Cowboy Be Bopped By Wardrobe Malfunction

Most of my readers are probably not into Japanime enough to appreciate the massive cultural importance of Cowboy Bebop. That’s okay. What you need to know is 1. it’s a very popular show, 2. Netflix made a live-action adaptation that died on arrival and 3. the eye candy was intentionally deleted by an intersectional feminist in order to disappoint the males watching the show.

‘Cowboy Bebop’ Canceled by Netflix After One Season

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By James Hibberd & Borys Kit, 9 December 2021

That was fast: Netflix has canceled its ambitious, widely hyped and, ultimately, widely disappointing anime adaptation Cowboy Bebop, The Hollywood Reporter has learned.

The move comes less than three weeks after the show’s Nov. 19 debut on the streaming service.

The space Western had a rough reception. The 10-episode series garnered only a 46 percent positive critics rating on review aggregator Rotten Tomatoes. Fans seemed to agree, giving the show a 56 percent positive audience score on the site. According to Netflix’s Top 10 site, the series has racked up almost 74 million viewing hours worldwide since its debut — so it got plenty of sampling out of the gate — but it plummeted 59 percent for the week of Nov. 29 to Dec. 5.

The Cowboy Bebop series starred John Cho, Mustafa Shakir and Daniella Pineda as three bounty hunters, aka “cowboys,” all trying to outrun the past. From the show’s description: “They form a scrappy, snarky crew ready to hunt down the solar system’s most dangerous criminals — for the right price. But they can only kick and quip their way out of so many scuffles before their pasts finally catch up with them.”

The Hollywood Reporter‘s Angie Han wrote that Cowboy Bebop was “faithful to a fault” with “leaden pacing” and “the sharp [anime] visuals [were] reduced to muddy CG, the playful humor translated as phony laughter, the lived-in grittiness replaced with shoddy-looking sets” and that the remake “seems to have no point at all.”

Sounds more like “feminist to a fault”. Here comes the smoking sixgun!

Interview: Cowboy Bebop Costume Designer Jane Holland

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By Jacki Jing, 17 November 2021

A large part of what makes the Cowboy Bebop anime such an enduring classic is its distinctive aesthetic style, of which costume design is no doubt a significant component. If Netflix’s upcoming live-action adaptation of the anime were to recapture the charm of its predecessor, then what the characters wear is something they cannot afford to mishandle. However, costumes do not work the same way in real life as they may look in animated form, so how does the adaptation account for that while still staying true to the characters’ core personalities? Anime News Network reached out to costume designer Jane Holland to find out.

How did you get brought on to work on Netflix’s live-action adaptation of the legendary anime Cowboy Bebop?

I live in New Zealand and am part of the film community here who work on international projects.

She ducked the question. In fact, Kiwi quarantines being what they are, her answer raises even more questions. Why was Jane Holland special enough to justify the effort of reaching overseas, for what every breathing female has at least some competency in… deciding what outfit to wear?

Whoa! Here’s one vote for “demonic possession”. Keeping the production values inside the ‘family’!

Did you know about the anime before you were hired or did you have to do some deeper research? Break down your whole process – what did you immediately do after getting hired? What research did you do?

I didn’t know about the anime.

Bad sign.

I read the script and really liked the energy and style, and then watched the anime. Immediately, I was hooked in by the aesthetic, but the thing I loved was the quirk and contrast – the surreal slow-motion moments of glass or a rose falling in the middle of some crazy action scene against that stunning soundtrack. To me, the storytelling style is surprising and unexpected and I found the anime seriously cool.

Immediately after getting hired, I consulted the youth in my world who watch anime! And they issued a warning, ‘Māmā Holland, don’t f*** it up’. I took them seriously. When the trailer came out, the first thing I did was to check in to see if I did ok.

And how badly did Mama Holland f*** it up?

There was a lot of scrutiny over Faye’s costume (which was pretty revealing in the anime) – how did you approach Faye’s outfit, and how did you reach your decision/design? How did you react to the big online reaction to Faye’s outfit on the Netflix show? Is there anything you want to say to fans about it?

Faye Valentine is Cowboy Bebop’s eye-candy protagonist. This is what we’re talking about:

One guess which is the original and which is the “Jane Holland adaptation”.

It wasn’t so much about not being revealing (Her shorts are, in fact, very short. Her top has a zip which sits pretty low – the red outfit in the trailer is hardly demure), it was about not being gratuitous. I was looking for the 2021 version of Faye for a signature costume that worked for who she is and what she needs to do. She has a leather jacket because it’s a functional garment that will stand the rigours of her job – a bounty hunter. She wears combat boots for the same reason with a thigh high extension that embraces the design lines of the anime.


I wanted Daniella to be able to bring her Faye without me inflicting a costume that would lock her into one facet of the character and inhibit her practically – so, with the anime as a springboard, and drilling down into character, I went for a street cool and sassy interpretation of the design lines of the anime. The design is… well… It’s designed by a woman, made by predominantly women for a woman to wear and it functions for an action show.

Designed by a feminist, for function without any form that a man could appreciate.

To the fans I would say … you know as well as I do, there’s way more to Faye than a skimpy costume. For me, and I hope for you too, the spirit of Faye Valentine is alive and well in the series.

The spirit of Faye Valentine didn’t last three weeks in her Ghostbusters Reboot wardrobe. There are other fan complaints for why the series died so quickly… but intentionally erasing the eye candy is surely a big part of it.

How did you get into costume design and what have been the ups and downs of this career?

I studied English and Drama alongside a science degree at university and found my way to a film set through drama.

Epic STEM fail!

…So many highlights and I’m always learning. I just worked with my partner and kids on a local low-budget Maori supernatural drama – magic.

“My partner”? Holland is either lesbian or butch. Either way, I wasn’t far off about demonic possession.

The ‘downs’… I guess I carry frustration about the recognition of the Costume Department. We are a highly trained and qualified department and represent the lived-in diversity of what many productions these days aspire to be on screen. There is still work to do behind the scenes in terms of pay parity, value, and visibility. As a woman I am generally a minority, and sometimes the only one at the decision-making table during production. I always thought the film industry was progressive because of the stories we tell and collaborative way of working, but when you start to agitate for change in pay, and highlight the difficulty marginalised people have speaking up, you realise that it’s no different to any other power structure. Finally things are starting to shift, but we’re not there yet.

Holy Tolerance In Diversity, Batman! She’s a ball-busting battleaxe! And Cowboy Bebop is her latest victim.

Lest you think this wardrobe malfunction was, in any way, accidental:

Netflix’s Live-Action Cowboy Bebop Faye Costume Change Is A Good Thing

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Netflix’s Cowboy Bebop has opened up about which parts of the arrangement are getting present day updates, and Faye’s famous outfit is set to change.

Netflix is changing a famous part of Cowboy Bebop for their real life arrangement: Faye’s outfit. Cattle rustler Bebop is one of the most well known and cherished anime ever…

…yet the news that a cutting edge arrangement is being created for Netflix left numerous fans with stop about whether the first can be improved and what notable subtleties might be changed. On account of Faye’s noteworthy ensemble, be that as it may, the change is something to be thankful for.

“We’re changing it and you’ll like it!” Likely not.

Faye Valentine is one of the most adored characters on the arrangement. She’s an abundance tracker who lost her feeling of self after she’s hit with amnesia when pulled out of cryo-rest. Daniella Pineda (Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom) will play Faye in the arrangement, however she won’t look how fans recall the character. Faye’s scanty look comprising of shorts, red coat, and thigh-high stockings is unquestionably somewhat unbalanced, in actuality. It’s the sort of style that is cliché of numerous anime and intended to be attractive to acquire crowds, however this new arrangement works in an alternate medium.

No crowds were attracted by her new outfit. This was the intended, stated purpose of the wardrobe change.

This change is really advantageous for the character, since Faye is in no way, shape or form a sexual character — in spite of how sexualized her outfit is.

In any case, ensembles and hairdos are a component of adjustments that watchers hope to be changed. There are substantially more significant subtleties to be worried about, and as long as this adaptation of Faye sounds valid, it’s truly not significant how she dresses. Everything considers, it seems as though it will be a similar Cowboy Bebop toward the day’s end.

I’ve had infections that lasted longer than this series. It deserved to die because it hated its core audience of young men.

6 thoughts on “Cowboy Be Bopped By Wardrobe Malfunction

  1. Yes, I watched the show on Adult Swim back in the day. Yes, it was so crazy cool that the whole idea of trying to do a live action version is just fucking stupid.

    “This change is really advantageous for the character,”

    Because the thing that made her a freakin’ icon in the anime community was how freakin’ hot she was. Let’s ruin that first and then see what else we can fuck up.

  2. “I didn’t know about the anime.”

    Just like how Anita didn’t know about video games and how her cohort Dina Karem didn’t know much about Mega Man before she was “hired” to work on Mighty Number 9.

    Feminists ruin everything.

  3. Yes we’re witnessing the slow slaughter of all things that men, especially white men, enjoy or cherish. Female-dominated colleges have been ‘deconstructing’ masculinity, fatherhood, and western civilization for about forty years now. So we’re at the Finishing Off stage.

    They have nothing to put in place of male civilization, because the creativity of Father isn’t in them. Ms. Ghoul Holland hates when men enjoy anything. It’s men’s fault that she looks like a possessed Ernest Borgnine. She’ll make everybody pay for that, too.

  4. I have the original series on DVD. As far as I am concerned, this live action abomination never existed. I don’t know how much money Netflix flushed down the toilet with this fiasco, and I’m not a subscriber, so I didn’t help to pay for it.

  5. ” There is still work to do behind the scenes in terms of pay parity, value, and visibility … when you start to agitate for change in pay, and highlight the difficulty marginalised people have speaking up, you realise that it’s no different to any other power structure. Finally things are starting to shift, but we’re not there yet.”

    What is fair pay for ruining an expensive project and costing all the actors and production folks their jobs? She should actually give back all her pay and apologize.

  6. ‘Finally things are starting to shift, but we’re not there yet’

    This is one of the favorite shame/guilt go-to lines for massively empowered Western women. Women rule over the culture and every institution, via simp males, but no matter how much masculinity and fatherhood are derided, dispossessed, and destroyed by Western women and their satanic allies, they are never ‘there yet’.

    Much more work and government thuggery are required to crush the God-given male spirit of freedom, and the bond between the dad and the son. Lots more vengeance and resentment by Big Princess must occur before all good things are annihilated sufficient to satisfy empowered women. Then they’ll sit in a circle and cry.

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