The Gift That Keeps On Giving: Florida Man!

This one’s a quickie while I wait for family to arrive.

Trimming the ‘Trees’: Florida Man Hands Out Marijuana for Christmas

By Nate Church, 25 December 2019

A St. Petersburg, Florida, man was arrested on Saturday for handing out weed to passers-by for Christmas.

“Let’s party like it’s 4-20-19-99!”

Richard Ellis Spurrier, 67, was taken into custody with 45 grams of marijuana on his person. Spurrier was standing on 16 2nd Street North, handing out ganja to anyone who might need fuel for a gingerbread binge. According to the Pinellas County arrest report, Spurrier freely admitted his act of charity was “because it was Christmas.”

So, is that a “naughty” gift or a “nice” gift? Neither, because this ain’t Santa:

Spurrier was arrested for possession with intent to sell, though it seems unlikely that his 1.6 ounces would have gotten very far even if he had charged. After he was taken into custody, police also found a sword — yes, a sword — inside a cane in his car. Spurrier did not specify whether that was because it was Christmas, or just because this is Florida.

I’ve never understood the appeal of a sword cane. The cane itself is a perfectly reasonable club, especially if you weight the top with a bit of lead. But by that logic, you should simply use a golf club. The pre-bent ones are cheap.

He was released from Pinellas County Jail on Sunday.

Because even the jailer didn’t think he was worth working Christmas for.


4 thoughts on “The Gift That Keeps On Giving: Florida Man!

  1. People need to lay off the drugs….literally. Bad for your mind, body and spirit. IMO this includes legal drugs like alcohol and cigarettes.

    This one’s a quickie while I wait for family to arrive.

    Hope you enjoyed your time with the family.

  2. “People need to lay off the drugs….literally.”

    His thick eyebrows and horizontal lines on the forehead make me think he’s intelligent, if still not wise. The case reads like he’s beating a drug dealing arrest by claiming he was playing Santa, which is a cunning defense.

    But the smart move, as always, is not pushing dope in the first place.

    “Hope you enjoyed your time with the family.”

    I love them all but they don’t know how to have fun. It’s leaving me a lot of blog-time. I’ll go shooting in a couple days if I can… Los Angeles bans ammunition sales during the holidays to prevent the Mexicans from shooting their guns in the air.

    I’m also going to see “Ford Vs Ferrari” with family tomorrow. “The Last Mary Sue Jedi” finally killed even the diehards among my friends. Not one even mentioned Episode Nein.

    Hope you’re doing fine also, Jim!

  3. “People need to lay off the drugs…literally.”

    His thick eyebrows and horizontal lines on the forehead make me think he’s intelligent, if still not wise. The case reads like he’s beating a drug dealing arrest by claiming he was playing Santa, which is a cunning defense.

    You’re definitely into the physiognomy business. What got you started on that?

    But the smart move, as always, is not pushing dope in the first place.

    Yes. Pushing or smoking it.

    “Hope you enjoyed your time with the family.”
    I love them all but they don’t know how to have fun. It’s leaving me a lot of blog-time.

    Sorry to hear that.

    I’ll go shooting in a couple days if I can… Los Angeles bans ammunition sales during the holidays to prevent the Mexicans from shooting their guns in the air.

    If the politicians and their money masters (like the Koch Brothers for example….one who is now thankfully dead) would stop inviting the entire planet in we wouldn’t have those kinds of problems. That and many others.
    Keep practicing the shooting when you can. From what I’ve been hearing you may end up needing it.

    Also I had forgotten that you’re still in Marxifornia. You need to get out of there if you can ASAP. You’re shouldn’t have to tolerate being around that neo-commie vermin.

    I’m also going to see “Ford Vs Ferrari” with family tomorrow. “The Last Mary Sue Jedi” finally killed even the diehards among my friends. Not one even mentioned Episode Nein.

    I’m surprised anyone would spend their money on the shit that passes for “entertainment” these days. Up to you of course. Personally, I’ve boycotted Hollyshit for years now. Man, come to think of it, I can’t remember the last time I spent money at the theater it’s been so long. It’s been many years.

    Hope you’re doing fine also, Jim!

    Thanks Gunner. I’m sick right now (bad flu) but hanging in there. But hey, things could be worse. It’ll pass as always. ????

  4. “You’re definitely into the physiognomy business. What got you started on that?”

    It first began with accepting that different races have different abilities and personalities. Then Roissy got me started on the actual concept. I found a couple books and began teaching myself.

    A large part of my ongoing interest is that I don’t know who to trust. I got scarred in early adulthood, when I couldn’t figure out why nobody wanted to hire me out of college even when they said what a great guy I was… and eventually realized that entire industries were lying about wanting me, because it was how they justified bringing in cheap foreigners.

    And then the Leftoids politicized just about every kind of serious conversation men can have with each other.

    And to put the cherry on top, the most common form of information available on the Internet is selfies.

    People aren’t going to tell me who they really are or what they really think for all kinds of reasons, so I reach for tools that can give me a clue. Generation X? More like Generation Latchkey.

    “Also I had forgotten that you’re still in Marxifornia. You need to get out of there if you can ASAP.”

    There’s nowhere to go. I almost relocated to Virginia a year ago… look at where they are now. And I do have plans that can’t be openly shared. Things might yet work out for me.

    “I’m surprised anyone would spend their money on the shit that passes for “entertainment” these days.”

    I agree, but when it’s the only thing family wants to do then one’s hands are a little tied. I don’t enjoy hot cars enough to be the target market for that movie and Hollyweird failed to tell the story coherently, but I’ve no specific objection to the movie. It’s just Fast and the Furious for Baby Boomers. Matt Damon instead of Vin Diesel.

    On the upside, last year I red-pilled everybody so hard on Star Whores that nobody wanted to see Episode 9 this year. Win!

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