Floyd’s Other Shoe

Browsing today’s true-crime headlines pinged my pattern detector.

Texas clerk dodges bullet, fatally shoots robbery suspect trying to pass counterfeit bill: police

htt ps://www.foxnews.com/us/texas-houston-clerk-shoots-kills-robbery-suspect-counterfeit-bill

By Danielle Wallace, 30 June 2020

A Texas corner store clerk shot and killed a robbery suspect Monday night who allegedly first fired at him after trying to pass a counterfeit $20 bill, according to reports.

I love a story with a happy ending!

The Houston Police Department responded to calls about a robbery taking place at the Super Qwik Food Store off Fulton Street and Julia near the North Freeway around 10 p.m.

By the time officers arrived at the scene, a man had been shot and was transported to the hospital, where he later died.

.Luckily and fortunately for the convenience store clerk, he had a gun with him. He was able to return fire,. Houston Police Sgt. J. Horn told KHOU. .The suspect or the robber collapsed here at the store. He was transported to the hospital where he died later..

The man, who has not been identified by authorities, allegedly tried to use a counterfeit $20 to make a purchase, but the clerk told him he could not accept the bill, KTRK reported.

Another Knee-grow. He wasn’t identified because the blacks are rioting in the streets demanding the defunding of police everywhere. Fingerprints alone would have confirmed his identity because this wasn’t his first rodeo.

Police said the robbery suspect then made his way into the clerk’s secured area, pulled out a gun and fired at him at least once within close range, narrowly missing him.

Open-and-shut attempted murder.

The clerk then pulled out a gun of his own and fired at the man, striking him multiple times.

.He.s very fortunate to be alive right now. We’re thinking that the bullet that the robber or suspect fired was only a few inches away from him,. Horn said.

Horn said the clerk was not harmed in the incident. No charges have been brought against him.

The suspect had a criminal record and was released on parole for a similar alleged robbery incident that happened last summer, KHOU reported, citing police records.

All’s well that ends with dirt naps for Dindus but what’s this about passing counterfeit money? I remember ol’ George Floyd first attracted the attention of police when he tried to pass fake money, too.

That’s a rather high-IQ crime for this crowd.

I found this:

Counterfeit Money Is The Motive Behind Gangland’s George Floyd Arson And Looting Riots


By Yoichi Shimatsu, 2 June 2020

Friends of the rioters and supporters of gangsters are now threatening the Cup Foods store, whose owner is an Arab American, Apparently brown skin isn’t enough if you run an honest business serving a poor community, and he was expected to subsidize George Floyd’s cigarette habit. Many of the new liberal friends of George are the same people who are offended by smokers inside bars or on the sidewalk, hypocritically defending a smoker’s right to defraud a local small business with a counterfeit 20-dollar bill.

I’d never heard the circumstances of Floyd’s arrest before. Had the impression that the counterfeit-passing was during his nightclub-bouncer job.

Most people have never had to deal with gangs, the way I did in placing immigrant teens saved from gang leaders and released out of New York City’s juvenile detention center, thanks to the police officers and the warden’s program who tried to save them from damnation. Of course the Chinatown gangs wanted the youths back to gun down their rival criminal bosses, but my program would not allow those teenagers to drift back to criminal activity and spend the rest of their lives in prison.

Glorifying street violence and looting today are beyond ridiculous, it’s nothing less than advocacy of crimes against society and encouragement of a warped mind-set among the younger generation glorifying anti-social violence.

Hence my last post’s utter hatred of Churchian leaders taking a knee in their honor.

Even more hypocritical are the feminist protesters who make a lot of noise about women’s sexual rights. It so happens that George Floyd was a performer in the black porn industry in his home state of Texas violating African American women. Where is all the outrage that was directed at Harvey Weinstein or Jeffrey Epstein who at least paid the female talent a high-end salary, up in the 90 percentile bracket? Before going to burn down a mom-and-pop shop, do your research, you irresponsible fools.

That would also explain Officer Chauvin quitting the nightclub when he did, above and beyond its favoring a black clientele over the previously Latino.

Counterfeit from China

Now let’s deal with what’s behind the police’s harsh dealings with George Floyd, basically the question of. fake money flooding Minnesota. In mid-December, during the Christmas rush, U.S. Customs officials seized $900,000 in fake one-dollar bills printed in China , rolling into the USA inside a cargo train at the Canada-Minnesota border crossing at International Falls. Obviously customs officers had been tipped off by state troopers and local police that cities like St. Paul-Minneapolis were being overwhelmed with counterfeit, affecting especially the poorer neighborhoods. The employee at Cup Foods obviously has since then been trained to use a counterfeit detector at the cash register.

Floyd was at the receiving end of that shipment? Hmm.

Nearly a million in fake dollars is just the tip of the iceberg floating onto American shores. Over the past five years, there’s been a spectacular rise in counterfeit of low denomination, especially $20 bills now that C-notes are routinely checked by cashiers. At any given time, there’s more than $70 million in circulation across the USA, nearly all of that being newly smuggled notes, following routine detection at currency exchanges and banks sending bundles to the U.S. Treasury for inspection.

Modern counterfeiting of US currency is done mostly by foreign governments. It shores up their own finances at the expense of ours, a double win for them.

Counterfeit harms poorer families the most, because whenever a cashier rejects payment, some child is not getting their birthday present or new clothing as planned and saved for. If you happen to be traveling, fake bills can be a major headache. When I was reporting on the Kashmir conflict, on the Indian border following the Battle of Kargil, I received a couple hundred dollars’ worth of rupees in counterfeit from a Citibank money exchange machine. The bank refused to admit liability, and so I had to move out of my hotel pronto and find cheaper accommodations in a cold water inn, plus curtailing some of my travel plans. I had come thousands of miles from Japan for the story, but some bank employee replaced real rupees with fake notes at my expense doing harm to the only reporter then dealing with human rights in that troubled zone.

Therefore, any defenders of George Floyd are, to me, nothing but apologists for robbery, and all I can say is to the protesters is this. May it happen to each one of you, and remember to feel sorry for the thief who defrauds you.” Give him the rest of your savings, be kind to pickpockets.

After defending the circulation of Made-in-China counterfeit dollars, which may be just a criminal enterprise and hopefully not strategic financial warfare against the American economy…

More than likely, I’d say. The CCP is awash in dollars from trade surpluses. Counterfeiting more dollars would devalue what they’re already holding.

…these supporters of George went on to torch local businesses, exactly when employees were expecting to go back to work towards the tapering off of the lock-down. Trashing strip malls, torching mom-and-pop shops and restaurants is reckless vandalism, an evil assault on the U.S. economy at a most crucial moment, dashing hopes of recovery. Every rioter who’s not shot on sight during curfew should be thrown into prison for many decades for their own good, and hopefully do some hard labor to teach them the virtue of word instead of theft.

Ineffective mayors and governors should not only be dumped at the polls, but investigated and prosecuted for dereliction of public duty and as accomplices to murder and mayhem. These sorts of political criminals are worse, and stern punishment is necessary to re-instill a sense of public duty and respect for law. There is no compelling arguments at this time of an unjust major war or mass oppression of minorities as there were during the Vietnam era and during the Civil Rights movement. Minorities have never had it better than now, and some individuals are actually super-privileged beyond the bounds of sensible generosity and decency toward our fellow citizens.

George Floyd was in bad health due to his drug addictions. He knew his condition and all he was expected to do was agree to turn over a list of names involved in distribution of fake money. Most grown men can handle being wrestled down to the pavement. The four police officers had no reason to kill him but to the contrary needed to keep him alive as a witness in the counterfeit racket. Reading him his rights and calling in a lawyer makes for good legal theory by the book, but in reality tough methods are the only way to bust large-scale criminal operations. If Floyd has one iota of respect for his society, he would have confessed the names of his criminal associates preying on the poorer communities of Minnesota, and he’d be alive today under a witness protection program.

The police are not sadists who enjoy violence but must be tough to break the code of silence enforced by murderous gangsters. It’s a civil war and getting worse due to liberal judges and wide-open immigration for foreign thugs. Adding to their urgency in first-target Minneapolis was the need to crack the international mafia and interstate criminal ring undermining the American currency, in what could be a secret state-sponsored operation representing a major national security threat, related to trade conflicts and in preparation for social destabilization prior to military clashes. So let’s not be naive about the big picture. Precaution is necessary to prevent another world war, this time around with nuclear warheads and biological warfare. Deterrence of economic warfare is a means to extend the peace and prevent bloodshed.

I respect tough cops in times like these, when we are starting to face all sorts of emerging threats, because these officers are the honest ones, unlike the smug smooth-talking captains on the take from crime bosses, put there to keep the gangsters safe from arrest and the corrupt politicians happy on the payroll, the California Democrat model of treasonous governance.Those police officers who are being unjustly vilified are on the front-line defending honest folks who suffer the humiliation of poverty in silence without any help from the liberals and the entitlement minorities. Poverty creates criminality, but criminals reinforce poverty with their predatory destruction of neighborhood economies.

Now, after the politically correct arsonists torched businesses, jobless employees are in even deeper financial trouble than ever, just so some thieving punks can wear new Nikes to show off their crimes against society. Can you see the injustice here brought on by that irresponsible and dishonest fool George Floyd? Strong mothers and fathers should bawl out their sons and daughters who participated in the protest and looted stores, and drag them down to juvenile court with the evidence in hand where they need to learn some lessons about life and liberty.



Brian Jordan Bartels, a 20-year-old man who Pittsburgh police said is suspected of inciting violence during a protest, was escorted by his parents as he turned himself in Monday.

Local law enforcement were investigating the destruction of a police SUV when they received an anonymous tip from a co-worker at Amazon who recognized Bartels at the scene of the crime, the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette reported. The vehicle was set on fire after being tagged with spray paint Saturday, although police officers eventually arrived on horseback to disperse the rioters.

According to a criminal complaint and eyewitness accounts, a woman tried to stop Bartels from damaging the SUV, but he gave her the finger and proceeded to break the car’s windows.

The 20-year-old turned himself in Monday and was escorted by his parents and an attorney. Local news reporters attempted to ask him questions but Bartels ignored them as he walked into the station. He was referred to as “antifa kid” in a Monday tweet by Jason Howerton, but any affiliation with antifa is unclear.

Bartels faces multiple felony charges including criminal mischief, institutional vandalism and riot.

End segue. Also, this:

Ah, more stories with happy endings!

My childhood was spent in the black-majority Compton area, where I was picked on and drawn into a fight nearly on many a school day. I had friends among by black schoolmates, but some of them had to be helped out of trouble with fisticuffs against the bullies, of which there were no shortage. I was involved in at least 50 bloody battles and won them all, or would have been killed before becoming a teenager. The children influenced by gangsters do not quit or apologize until you are bashing their heads on the pavement, when they then come to the realization they will be killed unless they grovel and apologize. On the other hand, they would have just killed me ruthlessly, so I can say is that liberalism gets nowhere in the concrete jungle whenever taming the beast in men.

Compton in the 80s was no joke. Being a Japanese kid in Compton? Dear God, he lived a nightmare. Once vibrants fall below a certain intellect threshold, you just can’t reason with them. It’s law of the jungle all the way back to Africa. Easy money from drug dealing only made it worse.

That’s why if a cop’s not tough, he’s not enforcing the law by teaching outlaws that a life of crime shall not pay. The policeman defending social order is your savior not an oppressor. Having been there in the Hell of poverty and violence, I sincerely hope that the jury understands what this nation is up against now and let the police officers off with a light sentence. Sure, I feel sorry for George as low life damned since youth, but share a lot more sorrow for his many victims. A man must not pass the harm he’s endured onto others. Let’s just hope the final lesson is for young people to take the straight and narrow path instead of wandering off toward the fires of midnight.

Police need to be thugs because the bad guys aren’t holding out for warm milk and cookies and reparations. They want gimmedats and need the whipping post.

I doubted that George Floyd had moved to Minnesota to put his Texas life of crime behind him. This clinches it.


5 thoughts on “Floyd’s Other Shoe

  1. Public pillaries, floggings, branding, cutting off of hands, and a quick execution, are far more efficient than is prison.

    Prison is expensive, and hardens a nascent felon. Whereas a severe flogging motivates a youth to contemplate the error of his ways. Plus, his future is not destroyed beyond repair by ten years away from society, living among, and learning from, hardened felons.

  2. GQ linking a TYT video? I have seen everything.

    Police need to be thugs because the bad guys aren.t holding out for warm milk and cookies and reparations.

    This. There is no such thing as ‘speaking truth to power’. Power only sees power. As an arbiter of truth, it must be wielded with power. If you are powerless, the truth you carry is of no value. It is therefor your responsibility as a truth-bearer to build power in order to secure the second half of the commandment of Ge 1:28. Military and law enforcement [once] understood this.

    Christ v1.0 lived a life of purpose of His Father’s Will: to die an innocent lamb for our crimes against the Father to secure His promise to us for salvation.
    In Christ v2.0 (‘The Return’ sequel, coming to an Earth near you), He will usher in peace through a ‘rod of iron’.

  3. “GQ linking a TYT video?”

    Is it something naughty? … AIEE young turks! What was I thinking? I saw the video before so when it came up while I was searching for that meme base, I figured why not.

    It was a video of a black woman beating up her protestor son in front of everybody. Hilarious if you’re into slapstick but my post can live without it.

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