Worse Than Hitler’s Yearbook

Yay! Some true crime that doesn’t involve Hunter Biden continuing his bagman duties for his shameless-traitor father OR Fauci getting away with paying China to manufacture bioweapons with American technology & taxpayer money! This perp even got punished, although I fear his criminal journey has only just begun.

Hitler quote one of three offensive entries in recalled Glastonbury High School yearbook; responsible student “received consequences.

h ttps://www.courant.com/breaking-news/hc-br-glastonbury-yearbook-update-20210526-qbq42fdevzc6ljmeu7ualsvnaa-story.html

By Jesse Leavenworth, 21 May 2021

I added a couple sections from other sources for completeness. The virtue-signaling is so strong with this story that news outlets varied in how much information they were willing to give out!

A quote from Adolf Hitler that a student snuck into Glastonbury High School’s yearbook under the photo of an unsuspecting classmate was one of three offensive entries found in the yearbook, school leaders said Wednesday.

.Our school community is greatly distressed and disturbed by the anti-Semitic, racist and biased yearbook incident,. School Superintendent Alan Bookman and Principal Nancy Bean wrote to the school community.

One would think that Normie American would eventually clue in to the bleak terror that all (non-Muslim) American authorities have of ever permitting a Jew’s feelings to be offended. Almost as if we’re a satrapy of a racist foreign power, or something.

The quote from Hitler, a believer in the power of propaganda to deceive the masses, was, .It is a quite special secret pleasure how the people around us fail to realize what is really happening to them.. The quote was attributed in the yearbook to George Floyd, the Black man killed by a Minneapolis police officer last year. The quote by the Nazi dictator was attributed to George Floyd, the Minnesota man whose death under a police officer’s knee last year sparked nationwide outrage and calls for reform.

That’s a surprisingly appropriate quote for Current Year. Although not one that we dissidents would speak; it’s not fun watching society not even notice that it’s being taught to see us as subhuman disease vectors.

Another entry slipped in by the same student referenced the “Boston bomber. [Dzhokhar Tsarnaev] [and drugs] and a third entry found after scrutinizing the book glorified war, Bookman and Bean wrote. School officials were working with the yearbook publisher to replace the pages where the entries appeared.

The student responsible for the Hitler quote and Boston bomber entry “has received consequences” and is under investigation by local police, officials said. They did not describe the bomber or war glorification entries.

Tsarnaev’s was not a quotable kind of intellect. A brief perusal of his public statements makes me think it was a false reference.

.Our first priority was to support the students victimized by this act,. Bookman and Bean wrote. .We have been in regular contact with both the victims and the victims. families..

.We deeply regret not having caught the act of bigotry and vandalism before the yearbook was printed,. they wrote. .We are examining and will revise our yearbook procedures for collecting and reviewing future student submissions..

.There is no place for any of this anywhere in our school system,. the officials continued. .We recognize that racism and privilege exist in our society. As a district we have committed ourselves to examining our school system and our school culture and to dismantling any practices that support inequality, privilege, and racism.

.We made that commitment a year ago,. Bookman and Bean wrote. .These are NOT just words. We have begun this critical work this year and will continue the work for many years to come..

Hollister Tryon, 18, was a student at Glastonbury High School, where the quote appeared in May beneath the photo of an unsuspecting classmate, police said. [He has been charged with two counts of computer fraud.]

I’d expected a pasty white computer geek with a 4chan shirt. This is… a mestizo Fabio?! He looks more likely to have hacked a yearbook editor than a yearbook computer, if you know what I mean.

He has cutting-pupil eyelids indicating detachment from reality. That’s a bad sign and combined with his juvenile record… it wasn’t published but he’d already been prohibited from graduation ceremonies… and his quote about enjoying the spectacle of other people not noticing how they’re being manipulated, this guy isn’t the cheerfully insolent Based White Dude that one could have hoped for.

Congratulations, Principal Bean. Your obsession with total control over your student body has had the opposite effect of making society safer: you just graduated a low-functioning sociopath. Which is the only kind of male personality able to thrive in your Fascist pseudo-prison horror factory.

You’re worse than Hitler’s yearbook.

3 thoughts on “Worse Than Hitler’s Yearbook

  1. The thing that is most striking, IMO, is the overreactions we see nowadays to any deviation from the Progressive, SJW, virtue-signaling code of conduct. These nut jobs go into a tizzy over things that are relatively minor in the vast scheme of things.

    ..Our school community is greatly distressed and disturbed by the anti-Semitic, racist and biased yearbook incident,.


    .We recognize that racism and privilege exist in our society. As a district we have committed ourselves to examining our school system and our school culture and to dismantling any practices that support inequality, privilege, and racism..

    This is a high school prank by a lone idiot, but these quotes are indicative of .educators. rushing the nearest media microphones and virtue-signaling their creeds for all to see.

  2. Had the hacked quotes mocked Christians, it would have been dismissed as a harmless high school prank. The sort of goofball hijinks that Hollywood teen comedies celebrate, and which depict offended Christian adults as controlling prudes.

    As it is, this alleged “Hitler quote” isn’t even anti-Semitic. It’s a generic observation naming no group in particular. If Hitler had said, “The sky is blue,” would it be offensive to quote him on that?

  3. “The Jew quotes Hitler in his high school year book then cries out in pain as he accuses you of doing the quoting.” — George Floyd, 2021.

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