She Cut Her Hair For the Devil!

This post is a sordid descent from a celebrity woman cutting her hair to please the devil, to the Ticket-seller Scooter Braun. A spectacle of horrors of the celebrity underworld! and what a small place it is, where everybody knows everybody.

Demi Lovato says haircut enabled her to break free of southern Christian .gender, sexuality norms.

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By Jeannie Law, 21 April 2021

Pop star Demi Lovato, who just last year said she was attending church again and then came out as a pansexual…

No, no, no. There’s no *and* in “I’m attending church *and* pansexual”.

…has revealed that her short haircut is her way of breaking free of the “gender and sexuality norms” imposed on her by southern Christian culture.

Lovato shared her thoughts about hair and Christian culture in the South while on the “The Drew Barrymore Show.”

That’s better. “I’m pansexual *and* the Drew Barrymore Show”? Okay.

She explained that she chose to cut her hair really short after she grew weary of trying to be the stereotypical “sexy feminine pop star” and the models she said were placed on her “as a Christian in the South..

.And when I cut my hair,. Lovato explained, .I felt so liberated because I wasn’t subscribing to an ideal or a belief placed upon me to be something that I’m not..

We can agree that she’s no longer feminine. She’s also neither masculine nor robot so that leaves only the Fourth Gender: freak.

The interview promoted Lovato’s new YouTube series and latest record, both titled “Dancing with the Devil..

The expression is her description of her journey with and recovery from drug addiction.

.I was dancing with the devil, out of control / almost made it to heaven / it was closer than you know / playing with the enemy, gambling with my soul / it’s so hard to say “no” / when you’re dancing with the devil,. the former Disney star sings in the chorus of the song. .Praying for better days to come and wash this pain away / Could you please forgive me? / Lord, I’m sorry for dancing with the devil..

I never thought women would begin to say that out loud. That must have been a very brief dalliance with the Church.

In early 2020, Lovato announced that she was attending church and growing her relationship with God since she nearly died from an overdose in July 2018.

The 28-year-old was also baptized in 2019 in the Jordan River and celebrated her experience on Instagram.

.There is something absolutely magical about Israel. I’ve never felt such a sense of spirituality or connection to God . something I’ve been missing for a few years now,. Lovato wrote. .To be baptized in the Jordan river . the same place Jesus was baptized . I’ve never felt more renewed in my life..

A two-year dalliance with Christianity, after which she shaved herself bald and started dirty-dancing with the devil in public. “Jesus was a nobody but man, that Jordan River, it made me feel like God.”

In the interview with Barrymore, Lovato revealed she was the “happiest” she has ever been.

.If you don’t like it, fine,. she maintained. “But if this provokes a conversation and raises awareness, takes away the stigma about the topics I’m talking about, then that’s what I want, is to just open people’s perspectives and to change the conversation around recovery, too..

No you bald freak, the problem with Satan is not that he has a poor public image.

In a recent appearance on Joe Rogan’s podcast, she came out as a “pansexual” who is attracted to .anything, really.” She said she hid this identity for many years because of her Christian upbringing.

.I felt a lot of shame because growing up in Texas as a Christian, that’s very frowned upon,. she said, referring to her sexual attraction to women. “Any attraction that I ever had toward a female at a young age, I shut it down before I even let myself process what I was feeling..

Today, Texas has been honored with a curse from Hell Itself.

Lovato, who broke off an engagement in 2020, told Rogan that she is now “too gay to marry a man” and is unsure “if that will change..

Ah, she only went Christian because she fell in wuvs. After the relationship ended, she shaved herself bald and swore her soul to Satan. Such are the wimminz infesting the Church in Current Year.

Who was she dating, anyway?

I must know.


Justin Bieber?!!


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Justin Bieber and Demi Lovato have formed a holy alliance with their manager Scooter Braun.

Justin and Demi hit the pews Wednesday night at an L.A. church with Scooter, along with Justin’s wife, Hailey.

It seems more than just a trek to a place of worship … it’s a showing of a united front with some of Scooter’s most famous clients … this in the wake of Taylor Swift’s campaign against the manager and his Big Machine.

Which church? I had to dig deep to find out (spoiler: Hillsong) but first, Lovato obviously did not go to church to find Christ, but to show loyalty to this Scooter Braun who’s never pinged my radar before. The context here is that Taylor Swift wanted to re-record her old work for a number of prima facie valid reasons. Her manager Scooter refused unless she signed an agreement to never tell the world about “what Scooter did”. Last I read, Taylor Swift was now making death threats against Scooter while Bieber and Lovato went to church specifically to show support for Braun.

Things that make you go “hmm”.

So, who’s Scooter? Two articles.

How Scooter Braun Achieved a Net Worth of $400 Million

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By Allen Lee, 2020

His official name is Scott Braun, but people know him better as Scooter Braun. You can never talk about the rise of Justin Bieber without mentioning him. He has become a force to reckon with in the music industry since he manages the most prominent names. Even though he has gotten on the nerves of some like Ariana Grande, who fired him, she still recognized his managerial ability and rehired him after several months. However, he does not only have an eye for discovering musical talent, but he also has a nose for savvy investments.

Those are two very different fields. Finding a master of one field is rare; a master of two fields, nigh impossible.

Here are a few ways that Scooter Braun’s net worth grew to $400 million.

At times you find yourself thrust in a world that ultimately shapes your destiny. Scooter found himself at Emory University, and although he dropped out, it was not before he had made connections in the music industry.

Now we’re talking about a prodigy of two very different fields? Probability is shaking its head in the corner.

…when Scooter heard Justin Bieber sing, he took a chance on him. By then, Justin was only 12, but he convinced Justin and his mother to move to America. Scooter had saved enough money to last him 13 months, so he paid the bills for both where Justin and his mum lived as well as Asher Roth’s place. There was still no sign of success coming his way despite having two musicians under his wing; Scooter only had two months left before his money ran out. When his father called, Scooter broke down, saying he was ready to give up. Fortunately, his father encouraged him, and by a stroke of luck, Asher Roth played .I Love College,. the next day, which eventually saw Scooter getting a deal that saved his company.

Uh-huh. Luck. Was Daddy a Hollywood executive? *checks* Don’t know, but per wikipedia Braun’s Jewish parents fled Hungary in 1956. That would be the purge of Bolsheviks not the usual Not-See camps.

Asher Roth was a college sophomore (now rap artist) who “friended” Braun over social media and within a week, had quit college and moved in with Braun and his preteen fatherless child-prodigy. More things that make you go “hmm”.

As for Justin, it is safe to say that Scooter has accumulated lots of wealth from the success of the young popstar. However, it was not easy since with most stars, the minute the money gets in their head, they become distracted and get involved in drugs and crime. Justin was not spared from this path of destruction, and Scooter thought he would lose him over a drug overdose as published on Billboard. Luckily for Scooter, Justin has gotten his act together. With his success, other stars like Ariana Grande, Tori Kelly, and Kanye West signed him as their manager.

Either Scooter was the best/luckiest media manager in American history, or he was the kingmaker who chose who got to succeed on the media platforms controlled by his tribe.

Usually, managers get paid a lucrative salary that could be at least $100,000 per year. They also get a commission based on the gross payment that the artist receives. With Justin Bieber becoming the highest-selling artist of those born after 1990, Scooter must be raking in lots of commissions.

That’s not a lucrative salary. If you haven’t already noticed, this article is a smokescreen to explain ((Braun’s)) meteoric success without making reference to Jewish domination of American entertainment and finance.

Scooter can smell where the money is, and one of his investments is in Uber. One day when he went to San Francisco to strike a deal with another company, things did not work out. The man told Scooter he would get him an Uber to take him to the airport. Scooter did not have to pay and that only piqued his interest in the cab business.

No, that’s not how he got interested.

After meeting Travis Klanick, [the son of Viennese Jews,] Uber’s co-founder, Scooter, knew the best thing he could do was invest early in the company.

Yes, that’s how he got interested.

Although the valuation of the company was too high, Scooter risked his money. To him, the passion Travis had is all the confidence Scooter needed to stake his money in Uber. Some sources recently reported Uber to be dangerously profitable and discouraged people from investing in it, but agree that early investors like Scooter have made a killing.


Scooter has also invested in Spotify by striking a friendship with the owner. He believes the only way to become prosperous is by finding people with the same drive. Therefore when he was on billboards .30 Under 30. he asked for the contact of the other people on the list. Daniel Ek, Spotify’s founder, was on it, and they ended up hanging out during the weekend. By the time the weekend was over, they had struck such a great friendship that Daniel let Scooter invest early in Spotify.

I don’t know that Ek is Jewish. This may just be a separate, more common problem of money hanging out with money.

Scooter.s investment in Uber and Spotify paid off since, in 2010, he used venture funds raised from the two companies to launch Ithaca Holdings LLC. Although Carlyle Group became a minority investor in 2017 and injected more capital valued at $800 million in the firm, Scooter remains the majority owner.

Aaaand we’re back to ((rich uncles)).

You can never go wrong by putting your money in real estate.

*eye roll*

Scooter has made some fortune in the industry as well. In 2012, Scooter bought a home in West Hollywood for $2,450,000 and in 2015, put it up for sale with an asking price of $3,925,000. In November 2014, he and his wife bought a mansion for $13.1 million but not before selling their Sunset Strip home for $4.6 million. The entrepreneur knows how to make quick cash because, according to Celebrity net Worth, in 2011 they had bought property in Los Angeles for $5.7 million which they sold in 2015 for $11.6 million.

They bought properties distressed by the 2010 meltdown.

So, that’s the smoke screen. Let’s hear the dirt!

The Shady Side Of Scooter Braun

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By Jessica Sager, 4 July 2019

Manager Scott “Scooter” Braun has come a long way since getting fired from Jermaine Dupri’s So So Def Records at the age of 23. After striking out on his own, the entertainment mogul’s first semi-success story was one-hit wonder Asher Roth, whose “I Love College” was a modest radio hit in 2009. That same year, a mop-topped Canadian preteen by the name of Justin Bieber (whom Braun discovered) released his debut EP, My World, and Braun soared into the stratosphere with the “Baby” singer. (All of this despite the fact that the Biebs’ mother, Pattie Mallette, once reportedly admitted she initially wasn’t too thrilled that Braun, a descendant of Holocaust survivors, is Jewish. However, Braun himself later claimed her quote on the matter was taken out of context.)

Over the next decade, Braun would create a multi-media empire through SchoolBoy Records…

Either America simply had no musical talent worth discovering, or Scooter had an ulterior motive for scouting a fatherless preteen boy. Building a “Schoolboy Records” company around him doesn’t calm my suspicions. Neither do the pictures of how Bieber turned out at the end of this post. Scooter:

…and invest in numerous business ventures and companies, including Uber and DropBox. His past and present talent management roster includes the likes of Bieber, Ariana Grande, Kanye West, Demi Lovato, and more. But for every success story at Braun’s hand are tales of drama that could potentially overshadow his professional acumen. Behold, this is the shady side of Scooter Braun.

In June 2019, Scooter Braun announced that he’d purchased Taylor Swift’s former record label, Big Machine, and acquired the rights to her old music catalog…

“Never in my worst nightmares did I imagine the buyer would be Scooter,” Swift wrote, before adding of Big Machine founder Scott Borchetta, “Any time Scott Borchetta has heard the words ‘Scooter Braun’ escape my lips, it was when I was either crying or trying not to.” The “You Need to Calm Down” hitmaker continued, “He knew what he was doing; they both did. Controlling a woman who didn’t want to be associated with them. In perpetuity. That means forever.” While Swift alleged that the $300 million deal went through without her knowledge, Borchetta vehemently denied this claim.

Taylor Swift is not a pillar of sanity but it’s probably true that she didn’t know or intend for Scooter to own her work. As boldfaced above, he’d acquired the rights to her music via his Ithaca hedge fund purchasing the label.

It seems that Scooter’s reputation in show biz is not shiny.

Multi-talented YouTube star Todrick Hall . who just so happens to be a close friend of Taylor Swift and a former Scooter Braun client . came out swinging against the latter in the Swift-Braun feud. “He is an evil person who’s only concern is his wealth and feeding his disgusting ego,” Hall tweeted in part at the time. “I believe he is homophobic & I know from his own mouth that he is not a Swift fan.” He added, “I would normally not say anything because I’m sure scooter will threaten me like he has before to keep me quiet, but guess what Scooter, nothing you can do to me would be worst than the 6 years of my life I can’t get back from when & I was ignored as your ‘artist.’”

In response, Demi Lovato chimed in and denied that Braun was homophobic.

We’re back to the start of this post. I agree with Lovato. Braun is far more like to be…

*drum roll*

…pansexual. If you know what I mean.

Meanwhile, Braun’s business partner, Allison Kaye Scarinzi, claimed that Hall had been dropped from SchoolBoy Records for allegedly stealing from fans. We’ll leave it to you to pick a side in all of this.

None are innocent. A cleansing fire shall consume them!

Scooter Braun managed Kanye West until April 2018, when West publicly announced that he “can’t be managed.” As a result, Braun took to other tactics in an effort to help steer the rapper’s career and life…. Braun preferred the terms “adviser” and “partner” when it came to his relationship with West (which means he’s probably still not really a “friend,” because he’s still getting those checks). However, when asked why he didn’t “advise” West against tweeting apparent madness about Donald Trump and slavery, Braun shirked responsibility once again, saying he’s “more concerned with the president of the United States being on social media than I am with Kanye West.” Okay, but what about when they’re tweeting about each other … and hanging out?

This article is dated April 2019 and Kayne West didn’t convert to Christianity [and proceeding to perform at Scooter’s Hillsong Church] until October 2019… but this was worth mentioning.

And speaking of Hillsong… the final article. The church Lovato attended until she got the idea to cut her hair and dance with the devil.

Justin Bieber’s new church is a “cult” of rock gigs, fiery sermons and abuse claims

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By James Beal & Zoe Nauman, 30 July 2017

WHEN Justin Bieber signed up to evangelical church Hillsong, its leaders must have thought their prayers had been answered.

He has millions of fans to whom he could spread their controversial ?message and ?millions of pounds in the bank with which he could back his spiritual gurus. Most importantly, he brings a celebrity sheen which ?distracts from the allegations of homophobia, child abuse and financial greed which surround the troubled church. …

Last week Bieber announced that he was ?cancelling the remaining dates of his Purpose world tour after ?consulting the Christian organisation.

While Hillsong has strenuously denied that they urged him to ?cancel, Bieber.s manager Scooter Braun has cited his client’s “soul and wellbeing” for the decision.

Scooter is at least partially involved in Hillsong. Being Bieber’s manager, it’s actually him that they would have contracted that tour with.

The rest of the article is a very odd mixture of accusations against Hillsong for being homophobic together with descriptions of Sodomite orgies. This Gordian knot can be cut by just the two following pictures.

In March, Bieber had called on Hillsong pastor Carl Lentz [one of 12 head pastors] to help him stay connected to God during his gruelling tour.

Pastor is not avoiding “even a hit of sexual immorality” here.

How nice of Head Pastor Carl Lentz to mentor a young man struggling with drug & sex damage by getting sweaty at the gym with him… just the two of them… and doing shots at bars during high-profile world tours.

It’s no surprise that Demi Lovato emerged from the influences of Scooter and Carl to cut her hair off in the name of the devil and have sex with anybody and the local wildlife, too.

Women, don’t cut your hair. Men, don’t associate with the women who do. And in the off-chance that you’re rich and famous and damaged as a result… for the love of your soul, burn it all, walk away into obscurity and let Christ be greater than you.

5 thoughts on “She Cut Her Hair For the Devil!

  1. About Demi, she more than once said one of my favorite delusional sayings: “Living my truth” or “Living your truth”.
    She sounds very unhealthy, not ready to forgive folks that wronged her but she also says nasty things about these people. Her sobriety talk makes me cringe.
    The trope about newly single women and crazies butchering their hair hasnt been defeated, yet.
    Also, Scooter “Eva’s Nephew” Braun?
    All of these people make my head hurt. Thank god for Buckley.

  2. ‘.has revealed that her short haircut is her way of breaking free of the .gender and sexuality norms. imposed on her by southern Christian culture.’,

    ‘I got old, dumpy, and ugly, and nobody’s calling my agent any more, so now I’m going to cut my hair off to accentuate my ugliness, and pretend that instead it is empowerment.

    ‘Then I will appear on SkankTV with fellow hags and blame my wretchedness on Christians. The real ones are mostly men, so they deserve it. Because bile and revenge are all I really have these days.’

    You’re Fabulous! Love you all! Demi

  3. An analysis worthy of Miles Mathis. One definitely gets the impression that the Hillsong “church” cultivated the anti-gay image, inter alia, as a sort of “he who smelt it dealt it” diversion. The impression also grows that evangelicalism and places like Hillsong are the tool of Certain Elements.

  4. In a recent appearance on Joe Rogan.s podcast, she came out as a .pansexual. who is attracted to .anything, really..


    I assume by “anything” she means something other than men and women, because then she’d be bisexual. So she’s also attracted to, what else? Dogs? Manta rays? Mold? Mailboxes?

  5. Women, don.t cut your hair. Men, don.t associate with the women who do.

    Absolutely. And especially do not marry such a woman who deliberately destroys her value.

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