COVID Beats Deputy With Her Own Baton

St. Louis’ Finest got locked down on Christmas Day! Taking a break from my series on Totalism–one post left–let’s watch an Entitled Black Female Cop perform admirably in a gas station catfight!

WATCH: Missouri Woman Hit Sheriff’s Deputy With a Baton in Mask Dispute

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By Erin Laviola, 29 December 2020

A sheriff’s deputy in St. Louis, Missouri, is recovering from being punched and struck with her own baton on Christmas Day after telling a woman she needed to wear a mask inside a gas station. Police have released surveillance footage of the suspect from inside the store and have asked for help to identify her.

The case has attracted attention beyond St. Louis because a witness recorded the assault and shared the footage on social media. A clip that has circulated online shows the moment the suspect grabbed the deputy’s baton and hit her over the head with it as the deputy tried to get back on her feet.

Here.s what you need to know:

You need to know

  1. The deputy lost twice against an unarmed woman.
  2. The Sheriff’s department held back the portion of video that shows how she managed to lose her baton.
  3. The deputy failed to get a license plate number or face description, opting instead to assault the other party after she walked away.
  4. Sheriff Vernon Betts praised the useless deputy.
  5. The deputy is black, female and totally not a diversity hire.

The videos are on the link. Truth be told, it’s just another Wednesday night in St. Louis, no bloodshed even, so you aren’t missing anything that I won’t gleefully point out in a moment.

The violent confrontation happened at a Shell gas station on North Tucker Boulevard just before midnight on December 25. According to the St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department, the 59-year-old deputy was working security at the gas station that night.

Working two jobs is so much better than depending upon a husband! To judge from her epic failure as a gas station bouncer, her supervisors knew better than to send her on actual patrols.

The suspect walked into the store without a mask. The deputy [here, a literal rent-a-cop] said she told the woman she needed to wear a face-covering in order to enter the store. Business owners in St. Louis are required to enforce mask-wearing to help curb the spread of the coronavirus, according to the St. Louis Post-Dispatch.

Surveillance video released by the police department shows that the suspect did, in fact, have a mask in her hand and she appeared to put it on as she turned to walk down a store aisle. The store footage does not include audio.

Problem solved, yes?

No video has been released of what the deputy said happened next. She said the suspect “became belligerent” over being instructed to put a mask on. The deputy said the woman shoved her as she left the store and then continued to punch the deputy “with a closed fist.” Police said the suspect then grabbed the deputy’s baton and struck her with it, which caused a concussion.

That’s a rather big hole in the video coverage of a convenience store. Karen complied, walked out of range of store surveillance cameras and the next anybody knows, they’re at each other’s throats in the parking lot? The question must be asked, did Deputy Latrina provoke this confrontation?

Police described the suspect as a Black woman who was about 6.1. tall and weighed between 190 to 200 pounds.

A standard-sized ghetto queen.

She was wearing a black 3/4 length coat, a dark shirt and black pants at the time of the assault. Police noted her straight black hair was possibly a wig. Anyone with information was asked to call CrimeStoppers at 866-371-TIPS (8477) or a 4th District Detective at 314-444-2500.

Ohmigawd, that’s rayciss against hair!


It.s unclear who filmed the confrontation outside the Shell gas station but the footage has been reposted and shared on Twitter and Facebook. The 1:33 clip begins with the deputy already down on the ground as the suspect punches her. The suspect then grabs the deputy’s baton and is seen swinging it down as the deputy tries to stand up. Two men intervene at that point and one of them appears to wrestle the baton away from the suspect.

Every. Single. Time.

The woman turns and walks back toward the gas pumps. The deputy manages to get back on her feet and follow the suspect. About 40 seconds later, the deputy and the woman are seen arguing next to a red vehicle.

Now I’m really thinking that Deputy Latrina started this. She lost a fight, was rescued by MEN who gave her her baton back, and instead of getting a license number or waiting for backup, she waded in for Round Two.

Which was felony assault. They fought, she lost, Karen walked away. The decision to confront her a second time with weapon drawn (and swiftly used!) was NOT necessary force because she was acting as a security guard.

A man hands the deputy her baton as the suspect got in the passenger seat. The deputy proceeds to smack the suspect with the baton several times while the suspect grabs onto the suspect’s head with her hands. The suspect eventually pushes the deputy back and closes the door. The deputy tries to open the door but it had been locked. The red vehicle left the scene.

Latrina lost a second time. Good show, St. Louis’ Finest! At least she got her weapon back… thanks to an unarmed, untrained MAN who’d been wandering by.

In a statement to local outlets KSDK-TV and KMOV-TV, St. Louis Sheriff Vernon Betts offered reassurance that despite suffering head injuries, the deputy was expected to be ok. He praised her and said she “performed admirably while injured and under duress..

She lost her service weapon against a lone, unarmed female. Betts should have canned her. May he never trust Latrina with a firearm!

Betts added that the Christmas Day incident served as an example of the danger his deputies face while on the job. .This individual made a serious mistake and we are working with the St. Louis Police Department to apprehend and bring charges against this attacker.” The sheriff also reminded community members to keep wearing masks while in public while the pandemic continues.

Because if you don’t wear a mask, another admirably-performing Deputy might need to be rescued by male bystanders.

Happy New Year!

4 thoughts on “COVID Beats Deputy With Her Own Baton

  1. 190# Lean 6′ 1″ with a wig easily beating up a female cop.

    Well, maybe not, but I bet the lady who beats a cop over a mask, and the cop who can’t leave her alone, but yet didn’t get her license number, already know each other. I bet you that is two acquaintances who already don’t like each other for some other reason. And the police department claiming the officer did great, is just a ridiculous affirmative action. If that had happened to a White guy, the whole world would be laughing at him, including his bosses.

  2. Working two jobs is so much better than depending upon a husband!

    C’mon now. Who the fuck would wife up a ghetto Keisha, especially one that wants to be a Keisha Kop?

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