Rayciss Games In the Big Apple

If a Dindu falls on a New Yorker and you’re ten feet away, does she make a sound? Serious question.

Doormen fired for failing to intervene in anti-Asian attack

h ttps://www.breitbart.com/news/doormen-fired-for-failing-to-intervene-in-anti-asian-attack/

By AP, 6 April 2021

Used to be (in the Eighties), police would tell you to not get involved in violent fights. Call the cops, sure, they’re paid for that. Watch and take notes, go ahead. But don’t intervene. Here’s a spicy one from 2016:


h ttps://www.cbsnews.com/news/police-man-killed-trying-to-intervene-in-domestic-violence/

Officials say when a retired Marine witnessed a woman get shot by her husband, he pulled out his own gun and attempted to stop the man from getting away, but was then shot and killed by the suspect, reports CBS DFW.

Suspect Ricci Bradden confronted his wife in the parking lot of the Walgreens where she works before allegedly shooting her in the leg, according to police. She was taken to a nearby hospital for treatment and is expected to recover.

Police believe Bradden was fleeing the scene when Anthony “T.J.” Antell walked up to Bradden’s vehicle, pointed his gun and directed the suspect to stop.

Police say Bradden, who is an Army veteran, has admitted to swatting Antell’s gun out of his hand and then shooting Antell. The father of three, whose wife witnessed the shooting, was pronounced dead at the scene.

Bradden was taken into custody about two hours after the shooting.

The Marine was the hero and the Army won the fight. The lesson here is if you get involved in a fight, you gotta be ready to FIGHT. Antell pulled a gun on a violent guy but didn’t shoot when he had the chance. Don’t get involved? Okay. Kill the perp? If you’re willing to take the risk. Get involved, draw a gun then try for a peaceful solution? Stupid.

Which brings us to today’s SMART people! In New York City of all places.

End segue

NEW YORK (AP) . Two New York City apartment building workers have been fired for failing to help an Asian American woman as she was being violently attacked on the sidewalk outside, the building’s management company said Tuesday.

Surveillance video of the March 29 attack near Times Square showed that the doormen didn’t step outside and approach the woman until more than a minute after the violence stopped and the assailant walked away.

Smart! They did nothing wrong. There was a bad, violent situation that they weren’t prepared for so they buttoned up and just watched.

The men watched from the lobby as 65-year-old Vilma Kari was repeatedly kicked and stomped, the video showed. One of them closed the building’s door as Kari lay on the ground seconds after the attack ended.

The building’s management company, The Brodsky Organization, initially suspended the doormen pending an investigation. That investigation was completed on Tuesday and the doormen were fired, the company said.


.While the full lobby video shows that once the assailant had departed, the doormen emerged to assist the victim and flag down an NYPD vehicle, it is clear that required emergency and safety protocols were not followed,. the company said in a statement.

What the hell kind of safety protocol would say “unlock the door and fling yourselves into a violent confrontation”? Per their website, “For 70 years, The Brodsky Organization has been building and managing properties in New York City’s most desirable neighborhoods. Nathan Brodsky began rehabilitating brownstones and apartment buildings in Greenwich Village in 1947. The Brodsky Organization has since grown into an intergenerational family-run business, continued by a second generation, Daniel Brodsky, and a third, Dean Amro, Alexander Brodsky, and Thomas Brodsky…

And to confirm, the wife of Papa Brodsky’s maiden name was Markowitz. This is Jews selling the Narrative of anti-Asian violence. I’m not sure what their goal is… continuing to balkanize America into identity groups, most likely… but the doormens’ termination is a purely political move.

The Brodsky Organization also pledged to give all building services employees training on emergency response protocols, anti-bias awareness and bystander intervention.

The doormen’s union, SEIU 32BJ, said the workers are challenging their terminations under a grievance process outlined in their collective bargaining agreement. The process can take months, the union said.

.We believe we must root out systemic racism in all its forms,. 32BJ SEIU President Kyle Bragg said in a statement. .We believe that all union workers, especially workers of color who are often the subject of unfair treatment on the job, have a right to a fair process as outlined in their contract..

Methinks the ((Brodsky Organization)) picked a bad fight, but I suppose they have the money to pay it off if it goes too badly.

Brandon Elliot, a 38-year-old parolee convicted of killing his mother nearly two decades ago, was charged with assault and attempted assault as hate crimes. He is scheduled to be arraigned on a felony indictment on April 21. His lawyers have urged the public to .reserve judgment until all the facts are presented in court..

Where’s Mommy?

Kari, who emigrated from the Philippines several decades ago, was attacked outside a luxury apartment building while walking to church. She suffered serious injuries including a fractured pelvis and spent a day in the hospital.

Kari.s daughter, Elizabeth Kari, posted Sunday on a fundraising webpage she set up for her mother’s care that Vilma Kari “has been resting these past few days and wants to send her best as your energy, prayers, and thoughts have reached her and our family..

Filipino by birth, feminist by choice. It warms my heart to see these New Americans working our corrupt system for all it’s worth. But not all that the Brodskys are worth. That might be Round Two.

Hey, wait. Are we counting Filipinos as Asians now? I thought they were Pacific Islanders. Is the supply of Asian NYC victims not matching the demand for hate crimes?

The attack, among the latest in a national spike in anti-Asian hate crimes, drew widespread condemnation and raised alarms about what appeared to be the failure of bystanders to help. Police said no one called 911 and that patrol officers driving by came upon Kari after she was assaulted.

Elizabeth Kari said that a person across the street who was not seen on surveillance video helped by screaming to distract the attacker.

Yay, Good Samaritan!

A widely seen snippet of the surveillance video ended as the attacker was walking away from Kari. Elizabeth Kari said that the attacker was crossing the street and heading toward the bystander who screamed at him.

Run, Good Samaritan!

That person has remained anonymous, she said.

Smart, Good Samaritan!

And of course, the mayor weighed in. Anything to look good for the next election cycle.

h ttps://apnews.com/article/65-year-old-asian-woman-assaulted-nyc-street-692b82db37efae29d12e7fa638eb2e1d

New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio called the video of the attack “absolutely disgusting and outrageous” and said it was “absolutely unacceptable” that witnesses did not intervene. .I don’t care who you are, I don’t care what you do, you’ve got to help your fellow New Yorker,. de Blasio said Tuesday at his daily news briefing.

Help your fellow New Yorker? Isn’t that an oxymoron?

.If you see someone being attacked, do whatever you can,. he said. .Make noise. Call out what’s happening. Go and try and help. Immediately call for help. Call 911. This is something where we all have to be part of the solution. We can’t just stand back and watch a heinous act happening..

Of course we can and it’s often the prudent choice, too.

Mayoral candidate Andrew Yang, the son of Taiwanese immigrants, said the victim “could easily have been my mother.” He too criticized the bystanders, saying their inaction was “exactly the opposite of what we need here in New York City..

No, Yang. White people aren’t the most racially aware people on the planet but we can usually tell the difference between a Filipino and a Taiwanese. Although I now see why anti-Asian hate crimes are on the rise: Asian ethnic factions are muscling in on the Yankees and Jews. They didn’t write the rules of Knockout Game but they’re better able to play it to win than white people are.

Hopefully the doormens’ union will, too, because they’re innocent.

7 thoughts on “Rayciss Games In the Big Apple

  1. I had a brief on-line exchange with a white knight idiot who saying you always had to “protect women” no matter the circumstances. My question was, “Why, what’s in it for me? Why should I risk my life for a woman I don’t know?”

    “It’s… it’s just the right thing to do!!!”

    “Ok then, good luck with that.”

    Are doormen really being trained to rush out into the street to wrestle violent people to the ground as part of “safety protocols”? What do doormen get paid these days? Do they get the same pensions and retirement bennies cops get? Who pays their insurance premiums?

  2. yankees and what not eating their own makes me happy. Cancel all their birth certificates but I didnt know asian chicks scored that high on the diversity/ victim point scale….. maybe because she is old, asian and female?

    I ain’t what I use to be but I ain’t unskilled or untrained either….. I wont intervene unless you’re part of my tribe. Strangers mean nothing to me unless I saw you in Richmond, Raleigh etc brawling with cops, blm and antifa. Didn’t see any version of asian on our side last summer, ain’t looking to be on their side at some random point in the future.

    Welcome to the increasingly violent low intensity race war.

    As for the marine, the blue pill is deadly at the individual level and that’s a hard way to learn you don’t have what it takes. Course if he wasn’t set on playing cowboy he would have let that dude roll and tended to the gsw. Not sure cowboy would have had legal standing to use deadly force on someone leaving the scene/ no longer engaging in violence. 100% certain I wouldn’t want to find out. Plus…. maybe the bitch earned that bullet

    Seems to me the security company had to fire those guys, for poltical reasons; also reckon the security dudes followed their company policy and will win their lawsuits. Heck the jews who fired them probably know that but they also have to play the game and they probably have insurance

    Fair certian the attacker was black, were the security guys?

  3. I think the “anti-asian” narrative is being pushed by the “powers that be” as part of ensuring China’s ascendency as the new dominant world power.

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