Art Appreciation: Hunter Biden

So this is how “Parmesan” Biden has been keeping busy during his lockdowns! But before you read, try and guess the name of Hunter Biden’s muse. It *is* guessable and in hindsight, incredibly and stupidly obvious.

Corruption Concerns Mount as Hunter Biden’s Artwork to Go on Sale for Up to Half a Million Dollars Per Painting

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By Hannah Bleau, 14 June 2021

Not bad for his first art display. Most novice painters need at least a month before they become multimillionaire household names.

President Joe Biden’s scandal-plagued son Hunter Biden is reportedly now engaged as a .full-time artist. and is working with Soho art dealer Georges Berg?s to hold an exhibition in New York in the coming months, with prices for Hunter’s artwork ranging from $75,000 to $500,000, according to Artnet.

Amid years of scandal, the 51-year-old Hunter Biden is apparently now “laying low” in his Los Angeles home while working on his artwork. Berg?s, his dealer, plans to host a “private viewing for Biden in Los Angeles this fall, followed by an exhibition in New York.. Berg?s told Artnet that prices for Hunter’s work will “range from $75,000 for works on paper to $500,000 for large-scale paintings..

.I don’t paint from emotion or feeling, which I think are both very ephemeral,. Biden said of his work. .For me, painting is much more about kind of trying to bring forth what is, I think, the universal truth..

This universal truth?

Actually, that was painted by Andy Warhol if the caption is to be believed.

According to the New York Post, Berg?s has some ties to China. The art dealer reportedly “regularly features works by Chinese artists and told a Chinese network that he was keen to open other art galleries in Beijing and Shanghai in 2015..

Berg?s has lavished praise on China’s role in the art world. In 2014, Berg?s told the Chinese state-owned media outlet China Daily, .The questions that I always had was how’s China changing the world in terms of art and culture..

Ohhh, THAT universal truth: that China is the last totalitarian Communist state of significance on the planet.

.The thing that really fascinates me is the connection between the macro and the micro, and how these patterns repeat themselves over and over,. he added, explaining that art is .not a tool that I use to be able to, in any way, cope.. Rather, Biden said it “comes from a much deeper place..

Let me get my miner’s hat. I’m expecting fractals! Biden’s painting are mostly untitled so I’ll help him out.

Whoa, who’s the chick?

Hunter.s Dip into the Art World Connected to “Weed Slut. Lingerie Entrepreneur Zoe Kestan

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By Hannah Bleau, 17 June 2021

Hunter Biden’s connections to the New York art scene reportedly go through lingerie entrepreneur Zoe Kestan, otherwise known as @weed_slut_420 on Instagram.

Those of you who guessed that the name of Hunter’s muse was Weed_Slut_420 may take your victory lap now.

For a period in 2018, Biden could be seen stopping by art openings and parties on the Lower East Side, and attended a runway show for the hip downtown fashion brand Lou Dallas. Sources said that many of his art-world connections came through his relationship with Zoe Kestan, the lingerie entrepreneur who is better known by her Instagram handle @weed_slut_420. In addition to modeling her wares on her account, where she has nearly 75,000 followers, Kestan is also an artist whose Polaroid snapshots have appeared in group shows with Bernadette Van-Huy, Danny McDonald, and Sam Pulitzer. She has also appeared on the controversial podcast Red Scare…

A dirtbag left media outlet… that’s what Wikipedia said. Serious!

There’s also some concrete leftover evidence of Hunter’s brief wade into the water of downtown art studios and gallery openings. Sources say that, being circulated around the downtown gallery hub of Dimes Square like samizdat, are images of oil paintings of Hunter Biden.that is, images of paintings of all of Biden with nothing left to the imagination.made by another local artist who has asked dealers to not reveal her identity. yet to get a hold of the depictions of Hunter in the buff or a lead on that painter’s identity, but rest assured: we will keep you posted.

3 thoughts on “Art Appreciation: Hunter Biden

  1. President’s son, zillionaire celebrity . . . and Zoe the SuperSkank is the best he can do?

    I could do better going to the 7-11 on Saturday night.

  2. Since I’ve never heard of the classy young lady known as “weed slut” there was no way I would have guessed correctly. FWIW, I guessed Bacchus. Smacks of too much knowledge of the classics, which should have been a red flag.

    Anyway, how nice it is that Breitbart explained Hunter’s new money laundering scheme, what with his Ukrainian oil industry skills no longer in demand. TPTB openly show their contempt for us at every opportunity: “This is how the Chinese and other ‘art collectors’ (ha!) will buy influence with the ‘Big Guy’. Suck it, plebes.”

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Art Appreciation: Hunter Biden

So this is how “Parmesan” Biden has been keeping busy during his lockdowns! But before you read, try and guess the name of Hunter Biden’s muse. It *is* guessable and in hindsight, incredibly and stupidly obvious.

Corruption Concerns Mount as Hunter Biden’s Artwork to Go on Sale for Up to Half a Million Dollars Per Painting

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By Hannah Bleau, 14 June 2021

Not bad for his first art display. Most novice painters need at least a month before they become multimillionaire household names.

President Joe Biden’s scandal-plagued son Hunter Biden is reportedly now engaged as a .full-time artist. and is working with Soho art dealer Georges Berg?s to hold an exhibition in New York in the coming months, with prices for Hunter’s artwork ranging from $75,000 to $500,000, according to Artnet.

Amid years of scandal, the 51-year-old Hunter Biden is apparently now “laying low” in his Los Angeles home while working on his artwork. Berg?s, his dealer, plans to host a “private viewing for Biden in Los Angeles this fall, followed by an exhibition in New York.. Berg?s told Artnet that prices for Hunter’s work will “range from $75,000 for works on paper to $500,000 for large-scale paintings..

.I don’t paint from emotion or feeling, which I think are both very ephemeral,. Biden said of his work. .For me, painting is much more about kind of trying to bring forth what is, I think, the universal truth..

This universal truth?

Actually, that was painted by Andy Warhol if the caption is to be believed.

According to the New York Post, Berg?s has some ties to China. The art dealer reportedly “regularly features works by Chinese artists and told a Chinese network that he was keen to open other art galleries in Beijing and Shanghai in 2015..

Berg?s has lavished praise on China’s role in the art world. In 2014, Berg?s told the Chinese state-owned media outlet China Daily, .The questions that I always had was how’s China changing the world in terms of art and culture..

Ohhh, THAT universal truth: that China is the last totalitarian Communist state of significance on the planet.

.The thing that really fascinates me is the connection between the macro and the micro, and how these patterns repeat themselves over and over,. he added, explaining that art is .not a tool that I use to be able to, in any way, cope.. Rather, Biden said it “comes from a much deeper place..

Let me get my miner’s hat. I’m expecting fractals! Biden’s painting are mostly untitled so I’ll help him out.

Whoa, who’s the chick?

Hunter.s Dip into the Art World Connected to “Weed Slut. Lingerie Entrepreneur Zoe Kestan

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By Hannah Bleau, 17 June 2021

Hunter Biden’s connections to the New York art scene reportedly go through lingerie entrepreneur Zoe Kestan, otherwise known as @weed_slut_420 on Instagram.

Those of you who guessed that the name of Hunter’s muse was Weed_Slut_420 may take your victory lap now.

For a period in 2018, Biden could be seen stopping by art openings and parties on the Lower East Side, and attended a runway show for the hip downtown fashion brand Lou Dallas. Sources said that many of his art-world connections came through his relationship with Zoe Kestan, the lingerie entrepreneur who is better known by her Instagram handle @weed_slut_420. In addition to modeling her wares on her account, where she has nearly 75,000 followers, Kestan is also an artist whose Polaroid snapshots have appeared in group shows with Bernadette Van-Huy, Danny McDonald, and Sam Pulitzer. She has also appeared on the controversial podcast Red Scare…

A dirtbag left media outlet… that’s what Wikipedia said. Serious!

There’s also some concrete leftover evidence of Hunter’s brief wade into the water of downtown art studios and gallery openings. Sources say that, being circulated around the downtown gallery hub of Dimes Square like samizdat, are images of oil paintings of Hunter Biden.that is, images of paintings of all of Biden with nothing left to the imagination.made by another local artist who has asked dealers to not reveal her identity. yet to get a hold of the depictions of Hunter in the buff or a lead on that painter’s identity, but rest assured: we will keep you posted.

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