Darth Vader Met Harley Quinn!

And Vader’s reaction was so casually PERFECT that it deserves to be remembered forever as the lone diamond in the Disney Star Whores rough. This happened a year ago but I didn’t notice, partly because of comic industry suckage and partly because it got memory-holed fast. This is the publicly released preview, sourced from

Marvel Preview: Star Wars: Vader – Dark Visions #3

Oh noes! Moonstruck Barbie has a sharp learning curve ahead! Like tentacle hentai, porking Darth Freaking Vader is a fantasy more fun in the head than in the flesh, assuming Mister Deaths-Head even has flesh remaining underneath that fuse box.

Now then, there’s the way this Harley Quinn fantasy SHOULD end and the way bitter, blue-haired, fat, feral feminists would want it to end.

Sourced from boundingintocomics.com/2019/04/30/star-wars-vader-dark-visions-3-accused-of-misogyny-for-depiction-of-obsessive-imperial-nurse/

You can tell just from the URL that it’s popcorn time for the 501st.

Darth Vader has more game than Battlefront 2!

Let’s fisk BIC for an encore!

Star Wars: Vader – Dark Visions #3 Accused of Misogyny For Depiction of Obsessive Imperial Nurse

htt ps://boundingintocomics.com/2019/04/30/star-wars-vader-dark-visions-3-accused-of-misogyny-for-depiction-of-obsessive-imperial-nurse/

By Spencer Baculi, 30 April 2019

A recent issue of a Star Wars mini-series revolving around Lord Vader which has some fans outraged over claims of abuse and misogyny may have been based on a script from a writer previously let go from the project.

Said writer, Chuck Wendig intended the nurse to be a male morgue attendant. He got himself fired for making threats on social media, or something to that effect. His replacement, Dennis “Hopeless” Hallum, (that’s his own nickname, not mine) apparently tried to protect the reputation of male necrophiliacs with a quick gender swap.

I was going to read his face but was distracted by his open fly plus his hand being in-pocket at a comics convention. Not a good look, Hand Solo, and this was on your Wikipedia page. Somebody made some enemies.

Star Wars: Vader – Dark Visions is an anthology miniseries which explores the unseen exploits of Darth Vader during his time in service of the Emperor and the Empire, as well as the impact his presence has on various peoples and events throughout the galaxy.

Kudos to Lucasfilm for exploring the psychology of Sith groupies! It was a question I’d never thought to ask.

The latest issue of Dark Visions, written by Dennis “Hopeless” Hallum, follows the story of an Imperial nurse who grows romantically obsessed with Darth Vader, taking her daydreams as reality, saving incidental debris from his armor as sentimental tokens…

Not all of the necrophilia left with Wendig. It’s not politics that makes me an angry man these days, it’s my love for reading being strangled by endless waves of necrobestiality and kung-fu princesses until I just can’t bring myself to buy another book.

Don’t retire, Larry Correia. You’re my only hope!

…and believing that the two had a deep, unspoken connection.

In the climax of the story, the unnamed nurse (who has since been named ‘Daaé’, after the female lead of The Phantom of the Opera, by fans who believe her depiction was misogynist), approaches an unmasked Darth Vader as he rests in the meditation chamber in his personal quarters and declares her undying love and devotion to him. In response, the Sith Lord unsheathes his lightsaber and stabs the woman through the heart, before requesting someone come “get this trash out of [his] quarters”:

MORE! I must have MORE!

Why This Week’s Darth Vader Comic Is Causing Controversy


By James Whitbrook, 25 April 2019

Where Darth Vader: Dark Visions has gone, controversy has followed—mainly thanks to its origins as a replacement for another Star Wars comic project scrapped almost immediately after its announcement. But this week, it found itself enmeshed in an altogether different controversy.

Each issue of Dark Visions, like the scrapped Shadow of Vader’s intent before it, has looked to portray Darth Vader through a series of lenses, cast in the eyes of the people in the galaxy around him—alien beings who glimpse him on the field of battle, Rebel fighters who see him as a grim specter stalking their very existence, officers of the Empire to whom he is the universe’s most petrifying boss. This week’s third issue, by Dennis “Hopeless” Hallum, David Lopez, Javi Pina, Muntsa Vicente, and Joe Caramagna—titled “Tall, Dark, and Handsome”—

SOOO not the way to cash in on “50 Shades of Grey”.

—casts the Dark Lord of the Sith not as an empowered foe or ghoulish reckoner, but as the object of affection of a low-ranking, unnamed female nurse aboard the Death Star.

“Women in the military” has been a bad idea since a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away.

Throughout the story, the nurse is looked on with a scornful attitude by not just the people around her—from Vader himself to her boss in the medbay—but also the narrative’s framing. She’s constantly given menial tasks to do, and dragged about and screamed at for failing to do them promptly by her superior.

Good fiction runs parallel to real life. This is very good fiction!

But we aren’t really invited to feel any sympathy for the nurse, because we don’t really learn anything about who she is as a person. We don’t even learn her name. But what we do learn, throughout her internal narration guiding “Tall, Dark, and Handsome,” is that she is desperately, madly in love with Darth Vader.

The name he’s looking for is Hybristophilia. Sounds like a Greek tragedy but no, this time she deserves her fate.

The nurse collects scraps of flesh and detritus from the medbay from Vader’s many visits, as trinkets of her affection. She shirks duties in the hopes she can catch a glimpse of him skulking down the battlestation’s many corridors. She fantasizes dancing with Vader, taking off his mask as the Christine to his Phantom. Eventually—after receiving another verbal dressing-down from the doctor for attempting to keep Vader’s cape for herself when he leaves it in the sickbay, leading to the discovery of her collection of Vader accoutrements—she fantasizes joining him as a Sith, clad in black and choking the life out of her boss when he throws her collection into the trash compactor.

The doctor tried to save her life… from herself…and she wanted him murdered for doing so. The endgame of hybristophilia played out as it must in real life, with the foolish woman destroying herself with uncontrolled lust for male power.

Post-script, try this video for the feminist reactions.

2 thoughts on “Darth Vader Met Harley Quinn!

  1. “I am surprised that got published.”

    I found these comments in the linked video and they’re worth repeating for insight into how the story passed Social Justice review. From the Twitter feed of writer Dennis “Hopeless” Hallum, 24 April 2019:

    “I’m not here to police your read, but to me it’s about a person so beaten down and caged in by her fascist existence that she fantasizes about the only person in her world powerful enough to free her.

    “…I will say I don’t think our medic is silly or crazy at all. In my mind she is the heroine of the story. It was not at all our intention to mock her or anyone else.”

    Really, Mr. Hopeless? A pudgy, plain, middle-aged woman, one step away from replacement by a nonsentient droid, walks into Darth Vader’s chamber at a moment that she knows is him being vulnerable, tells him “we are destined to be together” and… DESERVED to have her affections returned by the second most powerful man in the Galactic Empire? On no notice?

    The Beta chump celebrates Fallen Eve’s every monkey-branching effort in perpetuity, desperate to absolve her of every rebellious sin.

    I think the only reason Dennis had Vader kill her is because he was forbidden to violate Star Wars canon by Vader taking a wife. I bet he made that exact pitch and in the Current Year of Boob-Thor and Black Captain America, it wasn’t impossible that he might have been told Yes.

    I don’t call it Star Whores for nothing.

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