All Fifty Riot Cops In Portland Just Quit

Although they haven’t quit their day jobs… yet.

Portland’s police riot squad resigns after officer indicted over alleged assault on photographer

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By Danielle Wallace, 18 June 2021

[On August 18, 2020], according to the police union, about 200 demonstrators . many equipped with tactical helmets, faces covered, and armed with a variety of weapons . descended on the Multnomah Building in southeast Portland. Multiple dumpsters were set on fire, buildings were defaced, and windows were broken. A riot soon was declared at the planned event after someone from the crowd launched a Molotov cocktail into the building, setting it ablaze.

“After nearly 75 consecutive nights of violence, destruction, and mayhem, a small group of RRT (Rapid Response Team) officers . including Officer Budworth . were again tasked with dealing with the riot,” the Portland Police Association said. “Per PPB Command Staff orders, RRT officers cleared the rioters from the area to allow the Fire Bureau to extinguish the blaze. But the rioters were not satisfied.”…

“RRT officers, including Officer Budworth, used their Police Bureau-issued batons to try and stop the crowd’s criminal activity,” the union’s description of events continued. “Per his training and in response to the active aggression of a rioter interfering with a lawful arrest, Officer Budworth used baton pushes to move a rioter, now known to be Teri Jacobs, out of the area.”

Masculine cop vs strung-out ginger: not even the bans on tear gas and live ammo could even this matchup. Note that Teri suffered no (additional) brain damage from hir’s grape being beaten with a stick.

The grand jury must have liked redheads. Good thing because as of now, it’s the redhead journalists who will be protecting them from the next riot. Save us, trannies! We believe in you!

All 50 of the Portland Police Bureau’s highly trained rapid response unit officers resigned this week after the recent indictment of Officer Corey Budworth for [one count of fourth-degree assault].

Police had that qualified-immunity thingy specifically so they cannot be singled out like this. While that’s always a discussion we can have, what’s happening here is that the city government said they had the cops’ back then reneged after the fact.

I am honestly surprised that cops haven’t started giving such weaselly politicians ‘home inspections’ from Portland to Baltimore. It would do a lot for their public image if they were seen going after the actual bad guys.

The police bureau referred Fox News to a statement from Chief Chuck Lovell in response to the officer’s indictment.

“Law enforcement is held to a higher standard and must constantly strive to live up to that standard. PPB has processes of accountability in place that take time to complete,” Lovell said in a statement released Tuesday. “As Chief, I have a role to play in the Police Bureau’s internal process associated with this case and therefore, I cannot provide additional details.”

That’s called “throwing your men under a bus”, Chief. Just because you ain’t swinging a stick from that fancy desk, don’t mean you ain’t doing violence against your city, and don’t act like you’re ignorant of a situation that’s already made headlines against your department. Next time, try something like this:

“Dumbitch journalist decided to join the rioters and got smacked for it. I have no problem with this outcome. Leave my man alone!”

Quitting the riot squad is a good act of self-defense, maybe solidarity, but it’s the ordinary citizens of Portland that are going to suffer. The District Attorney and his bodyguards will be safe regardless:

The Portland Police Association accused Multnomah District Attorney Mike Schmidt of ignoring the reality of the violent nature of the crowd and Jacob’s criminal activity. The union stressed that Budworth did exactly as he was trained, arguing that the Portland Police Bureau’s own experts reviewed his actions and found them “reasonable, permissible, and in accordance with his training.”

What does it take, officers? How long will you let traitors such as Schmidt operate with impunity? From wikipedia: “Schmidt gained notoriety shortly after taking office for refusing to prosecute people who were arrested participating in the George Floyd protests unless there is “deliberate property damage, theft, or threat of force.” This meant dropping the majority of cases; by August 11, the office prosecuted 47 felonies out of 550 referred protest cases.”

I must endure anarcho-tyranny because all the men with guns and sticks whose job is to protect me, tolerate anarcho-tyranny… even against themselves. One would expect riot cops to have a bit more fight in them.

Also from wikipedia: “A police officer told Schmidt in a meeting that “I don’t trust anything you do or say because you’re antifa.””

The boot fits and words didn’t work. That means it’s time to… give up and go home, if you’re a badge.

The city of Portland agreed to pay Jacobs $50,000 in a civil settlement related to the incident. She was reportedly wearing press credentials at the time.

4 thoughts on “All Fifty Riot Cops In Portland Just Quit

  1. No point in having Riot Police if they’re forbidden to quell rioters. Where are the scoops when you need them?

    We have the masks. Why not the scoops?

  2. That.s called .throwing your men under a bus., Chief. Just because you ain.t swinging a stick from that fancy desk, don.t mean you ain.t doing violence against your city, and don.t act like ignorant of a situation that.s already made headlines against your department. Next time, try something like this:

    .Dumbitch journalist decided to join the rioters and got smacked for it. I have no problem with this outcome. Leave my man alone!.

    Police forces are like the military the try so hard to emulate in more ways than one. Clearly, the higher up the latter climb, the less than of a cop you are and more of a politician – just like in the military.

  3. ‘I must endure anarcho-tyranny because all the men with guns and sticks whose job is to protect me, tolerate anarcho-tyranny. even against themselves.’

    Right. So no sympathy from me for cops in the United Sisterhood. I used to have their backs, before they started upholding PC and feminist evil, to fund their houses and the careers of their daughters.

    Cops generally are a cut or two above the average ethical strata in the US. At least in rural areas they tend conservative, pro-gun, sometimes Christian. In the cities, God knows what prog-horrors get recruited. The judicial system upholds the soft terrorism that American females inflict upon American men and boys daily. . . from beat-cops to Supreme Court Justices. Cops also uphold the PC Politburo and do not fight back against hypocrisy, false accusation, assault, and Leftist targeting of any who don’t toe the Politburo line.

    All some skanky Jen Psaki chimera had to do was get bumped by some white male cop and the chess pieces all get swept. National gasp and a REEEEEE! Cops are employees of the State, and Jen Psaki IS the State. So is Teri, that’s why she’s smirking instead of drinking dinner through a straw.

    Even the riot-squad resignation is a passive, weak response to tyranny. Cops want to act like men with groceries again? say effoff to their fembot mayors and their marxist district attorneys? well I could back that. Right now they’re on their own so when its their turn in the docket, in front of the feminist court clerks and the feminist judges, I will sit on the veranda and kick the last bit of American dirt off my sandals.

  4. You know what would get the cops out of bed and back on the street? The militia forming to quell the rioters. They are the men who really should be doing the job. Of course… they are the ones that will get in trouble too. Get the f*ck out of Portland.

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