Carsyn Davis Died of Church-Borne COVID?

The Leftist media is on the warpath against churches reopening. Here’s their latest faulty accusation:

Medical examiner: Teen who died from COVID-19 attended large church event days before death

“Carsyn Davis, who died on June 23, is one of the youngest people in Florida to die from the virus.”

By Evan Dean, 6 July 2020

LEE COUNTY, Fla. – The 17-year-old Lee County girl who died from complications of coronavirus was at a church event with 100 other kids two weeks before she died, according to the medical examiner’s investigative report into her death.


Carsyn Davis, who died on June 23, is one of the youngest people in Florida to die from the virus.

Physiognomy: genus Social Justice Warrior, species Trigglypuff.

The Miami-Dade County Medical Examiner Department, which put together the report, said Davis had a “complex medical history” with a number of health problems. In a GoFundMe page for Carsyn’s family, her mother wrote that Carsyn battled cancer and a rare autoimmune disorder from an early age.

Slow yer hyperventilation. Like most non-elderly victims, this young girl had enough preexisting conditions to disqualify her from ever purchasing life insurance.

The ME.s report said on June 10, Carsyn attended a “church function.. NBC2 has confirmed it was a youth church event hosted by First Assembly of God in Fort Myers. The medical examiner reported Carsyn was “with 100 other children. She did not wear a mask. Social distancing not followed..

Hard truth: everybody is going to get this disease. There will be no vaccine and frankly, no vaccine is needed now that the disease is well-understood and treatable.

Assuming you aren’t a cancer survivor with an autoimmune disorder.

From June 10 through June 15, the report said Carsyn’s mother, a nurse, and her stepfather, a physician’s assistant, prophylactically treated her with azithromycin, an antibiotic.

Don’t blame the church because it let kids play. Blame the parents’ medical malpractice of using an antibiotic to treat a viral infection. Their jobs mean they should have known better.

Did you catch “stepfather” in that? Carsyn is a child of divorce. That’s a risk factor, too, for just about everything.

But on June 13, she developed symptoms: a headache, sinus pressure, and a mild cough. The report said her family thought she had a sinus infection.

I’m now confused. Which is it? Did they start treating her the same day for exposure to Wuhan Whoop or did they think it was a sinus infection while all the headlines talked endlessly about SARS-Cov-2? Or were they already treating her for a bacterial infection when Chinavirus came along?

Carsyn.s symptoms persisted, and on June 19, the medical examiner reported Carsyn’s mother noted she looked “gray” while sleeping. Her mother discovered her oxygen levels were low, so she gave Carsyn some of her grandfather’s oxygen.

Supporting the medical malpractice idea.

The report said her parents also gave her hydroxychloroquine. In June, it was revoked for emergency use by the FDA, after being touted earlier in the pandemic.

That’s news to me. So, the only permitted treatment in USA will cost $3k per treatment from Gilead BigCorp. instead of $3 like everywhere else in the world.

*checks* The HCQ was “unlikely to be effective” and “had serious side effects”. I heard “we canceled President Trump’s recommendation now that he’s busy with reelection”. And yes, I fully believe that Federal health officials would endanger the lives of every human being in North America in order to make somebody they didn’t like look bad. That’s why they wanted power in the first place.

If they administered HCQ as competently as they did antibiotics… *shrug*

Carsyn was then admitted to the pediatric ICU at Golisano Children’s Hospital, the report said, and she tested positive for COVID-19. Her parents declined intubation.

On June 20th and June 21, she was given plasma therapy. A day later on June 22, she was intubated — but serious problems persisted.

Carsyn was taken to a children’s hospital in Miami for more extreme measures, but ultimately — on the afternoon of June 23– she was pronounced dead.

An autoimmune disorder made that fate nearly certain anyway. She was probably lucky to get 17 years of life.

NBC2 spoke with Pastor David Thomas at the First Assembly of God Church on Monday. He said the church did take precautions to keep kids safe during the June 10 event. Thomas said if kids weren’t practicing social distancing, that was their decision. He said the church wasn’t going to be policing the event.

A valid point. What are we going to do, imprison children in solitary confinement out of fear that they’ll play with each other? Some of the school reopening plans I’ve seen are exactly that.

NBC2 tried asking the church more questions, but we’re still waiting for a response. We stopped by the Davis family home Monday to ask about the report, but we were asked to leave the property.

Smart moves on both sides. Pastor Thomas would have done even smarter to NEVER talk to the media.

First Carsyn had bad parents–note they intentionally misspelled the name “Carson”–then she had an autoimmune disorder, then cancer, then apparently an eating disorder, then she played with other kids at church, then she died of a disease that almost no children have yet died of.

Obviously, all church activities must be permanently banned for the health of humanity. We sicko Christians let our children play without masks!


One thought on “Carsyn Davis Died of Church-Borne COVID?

  1. Don.t blame the church because it let kids play. Blame the parents. medical malpractice of using an antibiotic to treat a viral infection. Their jobs mean they should have known better.

    That’s not the only abuse they suffered this “triggleypuff” ™ ..

    They should charged with her obesity .. that’s the cruelity of this current crop of parents .. she died from a case of Over-Sporking not Covid19.

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