What Is the Opposite Of Feminism?

I wish I was a better evangelist. Some unbelievers get so close to the truth of Christ that life just isn’t fair, and one wishes he could help them over that last tiny hump. Today, the Z-man is one synapse away from independently confirming Original Sin.

Right-Wing Feminism

Right-Wing Feminism

Posted on December 15, 2019

Feminism is a term that is exclusively associated with left-wing activism and generally associated with the more radical elements of the culture war. Modern feminists are the emotionally disturbed old maids in the human resource department, stalking about, looking for unapproved words and thoughts. These are the people purging social media of anything funny or interesting. While true, it disguises the fact that feminism is as much a part of the conventional Right as it is the Left.

Correct. Feminism started on the Left because Socialism is the ideology of female envy and Sisterhood. This does not make masculine ideologies immune to infiltration and subversion.

At its core, feminism is the product of egalitarianism. If all men are created equal, in the moral sense, then surely all women are equal. Further, if all men are equal and all women are equal, in a moral sense, then men and women must also be equal and should therefore be treated as equals. It is this sense of moral equality that drove first wave feminism to demand equal contract, marriage, parenting, and property rights for women. Morally equal people should be legally equal.

That old canard? Notice it was written in the Declaration of Independence and is not an actual law to be obeyed. The idea is that no man has a divine right to rule over another, very relevant in a declaration to George that he ain’t the boss of us no mo’. Who said anything about women? Women aren’t men.

It is preposterous, knowing what we Red-Pilled do about female nature, that the early feminists were motivated by an 18th-century statement of equality. “We want to upset the entire social order because this one clause in an old legal document is not being implemented as completely as it should be.” No, women do not make that kind of principled, ideological stand. Certainly not against inconsistencies in logic!

So, what were the early feminists’ REAL motivations?

From there, of course, feminism was transformed into a weapon to undermine the mores of white society. Second wave feminism focused on destroying family life through the promotion of divorce and sexual degeneracy. Third wave feminism focused on destroying the very notion of womanhood with the promotion of bizarre sexual fetishes and homosexuality. Fourth wave feminism focuses on the promotion of emotionally unstable women making a nuisance of themselves on-line.

Their motivations were resource collection and envy of “male privilege”. The servant wanted to rebel against her master with the resources of government. Why else would the Nanny State despise lifetime monogamy so much? It’s only the most successful, provably healthy social construct in human history.

Don’t look at what women say. (“Equality!”) Look at what they do. (Shack up with one exotic boyfriend after another while hanging out with homosexuals until she reaches menopause and has her last egg fertilized by a laboratory, while the government absolves her of consequences and arrests all creeps on her say-so. What’s missing in that picture? A husband restraining her behavior.)

Just as Eve rebelled against Adam & God by obeying a new master, America’s women rebelled by allying with gov’t (suitably modified) so they wouldn’t have to submit to a husband.

The lurch into what amounts to the promotion of female psychosis obscures the fact that feminism in a stock part of conventional conservatism. It’s not at the point of pushing weird sexual practices and physical mutilation, but so-called conservatism fully embraces the egalitarianism of first wave feminism and the moral license of second wave feminism.

Here’s the synapse that misfired. Conservatism (whatever that is) is not feminism. Rather, it is sabotaged by feminism in the form of conservative men being congenitally unable to tell a woman no. Z provides a helpful example:

You see that in social media characters targeting conservative women, like this one that has 165,000 followers on twitter.

Mindy Robinson

Hmm, does that look like a Skrillex to you?

Yep, Skrillex, but plenty enough glamour shots show her with intact hair so I don’t know if she grew it back after she went into politics.

Even a blonde like Mindy knew to conceal her damaged hair when appealing to men… conservative or otherwise (excluding the feminized, of course).

Note that her act is a blend of pinup girl bimbo, outrageous gun advocacy and, of course, lots of red, white and blue. That’s the core of conservative feminism. It is a blend of mostly male habits like shooting guns and riding motorcycles, frosted with the vulgar sex appeal of Hollywood and over-the-top patriotism. Go through that twitter feed and it is basically just 1990’s Conservative Inc. packaged for what the people behind it assume is the target audience, people they generally detest.

That first pic is a postcard of entryism. A solid 9 on the hot-crazy-with-some-crazy-on-the-side Matrix, visibly infected with hatred for men… why else shave off a third of her otherwise carefully maintained hair?… yet she tilts her head to hide the damage and waves a gun to distract from her thousand-cock stare…

…So that men can play their role in Original Sin and desire her even after she’s rebelled. Z-man correctly notices that she’s still playing to play the leader instead of getting busy in the kitchen.

Her gun is itself is a symbol of rebellion. Why do American men value the Second Amendment? Because it allows us to rebel against authority when we need to. Yet another good reason to not arm women, whom God Himself wants in submission to authority. But I digress to my don’t-arm-women beliefs. The important thing here is that she’s Team Feminist snaking into the warm sentiments of Conservatism, Inc. That wouldn’t be necessary if feminism was a belief of Conservatism.

That’s the important part of it. The people behind these accounts are often nothing like the marketing. The Reagan Battalion, for example, were left-wing Orthodox Jews, buddies of Ben Shapiro, by the way. One guy was Benny Polatseck, public relations consultant, and the other was Yossi Gestetner, a marketing guy. They were also tied to the NeverTrump operation. The point being is that Mindy Robinson probably looks more like Harvey Weinstein than the pictures on that twitter account.

This is inconsistent with Trump recently enjoying 93% approval from Orthodox Jews but let’s skip that digression.

Even so, what is sold to conservative women is really just feminism with lots of conventional conservative decorations. The “strong conservative women” is independent, patriotic, shoots guns and so on. The idealized conservative women is now 1970’s Clinton Eastwood with a vagina and some tasteful nudes on her social media profile. Conservative women are supposed to display all of the aggressive male attributes one used to associate with action heroes.

Again, this is better described as what women are selling to conservative men. This wouldn’t be a problem except men are tempted to enable that kind of rebellion regardless of political beliefs. That’s very strange when you think about it. Men have loved dogs and horses without fantasizing about them becoming our equals.We get married fantasizing about how much wifey will make our lives happier and easier. Said fantasy rarely involving a whip and no nookie.

And yet, there’s a part of the male soul that wants to not notice her Skrillex, not remember that God created woman for man’s service and eagerly accept her as a peer and not a servant. Why? I don’t fantasize about having sex with somebody stronger than me and hope that my fellow man doesn’t, either. She’s not a sex symbol, not really. She’s a symbol of… rebellion… and why are so many men okay with that? It is not a rational position.

Z-Man even agrees:

More important, it is every bit as socially destructive as the left-wing variant of feminism, because it denies the very essence of the sexes. Men and women are complimentary not just biologically, but socially. What makes settled society possible is a division of labor that goes beyond the physical. What distinguishes West from East is that in the West, this division of labor maximizes the utility of both sexes. Women are not just baby makers, but the glue that holds together local community.

Hmm, a second synapse misfired. Women are just baby makers, not the glue holding a community together. It’s men that build community, as is demonstrated today by society falling apart while women bring in ‘noble savages’ by the boatload.

It’s okay to ‘just make babies’. It’s an honorable job that needs doing, women find it a very rewarding experience, and men have a lot of fun getting the process going. But women always envy men our ‘male privilege’ then find out that managing a society is too much for them. You see this in the women that go through college, get licensed as a doctor or something and then quit to ‘just make babies’.

Mud-hut civilizations are matriarchies practically by definition.

The promotion of women and men as equal in all things has had the devastating effect of destroying the traditional role of women. With it has gone the social capital that made western societies so resilient. Promoting right-wing women with guns is every bit as damaging as portraying them as a butch lesbians playing the traditional male roles in television and film. It is a discrediting of the tradition in favor of the novel, which is useless and unwanted.

Yes! Exactly, Z-Man! But their motivation is not some theoretical construct like “equality”. It’s female rebellion against men and the men who feel a strange excitement at facilitating that rebellion.

Which is exactly what Christianity describes as the fatal flaw in the human soul.

You’ll note that fertility rates on the Left in America collapsed before they did on the right side of the political spectrum. Into the 1980’s, conservatives were getting married and having families. This was often mocked by the Left as being backward. As right-wing feminism began to take hold, the same drop in fertility has happened in the more conservative parts of society. The fact is, even assuming Mindy Robinson looks anything like her pictures, no man would want to put up with that.

Thus disproving evolution once again. How can a TENS-created species voluntarily choose to not breed? That’s not an ability it would have acquired at any point in the process, not if breeding is the literal definition of a successful organism.

The promotion of right-wing feminism has not just perverted the females. It has warped the minds of males now too. That cartoon version of a woman you see pushed by the so-called conservatives is not a compliment to a normal male. That’s the sort of girl you drink with at the pub. If you’re in a dry spell, well, maybe you take her for a spin, but you will not be taking her home to mom. The adventuress has crowded out the market for the sorts of female roles that make society possible.

This is the religious war in which we burn. One faction maintains loyalty to the Father… men directly and women by proxy… while the other faction wants to follow the Rebel. That’s not just a portrait of Christianity, that IS Christianity.

An authentic alternative to the prevailing orthodoxy will have to redefine the female role in society as something useful and appealing. The response to Mindy Robinson posing with a gun should be demand she pose with a sandwich or ironing a shirt. A bimbo on a Harley must first be treated as grotesque, before there can be room for an authentic alternative to right-wing feminism.

Preach, brother!

Of course, women have to be the lead in such efforts, as wherever women go, men must follow.

Aww, there goes a third fuse right at the end. Women aren’t leaders. Never have been. But the picture of Original Sin is not yet complete. Just as Z blew a third fuse, so there is a third piece to Original Sin: the devil.

This is a war for men to fight, good against evil. Evil men want to steal all that we have, destroy all that we have built and kill us off. Women just want to follow evil men for the easy pickings and Bay Boy vibes.

What’s it take to sell Christ? Z is seeing for himself that the feminists and their handlers are persisting in behaviors that will, beyond all doubt, completely ruin civilization. Why would they do that except to steal, kill and destroy?

Which Christ described as the works of the devil. Evil is Real. They don’t want solutions. They don’t want civilization. They want everything and everybody to burn.

Make whatever evo-psych excuses you wish. Argue every argument you can imagine. At the end of it all, you will see that humanity is locked in a power struggle between the Father and the Liar.

Lord Jesus, loyal Son of the Father, happy birthday a little early! May all humanity worship You by imitation.


6 thoughts on “What Is the Opposite Of Feminism?

  1. why else shave off a third of her otherwise carefully maintained hair?… yet she tilts her head to hide the damage and waves a gun to distract from her thousand-cock stare…

    It really is that simple…trying to divert from the fact she gave it away to men who wouldn’t commit to her so she turns her damage into seeking attention.

  2. Hmm, a second synapse misfired. Women are just baby makers, not the glue holding a community together. It’s men that build community, as is demonstrated today by society falling apart while women bring in ‘noble savages’ by the boatload.

    Tradcons NEED to overplay the woman’s part. Gynocentrism is very strong in the west. Z-Man doesn’t seem to realize he’s also been brainwashed to a degree by the evil one.

    It’s okay to ‘just make babies’. It’s an honorable job that needs doing, women find it a very rewarding experience, and men have a lot of fun getting the process going. But women always envy men our ‘male privilege’ then find out that managing a society is too much for them. You see this in the women that go through college, get licensed as a doctor or something and then quit to ‘just make babies’.

    Yeah….male privilege. What a joke. It’s actually funny how easily people fell for this and how fucking hard it is to open their minds once they’ve become infected from birth with this gynocentric horseshit.

    Which Christ described as the works of the devil. Evil is Real. They don’t want solutions. They don’t want civilization. They want everything and everybody to burn.

    Yup. Heath Ledger’s Joker is not just a comic book character.

    I vaguely remember the first time I heard about this right-wing feminism garbage. It never made any sense to me, even when I was young. It’s funny, with all the conservative inc. audience types constantly descrying “third wave feminism” they seem to be okay with the previous versions. The further to the left the Left goes the further left right-wingers have gone with it. It’s now to the point where most right-wingers aren’t even right anymore. They’re just leftist-light. They’re so blind and deaf that they can’t see what’s really very obvious right in front of them. People just don’t think to question shit they’ve had hammered relentlessly into their heads all their lives.

    These idiots are going to have to turn their brains on soon…and I mean right NOW…or the west is completely fucked.

  3. …or the west is completely fucked.

    The West is already well beyond fucked. It’s just a question of what those of us who comprise the remnant can do going forward to preserve as many of its institutions, traditions, and moral principles as we can in the face of ongoing collapse.

  4. Women aren’t leaders. Never have been.

    Oh, but they are seductive and manipulative misleaders. Damnably effective misleaders!
    God’s solution is to keep them silent in the churches. Even a word, and they may spread their infectious leaven. They often can’t be reasoned with. They just need to be ruled with disregard for their beliefs, their doctrines, and their arguments. At home they can share their preferences, desires, and needs, but don’t waste too much breath arguing against their desire to contradict your leadership.(That’s stuff I learned the hard way, and still struggle to apply)

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