Not when he missed his court appearance for arson because he’d just been arrested for arson.

And to cap this off, this opinion article.

Devine: Mismanagement, stubbornness have set California ablaze

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By Miranda Devine, 30 October 2019

It.s not climate change that has set California on fire, as Gov. Gavin Newsom claims.

It.s human mismanagement and green obstinacy.

Locking up forests and preventing tree clearing and the systematic fuel reduction required in any prudent management of nature has been a disaster in a state that is “built to burn..

Now that the cataclysm predicted by world forestry and fire experts has come to pass, the culprits are blaming climate change.

It.s a self-fulfilling prophecy. They warn of cataclysmic climate change if we don’t suddenly remove the cheap, fossil-fueled energy on which this nation’s economic prosperity was founded.

Then they work against any sensible management of California’s forests that would reduce the severity of routine regular wildfires.

Then, when the wildfires become record-breaking conflagrations, they point and say, .See, I told you so..

They’re like arsonists admiring their handiwork from afar.

“Like”, like hell. They ARE arsonists. Cultural arsonists, spiritual arsonists, legislative arsonists, judicial arsonists and literal arsonists. They will burn the world just to watch you suffer. Especially if you’re cis-normative.

But in this era of climate alarm, they are winning the argument.

When President Trump and then-Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke pointed out the green culpability in California’s conflagrations last year, they were roundly condemned.

.There is no reason for these massive, deadly and costly forest fires in California except that forest management is so poor,. Trump tweeted last year.

Zinke went even further: When “we try to thin forests of dead and dying timber, or we try to sustainably harvest timber from dense and fire-prone areas, we are attacked with frivolous litigation from radical environmentalists who would rather see forests and communities burn than see a logger in the woods..

For his forthright approach, Zinke became green enemy No. 1, before he was bundled out of office this year in a stitched-up scandal over charter planes.

…Stephen Pyne, one of the world’s most eminent bushfire historians, and emeritus professor at Arizona State University, says we’ve reached the limit of the “fire suppression model” where the best and bravest firefighters use the mightiest equipment to extinguish fires.

Pyne is right but as we saw in his article above, he’s no friend of ours.

This aggressive fire suppression has made matters worse, leaving forests overgrown and plagued by dangerous fuel loads.

.It.s not enough of the right kind of burning..

Regular systematic prescribed burning to remove ground fuel, as Native Americans used to do, is one partial solution, as is “hardening the houses on the front line” so they can withstand embers, and spending money on burying underground the power lines that spark so many fires.

There’s also the problem of air quality in the smog trap of the Los Angeles basin, which has led to draconian measures to eliminate air pollution.

Which worked, to be honest. Although that has nothing to do with the brushfires we’ve been talking about.

Former Gov. Jerry Brown famously vetoed a bipartisan wildfire management bill in 2016 that would have mandated “prescribed burns,. claiming the work already was being done.

But clearly whatever he was doing didn’t work.

Newsom, after eight years as Brown’s sidekick, now blames .dog-eat-dog capitalism meeting climate change.” He is trying to scapegoat Pacific Gas and Electric, the nation’s largest private utility, which has cut power to 1.5 million Californians this week in a series of pre-emptive blackouts to prevent its equipment igniting more fires, and ward off the lawsuits that have bankrupted it.

But, as the Wall Street Journal editorial board has pointed out, the bungling and money-wasting at PG&E was largely driven by leftist policies of the Brown-Newsom regime. The Democratic political strategy was to use the company to advance their climate agenda, including laws mandating that 60 percent of electricity come from renewables by 2030.

Article is here but behind a paywall. A pity; would’ve been interesting.

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The upshot is that Californians paid an average 19.86 cents per kilowatt-hour for their electricity in August 2019, which is 50 percent more than the national average.

All that money spent on satisfying climate ideologues has created the conditions that have turned off the lights in the world’s fifth-largest economy.

Ironically, the wildfires are now spewing an unprecedented amount of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere.

So much for saving the planet.


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