FaithMeet Fail

Some people just don’t understand the purpose of social media. Then again, maybe they do and I’m being unrealistic in my refusal to be mind-controlled.

FaithMeet, social media platform with solely Christian content, will launch in 2022

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By Nicole Alcindor, 23 September 2021

Right off the bat, they’re implicitly promising to gatekeep and content-police. That’s fine for a specific-topic forum but the point of social media is being SOCIAL, not topical.

Which raises the question, why not do Christian content on existing social media sites? Aside from the facts that they hate us, want us dead and are already unpersoning us. I have a gold star waiting for FaithMeet if any of those reasons are its motivation for existence.

The creator and founder of the FaithMeet platform, Godwin Rose Samuel, told The Christian Post that although platforms like Instagram, Facebook, Twitter provide some Christian content, it’s often not enough.

He created FaithMeet in 2021 as a way to give Christians access to a virtual space for only faith-based, Christian content without any “secular distractions.”

He actually said “faith-based”? Who is this Godwin guy?

*nothing in a Duckduckgo search*

*pulls up* No bio. This is a Kickstarter project by a company incorporated in Delaware? Rovinsa Corp… where did that name come from?

*digs deeper* He’s from Singapore… uh-oh…


Hosanna: Christian social networking app

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A social networking and management app made exclusively for Christian’s. It help you to connect digitally with your church
Backers: 1

Funded: $2 of $10,000
Dates: Nov 28th -> Jan 12th (45 days)
Project By: Godwin Rose Samuel W

This is Godwin’s second effort at a Christian networking site. The first was a total failure but this FaithMeet effort is much more sophisticated. Which suggests that an unknown third party is assisting his second effort… without wanting to be identified.

Not a good sign, for a religion that preaches truth and the inevitable exposure of all secrets.

End segue

Anyway, no gold star for FaithMeet. The reason we Christians need a new social media platform is NOT to “avoid distractions”.

“Christians have to spend long amounts of time sifting through other non-Christian and secular content to find the Christian content on these other apps,” Samuel said.

Try a search engine or website aggregator. They’re awesome.

“The Christian content is often not even God-centered because it distracts from the focus of the Jesus-focused gospels. Whenever I would search social media apps for Christian content, it was always a struggle to find quality content. So, I created my app that will contain mostly everything that these other apps have, but it will be diluted in faith, which I think will help Christians to focus on God more.”

It won’t end well for Samuel if I bring out the Buzzword Bingo card. We’re already at two: ‘find quality content’ and ‘faith-based’. Thanks to the Southern Baptists’ Russell Moore, I’m also tempted to add “Gospel focus”.

Samuel said that although he made the platform with Christians in mind, he hopes it will be a platform for non-Christians to be introduced to Christianity.

On FaithMeet, Christians and people of all faith backgrounds will be able to post about Christianity and will have access to Christian-based posts, pictures, videos, music and worship content.

MORON! No non-Christian is going to sign up for an exclusively Christian social media app in order to be introduced to Christianity. Which is it, Christian-exclusive or Great Commission?

At what point do Christians get to promote beyond the basics of Christ’s teachings, and the associated baby-talk metaphors, into something a little more mature? “Jesus loves you, let me pray for you”, that’s a great start, but once you’re strong enough to pick up your Cross and carry it though the jeering crowds, your spiritual needs aren’t forgiveness and salvation anymore.

We are in a religious war, if you haven’t noticed, Samuel. Is your FaithMeet useful for that purpose?

Christians will have the ability to give donations, offerings and tithes to ministries and various churches of their choice. There will also be a chatting feature to allow people to communicate with one another on the platform and spread the Word of God.

You can donate money and share prayer requests! Just like my preexisting competitors allow you to! Just like the real churches that you aren’t allow to attend anymore, you dirtbag unvaxxed superspreaders! Let me make you comfortable in your police-state lockdowns!

This is what we Christians need in a social media platform:

  1. Anonymity, so we aren’t hunted down by Christ-hating authorities from China to Australia.
  2. Secure payment processing, in preparation for when the banking authorities lock us out of the marketplace.
  3. Facilitate meatspace networking, bartering and medical/professional services. How to do this anonymously is difficult and worth the cost of a social media service.

What we DON’T need is…

“I wanted to live out the faith by creating this social networking platform. I wanted to inspire those who don’t know the Lord while even helping those who are already Christians to keep their eyes on the Lord and not on lusting and coveting over secular content,” Samuel added.

“Other non-Christian content always pops up on these other apps. And currently, we are combining Facebook, YouTube and Instagram because we have posts, videos and pictures. So now, people don’t have to go to these other platforms. It’s all in one place.”

…Facebook with a porn filter…

FaithMeet will have a set of community standards and guidelines that aim to keep all content “appropriate” and “God-centered,” according to Samuel.

…AND TWICE THE CANCEL CULTURE! “Community standards and guidelines”, are you fucking kidding me?!

A team will monitor content and remove any posts deemed “inappropriate” or “non-Christian.”


4 thoughts on “FaithMeet Fail

  1. GQ wrote: “You can donate money and share prayer requests! …Just like the real churches that you aren’t allow to attend anymore, you dirtbag unvaxxed superspreaders!”

    Finally! Someone more cynical than myself. My prayers have been answered.

    OK, not really. I never prayed to Christ for someone more cynical than myself to publish a blog. And I probably shouldn’t pray for that. (Wouldn’t make time for it anyway.)

    But it IS good to know that not everyone drinks Kool Aid. What was their slogan in the 1970s? Oh yeah, now I remember. It was:

    Hey Kids! Kool-Aid!

  2. “This is what we Christians need in a social media platform:

    Anonymity, so we aren’t hunted down by Christ-hating authorities from China to Australia.
    Secure payment processing, in preparation for when the banking authorities lock us out of the marketplace.
    Facilitate meatspace networking, bartering and medical/professional services. How to do this anonymously is difficult and worth the cost of a social media service.”

    That is exactly what we need. I wish I knew of something like that.

  3. “Christians and people of all faith backgrounds will be able to post about Christianity”

    Already exists: Reddit’s /r/christianity, complete with atheist fag mods.

  4. This is what we Christians need in a social media platform:

    And this also takes effort and technical acumen to bring to fruition, two things that churchians utterly lack. Good grief, most churchian organizations can’t even maintain a simple functioning web site on the internet. To expect them to be able to create, deploy, and maintain a complex application that multitasks is like expecting a toddler to run a business.

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