Nixon Aide Wallace B. Henley Makes A Case For Tighter Control Of Christian Dissidents

God has a very strong distrust of human institutions. He started with Moses and soon was unleashing Phinehas upon disobedient leaders. Life did not improve. He set up the Levite priesthood but soon was working through Samuel. He liked running Israel via the Judges… persons not chosen by any human standard… then humored us briefly with kings until resorting to the Prophets. Then Christ arrived, a man of no human validation, refused to become a king at all and was succeeded by amateur apostles. The only two government agents were a tax collector for Rome and the murderous Saul.

Some might call that a pattern.

To this day, one is far more likely to hear God’s true opinions from principled dissidents than seminary graduates and White House Cabinet officials. Thus, when a twenty-year-experienced Important Pastor, so delusional as to still be proud of serving President Nixon, calls for tighter regulation of “prophets”, what he’s actually calling for is silencing the dissidents of Christ.

Wallace B. Henley… a pretentious Yankee Goodwhite name if ever I heard one… wrote a two-part opinion piece to explain the threat of unregulated prophecy.

The 2020 election and untethered prophets (pt 1)

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25 November 2020

Fake news and false prophecies boiled around the 2020 presidential race like tempests stoking a hurricane.

There were no spiritual prophecies concerning the election. I pay enough attention to the Pentecostal/Charismatic crowd that I would’ve noticed. Perhaps he meant “predictions”?

From the perspective of Donald Trump and his associates, establishment media pumped hefty currents of disinformation and misinformation into the political cyclone through fake news. Many observers on both sides noted the “failed prophecies” that Trump would be re-elected in a landslide.

Had there been such a prophecy, it would have been true. Trump WAS re-elected in a landslide. There’s credible, if merely statistical evidence that he even carried California. Also, this isn’t about anybody’s “perspective”. We Christians deal only in hard truth.

When that did not happen, skeptics derided, and many people, even among the faithful, wondered what went wrong.


The problem, however, is not with prophecy but with untethered prophets.


These would-be foretellers herald predictions they claim God gave them, but their pronouncements are untested, and they really issue them under their own authority. They are “untethered” in the sense they have little or no relational connection to godly authorities to whom they can submit their message before they trumpet it under the claim, .Thus saith the Lord…!.

So then, he does mean “predictions”… yet he’s calling them “prophecies”. Why? Because Establishment clergymen like him cannot claim to gatekeep spiritual “predictions”.

I can see where this is headed and predict er, “prophesy” that he’s going for “propriety in worship” as his excuse to police Christian opinions regarding politics.

False prophets are lone-wolf seers rather than spiritually sensitive men and women tethered to a doctrinally sound church and submitted to spiritually mature elders. Such elders are biblically informed leaders who know the prophetic person relationally and biblical doctrine by which they can help assess the purported prophecy.

Henley is calling for clergy to act as gatekeepers for all future Christian demonstrations of support for Trump.

Thus, a primary characteristic of authentic prophecy is that it is given in the context of a biblically based church. This is Paul’s point in 1 Corinthians 12-14: The “trumpet” should be sounded and judged in a smaller group-setting before it is blasted to the globe.

Yep, I got it in one. Chapter 14 discusses propriety in worship as it pertains to spiritual gifts. What a good prophet, er, predictor I am!

That being said, I have no idea where he’s getting that last verse from. There’s no precedent for prophecies to be tested by a priesthood before being allowed to enter the public sphere. In fact, Scripture makes the exact opposite case. Was Christ Himself accepted and pronounced worthy by the Sanhedrin before speaking his opinions to the masses?

Jesus said of the “end times.: .Many false prophets will arise and will mislead many… false Christs and false prophets will arise and will show great signs and wonders so as to mislead, if possible, even the elect.. (Matthew 24:11, 24)

Trump’s election issues are no kind of “great signs and wonders”. Those will be actual demonic conduct and we aren’t there yet on the Doomsday Clock.

Prophecy and other spiritual manifestations were a major concern of the Apostle Paul as he and his colleagues planted churches across the Roman Empire. The new believers continued to live in chaotic, sensate, idolatrous cultures. False prophets picked up on waves of public opinion and fashioned messages and mystical moods.

Sorcery was real back then. It wasn’t mere idolatry. There IS an alternate reality beyond science and it sometimes affects this one directly.

Corinth was of special concern to Paul. The church there was made up of people zealous for their new faith. As they broke out of the rigid form of legalism some of the people bolted into the frenzy of spiritual antinomianism. They saw little or no doctrinal boundaries, especially regarding the use of the sign gifts. The balance that produced healthy, authentic New Testament ministry was lost.

That’s why they asked for Paul’s advice (implied by 1 Cor 7:1), because they’d thrown off all restraint, each free to act as he wished? Or, is that why Paul encouraged them by writing 2 Corinthians?

Form people believed the frenzy segment had even exceeded the boundaries of Scripture. The frenzy side accused the form faction of quenching the Holy Spirit.

Paul confronted this head-on in 1 Corinthians 14, intensely relevant for our age.

Because we don’t respect how much President Nixon tried to do for us! How much our Elites suffer and sacrifice to honor America’s founding principles! We ungrateful peasants rooting in the dirt with our vile freedoms and personal opinions, why will we not shut up and obey our betters!

The Apostle affirms all the gifts as being given by God for the sake of building up the church and the advance of Christ’s Kingdom in the world. Jesus had told His core followers to make “disciples” in all the nations, and to instruct them in everything He had taught them. According to Matthew 10, that meant among other things, casting out demons and healing the sick.

Sign gifts are prominent in authenticating the Gospel to pagan societies. Paul’s letters seek to bring order to the use of spiritual gifts. And that includes “prophecy.”

I like my prediction prophecy above even more.

Paul maintains the careful balance between “form and frenzy” when he writes, .desire earnestly to prophesy, and do not forbid to speak in tongues. But all things must be done properly and in an orderly manner.. (1 Corinthians 14:40)

There is a great struggle between cosmos and chaos in the fallen world. It is tragic when gifts are distorted to become instruments of chaos. That.s what Paul was battling at Corinth.

That’s what Jordan B. Peterson was battling in drug rehab.

.Order. is not rigid legalisms, but structural coherence to which careful thought has been given. Such “order” is not reactive authoritarianism but mature leadership.

Reminder, this is being said by a card-carrying ally of Richard “Tricky Dick” Nixon.

There are important differences between the “prophetic ministry” of the church, and “prophecy.” The prophetic ministry is, as some have called it, .forth-telling,. while “prophecy” is .fore-telling.. .Prophecy. is prediction, whereas the “prophetic” is proclamation.

This hairsplitting logic is how he is justifies this theological trainwreck. “All predictions are prophecies. Prophecies can be fact-checked by clergy. Clergy like me.”

Whether cessationist (those who believe the sign gifts ended with the passing of the Apostles) or non-cessationist (those who believe the sign gifts continue), there would be wide agreement among Christians that the work of the prophetic ministry is a continuing and urgently needed ministry now whereby the church confronts its culture and its institutions with biblical truth.

The Cessationist is DEFINED by NOT agreeing to that. Henley is a Baptist, however, and Baptists believe there are no more miraculous signs. Including prophecies. If Henley can’t make a case for prophecies existing inside that Cessationist worldview, however, then he can’t demand to have regulatory authority over what his pension requires him to believe doesn’t exist.

Many contemporary followers of Christ continue to believe that the Holy Spirit gives some people remarkable insight into currents of time and history, and that such individuals will sometimes “prophesy” by telling what they are seeing or sensing.

“I bet the Democrats will try to rig the election against Trump because they’ve tried to thwart him at every step for years and they surely wouldn’t stop now.”

“Sounds like you’re prophesying in the Name of the Lord! You better check in with your Credentialed Leadership before somebody overhears you! There could be IMPROPRIETIES!!!”

Paul indicated in 1 Corinthians 14 that sign gifts were best manifest in small groups as they had been in the early house churches.

*checks* Nope.

Biblical order could be maintained. It was possible to follow the admonition to “know those who labor among you.… (1 Thessalonians 5:12)

The “prophetic” ministry of the church is primarily the task of the larger gathering we might call the “great congregation,. while “prophecy” is most effective in small groups. There the would-be prophet can be in close relationship with others who can “inspect” the fruit of his or her life, and where utterances in tongues as well as known languages can be evaluated and interpreted by elders and other mature Christians.

Textbook gatekeeping… of God!

Let’s discuss what Paul actually taught in 1 Cor 14. Beginning with verse 29, “Two or three prophets should speak, and the others should weigh carefully what is said. And if a revelation comes to someone who is sitting down, the first speaker should stop. For you can all prophesy in turn so that everyone may be instructed and encouraged.”

The pastor doesn’t weigh what’s said before it’s released into public. The prophet speaks his piece and others consider what he said. No gatekeeper. And the order God wanted was “wait for the other guy to finish”.

Verse 32: “The spirits of prophets are subject to the control of prophets.”

Not the pastor.

Verse 33: “For God is not a God of disorder but of in all the congregations of the Lord’s people.”

The way things were done then, remains mandatory for now. The situation has not changed.

Verse 34: “Women should remain silent in the churches. They are not allowed to speak, but must be in submission, as the law says.”

Now I’m just being nasty.

We need the prophetic word now more than ever. However, we need to be able to trust it as coming from God. This requires both mature individuals and biblically solid churches and their leaders.

One of these things is not like the others. Do remember, Mister Baptist, that nobody was as Biblically solid as the Pharisees… and they couldn’t recognize their own god when He stood in front of them and did tricks on command.

In that context true prophecy and powerful prophetic ministry can grow and be useful to bless the nations. In Part II we examine principles of well-tethered prophecy.


The 2020 election, untethered prophets: What does healthy prophetic ‘reflection’ look like? (pt 2)

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By Wallace B. Henley, 2 December 2020

Woe to the prophetless nation!

.Where there is no prophetic vision the people cast off restraint but blessed is he who keeps the law.. (Proverbs 29:18 ESV)

The purpose of prophecy is communicating God’s will. That’s not so amazing as one might think. Time and again in Scripture and history both, whenever God is absent believers start wandering off. Every new generation needs to realize for themselves that Christ is real. If we were perfectly rational creatures then Scripture is all we’d ever need. God wrote a book, look it up.

But humans do not behave rationally. Most people need some level of personal encounter with God for Christianity to be anything more than a stodgy old book of fairy tales. Some directed encouragement along the way would be helpful, too. That is the purpose of prophecy. It’s not about predicting the future or summoning fireballs of doom and it’s certainly not about giving orders to the rich and powerful. It’s about being the middleman, or mailman, for God to affect people in such a way that they can relate to Him correctly.

(That means that gifts of prophecy are never given for the prophet’s benefit. Looking at YOU, Charismatics!)

Charles (Chuck) Colson spoke prophetically to nations. Chuck arose from the ashes of the Watergate-sparked collapse of the Nixon presidency when he gave his life to Christ.

In 1973, after three years as a junior aide in the Nixon White House I had become a pastor near Mobile, Alabama. A Washington friend phoned and told me Colson, whom I had known at a distance in the White House, had turned to Christ. Like Jesus’s disciples when they heard of the resurrection, I .disbelieved for joy.. (Luke 24:41)

SHEEE-IT! Is there ANYTHING this Nixon drone could have said to be more theologically tone-deaf and out-of-touch than mentioning his Nixon Administration ally Charles Colson is a “prophet to the nations”?

Does Henley realize that people have been born, lived a normal life and died of natural causes since his world ended with the Watergate Scandal of 1972?

Serious question: is Henley mentally competent enough to recognize that this is not year Nineteen Seventy-Fifty? Your world is DEAD, Baby Boomer. Nobody cares about life back then.

In other words, it was just too good to be true. I had assumed tough, cynical Colson was an agnostic, or maybe even an atheist.

My Washington friend confirmed Chuck’s conversion as genuine. But I could see for myself. Chuck had been sentenced for Watergate-related infractions to a federal prison at Maxwell Air Force Base, Alabama . three hours from my home.

Prison can help a man find God, too. Especially if faith in Christ brings early parole.

Two days later, I was on my way. I had been at the bottom rung of the White House staff and Chuck had been in Nixon’s inner circle, so I did not know how he would receive me . or if he would. Pecking order is a big deal in the White House.

I was amazed when Chuck greeted me with a powerful bear hug. Almost immediately I asked: .Chuck, how did the Watergate scandal happen?.

.We didn’t take time to reflect,. he replied.

A real Christian would have said, “I committed breaking and entering.” A very, very lucky Christian would have said, “I was hailing a taxi and this dude walks up out of nowhere and told me every last detail of the Watergate heist, stuff that nobody knew but me. Then he told me my sins would find me out, so I turned myself in and prayed God to forgive me. I never got his name.” THAT is what prophecy looks like.

Whoa, wait a second. Was Chuck saying, “We didn’t take time to consult the prophets on whether to raid the Watergate?” Is Henley thinking about how a prophet could have helped them do Nixon’s dirty work without getting caught?

Now, amid the chaos of the 2020 election, America is in a period calling for deep reflection. Allied soldiers marching into Germany in the aftermath of the Second World War called the bombed ruins the “rubble world.” Spiritually, ethically, politically, culturally, socially, we now gaze on a “rubble world” because so many of our key institutions . church, family, education, governance, businesses . lie in smoldering ruin.

No. America spiritually resembles a river with no landmarks… only a distant light and anybody who swims towards it, feels a powerful current and a compulsion to relax and stop trying and drift with all the other people floating in the river. No need to splash. No need to resist.

.Prophetic vision. is essential for deep reflection that takes in the “heights” as well as the .depths.” When John is about to receive the Revelation visions he sees .a door standing open in heaven,. and hears a voice: “Come up here, and I will show you what must take place….

One gets the most comprehensive view of the whole landscape from “up here. . God’s perspective. And the higher the position the more profound the view . like the stunning “Earthrise” photo of the “blue marble. Earth taken by the 1968 Apollo 8 crew 175,000 miles away.

Y’know… I don’t think Henley IS mentally competent. His generation is long past yet he demonstrates no awareness of current events. I would not be surprised if he says “Nixon never did like Trump!” in this article. (I only skimmed it before this fisking. I like to be surprised.)

To see things as they “truly are” requires prophetically gifted people, well-tethered to a local church which is itself tethered to biblical authority and order.

That means the New Testament church, far from being .non-essential,. is crucial in this reflective hour, along with spiritually mature leaders who can discern the prophets and the messages. (1 Corinthians 14:29)

Okay. I’ll give it a shot. *ahem* Your daughter needs to marry young to a young man who hasn’t made it yet in the world. Women should cover their heads, not participate directly in church functions and teach each other how to serve their husband in their “Bible studies”. Their husbands, not the pastor, are the legitimate leaders of the household… spiritually and otherwise. Children belong to their father. The government was tasked by God to be a servant of the people, not a master, and specifically to punish all the evildoers currently being released from prison en masse.

Are we feeling prophetish visions yet?

Without the prophetic vision, the people of the nation “cast off restraint.” The default of a fallen world is always downward. The powers of darkness seek fragmentation rather than unity. Entropy takes down and apart people and their institutions. As I put it in Part 1, the fundamental struggle in the fallen world is between cosmos (order) and chaos (disorder). Without vision that lifts us upward we descend into the ultimate chaos . Hell itself.

A favorite strategy of the adversary is to try to twist God’s good gifts into instruments of more disorder. This is the problem the Apostle Paul addresses in 1 Corinthians 14.

No! No! No! The fundamental struggle is rebellion against or loyalty to our Creator! Good vs evil! Heaven or Hell! Not “Cosmos or Hell”, what the heck is that?!

So, Henley has one sign of awareness of current events but it’s Jordan B. Peterson. I hope the prophesied “signs and wonders” that will deceive the nations, will be something more impressive than JBP’s “Maps Of Meaning”. I’ve had better word salad from a blender.

There is a direct ratio between the health of a nation and the health of the church within the nation.

On that, I suppose he is correct.

What, then, does clear and healthy prophetic “reflection” look like? Here are some principles of well-tethered prophetic ministry:

  • We inhabit the age when the Canon of Holy Scripture has been proven and settled; therefore, the standard for measuring the authenticity of any purported prophecy must be Canonical Scripture.
  • A prophetic word given in this present age does not carry the weight of Canonical Scripture.

Okay, actually. Heeding Scripture first and foremost helps prophets keep on the right paths.

  • A contemporary prophetic message affirmed by the leadership of a New Testament church may contain truth, yet is not necessarily universal, but given for a particular season or moment in finite time.
    Therefore, a prophetic word given in this present age of the established Canon of Scripture does not carry the weight of biblical prophecy.

Hello, Gatekeeping.

  • A prophetic word given in this present age of the confirmed Canon may be given by the Holy Spirit to bring the ancient Word of God into focus and application in contemporary situations and events.
    Thus, a prophetic word in this age helps identify the kairos (the “opportune moment” for intervention of God and His purpose in and for the existential world) happening midst the kronos (finite time) moment we inhabit.

God does not care about your material toys like national crises and White House appointments. God cares about people. One soul is more valuable than an empire because only the soul is eternal. Only in the Old Testament did prophets give advice to President Nixon… excuse me, the kings… on when & how to wage war against Nixon’s, er, the king’s enemies.

And frankly, it didn’t work well then, either. Too many false prophets came along saying what the king wanted to hear even when “prophets to the stars” were a real thing.

A great danger of untethered or poorly tethered prophecy is that people begin living based on feeling and impressions rather than solid biblical revelation. This means a dependence on the body and its sensate functions and the soul and its illusory emotions rather than the Spirit of God interacting with the human spirit.

Can the Spirit of God not interact with the human spirit without Sanhedrin approval? Remember when that issue actually came up with Priest Zechariah in Luke 1? It didn’t end well for the Responsible Adult in the room.

That prophetic word, submitted by a person under the lordship of Christ, and tested by godly elders and other leaders in a local New Testament church, can be, as the Apostle Peter put it, as .a lamp shining in a dark place until the day dawns and the morning star arises in (our) hearts.. (2 Peter 1:19)

Die, Baby Boomer! Die like the Seventies! The Church died on your watch and your only regret is watching us survivors support a playboy celebrity because the alternative is Creepy Joe finishing the job you started!

But credit: he never talked about Nixon’s opinion of Trump. That and not sniffing little kids puts Henley two steps above Creepy Joe.

The Slippery Jew Behind Oregon’s Drug Legalization

I came across the backstory of Oregon’s record- and soon-sanity-breaking legalization of hard drugs. I’d thought to merely find Soros money funneled through some hippie-NGOs and while I wasn’t wrong, I discovered an early example of how Judeo-Christ came into existence!

How COVID-19 Is Helping Bankroll Magic Mushroom Legalization

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By Chris Roberts, 22 November 2020

Election Day saw a string of huge wins for drug policy reform across the country, but nowhere went further than Oregon. Along with decriminalizing possession of small amounts of drugs.all drugs, across the board.voters there became the first to legalize adult access to psilocybin mushrooms.

I’ll just say that there were reasons those drugs were banned in the first place. What was old will soon be new again.

In a very direct way, the COVID-19 pandemic helped make all this happen.

Despair and friendlessness leading people to want to “experience new realities” during house arrest?

Polling repeatedly shows the drug war is vastly unpopular. And drug reform is a rare example of a true bipartisan issue. But so far in the U.S., most actual policy change on drugs has come at the ballot box.

Winning over voters requires huge sums of money.

Because the Drug War is vastly unpopular with voters of both parties. Got it.

And David Bronner, the ponytailed, vegan chief executive of his family business, Dr. Bronner’s Magic Soaps, says he was able to write checks totaling more than $6.4 million towards drug-war reform campaigns in three states and Washington, D.C., this year because the pandemic has been very good for the soap business.

On the one hand, their product is soap, a hygiene product, so this is plausible. On the other hand, the company has had implausibly fast growth over the last two decades, which is nearly unique for an honest business… let alone one located in California. And now that I think about it, West Coast hippies don’t use much soap. I’ll get into this later on.

Specifically, according to Bronner, the cash influx meant much bigger than anticipated checks for medical psilocybin legalization ($3.4 million) and drug-decriminalization ($1 million) campaigns in Oregon. Also part of his spending spree: a mushroom decriminalization measure in D.C. ($650,000), and cannabis legalization efforts in Montana and South Dakota ($1.4 million total).

.Obviously, it sucks overall, but in this regard, it was good timing,. Bronner told The Daily Beast of the pandemic-legalization link. .We would at most be spending half that, ordinarily..

Legalizing drugs in your home society is one thing. Legalizing drugs in other people’s societies is quite another. Bonner is unquestionably a globalist.

I checked the labels. He uses hemp in his soaps but not bath salts. He’s got no existing professional interest in mind-altering drug legalization.

In all, Dr. Bronner’s made $6.685 million in political donations this year, all funneled through New Approach PAC, a D.C.-based 527 nonprofit that’s been bankrolling drug reform efforts for years, according to IRS filings. (Bronner gives so much money that he briefly lost count; in an earlier conversation, he said he’d only given $5 million, underestimating his own efforts by more than 20 percent. .I guess it was that much!. Bronner said Friday. .Hard to keep track..)

It will be some time before Oregonians can legally use mushrooms, of course. Measure 109, the successful ballot initiative on that front, requires the Oregon Health Authority to regulate growers as well as therapists, who would provide psilocybin during licensed therapy sessions, but not before a two-year planning process is over.

By that time, more states may be joining the party.

Next up for psilocybin legalization, Bronner says, is Washington state in 2022. Then, in 2024, maybe California and Colorado, cash willing.

.We’re at an inflection point in the culture. but really, it’s a function of the firepower available,. Bronner said.

Does that sound like democracy to you? People in faraway places deciding what laws you get to live under. Sure, they’re “only” donating lots of money to legalize it, not actually voting for it, but the fact that lots of advertising works to sway voters means that still doesn’t sound like democracy.

Why did Oregon legalize magic mushrooms? Because a California Jew paid for it!

As an activist political bankroller, Bronner is something like a Charles Koch or a Robert Mercer, but for drug policy reform. And in this pantheon, he sticks out. Drug legalization has always relied on the generosity of a select few, but until now, they have largely been besuited tycoons: financier and far-right target George Soros, .Prince of the Pit. Richard Dennis, the late Progressive Auto Insurance founder Peter Lewis, and the late University of Phoenix founder John Sperling.

Lewis and Soros are Jews. Not Sperling and I couldn’t even find a bio of Dennis, for whom that nickname is real. All of them appear to have been working together to legalize drugs since 2004 per


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John Sperling was also an opponent of drug prohibition and was financing initiatives to decriminalize medical marijuana in the United States. According to Time magazine, Sperling used marijuana to combat pain caused by the cancer he fought during the 1960s.[dead link] Together with George Soros, and Peter Lewis of Progressive Insurance, Sperling raised considerable amounts of money for drug and other related causes, especially during the 2004 presidential campaign.

End segue.

Bronner doesn’t look like them. Nor does he act like them: In 2012, he was arrested for protesting Barack Obama, locking himself in a cage with some illegal hemp plants in front of the White House.

Mental health: questionable.

Drug Policy Alliance, which draws much of its funding from Soros’s Open Society Foundation, is still arguably the major player in the drug-reform and legalization space. But Bronner was the chief backer of Measure 109, the mushroom initiative, which raised north of $3 million total, $2.75 million from Bronner-backed New Approach PAC, as the most recent campaign finance filings show. (The rest of the $3.4 million he contributed to that effort came in after the most recent disclosure deadlines, according to Graham Boyd, New Approach’s political director.)

While Bronner’s $1 million check to Measure 110, the across-the-board drug decriminalization effort, shamed Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg.whose Chan-Zuckerberg Initiative gave “only” $500,000.DPA.s political arm, Drug Policy Action, was the main bankroller there, records show.

In the future, Bronner wants closer coordination with legalization’s other funders. .If we all line up as one grand coalition, we can run twice as many ballot measures in any given cycle,. he said. .We’re working hard on figuring that out..

But for now, this is where we are: Soros, Zuck, and the weirdo hippie soap-maker from San Diego. This is who’s paying to end the drug war. And it’s working.

In related news, the maker of an upcoming documentary about George Soros gave an interview wondering why Real Americans hate the guy so much and concluded we must be anti-Semites because Soros is really a nice guy who’s very nice and polite and only wants to help the world.

Me, I didn’t go looking for a Jew to bash. I saw a headline about COVID funding drug legalization in Oregon and clicked, and found a (((weirdo))) with a family business wanting to reeducate the world. And down the soapy German Juden rabbit hole we go….

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We are excited to share how hard we rocked 2014 in our first official “corporate social responsibility” report, as well as introduce deeper background into our company and family history. We have the responsibility to boldly and wisely use this amazing engine our grandfather built to drive positive social and environmental change, as well as hook people up with the best soap in the world.

Textbook Convergence. Nothing new.

Our grandfather ran the family enterprise as a non-profit religious organization, using the soaps to promote his All-One vision of peace and unity.

This is new! Grandpa who founded the company had a political agenda from the beginning? And what’s this about a religious organization? Please tell me Grandpa isn’t a Jewish refugee from the Nazis like Soros and friends.

Along with this first CSR report, we’re publishing the collected writings of our grandfather, what he called the “The Moral ABC” of the great All-OneGod-Faith he espoused. We recommend checking that out…

I will.

…and our introduction there gives further insight into the man and his vision. Like many, as young children we were a bit mystified by the intensity of our granddad’s trip. He was 24-7 bringing his message of All-One unity and love hard from the mountaintop and a lot of it sailed over our heads. But as we matured and came to terms with a world filled with tragedy and hate along with love and kindness, we increasingly got down with his All-One One-Love vision of breaking down the barriers that separate humanity across ethnic and religious divides.

By Jove, this could be the Rosetta Stone of Churchianity!



Dr. Emanuel (or Emil) Bronner was a third-generation master soapmaker born into a German-Jewish soapmaking family that had been making soap since 1858. By the turn of the century the family enterprise had expanded to three factories, the largest of which was in Heilbronn, where Dr. Bronner was born in 1909. He was trained in the guild system of the time and received a degree in chemistry.

Our grandfather was pretty intense from day one, and in his early 20s repeatedly clashed with his strict orthodox father and two uncles over his Zionist beliefs and new-fangled soapmaking ideas. His parents, like many bourgeois Jews in the late .20s and early .30s, expected the madness of the rising tide of fascist hate to blow over and didn’t want Emil rocking the boat. Our grandfather eventually got fed up and immigrated to the U.S. in 1929, where he became a consultant to the U.S. soap industry, helping to design factories and
launch products.

A Zionist kicked out by his family for rocking the Jew-controlled Weimar Republic that fed upon the German people until Hitler looked like a good idea. This put Heilbronner (later just Bronner) in a good position to influence subsequent waves of Jewish refugees.

Increasingly alarmed by the rise of Hitler, he repeatedly tried to get his family to leave Nazi Germany. His younger sisters got out, but his parents stayed until it was too late. The Nazis nationalized the factory in 1940 and Emil’s parents were deported and killed in the camps.

They might have deserved the camps.

By this time our grandfather had fallen in love and in 1934 married our grandmother, Paula. They had three children: Ellen, Ralph, and our dad Jim. Paula was often sick and in and out of hospitals, and died too young in 1944. Somehow in the midst of this massive personal tragedy, our grandfather experienced intense mystical love and the oneness of humanity. That we are all children of one everloving divine source.

Sounds familiar. Sounds… Judeo-Christ?

That in our ignorant blindness we’ll destroy ourselves, especially in a nuclear-armed world. He felt urgently called to his All-One mission to convince the public and world leaders alike that we must recognize our transcendent unity across ethnic and religious divides or we will perish. We’re All-One or None! All-One!

In the postwar era, diverse industries were using petrochemicals in everything from plastics to agriculture to personal care. Synthetic detergents were rapidly replacing natural soaps. With my grandfather’s quality soap recipes no longer in vogue, he started to manufacture them himself, selling his soaps on the side after lectures as he toured the country pumping people up on his All-One peace plan. He soon realized, though, that people were coming to his lectures for the soap more than to hear what he had to say, so he started putting his message on the labels. Pretty genius move to communicate with people in their intimate bathing space.


With the rise of the counterculture, people increasingly rejected mainstream faceless polluting corporate America, and embraced our grandfather’s soap for its simplicity, versatility and biodegradability, and grooved on the message of peace and love. You could wash your dog, dishes, body and clothes by the river and not worry about it, and the soap became the iconic soap of the era. Dr. Bronner ran his company, All-One-God-Faith, Inc., as a nonprofit religious organization, and he dreamed of the day when humanity would lightning-like realize our transcendent unity and awaken in a new birth, catalyzed in part by the message on his soap labels. Dr. Bronner used all of his profits to further his mission and support various sustainable projects and causes.

An early priest, possibly even the founder, of Judeo-Christianity and the concept of Convergence.

But the IRS disagreed with his self-designated tax-exempt status…


…and in the late .80s forced the company into bankruptcy. Due to Dr. Bronner’s failing health, our dad Jim, along with our mom Trudy and Uncle Ralph, stepped in to right the ship and exit bankruptcy as a for-profit company, but they held true to the non-profit DNA and vision that informed everything our grandfather did.

I’ll cover today’s David Bronner then dig into this One World religion his grandfather preached.

He graduated from Harvard University in 1995 with a degree in biology…

Nobody who ever attended Harvard should be allowed to participate in American politics at any level, ever.

In 1997 [approx. age 24] David Bronner began working for the family business, which was then under the leadership of his father. Following his father’s death in 1998, David became the company’s president…

That’s not a little suspicious. Pro-tip for (((nepotists))), don’t give your kids early access to the family business’ leadership then expect them to nurse you back to health should you fall down the stairs. Hmm, that could explain a lot of that ethnic group’s infamously paranoid-neurotic behavior.

…and, working with his brother Michael, grew the company from $4 million in annual revenue in 1998 to $120 million in 2017.

Three thousand percent growth in nineteen years, including the Second Great Depression in 2010, despite the handicaps of championing & financing Socialist causes and competition from Chinese manufacturing.

In 1999, he joined the small handful of top U.S. executives who voluntarily capped their salaries out of commitment to fair labor principles; Dr. Bronner’s Magic Soaps still has its top salary capped at five times that of the company’s lowest-paid workers.

Which didn’t stop him from using $6M of company profits for his personal political agenda this year alone.

In 2015, David moved into the newly created position of Cosmic Engagement Officer (CEO)…

Best incorporation strategy ever!

…while Michael took over as president. In 2019 Bronner founded the company Brother David’s to produce organic sun-grown cannabis in partnership with the supply chain company Flow Kana and independent small farmers.

First he worked to legalize marijuana in California, now he’s selling it. Clearly, he wants us to be free from government regulation and is totally not a thieving Jew wanting to sell addictive products! Dude, ask a Chinaman about their Opium Wars.

What’s his criminal background? It can’t be clean.

Bronner has been arrested twice for civil disobedience while protesting limitations on the domestic production of hemp. In 2009, he was arrested for planting hemp seeds on the lawn at DEA headquarters. In 2012, he was arrested after harvesting hemp and milling hemp oil while locked in a metal cage in front of the White House. In 2015 he was named Cannabis Activist of the Year by the Seattle Hempfest.

Entertaining but I suspect… incomplete. I must go to a hippie source for the real story, one that must describe the perversions of its heroes in order to give them credibility with its core audience.

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[Emanuel] Bronner.who wasn’t really a doctor.invented a Judeo-Unitarian pop religious philosophy, publicizing its tenets on the labels of the soap bottles that he gave away at his lectures. He became so obsessed with spreading his All-One faith that he and his sickly wife put their three children in foster homes for long stretches so he’d have more time to travel and speak. In 1945, he was arrested after a particularly fervent speech at the University of Chicago and committed to a mental hospital for two months.

Per his wikipedia entry, “In 1946, while promoting his “Moral ABC” at the University of Chicago, Bronner was arrested for refusing to leave the dean’s office, despite the fact he was invited to the campus to lecture by a local student group, and then committed to the Elgin Mental Health Center, a mental hospital in Elgin, Illinois, from which he escaped after shock treatments. Bronner believed those shock treatments brought about his eventual blindness.”

Shock therapy doesn’t cause blindness, especially years after treatment. “Bronner accidentally drank methanol while on a bender” sounds closer to the truth.

This delusional Zionist was literally an escapee from a mental hospital. Of course he settled in my California. *sigh*

Dr Bronner family

.The soap was there to sell his message,. David Bronner tells me, “and if you didn’t want to hear it, he didn’t want to sell to you.” Emanuel Bronner’s cosmic ideals and his soap’s 18 suggested uses (contraceptive douche!) found a following among hikers and commune dwellers, even though he was hardly a flower child; he hated communists and never smoked pot.

Uh-huh, sure.

His son Jim rejected his father’s mystical ramblings and went to work for a chemical company, where he developed a firefighting foam for Monsanto that still doubles as fake snow on movie sets.

Monsanto is the lawsuit-happy Godfather of the GMO industry. Jim working for them in any capacity was a rebellion against the family business. In this case, Daddy Issues are perfectly understandable.

.I have no in-principle objection to genetic engineering or synthetic biology,. Bronner insists, citing his biology background and his dad’s work for Monsanto. His real problem with GMOs has less to do with Frankenfood fears than with the documented effects of herbicide- and pest-resistant GM crops, which were sold as a way to reduce harmful spraying.

Worm-tonguing. I bet we’ll soon discover that Bronner’s Soaps isn’t as anti-corporate as it claims to be.

But in 1988, he stepped in to rescue Dr. Bronner’s Magic Soaps after it lost its nonprofit status and declared bankruptcy, recapitalizing it as a for-profit company.

They forget to mention “IRS intervention for never having had nonprofit status”. Ah, here we go… THE SORDID TRUTH BEHIND DRUG LEGALIZATION:

David Bronner, Jim’s son, wasn’t sure he wanted to become the next standard-bearer for a soap-making dynasty. After graduating from Harvard in 1995 with a biology degree, he immersed himself in Amsterdam’s drug culture. .I just had my life explode on many levels of identity,. he recalls of a late-night ecstasy and acid trip at a gay trance club. These experiences, as well as the writings of authors such as Noam Chomsky and Paul Hawken, eventually opened his eyes to the value of his grandfather’s All-One philosophy and the power of the soap company as a vehicle for change. In 1997, he let his dad know that he was ready to work for the family business, but only “on activist terms..

Thesis: “I don’t want to make money with the family business. I just want to legalize my psychedelic glory-hole perversions.”

Antithesis: *Family business grows three thousand percent during his tenure.*

Synthesis: Money laundering for fellow (((activists))).

[…The] minuscule ad budget and cap on executive pay leave the company with plenty of cash to improve its products and fund social campaigns.goals that, as luck or savvy would have it, often go hand in hand.

A minimal ad budget is not how you grow a business by three thousand percent. Not honestly.

In the 15 years since he took over, annual sales have grown 1,300 percent, from $5 million to $64 million. Along the way, the company’s castile soaps have gone from hippie niche products to staples on the aisles at Target.

Letting big-box stores advertise your product while bragging that you don’t advertise yourself? As honest as his making $200,000 per year as “Cosmic Engagement Officer” then writing million-dollar checks to sway elections where he doesn’t live.

And yet Bronner says he has twice refused offers from Walmart to carry his soaps, even at the undiscounted wholesale price, because he can’t stomach the chain’s politics and crummy worker pay. The best way to go mainstream, he has found, is to be as unapologetically countercultural as possible.

So countercultural! “Walmart is too corporate! We’ll do business with Target instead.” Sounds like he’s waging a perennial bidding war between the two.

When Bronner couldn’t find certified-organic and fair-trade sources for palm, coconut, and olive oil, he grew his own in Ghana and Sri Lanka, and scaled up existing projects in Israel and the West Bank.

A third-generation American yet he maintains close ties to Israel. Would rather buy from foreign lands than raise crops in California, home of (currently) the most productive cropland in the world.

Bertine Kabellis, his spunky, Haitian-born factory manager…

And he doesn’t like to hire White Americans. He’d rather import a Squatemalan.

…details what they’re doing to turn the bland corporate space into something more homey. The factory store will include a “fragrance bar,. a soap-bottle refill station, and a hemp activism diorama featuring a Bronner look-alike mannequin sorting through cannabis plants in a cage. The store, Kabellis enthuses, will also carry Dr. Bronner-branded pinhole glasses.which create strange visual effects.

.Leopard-print Speedos?. Bronner asks, out of the blue. .Which I have to get for Palm Springs Pride. I’m gonna rock “em.”

Still a flaming Sodomite and it’s a bad sign he brings up sodomy apropos of nothing. Truly, Mother Jones outdid herself with this article validating every hateful stereotype about the little hats.

I close with the Moral ABCs that Emanuel Bronner got kicked out of Weimar Germany for preaching.

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Dr. Bronner’s Label Summary & Moral ABCs

At first glance, you may not think much has changed with the label in decades. And, in terms of content, you would be right. The Bronner family that continues to run the business today has made a commitment to continue sharing Emanuel Bronner’s message.

Sloww Dr. Bronner's Soap Label Evolution

The first thing to note is that Dr. Bronner is often remembered for his Moral ABCs, or more specifically, .The Moral ABC of Astonomy’s Eternal All-One-God-Faith Unites the Human Race!.

Here are the highlights that jumped out at me when reading the Dr. Bronner’s labels:

  • .When we teach the Moral ABC all mankind is united brave-strong-just-free! For the future will be better when we are better; times will change when we change; conditions will improve when we improve if you & I cooperate by full truth to accomplish them!.
  • .We’re all sisters & brothers!.
  • .You & I, Here & Now, Today! Not them nor they! You & I Today!.
  • .1st: If I’m not for me, who am I? Nobody!.
  • .2nd: Yet if I’m only for me, what am I? Nothing!.
  • .3rd: If not now, when???!!!.
  • .Unite we must!.
  • .Have courage and smile, my friend. Think and act 10 years ahead!.
  • .Teach the Moral ABC that unites all mankind free, instantly 6 billion strong & we’re All-One..
  • .Balanced food for body-mind-soul-spirit is our medicine!.
  • .Self-discipline the key to freedom..
  • .Breathe deeply!.
  • .Repetition is the key to knowledge!.
  • Interestingly, the Lavender label includes .Life’s Goal.: .To keep my health, to do my work, to love, to live. To see to it, I gain and grow and give and give. Never to look behind me for an hour. Never to wait in weakness nor walk in power. Always working, searching for more truth, more light. Always speaking, fighting for what I found good and right!. (it goes on.)

Hmm, so not the Rosetta Stone of Judeo-Christ that I’d hoped it would be. The sentiments he espoused have definitely become dominant today but I think it’s more because his ideals were very feminist… experiential and emotional rather than practical and true.

Sometimes I feel that if I had a perfect knowledge of human history, I would see the exact same ideas played out in the exact same formats over and over again, with ALL of the variations coming only from outside forces such as geography, technology and ethnicity.

History doesn’t just repeat. History is a factory for teaching the same principles over and over, generation after generation, stamping out the causes and effects endlessly, in hopes of producing the occasional saint who Understands.

A Zionist double-speaker trying to reinvent Christian America into the drug-fueled homosexual experiments of his youth in Amsterdam’s red light districts isn’t doing anything that the Jews have not already been hated for a hundred times. Either they can’t see it coming or they can’t stop themselves.

If it was the Oregon people wanting to legalize mind-altering drugs then that would be acceptable, if stupid. But this? It’s threatening to become the Opium Wars all over again… foreign globalists selling us the poisons that we can’t… are not allowed… to stop using.


It’s been fun hating on Dick’s Sporting Goods and its NeverTrumper gun banner of a CEO, Ed Stack. Good news, the ride isn’t stopping just because Stack announced his resignation!

We begin with Ed Stack trying to do a Ross Perot against Trump last year. I missed the headline at the time, or possibly I just blinked. Let’s make up for missing out!

Dick.s Sporting Goods CEO seeks to trade in gun activism for third-party 2020 bid

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By Caitlin Yilek, 23 October 2019

The CEO of Dick’s Sporting Goods is quietly exploring whether to launch a third-party presidential bid after he gained national attention for banning assault-style weapons at his stores.

At least one focus group in southern Wisconsin was presented with various messages centering on Ed Stack, a longtime Republican donor, according to Politico. The group was presented with possible three-way matchups that included the billionaire businessman, President Trump, and former Vice President Joe Biden or Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren.

No, I don’t see how that could ever have been seriously considered, even in political theory. The only way to be a viable third-party candidate is for the Republicans to run an unpopular candidate and then, only if the third-party dude has politics that somehow differ from Democrat.

As for the Democrats, the last third-party candidate on their side was Ralph Nader, that perennial “I invented the seat belt” gadfly who was politically assassinated by his own supporters when he tried to run against Obama. I’m not even sure why they bothered; Obama was running against “Songbird” McCain. Maybe they thought Republicans would have voted Green Party instead of Deep State Turd-lick-can.

Stack, who has taken a stand on gun control by eliminating the sales of assault-style rifles from his stores in the wake of the 2018 Parkland, Florida, school shooting, criticized Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell this week for failing to bring to a vote a bill that would require universal background checks for gun sales.

“I wish he’d have the guts to bring it to a vote,” Stack said.

I’m surprised that Cocaine Mitch had the guts to NOT. Must’ve been a Thursday. He never did get the hang of Thursdays.

A person who took part in the message testing said the themes around Stack were heavily focused on his “showing leadership” with the ban on sales of assault-style rifles at all Dick’s Sporting Goods stores.

The suspected gunman in the Parkland massacre bought a shotgun at Dick’s Sporting Goods two months before the shooting, though it was not used in the attack, and a majority of Dick’s locations continue to sell shotguns.

“I will never again allow what didn’t happen at Parkland to not happen again! Because I am a LEADER who can keep his job after pissing away $250M in merchandise plus half our customer base!” Hmm, that actually IS impressive.

Stack also released a book, It’s How We Play the Game, this month . another indicator that he could be weighing a White House bid. But a person familiar with Stack’s thinking said the CEO has no intention of running for office.

“Mr. Stack enjoys running Dick’s Sporting Goods and has no plans to run for any elected office,” the person said.

Easy to read between those lines. Stack wanted to get into politics and postured himself to be a reach-across-the-aisle RINO to the Democrats. He didn’t want to win elected office, he wanted to win “selected office”… a Cabinet member of the winner.

DICK.s Sporting Goods CEO Ed Stack Stepping Down After 36 Years

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25 November 2020

(CNN) . Dick’s Sporting Goods CEO Ed Stack is stepping down after 36 years, a tenure in which he transformed his family’s small business into a national presence, took the company public, and enacted a strong stance on the US gun debate.

Stack, 65 years old, will take on the role of executive chairman and continue as a chief merchant, the company announced Tuesday. Dick’s President Lauren Hobart will ascend to the CEO role on February 1, becoming the company’s first female chief executive.

Stack.s father founded the company in 1948, and Stack has served as chairman and CEO of Dick’s since 1984 when he and his siblings bought his father’s two small sporting goods stores in upstate New York. Under Stack’s leadership, the company now has more than 850 stores and nearly $9 billion in annual revenue. …

Stack, a gun owner who believes in the Second Amendment…

*GunnerQ kicks away the journalist peeing on his leg before it can proceed to the weather forecast.*

…said he decided to make the changes after he learned the teen charged with the shooting had bought a shotgun at a Dick’s store, though that gun wasn’t used in the attack. Dick’s had sold guns since long before Stack started working there in 1977.

Now he will pass the reins to Hobart. .She has proven herself to be a capable, innovative and respected leader who has helped drive our business and our culture,. Stack said in a press release.

Hobart will inherit the company in a strong position: Even during the pandemic, Dick’s stock is up nearly 19% from this time last year. .There has been a greater shift toward athletic apparel and active lifestyle [products] with people spending more time working and exercising at home,. Stack said on a call with analysts in August.

Thanks to no foresight or planning of Dick’s management, the Socialists outlawing the entire gym industry indefinitely gave them record profits. Meanwhile, they went far out of their way to miss out on record gun sales.

So, Stack stuck his Dick into politics and now that Trump permitted Team Biden to start the transition process, has decided he doesn’t want to run the family business anymore. I predict that Biden will make Ed Stack his Gun Buyback Czar, or something.

Because Trump lost, right? Riiight? All the cool journalists said so! Stack better hope there’s no substance to the rumor that Biden quietly offered to cede the election in return for a full pardon.

In his wake, Dick’s will become Cock’s:

Lauren Hobart. She has the best thousand-cock stare I’ve seen in a long time! Also, a smile that is both too high to be natural and completely lacking in warmth. Hoop earrings. Somebody rode the Cock Carousel all the way to CEO!

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Following stints at PepsiCo, Wells Fargo and JPMorgan…

She’s been as politically promiscuous as physically.

…Hobart joined Dick’s in February 2011 as senior vice president and chief marketing officer, where she played a key role in helping develop and launch one of the retailer’s top private labels, CALIA by Carrie Underwood. In 2015, she was promoted to executive vice president and CMO, and then chief customer and digital officer. She was named president in May 2017, and has served on the board since January 2018.

Hobart also earlier this year joined the board of Yum Brands.

She’s really good at networking with a significant bankster background. She’s either Deep State or Humanity’s Oldest Profession.

Hobart has made the women’s athletic apparel and footwear market a bigger focus at Dick’s Sporting Goods, helping to drive the launch of additional private labels.

Ah, female territory marking. We can rule out Deep State. They don’t paint their toenails.

She has helped Dick’s refocus its strategy to compete against Amazon and Walmart, as a number of its sporting goods rivals . such as Sports Authority, Sport Chalet and City Sports . have filed for bankruptcy and shuttered stores in recent years.

She has helped the company refocus its inventories on key categories like youth sports, improve customer service and add in-store experiences like batting cages, to offer shoppers something they cannot find on the internet.

Youth sports?! Like I said, the hounds of bankruptcy. The birth rate is collapsing hard and if she hasn’t noticed yet, youth sports have been outlawed by the government in order to promote social distancing. I don’t see a profit to be made there in the next couple years.

I also don’t see in-store experiences making the difference when going inside the store will be unpredictably banned, once again, by the government.

She’s got nothing but Barbie dolls to offer Dick’s Sporting Goods. That will be a problem for her because if I guess right about Stack’s gubernatorial ambitions, he’ll soon be wanting his old job back.