Fisking the SBC Abuse Report 3: A Hot Flag Prediction

I keep getting distracted from the series that I do. It doesn’t help that the one-offs tend to be more popular. But my material doesn’t usually time out on me.

Part 2

Part 1

I was going to describe how, based on Guidepost Solutions’ recommendations, clergy are now reaping their whirlwind. They’re about to suffer the way they made the laymen suffer, by women taking their complaints to a higher level of church government in confidence that she’ll be believed no matter how baldfaced the lie. I was going to laugh at cuck-clergy for getting a double dose of pure, weapons-grade karma.

But there’s no longer any point to the SBC Abuse Report.

Guidepost Solutions. LGBT pride tweet sparks uproar in SBC

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By Leonardo Blair, 10 June 2022

Guidepost Solutions, the investigative firm that recently produced a report on how the Southern Baptist Convention’s leadership mishandled sexual abuse allegations, is coming under fire from high-profile leaders in the denomination over a tweet supporting LGBT pride.

Guidepost is committed to strengthening diversity, equity and inclusion and strives to be an organization where our team can bring their authentic selves to work,” the firm declared in a tweet Monday. “We celebrate our collective progress toward equality for all and are proud to be an ally to our LGBTQ+ community.”

Oookay, then. We’re done with that lying lie of a lie Abuse Report. Ain’t nobody gonna believe it no more. It was written by pedophilia advocates on behalf of SJW infiltrators in SBC leadership, and their hatred is boiling over to the point that they’re even sabotaging themselves in order to make their hatred of us known.

Those poor grillers aren’t even allowed to believe the lies anymore.

The Regime is losing control. The signs are everywhere. Abortion has driven them to doxx Supreme Court justices and make assassination attempts at them. The vaxx injuries are piling up so fast that they invented SADS, and just that acronym is a massive fuck-you to the people who submitted to the Fauci jabby. The Jan.6 hearings have finally started but are drawing less interest than CNN+. Russia won the Ukraine conflict and is the stronger for all the sanctions inflicted. Monkeypox lockdown trial balloons are not floating well. There’s even a Boston anarchist group that’s stepped up its game from divesting from Israel into doxxing Israeli control of Fedgov.

US, Israeli officials call out Boston group over ‘mapping project’ linking Jewish groups to media, government

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By Ronn Blitzer, 9 June 2022

A Boston-area group that opposes Israel is facing accusations of antisemitic “scapegoating” and conspiracy theorizing after it promoted a project that alleged ties between Jewish groups, the media, and government institutions, while posting their addresses online.

BDS Boston, which supports the anti-Israel Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions movement, posted an endorsement of the Mapping Project, claiming that various organizations and institutions are “structurally tied” to police, American imperialism, evictions, and the oppression of Palestinians.

The project features a map with markers for 482 agencies, organizations, media outlets, and politicians, including local police departments, Massachusetts Gov. Charlie Baker, Massachusetts Sens. Ed Markey and Elizabeth Warren, the Boston Globe, and groups such as the Jewish Teen Foundation of Greater Boston, Jewish Arts Collaborative, and the Synagogue Council of Massachusetts.

“Our goal in pursuing this collective mapping was to reveal the local entities and networks that enact devastation, so we can dismantle them,” the project’s website says. “Every entity has an address, every network can be disrupted.”

Israeli and American governments teaming up to suppress that is only going to prove them right.

And inflation is crippling the ability of the public to be distracted from it all. And worst of all for them, Christians are finding their courage. My last post was not unique.

Texas Pastor Calls for Gay People to Be Shot in the Head

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By Donald Padgett, 10 June 2022

A pastor at a church in Texas labeled a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center delivered a sermon calling for the government execution of LGBTQ+ folks, and it’s not the first time he’s made such disturbing calls for violence.

In his sermon entitled, Why We Won’t Shut Up, Dillon Awes of the Stedfast Baptist Church in Hurst said gay men were predatory pedophiles who have either committed sex crimes against a child or just haven’t had the opportunity to do so yet, leading him to the conclusion that “We need to put these people to death through the proper channels of the government..

He’s right in the boldfaced. Even school policy says he’s right. “Kids must be sodomized regardless of their parents’ consent or even knowledge.”

Awes and the Stedfast Baptist Church are in the midst of an anti-Pride month where he visits various local churches and organizations celebrating Pride, and films himself calling these churches blasphemous and tools of satan.

I bet he was a griller just a few months ago. Possibly he’s controlled opposition instead… but this has been a LONG time in coming.

Last month, another preacher at the church, Jonathan Shelley, made the news for his call to commit violence against LGBTQ+ people. At an Arlington City Council meeting in May, Shelley railed against Pride, saying the Bible teaches “we should hate pride, not celebrate it..

.God.s already ruled that murder, adultery, witchcraft, rape, bestiality, and homosexuality are crimes worthy of capital punishment,. he said.

Stedfast Baptist Church’s website says the government should impose the death penalty for homosexuality, but “Christians should not take the law into their own hands..

The Regime is losing control at the speed of Internet. Thus, I predict that this year will see a hot flag: the government publicly and intentionally massacring a dissident population in order to terrorize the country. Think Waco Incident.

They can no longer contain their hatred of us, and they’re becoming desperate also. Our fate is not going to be the slow burn.

I don’t know if their target will be Christian or anarchist and I admit that my track record as a prophet is suck. Although I did predict the 2020 riots.

Not the ending I expected, for fisking a pack of lies.

4 thoughts on “Fisking the SBC Abuse Report 3: A Hot Flag Prediction

  1. JW infiltrators in SBC leadership

    That the existing leadership at the time didn’t identify them as such and prevent their entry pretty much tells us how incompetent and spiritually unarmed and bankrupt they were and disqualifies them from leading anything in the church ever again.

    [Pastor] visits various local churches and organizations celebrating Pride, and films himself calling these churches blasphemous and tools of satan.

    Anyone who cracks open their dusty Bible and even cursorily reads through it will encounter not a mere few passages where God makes his displeasure with sodomy very well known. Methinks any self-described “Christian” who argues with this probably needs to have the definition of the word “Christian” clarified for them, which will probably lead to the unfortunate conclusion that they ain’t one.

    Thus, I predict that this year will see a hot flag: the government publicly and intentionally massacring a dissident population in order to terrorize the country. Think Waco Incident.

    They got away with Ruby Ridge, Waco, Oklahoma City, and Colombine because that was JUST pre-internet. News of such events still relied on the MSM and their lying slant on events. It’s a whole new ballgame nowadays in terms of communication, plus 1) there was still some residual trust in national institutions (and the fedgov) back in the 90s, but that’s no longer true at all now, and 2) large segments of the “Deplorables” are armed to the gills and ready to use their ammunition. It won’t be long before one incident or event becomes the spark that ignites the conflagration/the straw that breaks the camel’s back and the lead is going to start flying.

  2. ‘BDS Boston, which supports the anti-Israel Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions movement, posted an endorsement of the Mapping Project, claiming that various organizations and institutions are .structurally tied. to police, American imperialism, evictions, and the oppression of Palestinians.’

    BDS Boston sounds like the PLO West. Not exactly the pals of Christianity. Mixing-in some truth with lies is the standard method.

    ‘I don.t know if their target will be Christian or anarchist and I admit that my track record as a prophet is suck. Although I did predict the 2020 riots.’

    Well I doubt they’ll be targeting their own tools, the anarchists. So that leaves them Pesky Christians and Assorted Deplorables (mostly vets), the latter of which are difficult to get in a convenient bunch for disposal.

    ‘A pastor at a church in Texas labeled a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center delivered a sermon calling for the government execution of LGBTQ+ folks, and it.s not the first time he.s made such disturbing calls for violence.’

    I’d expect a sharp increase in similar reportage, hate-crimey stuff, for the targeted group must be seen publicly as threatening and dangerous, so the planned beatdown can be necessary and righteous.

  3. I doubt the anarchists will remain loyal. They aren’t represented in the inner circles, have no protection against bidenflation & social collapse, and are better trained than vets on how to throw sabots in the gears.

  4. I doubt the anarchists ever were loyal, just useful and paid. The formula, after all, is order out of chaos. The cryptocracy is the Order. Somebody’s gotta be the chaos.

    It’s a strike against the Occult Politburo that they had to force their chaos — antifa, mass violent ‘incidents’, fabricated fuel prices and product shortages, mandatory vaxxes, or whatnot. And feminism, of course, which is the most virulent mass-chaos weapon of them all.

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