California Feminists Use Birth Control To Kill Vermin

Some Narrative fails… they just… write themselves.

Rat birth control used to manage rodent population in American cities

That headline was apparently changed after the fact to:

Some of America’s most rat-infested cities are trying rodent birth control. Will it work?

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And to bypass the paywall,

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With California and other states restricting the use of highly toxic rat poisons, cities around the country have turned to a new method to try to control their rat populations: birth control.

Rather than a pill, the contraceptive, otherwise known as ContraPest, is deployed in bait boxes as a liquid that is high in fat and water content and targets their reproductive capabilities, preventing them from contributing to the already-existing population.

.The problem is that rats reproduce at an incredible rate,. ContraPest CEO Ken Siegel said. .You just can’t kill them fast enough to offset that reproduction rate. And so ContraPest is really the only solution that’s out there that deals with the second half of the equation, which is birth rate..

If you can’t just kill them… then birth-control them.

San Francisco and Los Angeles . which are both among the top five “rattiest” cities in 2021, according to Orkin’s annual report . were among the cities to start using ContraPest as a method of pest management after California banned the use of second-generation anticoagulant rodenticides. Those include some familiar brand-names such as d-Con, Hot Shot and Talon.

For decades, Marxists have used their control of California to force the nation’s manufacturers to choose between complying with insane Commiefornian environmentalist regulations, or losing access to 25% of the American economy. But the Marxists have used that sledgehammer so often that it broke. You haven’t seen it in the headlines yet, but the silver lining of supply lines crashes and the spiking inflation rate is that manufacturers are choosing to abandon California instead of expensively and constantly retooling their products. They don’t have enough stock to satisfy existing demand in the other 75% of America so there’s no longer any loss to be suffered.

It sucks for me personally, but “not for sale in California” is rapidly and finally becoming a thing.

ContraPest has been found to help decrease rat populations by over 90% based on studies done at various locations, including in Washington and a poultry facility in California, according to Brandy Pyzna, the vice president of research and regulatory affairs at the company.

.I think in the pest control industry, at least in the US, the idea of fertility control, they’ve heard about it, but it’s not widely understood why it’s beneficial,. Pyzna said. .It does take a lot of education to explain to people why you wouldn’t just kill..

It’s simple. You wouldn’t just kill those mammals because some of them still have guns.

One thought on “California Feminists Use Birth Control To Kill Vermin

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