Travelogue: A Churchy Church

Seen during my holiday ramblings in “Lost Angels”. This could be peak Churchianity!

Saying it with a rainbow flag was a nice touch. I assume they meant the rainbow the way Christians do, as a promise that God won’t exterminate us wholesale again… which also should have put the Chinaball Chorus into some perspective.

10 thoughts on “Travelogue: A Churchy Church

  1. “Peak churchianity,” indeed.

    Whenever I see nonsense like this on display, I have visions of the earth opening up and swallowing up buildings like this one full of the lukewarm pretenders, all while a thunderously wrathful voice bellows “DEPART FROM ME! I NEVER KNEW YOU!”

  2. ‘I assume they meant the rainbow the way Christians do, as a promise that God won.t exterminate us wholesale again.’

    That rainbow promise was and is restricted to repeat extermination by water. No restrictions apply to other methods.

  3. Former church pastor now makes $100K a month as life-coaching stripper:

    Nikole Mitchell ditched her life as a pastor in Ohio three years ago and now lives in California, making a living in the sex industry.

    Mitchell, a mom of three who describes herself as a .Pastor-turned-Stripper/Life Coach/ Model. on her Instagram account that boasts 120,000 followers, charges $15 a month for a sexy subscription on her OnlyFans account and for Zoom sessions. She now makes $100,000 a month . eclipsing her former saintly salary . and had a helluva 2020, according to the Sun. …

    No mention of a husband.

    Pastor, Stripper, and Strong, Independent Single Mother.

  4. Former church pastor now makes $100K a month as life-coaching stripper

    This is a good example of why I freely admit I am not an expert in everything. I never would have thought she could earn $100,000 a month in pornography.
    a) How does one woman, even if she is fantastic looking, get paid $100k a month for sex shows / pornography featuring only her? Yes, I understand that her shows can be re-sold to many subscribers. But the article says she charges $15 a month for her OnlyFans subscribers; so that means she has over 6000 people that pay for her OnlyFans site??? $15 is a small amount, but I can’t see why she would consistently have over 6000 paying fans. Surely, after a month or two, you would have had enough of watching her? Maybe these people don’t know how to download a movie and keep it? Compare her OnlyFans site that shows only her naked, with whatever a subscription to pornhub costs, where a person could watch thousands, or maybe tens of thousands, of people having sex.
    b) And that particular woman is not a “fantastic looking woman”. Her healthy weight is good. But her face looks about 30, she has small breasts, a tattoo, and a nose-ring, and she does not know how to apply makeup in an appealing manner. And yet THIS woman makes $100k a month…. I don’t get it.

    Don’t ask me for advise about what media career you should go in to… I obviously have no idea what will make for a successful media career.

    Oh, and this is another example for why we should take Scriptural requirements for elders seriously. She is a woman, so obviously did not qualify under the requirements given in Titus chapter 1.
    Oh, and she is divorcing… yet another disqualifier for one who would lead other families.

  5. But her face looks about 30, she has small breasts, a tattoo, and a nose-ring, and she does not know how to apply makeup in an appealing manner. And yet THIS woman makes $100k a month.. I don.t get it.

    Don’t automatically assume that the figure quoted is accurate. Those sources aren’t exactly renowned for honesty, accuracy, or integrity.

    Oh, and this is another example for why we should take Scriptural requirements for elders seriously.

    I’ve remarked more than once in these parts that, given the deterioration of the “church” over the last half century to the point where its contents are largely indistinguishable from the World, if churches were to suddenly get serious and start vetting leadership against Scriptural qualifications for such, most would find themselves leaderless for lack of those meeting such qualifications.

  6. if churches were to suddenly get serious and start vetting leadership against Scriptural qualifications for such, most would find themselves leaderless for lack of those meeting such qualifications.

    If you limit your search to those with “acceptable credentials” from a seminary, I agree there would be few.
    But if you opened your search to any lay person who has a thorough understanding of Scripture, and lives out this obedience, then you would find some people; not many, but some. There is a good chance you would not find these people in a physical church building though. You might need to recruit from places like home Bible study groups or the commenters at the former Dalrock site, or the sites for Sigma Frame, Gunner Q, Feeriker, etc., and then agree to let this person clean house at your “church”, starting with the elder’s board.
    Of course, the real problem is that few churches would stand for having either this house cleaning among the leaders or Scriptural teaching that points out the sins of the women in the congregation. We live in a post-Biblical, feminist nation. Hence rising socialism, concerns with micro-aggressions, income inequality, etc.

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