City Of Austin Issued Atheist Call To Prayer

This article in my drafts is a bit dated. As I look forward to celebrating the holidays, however, this is the kind of thing that our government is likely to do… again… to kill off all joy and tradition in the world.

Austin activates emergency alert due to severe COVID-19 ‘crisis’

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By Peter Aitken, 9 August 2021

Health officials in Austin issued an emergency alert over the weekend that the COVID-19 situation in the city was “severely worsening” and has reached a “critical” point.

The “Warn Central Texas” alert system was designed for use during a disaster, which health officials say the city is experiencing.

According to the Texas Department of Health, there are over 3,400 active cases of COVID-19 in Travis County.

The actual death toll is… arguably, a placeholder not even a number.

The alert was distributed on Saturday by text, phone calls and email to residents in Austin and nearby areas of Travis County.

“Our hospitals are severely stressed and there is little we can do to alleviate their burden with the surging cases,” Austin-Travis County Health Authority’s Desmar Walkes said in a statement. “The public has to act now and help or we will face a catastrophe in our community that could have been avoided.”

“Look at how important we are! You aren’t doing your fair share, normies! Trust the Science and his prophet, Fraudi the Midget!”

Walkes explained that hospital bed availability and critical care are extremely limited for anyone . not just COVID-19 victims.

Not at capacity, mind, just “extremely limited”. Which begs the question, where did those five trillion dollars of emergency Coof funding go?

Austin and the surrounding county elevated the COVID-19 risk level to stage 5, which is the highest level of alert.

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott issued a statewide ban on mask and vaccine mandates on July 29, saying “the path forward relies on personal responsibility,” Axios reported.

Not if Austin has anything to say about it:

Officials urged residents to stay informed on COVID-19, vaccinations and testing by visiting or calling 3-1-1 (512-974-2000).

This kind of call to prayer using the emergency systems was pioneered by, of course, my California. *sigh* This one is typical:

California uses text alert to warn millions of COVID-19 spread

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8 December 2020

LOS ANGELES (AP) . California authorities sent a cellphone text alert Tuesday to two major regions of the nation’s most populous state to tell millions that the coronavirus is spreading rapidly and asking them to stay home except for essential activities.

The noon blast to the state-designated 11-county Southern California region and 12-county San Joaquin Valley region was sent by the state Office of Emergency Services.

The text also urged people to wear masks and physically distance.

How was this not a call to prayer? “Behold, all ye people in the land! The prophets, the CDC, have decreed that today is a holy day of fasting and penance! Let none go about their daily routine! Instead, clothe your face in sackcloth and abstain from sexual, er, social relations! Visit the dissidents in your pod and warn them of the burning itchy diseases that are the righteous fate of those who doubt!

“Trust the Science! Praise Science! Praise your leaders for being so holy that they need not obey their own decrees!”

That wasn’t sarcasm. Not anymore.

Both regions came under increased restrictions this week after the capacity of hospital intensive care units dropped below 15 percent. The restrictions will remain in effect for at least three weeks.

The regions will be eligible to emerge from the order on Dec. 28 if ICU capacity projections for the following month are above or equal to 15 percent, the emergency services office said.

That atheist call to prayer was a last-ditch effort to cancel Christmas. I will never forget or forgive, that I had to commit a crime just to visit family in L.A. for Christmas 2020. Kudos to the Sherriff for publicly refusing to enforce those restrictions:

Sheriff Alex Villanueva said last week that since March he focused on educating people about virus-related restrictions, but now will crack down on .super-spreader events..

Meaning, the parties that the Elites attend when they aren’t being sober and shrouded for the cameras.

Meanwhile, three counties northwest of Los Angeles are planning an attempt to separate themselves from the Southern California region.

Ventura, Santa Barbara and San Luis Obispo counties plan to seek approval to create a smaller Central Coast region if the tri-county ICU capacity exceeds 15 percent in the next three weeks, the counties said in a statement Monday.

.We’re really distraught that we’re being lumped in with Southern California where they have more severe problems than we have,. Lynn Compton, chair of the San Luis Obispo County Board of Supervisors, said in an interview.

It’s frustrating to watch so many people try to avoid the blatantly criminal mandates without actually opposing them. But thanks be to God, thus far, everybody still wants to celebrate the holidays.

This Christmas season, dare to be normal!

4 thoughts on “City Of Austin Issued Atheist Call To Prayer

  1. Those three rogue counties presage further balkanizations in New Amerika. Kali-fornicate fractures first, perhaps by county or perhaps North/South.

    Good catch on the Dec. 28 toll date.

    As for Austin, it’s Commie-Fornica in a cowboy hat. And yes Science/CDC is a faith for the Left. Mr. Science is the light-show of their religion. God isn’t in them, so something else must fill the void.

  2. “As for Austin, it.s Commie-Fornica in a cowboy hat.”

    My understanding is that it’s also the Texas version of Cali’s Gay Area.

    On a different note, anyone ever notice that Lefties seem to have an affinity for fear mongering? Having fear instilled in them seems to fill them with some kind of righteous zeal. (Which isn’t at all righteous, of course, but everything in Liberalism is the opposit of the truth.)

  3. I remember last year when the Denver Convention Center was converted into some kind of Covid over flow center, with hundred of ICU beds. It was never used and the Convention Center was returned to its normal use (conventions).

    The Denver media, much like the Austin media is wailing that we are running out of ICU beds. What I want to know is: what happened to all of the equipment that was purchased for the Convention Center ICU? Surely it wasn’t thrown away. Couldn’t they give that gear to local hospitals so that they can add to their ICU capacity? Staffing? Just rehire all the nurses and other staff that were fired because they refused the kill shot.

    Of course, that would solve the problem, and as we know, the government never lets a crisis go to waste.

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