Like many people, the Socialists’ demands to eliminate police entirely have made me curious what they intend to replace them with. The 20th Century answer was “People’s Liberation Citizen Militia” but that obviously won’t be the fate of a society whose ‘firearms per household’ average can easily hit double digits.

It.s Time To Defund The Police And Start Funding Social Workers

.So far there have been zero deaths at the hands of social workers..

htt ps://

By Sharon Kwon, 11 June 2020

Oh, the insolent ignorance of that tagline! This should be good.

Cries of “defund the police” and “invest in Black communities” have been heard throughout the nation, and most members of the Minneapolis City Council announced plans to defund that city’s police department over the weekend.

Many cities are following suit. Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti cut $150 million . a relatively small amount . from the L.A. Police Department’s whopping $1.86 billion budget. The New York City Council is calling for a $1 billion cut to that city’s astronomical $6 billion police department budget.

I sense a trend.

But many advocates of the Black Lives Matter movement argue that this is not enough and that the goal is to abolish the police completely.

H/T Spawneyspace for those last two.

This raises the question of who would take their place. Activists have called for expanding initiatives to have mental health professionals and social workers respond to emergency calls instead of the police. For those who are completely oblivious to the public mental health system, this might sound like a radical concept.

We don’t have a public mental health system. All the insane asylums are closed. You liberals thought that would be a good idea. Now that even you have finally given up on it, you want to punish the sane people who’ve been holding back the tide of crazy.

Maybe people worship the devil because the only alternative is admitting their own screw-ups. The emphasis Christ places on confession and repentance gives that suggestion a lot of credibility.

But it’s actually not, given that social workers such as me are already doing this kind of work out in the field. We are on the front lines dealing with the homeless population, people suffering from substance abuse, clients who are predisposed to violence because of trauma histories, adolescents and young adults trapped in the criminal justice system, domestic violence victims and perpetrators, veterans with PTSD and more. These vulnerable people are arguably perceived as the most dangerous individuals in America . and social workers do this all without guns.

Um… none of that is POLICE WORK. Law enforcement, savvy? But all of it is care-based morality. Mommy caring for the kids, Mommy caring for hurting people, Mommy twerking for the drug dealer who keeps her safe and supplied in between the beatings that get her excited.

I’m a fan of this idea! It’s time to replace our SWAT teams with TWAT teams. Female social workers like Kwon should serve the next warrant on an MS-13 meth lab worker. No police backup. No right to self-defense. And if she comes out pregnant a couple days later, she gets imprisoned for raping the vibrant.

But we Red-Pilled know that that isn’t how it’s going to work. The likes of “Karen” Kwon here will snark arrogantly about how they can do law enforcement so much better, then they’ll cry for help because bad men are being mean to her!

Their replacement for police will be the White Knight Brigade.

I only recently began my career as a social worker…

…but already I know how the world should be run differently from the previous fifteen thousand years!

…but in the past two years, I’ve already worked with some of Los Angeles County’s most marginalized and disadvantaged folks of all ages, ethnicities and races.

In the first year of my field internship for my master’s degree program, I worked in the field and conducted home visits for homebound clients such as seniors and those who are physically or mentally disabled. I visited them in their homes in predominantly Black neighborhoods and investigated abuse allegations from Adult Protective Services by assessing them for signs of abuse and determining the safety of their environment.


I helped them access resources such as food stamps, utilities assistance, rent assistance, employment, housing, mental health help . basically anything they needed to make their difficult lives just a little more comfortable.

Handing out taxpayer money, with the sole exception of getting a job. If God designed women to spend her man’s money then He did a truly awesome job of it!

I met my homeless clients on the streets or in coffee shops to help link them with housing and resources.

This is why I never use the bathrooms of coffee shops. Washing hands does nothing to prevent needle-stick incidents.

In California, social workers need 1,000 clinical field internship hours in order to graduate from a two-year master’s program. Then they need to complete 3,000 supervised clinical hours over the course of 104 weeks in order to test for their license.

By contrast, a prospective police officer in California needs just 664 hours of academy training (or roughly 16 40-hour weeks) and 14 weeks of field training.

Barbers, cosmetologists, interior designers, refrigeration technicians, electrical sign specialists and manicurists all require more hours of training than the police, according to CNN.

Liberals don’t want people to ever be fully trained because then the education-industrial complex can’t scam money off of them for training. Even worse, once graduates get into the real world they begin realizing that six years of post-high school education plus two full years of underpaid internships did nothing to prepare them for the actual job.

The basic police duty is restraining someone and hauling their meatsack to jail, plus filing the relevant paperwork. How much training does it really take to do that? Add in a fat book of what-if procedures, some First Responder training and How To Drive It Like You Stole It, and four months sounds about right.

Behold the glory of no rent-seeking middle management.

It’s a crime against the economy that jobs from barber to fridge tech need ANY licensing AT ALL. The ones who suck will simply go out of business… but the ones who don’t will be competition against the established outfits.

I learned to cut my own hair because a simple trim is now $25 in California. Bitter bitches finally achieved gender-equality in cosmetology without once realizing that I was going to go bald anyway. *bzzzt* I don’t need a beautician anymore.

In my role as a social worker, I’ve done things such as pick up and deliver furniture, clothes and medical supplies to homebound clients; drive clients to necessary appointments; mediate conflict among family members; diagnose and treat clients for mental disorders such as depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder, gender dysphoria or disruptive behavior; provide individual and family psychotherapy in English and Korean; develop individualized education plans with school administration; and collaborate with an interdisciplinary team of medical professionals, mental health practitioners, law enforcement, lawyers, court officials, schools and community resources.

All pussy work. We liberated women to be anything they ever wanted to be, and they all want to care for the sick and keep a home in order.

Five minutes of trying to restrain George Floyd on his coke bender will shatter Kwon’s illusions AND her collarbones. It would be the righteous work of God to send her, unprotected, to die in the projects for what she believes.

I can’t believe what a sheltered life this twat is speaking from.

Social workers are already using “smart policing” techniques and providing preventive evidence-based interventions in marginalized communities . and all this with a fraction of the budget of the New York Police Department. We conduct regular home visits for homebound or high-needs clients to ensure they have the resources and services they need to survive and become contributing members of society.

AGAIN, police work is not about elderly shut-ins who need a ride to their job as a traumatized Walmart greeter.

The goal is to address the underlying cause of crime and violence before it becomes a bigger issue. This kind of evidence-based policing combines the science of controlling crime and disorder with the principles of community policing and problem-solving. Based on a social worker’s job description, we’re basically community police officers without guns.

This ignorant arrogance is going to get a lot of people killed.

But what if you find yourself in a dangerous situation and fear for your safety? Wouldn’t you want to call the cops? If the person that I’m fearing has a weapon, sure, I would want to call the cops. But if he’s unarmed (as were George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, Michael Brown, Eric Garner . the list goes on), you.d be surprised at how many crises can be de-escalated without the use of guns or violence.

STOP RIGHT THERE, BARBIE! You don’t get to know in advance whether there’ll be a gun involved. You don’t get to pick and choose which emergency calls you answer. If you replace the police then YOU will go out there, without a gun… because guns kill people, sez you… and if the bad guy is armed then you ARE NOT ALLOWED TO GIVE UP. You will correct his behavior, on site and in real time, and if a warm glass of milk doesn’t convince the armed robber to play nice then I’ll laugh at you suffering whatever he does to you. If it’s especially nasty then I’ll also upload it to youTube.

I had to de-escalate a crisis situation in my first few months as an intern at a community mental health agency. My client was erratic, emotionally unstable and expressed suicidal and homicidal ideation. I was scared, but I didn’t have to call the police. Instead, my supervisor came for back-up, and we calmly helped my client come to the realization that it would be in the client’s and family’s best interests if my client were to go to the hospital that night. My client ended up getting the medication that they needed at the hospital and has been doing great ever since.

HER SUPERVISOR de-escalated the situation and she claimed credit for it. Let’s see her try, own her own, with a “client” in the process of stealing her car.

In addition, I have colleagues who have experienced physical altercations out in the field, such as being placed in a brief chokehold by a homeless person on substances. I know applied behavior analyst therapists who have grown accustomed to getting objects thrown at them and getting bit by their young autistic clients.

She avoids the rough stuff then brags she don’t need no cops to protect her from the rough stuff.

So far there have been zero deaths at the hands of social workers. According to the numbers, social workers cause fewer deaths than cops, are less likely to exacerbate crisis situations with violence and do all of this work for way less pay than police.

Evil must be punished. She doesn’t grok that at all, either because she’s female and wired to care or because she was raised by atheists who believe there is no evil. With enough drugs, everybody will be happy!

I.m an immigrant, and a few years ago I officially got naturalized.

Go home, you foreigner. We got more than enough Commies already.

I raised my right hand and swore an oath that .I will support and defend the Constitution and laws of the United States of America against all enemies, foreign and domestic.. I’ve been living and breathing this oath in my daily work as a social worker, advocating for America’s most vulnerable and neglected souls.

You broke your oath, bitch. You are an ally of the people destabilizing my society so they can get rid of the Constitution entirely. What, you thought those were empty words to be spoken like a magic spell? I doubt you ever respected the Constitution, let alone ever read it.

We need to change the way we think about mental health so that instead of just seeing a “crazy person” out on the street, we see a fellow American reaching out for help.

That “crazy person” just stole your bicycle and smartphone. What now, Barbie? Who you gonna call?



4 thoughts on “From SWAT to TWAT

  1. Agree that most multi-year college / university programs are not worth it.

    You might think a medical program would be different… although I have found some doctors that I assess as being pretty stupid / incompetent.

  2. The good news is that the urban, liberal-ruled shit holes that are going to replace their cops with armies of Sharon Kwons fully and richly deserve the results that will ensue.

    There ain’t enough popcorn…

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